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Legal Skills in Action

Для студентов юридического факультета | Scan the text and answer the questions. | Vocabulary and Speech Exercises | Read the dialogue and act it out with a partner. | Types of Questions | COURTS IN GREAT BRITAIN | Vocabulary and Speech Exercises | THE RULES AND LANGUAGE OF THE COURTROOM | Traffic Jams Make Angelenos Feel at Home | Vocabulary and Speech Exercises |

Читайте также:
  2. A future action in progress in adverbial clauses of time and condition
  3. A Reaction Essay
  4. A repeated action in the past
  5. a)to defend actions taken in the Americas
  6. Action I, Exercise 6
  7. Action required

A Your 30-yearold brother says he has no faith in the legal system, and for that reason, will never sue anyone. With a partner, role-play a response to your brother’s argument. Explain why understanding the structure of the federal court system might benefit him, even if he never intends to be a plaintiff in a lawsuit.

B The courts in the United States are divided into federal and state systems. In which court system would a criminal trial be heard?

C Compare court systems of two different states.


Grammar Exercises

Time Tenses



I. Define the following points using the pic. on page 150.

1. факт в будущем; 2. процесс в настоящем; 3. результат в прошлом; 4. длительность и завершенность в настоящем; 5. факт в прошлом; 6. процесс в прошлом; 7. длительность и завершенность в будущем.


II. Define the time and tense of the verb in the following sentences:

1. Катя еще не пришла.

2. Вася изучает английский язык вот уже 10 лет.

3. Мы сейчас внимательно выполняем упражнение.

4. Студенты любят каникулы.

5. …

6. …

Think of 4 more sentences and ask your partner to define the time and tense of the verbs.


III. Complete the sentences with the verbs given, using the Present Simple:

1. The police … (to investigate) crimes.

2. The judge … (to sentence) people.

3. Prisoners … (to live) in cells.

4. The jury … (to decide) if someone is innocent or guilty.

5. Barristers … (to defend) people and … (to present) evidence.

6. Criminals … (to commit) crimes.

7. When someone … (to break) the law the police … (to try) to find out who is responsible.

8. The defendant … (to provide) facts to show something is true.

9. Shoplifters … (to steal) things from shops.

10. The manslaughter is that who … (to kill) somebody by accident.

11. Policemen … (to carry) guns.

12. People … (to install) a burglar alarm so that to protect their property.


VI. Translate from Russian into English:

1. Сейчас Майкл знакомится с материалами дела.

2. В данный момент криминалисты осматривают место преступления.

3. Следователь опрашивает свидетелей.

4. По только что полученной информации, угонщики удерживают заложников внутри самолёта и угрожают взорвать его, если не будут выполнены их требования.

5. Согласно статистическим данным, растёт число преступлений среди несовершеннолетних.

6. Сейчас адвокат пытается убедить суд присяжных в виновности обвиняемого и намеривается подвергнуть перекрёстному допросу главного свидетеля.

7. Я сам защищаю себя в суде, т.к. не нашёл подходящего адвоката.

8. В данный момент он даёт показания против своей жены.

V. Choose the most appropriate variant from the given choice and translate the sentences from English into Russian:

1. The UK Government thinks / is thinking about a proposal to allow thousands of prisoners to have televisions in their cells.

2. The woman who has been badly hurt in the accident is feeling /feels worse and worse.

3. In England and Wales there is a jurisdiction system where defendants have / are having the rights to choose their courts.

4. Mr. Straw is hearing / hears the jurors discussing the verdict.

5. The prosecuting attorney feels / is feeling that the witness for the defence is telling a lie.

6. So that to identify this person the officers look through / are looking through the files of the criminals caught for the last two months.

