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Fall Semester

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  1. Level-3 Semester-1
  2. Level-3 Semester-2
  3. semester 2013 Level One

History of Kazakhstan


Academic Year 2012-2013

Fall Semester


Course Code  
Major 050509 – Finance, 050507 – IT Management, 5В050400 – Journalism
Credit Hours  
Year, semester 1 year, II semester
Subject category Basic
Language of Delivery: English
Prerequisites: “Literature”, “Fundamentals of Law”, “and Geography”.
Postrequisites “Sociology”, “Political Science”, “Psychology”
Instructor Meldibekova Zulfiya Abdikhalikovna – candidate of science (history) Room E-mail: zmeldibekova@mail.ru
While studying the course students will understand General knowledge on Native history, problems of historical processes in political, social, cultural and ethno regional aspects as a common and peculiaritiessynthesis. Development of creative and analytical skills for discussion historical events based on a scientific literature and sources. Formation of historical consciousness based on civic and patriotism. The aim of the course is to decipher in a difficult processes of history of Kazakhstan. The main points needed for knowledge on Native history are: the main stages history from ancient time, the main questions and problems of course, knowledge of actual material, the main literature according chapters and problems history of Kazakhstan, working with historical maps.  
3. COURSE DESCRIPTION The course Mathematics in Economics focuses on the relationship between mathematics and economics through an interdisciplinary program of study covering the cross-section of mathematical analysis, modern statistical techniques and economic theory which deepens the students’ mathematical understanding of financial problems, practical market issues and develops their logical and algorithmic thinking skills. The course provides students with the mathematical tools to be applied to economic problems, advanced methods of studying and solving mathematical problems. Strong backgrounds in calculus, linear algebra, and probability theory are recommended.  
By the end of this course the students will be able to:
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of national history, including
problem of "white" spots in this area;
  • To apply this knowledge and understanding in a professional manner;
  • Formulate arguments and solve problems in the field of study;
  • To collect and interpret information to form
  • judgment taking into account social, ethical and scientific considerations;
  • Communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions, both specialists and non-specialists.
    -have a basic knowledge in the field of humanities, promoting formation of a highly educated person with a broad outlook and culture of thinking; - Be familiar with the treatment of modern technology, be able to use of information technology in the field of professional activities; - Be able to acquire new knowledge to everyday professional and continuing education Magistracy. Requirements for social and ethical competencies: - To know the social and ethical values ​​based on public opinion, traditions, customs, social norms and navigate to them in their professional lives; - Comply with standards of business ethics, own ethical and legal standards of conduct; - To know the traditions and culture of the people of Kazakhstan; - To be tolerant to the traditions and culture of other nations; - Know the basics of the legal system and legislation of Kazakhstan; - To know the trend of social development; - Be able to adequately focus in social situations; - Be able to work in a team, correctly assert their point of view, to offer new solutions; - Be able to find a compromise, relate your opinion with opinion team; - Strive for professional and personal growth.
5. ACADEMIC POLICY: Students are forbidden to: - Come to class without a textbook or a printout of an e-book from dl.iitu.kz. A student without a textbook gets the mark “0” for class participation; - submit any tasks after the deadline. Late submissions are graded down. - cheat. Plagiarized papers shall not be graded; - be late for classes. Being tardy three times amounts to one absence; - retake any tests, unless there is a valid reason for missing them; - use mobile phones in class; - chew gum in class. Students should always - be appropriately dressed (formal/semi- formal styles are acceptable); - show consideration for and mutual support of teachers and other students; - let the teacher know of any problems arising in connection with their studies.
6. LITERATURE   1.Асфендияров С.Д. История Казахстана (с древних времен): Уч. Пособие / Под ред. А.С.Такенова. – Алма-Ата, 1993. – 2-е изд. 2. История Казахстана с древнейших… Алматы: Дэуир, 1993. 3.История Казахстана: Пособие для студентов. – Алматы: Казинтерграф, 1998. 4.Кан Г.В. История Казахстана: Учеб. Пособие. – Алматы: ВШП Эдилет, 2000. 5.Оразбаева А.И. Курс лекций по истории Казахстана для студентов неисторических факультетов. Часть 1. Древняя и средневековая история Казахстана. – Алматы: Казак университетi, 2001. 6.История Казахстана (с древнейших времен до наших дней) В 5 т. – Алматы. – Т.1. – 1996; т.2. – 1997; т.3. – 2000.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 37 | Нарушение авторских прав

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