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semester 2013 Level One

Читайте также:
  1. All Words, Level 3 teens
  2. Always use lint free paper towels to wipe fluid off the CVT fluid level gauge.
  3. Approaches to English teaching at primary level
  4. Are you ready for the level?
  5. B) Understand high-level business requirements
  6. B: item, manufacturer, to refer to, level, a lot of, wish, constant, product mix, to use, guarantee.
  7. Basic level of knowledge and skills

Orthopedic Dentistry Department

Final test control

semester 2013 Level One


1. The main method of examination is:

  1. Clinical *
  2. X-ray
  3. Biometric
  4. Rheography
  5. The measurement of the jaws diagnostic models


2. Consequence of clinical patient’s examination:

  1. Verbal, extra-oral, intra-oral*
  2. Palpation, auscultation, percussion
  3. X-ray examination, central occlusion determination
  4. Verbal, extra-oral, palpation


3. Occlusion is:

  1. Contacts between teeth-antagonists*
  2. Movements of the mandible down
  3. Movements of the mandible upward
  4. Contacts between molars


4. Restricted mandibular opening considered when opening the mouth is:

  1. Less than 35 mm.*
  2. From 35 to 45 mm.
  3. More than 50 mm.
  4. Less than 25 mm.


5. Apparatus which produces the mandible movements is:

  1. Articulator*
  2. Occludator
  3. Parallelometer (Survey)
  4. Gnathodynamometer.


6. Impression – is

  1. negative replica of oral cavity tissues*
  2. positive replica of oral cavity tissues
  3. reflection of palate and teeth
  4. reflection of jaws
  5. negative replica of the mandible


7. Impression materials are divided by Oxman into

  1. gypsum, silicone, alginate, polyether
  2. hard, soft
  3. crystallized, elastic, thermoplastic, polymerized*
  4. mucostatic and mucodisplacive
  5. heavy body, wash


8. The difference between anatomical and functional imprint

  1. functional imprint supplements anatomical
  2. there is no difference
  3. there is a little difference
  4. they are divided by obtaining technique*
  5. by usage of similar trays


9. The main advantage of silicone impression material

  1. low prices
  2. hydrophobic property
  3. insignificant shrinkage
  4. dimensional stability*
  5. toxicity


10. Anatomical impression is:

  1. the negative replica of prosthetic bed tissues in rest*
  2. the tissue replica in functional state
  3. the positive replica of prosthetic bed tissues in rest
  4. the negative replica of prosthetic bed tissues in functional state
  5. the positive replica of prosthetic bed tissues in functional state


11. Transversal occlusal curve is called by:

  1. Wilson*
  2. Spee
  3. Gelman
  4. No one


12. The most common classification of dentition defects is:

  1. by Kurlandsky
  2. by Kennedy*
  3. by Betelman
  4. by Gavrilov


13. The temporomandibular joint is

A. a sliding hinge capable of hinge, lateral, bilateral and protrusive movements, and combinations of the latter*

B. capable of only lateral and protrusive movements

C. capable only of opening and closing the jaws

D. not a sliding hinge joint

E. none of the above


14. Percussion produces pain when:

  1. There is inflammation in the pulp
  2. There is any degree of inflammation or periodontal or periapical tissues *
  3. A pulp stone is present
  4. Swelling is present
  5. None of the above


15. A careful visual examination of the teeth and supporting tissues includes

  1. Percussion only
  2. Percussion, palpation and mobility tests *
  3. Mobility test only
  4. Body temperature
  5. None of the above


16. The centric jaw relation is a:

  1. relation that refers to muscle in rest position*
  2. relation independent of the teeth
  3. relation refers to a good teeth alignment in occlusion
  4. All of the above.


17. The radiographic diagnosis of a follicular cyst:

  1. may never involve supernumerary teeth
  2. may involve supernumerary teeth*
  3. shows no tooth
  4. shows only a root
  5. none of the above


18. Radiographically a radiolucent periapical area of acute inflammation adjacent to the antrum:

  1. will always remain localized
  2. cannot infect the antrum
  3. should be left untreated
  4. could penetrate the antrum and result in empyema*
  5. none of the above


19. Preparation methods of the patient’s oral cavity to orthopedic treatment are divided into:

  1. Medical, surgical, orthopedic;
  2. Orthodontic, surgical, therapeutic, special;*
  3. Periodontal, endodontic, restorative;
  4. Instrumentation, physiotherapy, anesthetic;
  5. Specific, immediate, deferred;


20. Specify the first stage of the patient examination:

  1. Observation of the person;
  2. Inspection of the oral cavity;
  3. Patient life history;
  4. Anamnesis morbi;
  5. Clarification of complaints;*


21. Specify the main methods of clinical examination of patients:

  1. Identification the patient’s complaints, inspection of the person viewing the oral cavity;*
  2. Palpation, percussion, sensing;
  3. Inspection, palpation, percussion;
  4. The survey, inspection, palpation, percussion;
  5. Clarification of complaints, history taking, examination, X-ray examination.


