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Management Style

Читайте также:
  1. A Bold New Solution for Risk Management
  2. A) the language style of poetry; b) the language style of emotive prose; c) the language style of drama.
  3. A. Availability Management
  5. About academic writing style
  6. Academic Writing Style
  7. Activity-based Demand Management



I. Відкоректуйте речення:

a) The company will move to Canada.

b) Apple, Inc. introduces a new computer to IBM, Inc.

c) Mathematics is easy for me.

d) Economics is not my best subject in college.

e) We celebrate Founder’s Day every year.

f) Peter has completed all his homework this week.

g) She wants to continue in her present job.

h) Our investigation has been done well.

i) We haven’t seen the National Gallery yet, have we?

j) If we turn right, we’ll get to the National Gallery.

II. Перекладіть речення з англійської мови на українську або російську:

a) Дженні чудовий комп’ютерний програміст.

b) Вона вивчала декілька мов програмування, коли вчилася у школі.

c) Дженні розвинула у собі зірке око на логічні помилки.

III. Перекладіть речення з української мови на англійську:

1) Tom succeeds in English very well.

2) The telephone line is engaged all the time.

3) Будь ласка, передайте пану Брауну, що я його чекаю у офісі.

Please, tell Mr. Brown that I am waiting for him at the office.

4) Післязавтра я прибуваю до Лондона.

The day after tomorrow I am arriving to London.

5) Чи готовий вже розклад нашої зустрічі?

Is the agenda for our meeting ready?

6) Ми очікуємо, що шеф прийде о шостій вечора.

We expect the boss to come at 6 o’clock.

7) Чи можете ви зачекати у приймальні?

Could you wait in a waiting room please?

8) Коли буде надрукований звіт?

When will the report be done?

9) Наша компанія була створена 6 квітня 1995 р.

Our company was founded on the 6th of April 1995

10) Дозвольте мені зустрітися з вами через 2 дні у другій половині дня.

Let’s meet with you in 2 days in the afternoon.


Доповніть речення одним із запропонованих варіантів:

1) Most Americans do not object _____________________ them by their first names.

A. that I call

B. to my calling

C. for calling

D. that I am call

2) Prices for computers can run ______________________ $1,000.

A. as high as

B. as high to

C. so high to

D. so high as

IV. Заповніть анкету:


Carson Corp. Application form   JOB Designer NAME Svetlana AGE 30 NATIONALITY_Ukraine MARITAL STATUS Married Single EDUCATION Secondary School Technical College University – The National University of Ukraine LANGUAGES Ukrainian English French German COUNTRIES VISITED__Russia, France, Italy

V. Найдіть граматичні помилки і виправте їх:

a) The restaurant opened on Monday.

b) This news is just what I need.

c) Nobody said anything about him.

d) We depend on Mr. Duck’s money.

VI. Напишіть твір на одну із запропонованих тем (мінімум 15 речень:)

(бажано на кожну мінімум 7 речень на екзамен)

a) My typical working day

Usually my working day starts at 7:30 in the morning. I take my children to kindergarden and then go to my office. My job is very interesting. That is why I go there with a big desire to work as hard as I can. My profession is a designer. I like my job because there are always new people to meet, new ideas to implement, and higher challenges to accomplish. In a normal working day I arrive to the office at 9.00. First I check my tasks for the day. Then I plan my day according to the plans I have. I meet people and get to know their ideas for designs of their houses or apartments. Then I sit with my team and try to visually implement new ideas. I am very excited to see how ideas become reality. That is why I love my job. I also like to make people happy. When my clients are happy it makes me happy as well. That is why my business is very successful.

b) My favorite subjects

I like to study. But I have my favorite subjects. They are: English and History.

I like to study languages especially English because knowing the language gives you an opportunity for new friends. Also it is very useful when you travel abroad.

I like History because it is very important to know the past challenges and successes of our country. Also I believe that we can take many lessons from the past. That is why my favorite subjects are English and History.

c) How I can imagine my future job

I do not want just to imagine my favorite job but actually work there. I see it as something special and influential. I want to bring something useful to people by my job. I think about the job which helps people to become a bit happier. At this moment I cannot imagine it clearly what it can be. It may be a radio or TV presenter, a social worker, or even an artist. I have not made my decision yet.

VII. Зробіть письмовий переклад тексту з англійської на українську або російську мови:

Management Style

There is a statement: «Management is getting work done through people.»A manager’s authority in an organization is a matter of rank. Each manager handles authority in a unique way known as Management style. One supervisor may be hurried and curt, while another may be patient and friendly. And so it is that some managers are easier to work with than others.

Management style is one part training, nine parts personality. Yet, as an old saying goes, nothing breeds success like success. Higher job status usually increases a person’s prestige. In contemporary society, wealth and career success are very important in determining social status. A high-ranking manager expects and receives a great deal of respect from coworkers.

Respect is expressed both verbally and nonverbally. For example, a supervisor respects an employee who is subordinate to follow instructions and take suggestions without resistance or resentment, for a supervisor, regardless of age or sex, has been granted authority. Everyone works in his or her domain. Everyone should adhere to the rules of conduct, i.e. statement of employment duties and responsibilities/ trying to avoid conflicts with anyone in your organization is one of the most important things. So learn how to do that.


Стиль Менеджмента (управления)

Существует утверждение: «Менеджмент это осуществление работы через других людей». Полномочия менеджера в организации это вопрос его статуса. И каждый менеджер применяет их уникальным образом, это и есть понятие Стиль Управления. Тогда как один управленец может быть быстрым и резким, другой – терпеливым и дружелюбным. Таким образом, с некоторыми менеджерами работать легче, чем с другими.

В стиле управления занимает один из десяти это обучение, и девять – индивидуальные качества. И как говорит старая поговорка, что ничто не порождает так успех, как сам успех. Обычно, чем выше карьерный статус, тем выше престиж человека. В современном обществе, благосостояние и карьерный успех, очень важные элементы в определении социального статуса человека. Менеджер высокого ранга ожидает и пользуется большим уважением среди сотрудников.

Уважение выражается вербальным и невербальным способами. На пример, управленец уважает подчиненного, который в свою очередь обязан исполнять поручения и принимать указания без сопротивления и возмущений, не зависимо от возраста и пола менеджера, которому были даны полномочия. У каждого своя сфера деятельности. Самое главное, что бы каждый в свою очередь, придерживался правил поведения, то есть трудовых обязанностей и своей ответственности, всячески избегая конфликтов с кем-либо в организации. Так что учитесь, как это делать.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 82 | Нарушение авторских прав

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