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Variants 1-16

Practical Tasks | UK on track to be fastest growing G7 economy despite slowdown | A new great Irish emigration, this time of the educated | LEARNING TO WORK WITH BROADCAST NEWS MEDIA TEXTS | The Lib Dems created many of their own problems, but still deserve more credit | REGIONAL ACCENTS OF BRITISH BROADCAST NEWS OUTLETS | Control Questions | Task 10. Study the realia below and watch Video 14.2 in full. Recap its idea in one sentence. | New GCSE revolution | Task 32. Fill in the gaps in the two interviews below and compare them in terms of style. Make your point. |

Читайте также:
  2. Choose the correct variants.
  3. Ex. 32. Match the sentences with the appropriate variants of their translation
  4. Ex. 5. Combine or paraphrase the following sentences using non-finite forms of the verb (give several variants where possible).
  5. Exercise 14. Translate into English using the accusative with the infinitive or with participle I. Use variants where possible.
  6. Exercise 7. Use either of the infinitives in brackets. If two variants are possible, explain the difference.
  7. I Choose the best alternative from the variants in the text below.


Task 1

1.1. Watch Video File Task 1 in your designated Folder (V1 – V16). Write down all the newspaper headlines you see in the clip.

1.2. Transribe the news presenter’s commentary that accompanies each headline (do not transribe the news presenter’s words referring to the front page photos or images).

1.3. Print the material. Get ready to work ith the script in class.

1.4. Translate all the newspaper headlines in the Video into Russian (in writing). Do not translate the news presenter’s commentary, simply take it into account as it contains some background knowledge that will help you better understand the headline.

1.5. Make syntactical analysis of two headlines of the Video file features – one from a quality paper and another from a tabloid.



Task 2

2.1. Listen to Audio File Track 2 in your designated Folder (V1 - V16). Transcribe it and define its genre.

2.2. Print the material.

2.3. Name the piece and write down the title.

2.4. Identify several cliches, idioms, realia, phrasal verbs and colloquial words in the script, uderline them and translate the word (word combination) into Russian.

2.5. Identify one stylistic device in the material, translate the sentence(s) contaning it into Russian (in writing).

2.6. Identify either a complex or a compound sentence in the script and underline it. Indicate its type in English, single out its constituent parts.

2.7. Identity a grammatical construction or an infinitive complex in the script. Underline the phenomenon and indicate it in writing, translate it into Russian.


Task 3

3.1. Watch Video File Task 3 in your designated Folder (V1 - V16). Determine the regional accent you hear.

3.2. Write down the idea of the interview you have watched in one sentence.




Богомолова, М.А. Социальная психология печати, радио и телевидения / М.А. Богомолова. – М.: МГУ, 1991.

Гальперин, И.Р. Stylistics / И.Р. Гальперин. – М.: Высш. шк., 1981.

Жанры советской газеты / под ред. С.М. Гуревича. – М.: Высш. шк., 1972.

Егоров, В.В. Терминологический словарь телевидения: Основные понятия и комментарии / Е.В.Егоров. – М.: Ин-т повышения квалификации работников телевидения и радиовещания, 1997.

Кунин, А.В. Курс фразеологии современного английского языка / А.В. Кунин. – М.: Высш. шк., 1996.

Кузнецов, Г.В. Методика телевизионной журналистики / Г.В. Кузнецов. – М.: МГУ, 1979.

Лаптева, О.А. Живая русская речь с телеэкрана / О.А.Лаптева. – М.: УРСС, 2000.

Луконина, Е.К. Идиоматическая фразеология в языке и речи: На материале современного английского языка / Е.К. Луконина. – М., 1986.

Заводовская, Т.А. Стилистические особенности функционирования просторечной лексики в языке английской газеты / Т.А. Заводовская. – М., 1989.

Могилевцев, С.А. Формирование социокультурной компетенции на основе англоязычных информационных материалов спутникового телевидения / С.А. Могилевцев. – Минск, 2002.

Осинский, В.Г. Телевизионная публицистика / В.Г.Осинский. – СПб.: Санкт-Петербургский ун-т, 1992.

Полюхин, В.М. Некоторые структурно-композиционные и языковые особенности радиоинформации: На материале передач «Би-би-си» и «Голос Америки» на английском языке / В.М.Полюхин. – М., 1978.

Светана, С.В. Телевизионная речь / С.В.Светана. – М.: Изд-во Моск. ун-та, 1976.

Солганик, Г.Я. Лексика газеты: функциональный аспект / Г.Я. Солганик. – М.: Высш. шк., 1981.