22. I class by Kennedy includes:

  1. unilateral free-end dentition defect;
  2. bilateral free-end dentition defect*;
  3. both side bounded defect;
  4. frontal defect crossing midline;
  5. All of the above.


23. II class by Kennedy includes:

  1. unilateral free-end dentition defect*;
  2. bilateral free-end dentition defect;
  3. both side bounded defect;
  4. frontal defect crossing midline;
  5. All of the above.


24. III class by Kennedy includes:

  1. unilateral free-end dentition defect;
  2. bilateral free-end dentition defect;
  3. both side bounded defect*;
  4. frontal defect crossing midline;
  5. All of the above.


25. IV class by Kennedy includes:

  1. unilateral free-end dentition defect;
  2. bilateral free-end dentition defect;
  3. both side bounded defect;
  4. frontal defect crossing midline*;
  5. All of the above.


26. Specify where to begin examination of the patient:

  1. Inspection of the person;
  2. Inspection of the oral cavity;
  3. Medical history of the disease;
  4. Life history;
  5. Clarification of complaints*.


27. Specify clinical fixation method of central occlusion position:

  1. to push lips forward a tubule;
  2. to swallow saliva and to close tooth alignments; *
  3. As much as possible to open a mouth and to close tooth alignments;
  4. minimum to open a mouth and to close tooth alignments;
  5. to put pressure upon lower jaw in distal direction.


28. What is the ratio of first molars in transversal direction in orthognathic bite?

  1. Cusp to cusp of the same name;
  2. Cusp to cusp, dissimilar;
  3. Cusp to fissure / the upper cheek cusps in a fissure of lower first molars. *
  4. Cusp to fissure / the upper tongue cusps in a fissure of lower first molars.


29. In a condition of relative physiological rest teeth are:

  1. closed;
  2. separated on 0,5-1,0 mm;
  3. separated on 2,0-4,0 mm; *
  4. separated on 4,0-6,0 mm;
  5. separated on 0,1-0,2 mm;


30. Specify the most exact and mass way of determining of the interalveolar height:

  1. Any;
  2. Anatomy-functional; *
  3. Anthropometrical;
  4. Method of choice;
  5. Anatomic.


31. What factor occlusion does not include:

  1. Shpee's curve;
  2. Bennett's movement;
  3. Articulate way;
  4. Wilson's curve; *
  5. Occlusional plane.


32. Specify the most correct definition of concept "bite":

  1. Contact of teeth in central occlusion; *
  2. Spatial position of tooth alignments in central occlusion;
  3. Position of teeth in physiological rest;
  4. Position of tooth alignments rather each other;
  5. Position of teeth of the upper and lower jaws.


33. Distinction between pathological and physiological bites consists:

  1. In contact frontal and lateral sites of tooth alignments;
  2. In a spatial arrangement of the upper and lower tooth alignments;
  3. In a kind of contact of tooth alignments and a correct arrangement “a key of occlusion"; *
  4. In plural contact of teeth-antagonists or its absence;
  5. In a spatial arrangement of tooth alignments rather each other.


34. «Occlusion» includes:

  1. contact of the upper and lower jaws;
  2. the relative positioning of tooth alignments;
  3. plural contact of teeth-antagonists; *
  4. spatial position at contact of teeth-antagonists;
  5. contact of teeth-antagonists.


35. What movements are possible in temporal-mandibular joint:

  1. Forward;
  2. Rotating;
  3. Forward, rotating, coordinated and simultaneous in both joints; *
  4. Uncoordinated;
  5. Simultaneous.


36. What is it articulation:

  1. Contact of teeth alignments in whole or separate groups of teeth;
  2. Position of upper jaw concerning with lower jaw;
  3. Movement of lower jaw;
  4. Every possible positions and movement of lower jaw, carried out by means of masticatory muscles. *


37. A 56-year-old patient complains about missing lateral teeth on both sides of mandible. Objectively: the 48, 47, 46, 45, 35, 36, 37, 38 teeth are missing. Make a diagnosis:

  1. Kennedy I dentition defect *
  2. Kennedy IV dentition defect
  3. Kennedy II dentition defect
  4. Kennedy III dentition defect
  1. Betel'man II dentition defect


38. At checking of a design of prostheses it is taped that instead of the central occlusion it is defined a frontal. At what stage of definition of the central occlusion this error is admitted:

  1. Making of prosthetic plane
  2. Fixing of central position *
  3. Modelling of a vestibular surface of upper wax roll
  4. Definitions of height of the central occlusion
  5. Fixing of wax rolls


39. Definition of the central occlusion (CO) is a following clinical stage of prosthetics by partial removable dentures after the manufacturing of working models. This clinical stage includes in definition of dentitions mutual relations:

  1. To horizontal direction.
  2. To sagittal direction.
  3. To transverse direction.
  4. A right answers А, В, С. *
  5. The right answer is not present.


