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Accent-attracting suffixes (suffixes carrying primary stress themselves).

Phonetics as a science | The connection of phonetics with non-linguistic sciences. | Phoneme as a functional, material and abstract linguistic unit | Different opinions in the nature of phoneme | Manner of noise production and the type of obstruction. | Position of the tongue. | Glossary of phonetic terms | Modification of consonants and vowels in connected speech | Theories of syllable formation | Structure of the tone unit |

Читайте также:
  1. A) Listen to the recording of Text Two and mark the stresses and tunes, b) Repeat the text in the intervals after the model.
  2. And you will GET PRACTICAL TIPS how to read and speak rhythmically, observing logical shift of sentence stress and making logical pauses.
  3. Approaches to English teaching at primary level
  4. B Add one of the suffixes to the following words. You will have to change some of the words a little.
  5. Borrowed suffixes: -ess (French), -ee (Fr.), -or (Fr.), -ist, -ite (Fr.) – “nomina agentis”.
  6. Captive Mistress
-ique – unique, technique; -ese – Portuguese; -ette – cigarette;
-ee/ier – refugee, referee; -eer – mountaineer; -esque – picturesque.

Also suffix -ate in dissyllabic verbs: migrate, dictate.

2. Accent-neutral suffixes (suffixes that do not affect stress placement).

-able– comfort-comfortable; -like – bird-birdlike;
-age – anchor-anchorage; -less – power-powerless;
-al – refuse-refusal; -ly – hurried-hurriedly;
-en – wide-widen; -ment – punish-punishment;
-ful – wonder-wonderful; -ness – yellow-yellowness;
-fy – glory-glorify; -ous – poison-poisonous.
-ing – amaze-amazing; -wise – other-otherwise;
-ish – devil-devilish; -y (ie) – fun-funny;
-ism – alcohol–alcoholism; -er – lead-leader;
-ist – separate-separatist; -ess – lion-lioness;
-ize (ise) – circular-circularize; -acy – celibate-celibacy

Accent-fixing suffixes (suffixes that influence stress in the stem).

-graphy– photo-photography; -itive – infinite-infinitive;
-ity – stable-stability; -ic(al) – climat-climatic.

Exceptions: heretic, catholic, lunatic, Arabic, arithmetic, rhetoric.

Prefixes and stress

1. Prefixes which have lost their meaning and don’t affect the placement of stress: re-; en-; ex-; be-; pre-; pro-; con-; for-; de-; dis-; mis-; a+consonant: afford, attack, attract, adore, accept; o+consonant: occure, offend, obtain.

Prefixes which have a distinct meaning of their own.

un- negative inter- among
in- negative over- too much
mis- negative ultra- utmost
ex- former arch- chief
vice- in place of sub- subordinate
under- subordination    


Compound words

Words composed of separable root morphemes – compounds. Among compound words we find: 1) compound nouns: sunflower; 2) compound adjectives: good-looking; 3) compound verbs: put off; 4) compound adverbs: outside; 5) compound numerals: thirty-two, thirteen.

Compound words can be represented by one word, two words, or two words written with a hyphen, but it is necessary that they should contain two separable roots.

There are compounds in English which have two strong stresses, because both of their elements are semantically important. They are:

1) Words with prefixes which have their own meaning: rewrite, underdo, vice-president, overbuild, ultra-fashionable.

2) Compound adjectives such as: well-known, double-stressed, evil-looking.

3) Verbs consisting of a verb and a postpositional element of adverbial origin, which is semantically important: to get up.

Compound adjectives, verbs, numerals, adverbs generally have two stresses one of which can be lost in connected speech under the influence of rhythm.

Among compounds only compound nouns pose a problem.

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Glossary of phonetic terms| I. The primary stress on the first element.

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