Телевизионная журналистика / под ред. Г.В.Кузнецова, В.Л.Цвик. – М.: Изд-во Моск. ун-та, 1994.

Bell, A. The Language of Mass Media / A. Bell. – Blackwell, 1991.

Cohler, D.K. Broadcast Journalism. A Guide for the Presentations of Radio and Television News / D.K.Colher. – New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc., 1985.

Faircough, N. Media Discourse / N. Faircough. – London: Arnold, 1995.

Hartley, J. Understanding News / J. Hartley. – London: Routledge, 1982.

Hickey, R. Irish English: History and Present-day Forms / R. Hickey. – Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2007.

Macafee, C. Scots and Scottish English / C. Macafee // Legacies of Colonial English: Studies in Transported Dialects. – Cambridge: CUP, 2004.

Reath, D. The Language of Newspapers / D. Reath. – London: Routledge, 1997.

Stuart-Smith, J. Scottish English: Phonology in Varieties of English: The British Isles / J. Stuart-Smith.: eds Kortman, Upton – N. Y.: Mouton de Gruyter, 2008.

Potter, D. Handbook of Independent Journalism / D. Potter [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access: http:www.usinfo.state.products/pubs/journalism/ gov.gov/ journalism.pdf. – Date of access: 16.10.2010.

Материалы британских и американских газет “The Guardian”, “The Times”, “The Financial Times”, “The Independent”, “The Daily Mail”, “The Daily Express”, “The Sun”, “The New York Times”, “The Washington Post”.


В качестве видеоприложения использованы информационные материалы британских телевизионных каналов “BBC World News”, “BBC News”, “Sky News”, англоязычной версии телеканала “EuroNews”.

Радиоприложение составляют материалы информационных выпусков британских радиоканалов “BBC Radio 4 LW” и “BBC Radio 4 FM”.


Учебное издание


Могилевцев Сергей Александрович




Пособие для студентов учреждений, обеспечивающих получение высшего образования по специальности «Современные иностранные языки (перевод)»



Ответственный за выпуск С.А. Могилевцев

Редактор А.И. Гуторова

Набор и компьютерная верстка С.А. Могилевцев


Подписано в печать. Формат 60х84 1/16. Бумага офсетная. Ризография. Усл. печ. л. 9,3. Уч.-изд. л.. Тираж 300 экз. Заказ.


Издатель и полиграфическое исполнение: учреждение образование «Минский государственный лингвистический университет». ЛИ № 02330/0548503 от 16.06.2009г.

Адрес: ул. Захарова, 21, 220034, г. Минск.

1 The UK Chancellor.

1 Public Limited Company

1 W-like recession (double-dip recession) happens when GDP growth slides back to negative after a quarter or two of positive growth. A double-dip recession, thereby, refers to a recession followed by a short-lived recovery, followed by another recession.

2 One of the first UK banks to collapse and go under administration in 2008.

3 A building society in the UK.

[1] Housing boom and bust.

[2] 2000-2009.

1 Typical of a social institution (school, army, police, prison, etc.).

1 The writer is part of a group of lawyers planning to bring a test case against legacy preferences.


1 The number of the appropriate video in Folder TESTS (subfolder TEST 1) coincides withthe number of your variant.


1 Quango is an abbreviation of the term quasi non government organization.

2 Hesbollah ["‎hizbui'llāh] – “Party of God”, a Shi’ Islamist political and paramilitary organisation based in Lebanon.



1 The Big Society is the flagship policy idea of the 2010 Conservative Party general election manifesto “to create a climate that empowers local people and communities, building a big society that will take power away from politicians and give it to people.”


1 Cohler, D.K. Broadcast Journalism. A Guide for the Presentations of Radio and Television News / D.K. Colher. – New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc., 1985. – P.57.

1 Луконина, Е.К. Идиоматическая фразеология в языке и речи: На материале современного английского языка / Е.К. Луконина – М., 1986. – С. 24.


1 See also Unit 3.

1 As a rule, by news presenters in the studio.

1 The Treaty of Maastricht (formally, the Treaty on European Union), was signed on 7 February 1992 by the members of the European Community in Maastricht, Netherlands. Upon its entry into force on 1 November 1993 during the Delors Commission, it created the European Union and led to the creation of the single European currency, the euro.

1 In September 2015 a radical left winger Jeremy Corbyn was elected as Labor leader.

1 In July 2015 Tim Farron was elected as the Liberal Democrats leader.

1 The files feature interviews with teenagers from London, Birmingham and Liverpool.

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