7. The dog is smelling / smells out drugs in the container.

8. The man walking south along the street is looking / looks like a wanted gangster.

9. It is smelling / smells danger.

10. This drink tastes / is tasting like sherry we had in the evening of murder.

11. Most of juveniles are feeling / feel depressed because they depend / are depending on their parents.

12. They are seeing / see what the detective is driving at.

13. The experts see / are seeing in some days to decide whether it is an important amendment to the Rules or not.

14. The judge is thinking / thinks that violent crimes committed by electronically monitored offenders are rare.

VI. Find out the mistakes in the use of the Present Perfect and correct them:

1. “Did you seen the morning papers?”


“There’s a photograph of the victim in the morning paper,” Mason said. ‘They has photographed the features and retouch the eyes so as to give the corpse a lifelike appearance. They feel that someone is certain to recognize him.”

2. “Have you meet him before?”


“Have you thinks of anything, any clue which would enable us to locate him?”

“No. I have been trying. There was nothing I could put my finger on. I can’t remember anything except what I has told you already.”

3. Mason nodded. “I’m inclined to think they do. However, the police haven’t announce it. They’re acting on the assumption that the identity of the murder victim is a mystery. Now, there’s another thing. They has found the murder weapon was the 22 rifle that was lying on the floor of the bedroom. Have you pick up that rifle?”

“Yes. Things were all pretty much of a whirl in my mind, but I’m quite certain I picked it up.”

VII. Read a short report about the bank robbery given below and complete the interrogation of a bank customer using the Past Simple:

…Police has caught two suspects who are supposed to be bank robbers. The bank robbery was in Manchester last Saturday. It was a quarter past seven when two men dressed in all black, entered the bank and drew the pistols. There were only a few customers in the bank at the time. They made the customers lie on the floor and forced the cashier to put the money in a sack. Then one of the robbers pulled a knife from his jacket and said to the customers lying on the floor: “Give me your purses or you’re stuck!” and they handed the purses over one by one to him. At that moment the bank alarm began ringing due to the security guard who had pushed the button and the robbers fled the scene of the crime…


Police Officer: - Have you heard about robbery last Saturday?

Customer: - Yes, of course, I was there.

Police Officer: …

Customer: …



VIII. Make up your own short report about any criminal case you know using the Past Simple.

IX. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the Past Simple:

1. Ричард Мичан, 36-летний компьютерный эксперт, обвинил Марка Симсона в убийстве своего брата. Суд присяжных приговорил Симсона к 15 годам тюрьмы. Но Симсон зарекомендовал себя как примерный арестант и освободился из тюрьмы на 5 лет раньше. Мичан подал протест в Апелляционный Суд, но он его отклонил.

2. В 2000 году московский суд слушал дело о шпионаже. Американский гражданин Эдмуд Поуп отрицал свою вину и говорил, что он не имеет к этому отношения.

3. Три дня назад полиция арестовала двух мужчин по подозрению в подготовке террористического акта. На месте обыска они нашли чертежи аэропорта и фальшивые документы.

4. Неделю назад Джейн прибыла в аэропорт Кеннеди. Она решила дождаться подругу, обещавшую встретить её, но вскоре поняла, что та не приедет. Она позвонила к ней на работу и узнала, что та находиться в больнице, куда попала в результате аварии. Джейн отправилась прямо в больницу.

5. Том Кард находился в тюрьме с 1995 по 1998 год. В 1998 году он вышел на свободу. В 2000 году он совершил 20 краж из магазина и участвовал в ограблении банка. Месяц назад полиция арестовала его за драку на улице, и он признался во всех преступлениях.

X. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Continuous or Past Simple and translate them:

1. Gregory … (to follow) the suspects, while Mary … (to try) to find any information about the gang.

2. He … (to search the desk-drawers for something) when Mrs. Smith … (to come in).

3. The passengers … (to be going) to fasten the belts when they suddenly … (to hear) the voice of hijacker.

4. “Can you remember the events happened last night?” – “Of course, I … (to watch) TV all the evening and … (not to go out) even for a while.”

