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The final results of teaching

Heterofunctional organic compounds. | The Carbohydrates. | Approximate calendar plan of practical in organic chemistry |

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Higher professional education


For speciality: 051301 – “General medicine”

Total hours - 90

Ministry of the Health of the Republic Kazakhstan




Higher professional education


The Director of the Department

Of the education, sciences

And frame resources MH RK

N.K. Hamzina "___" _______ 2007 y.


For speciality: 051301 – “General medicine”

Total hours - 90



Ministry of the Health of the Republic Kazakhstan




Developed and contributed

- Kazakh national medical university after S.D.Asfendiyarova,

- Kazakh state medical academy,

- South-Kazakhstan state medical academy,

- Karaganda state medical academy,

- West-Kazakhstan state medical academy after M. Ospanova,

- Semey state medical academy,

- Medical faculty International Kazakh-Turkish university after H.A. Yasavi.



It was introduced


3 Standard syllabus worked out in accordance with state common compulsory standard of the education for speciality: 0501301 – “General medicine”.


4 Standard syllabus was ratified and recommended the publishing teaching-methodical section under KASMA for speciality high and post-high education.

Protocol № ____ from “____” ______ 2007y.


The contents:


1. The Explanatory note ……………………………………………………………………..5

2. The Contents of discipline………………………………………………………………...7

3. Distribution of hours in discipline……...………………………………………………...13

4. Approximate calendar plans of lecture, practical, IWS……………….…..………………13

5. List of the recommended literature......................................................................................16

6. The Authors……………………………………………………………………………..... 16



Explanatory note


This program was intended for speciality “General medicine” medical high school.

Generally-known that in modern condition the key task of the higher education is the foundation of teaching. Chemistry is a fundamental science and powerful instrument of investigation and cognitions of the processes in living system. So students of the medical specialities must well adopt main ideas, laws and methods of this science. The program was expected the consideration of base the most important themes of course inorganic, organic, physical, colloid chemistry.

Discipline “Chemistry” prepare the theoretical base for mastering of some sections to biochemistry, molecular biology, physiology, pharmacology, hygiene and provides more attraction of scientific approach and the most latest methods of investigation, using from fundamental sciences, at study medical-biological, clinical disciplines.

Necessary to arm the student by knowledge, which can be used when considering physical-chemical essence and mechanism of processes, occurring in human organism on molecular and celluar levels and for performing in necessary cases of calculation these processes.

The important task to optimization of the high medical education is an expansion the inter subject relationships and the integration of fundamental, medical-biological and clinical disciplines.

Organic chemistry in system professional preparation of specialist medical profile is of great significance as general scientific discipline. Organic chemistry studies of substance, from which built organism, in direct relationship with their biological functions. To substance, forming in organism in process of metabolism, relate biomolecules: hydroxyacids, amino acid, monosaccharide, purine and pyramidine basis, carboxylic acid and their derives, vitamins, hormones, steroids and others. Of them built high molecular organic compounds: polysaccharides, nucleic acid, proteins, ferments, lipids.

Organic chemistry is a fundamental base for adopting of biochemistry, pharmacology, normal and pathological physiology, toxicology and other disciplines.



The aims of the discipline:

Formation at student holistic physical-chemical, natural scientific approach to study of human organism, as well as bases chemical and physical-chemical aspects of the most important biochemical processes and different types of equilibrium, occurring in living organism.

To form the imagination about correlation between structure and chemical properties of the main classes of the natural organic compounds and biopolymers, necessities for understanding of essence and mechanism of processes, occurring in living organism on molecular level and under study biochemical, as well as for perception of the clinical knowledge’s on modern level.


Objectives of the discipline:

- the study problems of the chemical thermodynamics and clarification relationship of chemical energy and other type;

- the determining of dependence properties and reactionary ability of substance;

- the determining interrelation between spatial structure and biological activity of organic substances;

- the study of chemical composition, structure, properties of organic component of living organism and medicine preparation.

The final results of teaching

Student must:


- the most important theoretical positions of the chemical thermodynamics, 1 and 2 laws of thermodynamics;

- colligative properties of solution, its role in organism;

- a theory of the atoms and molecules structure, coordination theory of complex compounds structure, notion helatotherapy;

- chemistry biogenic elements. Essence of reactions in organism and environment;

- theory acid-base equilibrium and function of the buffer systems in organism;

- a theory oxidation-reduction processes;

- physical-chemical laws of the surface phenomenon, structure and properties biological membrane and dispersion systems of living organism;

- a nature and peculiarities physical-chemical properties of high molecular compounds (HMS) and biopolymers;

- rules of classification and nomenclature of organic compounds;

- types and mechanisms of chemical reactions;

- possible ways of the transformation of functional groups and the most important classes of the organic compounds;

- interrelation the peculiarities of the structure and chemical properties of organic compounds with its biological activity;

- a role bioregulators and biopolymers in process of vital activity.


To able:

- to calculate molarity, molality concentration, molarity concentration of the equivalent, percent concentration of the solution, titer of the solution;

- to calculate heat effects of the chemical reactions;

- to conduct the potentiometry measuring pH;

- to prepare buffer solutions with given value of pH. To define buffer capacity;

- to define value of adsorption;

- to conduct chromatography analysis;

- to get the colloid solutions and investigate its properties;

- to define porog of coagulation;

- to define degree swelling of biopolymers;

- -to define molecular mass of low molecular substance by kriometric data and HMS by viscosimetric data;

- to classify organic compounds by structure of the carbon skeleton and nature of the functional groups;

- to use the rules of the nomenclature of the chemical compounds;

- to form name by structure formula and on name to define structure formula of representatives biological important classes of organic compounds;

- to define in molecule presence of chiral centre and present the spatial structure of biological important organic compounds;

- to define in molecule presence of reactionary centre and to install its character: acidity, basidity, electrophylic, nucleophylic and qualitatively define reactionary ability in determined condition;

- to interface the biological functions of the organic molecules with its structure and reactionary ability;

- to conduct qualitative reaction of finding the unsaturated compounds, amino acids, monosaccharides, presence in molecule peptide bond, diol fragment, carbonyl, hydroxyl, carboxylic groups;

- to use the rules of the safety of technique when working in chemical laboratory, use the chemical dishes, the main instruments and methods of physical-chemical measuring necessary in medical practice;

- to forecast the chemical behaviour of organic compounds in determined condition of environment on the base theoretical knowledge’s of organic chemistry.


Have a skill:

- calculation and preparation of the solution of given concentrations;

- determining density and pH of solution;

- preparation of buffer solution with given value of pH, determining to buffer capacity;

- classification organic compounds and using rule of chemical nomenclature;

- making of chemical reaction equation.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 41 | Нарушение авторских прав

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