5. When my husband … (to switch on) the lights, he saw the burglar who … (to break into) the house through the window.

6. It … (to happen) in October when a policeman … (to spot) one of the culprits who … (to wear) a flack jacket that … (to match) the description of outfits used during the post office hold-up.

7. Former Detective Sergeant Tom Lewis, who … (to lead) the investigation, … (to interview) the would-be assassin and … (to explain) how it had been done.

8. During all that year, he … (to live) in Christ-church and … (to lead) a full and busy life: he … (to run) an arts school and … (to rob) banks in his spare time.

9. It was reported that car hijackings... (to run) at a rate of nearly 50 a day.

10. The sky was clear and the stars … (to blaze) steadily down through the pure mountain air. Jack … (to notice) a woman, who … (to hide) behind the tree.

11. Mr. Blair … (to say) that he … (to plan) his visit in great secrecy.

12. A charter plane carrying 148 people … (to crash) into the Red Sea close to where the Prime Minister and his family … (to stay).

13. Officials from MI 5 … (to believe) that two Islamist terrorists … (to intend) to detonate a bomb in an aircraft.

14. The police car … (to appear) at the moment when Ben … (to ignore) a “no right turn” sign.

15. Police … (to liaise) with their counterparts during the operation organized to arrest American-born David Francis Bieber, 35. He … (to murder) a British policeman and … (to attempt) to kill two others.

XI. Fill in the gaps with the verbs from the box using them in the Past Continuous or Past Simple:

to lock to deserve to wait to go on to say to leave to open to mean to come to happen to blindfold to talk to get back not to tell to gag to see to shout to tie to be

When Davey … the stage, he … exhausted but exhilarated. But when he … to the dressing room, he … the door and … that two men … for him. They … the door behind Davey. He … for his bodyguard Bernard, but no-one …. The two men … his hands behind his back, … and … him. Davey could hear Bernard in the next room. Bernard … to someone and he … terrible things about Davey. He said that Davey … it. What …? Why nobody … him what …?


1. The Government … a controversial law under which it could take any land it wanted.

a) were brining b) used to bring c) brought d) was brought

2. At that time he … jury trial in a military court on charges of plotting against the state.

a) awaited b) was awaiting c) were awaiting d) awaits

3. When I lived in New York, I remember police cars … after the offenders with their siren blaring.

a) sped b) speeded c) used to speed d) was speeding

4. The driver of the car that killed Brown … a $ 500 fine and five penalty points on his licence.

a) got b) would get c) used to get d) was getting

5. Earlier he … people by using strong swearwords.

a) was used to offend b) offends c) would offend d) was offending

6. I didn’t know whether she … or telling the truth.

a) would bluffing b) used to bluff c) bluffs d) was bluffing

7. Detectives … with Derbyshire police following the bomb explosion.

a) were liaising b) were liaised c) would liaise d) used to liaise

8. He was so desperate for money to pay off his debts that he … to embezzlement.

a) resorts b) resorted c) was used to resort d) would to resort

9. … Jill a lot of information when she worked in police?

a) Did she gave b) Did she use to give c)Was she give d) Would she gave

10. They … to find any extra evidence concerning the case.

a) managed b) didn’t manage c) didn’t use d) was managing

11. They …; I could hear them down the road.

a) were still arguing b) didn’t argue c) used to argue d) was still arguing

12. She … the manager, and the manager … things over and then … the police a ring.

a) notified, thinks, gave c) would notify, think, give b) notifies, thought, gave d) notified, thought, gave

13. When Sally …, he … evidence against his mother-in-law.

a) arrives, was still giving c) arrived, was already giving b) arrived, gave d) used to arrive, were giving

14. My grandmother … the police department every time she saw something suspicious in the street.

a) used to telephone b) telephones c) would telephone d) was telephoning

15. The number … with the other cleaning marks; she might have borrowed some clothes from someone on account of bloodstains on her garments.

a) used to agree b) didn’t agree c) was agree d) would agree





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