40. To the second group of dentitions defects by Betelman carry:

  1. Toothless jaws.
  2. Toothless upper jaw.
  3. Toothless lower jaw.
  4. Jaws which have not less than one pair of antagonists teeth. *
  5. Jaws which have not less than three pairs of antagonists teeth


41. To the first group of dentitions defects by Betelman carry:

  1. Jaws which have not less than three pairs of antagonists teeth. *
  2. Jaws which have not less than three pairs of antagonists teeth and located by triangle.
  3. Toothless jaws.
  4. Jaws which have one pair of antagonists teeth.
  5. All answers are true.


42. Is it possible to compare models in CO position at the ІІ group of dentitions defects by Betelman:

  1. It is possible in each case.
  2. It is possible only by means of wax rims with bite rolls. *
  3. Probably at depending on teeth quantity.
  4. Probably at a satisfactory condition of natural teeth.
  5. The right answer is not present.


43. Is it possible the requirement to define the occlusion height at І and ІІ groups of defects by Betelman?

  1. It is necessary only at І group of defects.
  2. It is necessary only at ІІ group of defects.
  3. The occlusion height is defined at all groups of defects.
  4. There is no necessity in the definition of height bite. *
  5. All answers are true.


44. A 38-years-old female patient B. complains of pain in the right half of the lower jaw. The pain came after falling and blow. Objectively: painful mouth opening, occlusal relationships violated. In palpation in the area of missing 44, 45 teeth is determined by the small mobility of fragments. On X-ray picture defined the fracture line between missing 44 and 45 teeth. Which splint should be applied in this case?

  1. Splint by Tigershtedt with spacer (distance bar) *
  2. Splint by Zbarzh;
  3. Splint by Vankevich;
  4. Mental sling.


45. A 26-years-old male patient O. asked for prosthodontics clinic for secondary care. Diagnosis had been done: alveolar process fracture without displacement in 14, 15, 16 teeth region. The remaining teeth are resistant. What splint should be applied in this case?

  1. Smooth splint-brace and mental sling by Entin *
  2. Anchor splint by Tigershtedt;
  3. Guide (inclined) plane splint by Tigershtedt and mental sling by Entin;
  4. Supporting plane splint by Tigershtedt and mental sling Entin.


46. A 53-years-old male patient Sh. complains of the absence of the lower jaw teeth. From anamnesis it was discovered that the patient suffers microstomia. 31, 32, 35, 36, 37, 38, 41, 42, 45, 46, 47, 48 teeth are not having any. The remaining teeth are stable, immobile. What prosthesis design is necessary to make to the patient?

A. Collapsible lower jaw removable partial laminar denture *

B. Lower jaw removable partial laminar denture;

C. Dental bridge supporting on 43, 33 teeth and removable dentures;

D. Clasp dental prosthesis.


47. A 32-years-old patient M. has hard palate defect. All the teeth are present. To the patient it is necessary to make the protecting plate. What clasp should be applied in this case?

  1. Mesiodistal grip clasp *
  2. Support-holding clasp;
  3. Holding;
  4. Clasp by Bonneville;
  5. Clasp by Kemeny


48. A 50-years-old patient has meddle fracture of mandible with the false joint formation. 38, 32, 31, 41, 42, 48 teeth are missing. The remaining teeth are intact, resistant. The apparent displacement of bone fragments mandible was observed. On X-ray picture of bone defect is determined (up to 1 cm). What denture should be applied in this case?

  1. Clasp dental prosthesis;
  2. Gavrilov removable partial denture with a hinge;
  3. Removable partial denture with a hinge by Oxman;
  4. Dental bridge without the hinge;
  5. Dental bridge with the hinge by Oxman. *


49. A 28-years-old male patient turned to maxillo-facial department with complaints of pain and mobility of lower jaw teeth, inability mastication. Home accident. Objectively: upper lip edema, the upper jaw front teeth are shifted back. Ruptures of mucosa and bleeding in 21, 22 teeth region. Dentition of mandible without pathology. In palpation is determined by alveolar process mobility in the 21, 22 teeth region. Preliminary diagnosis: maxilla alveolar bone fracture in frontal area. What is the best method of treatment?

  1. Bimaxillary splint with an elastic energy;
  2. Osteosynthesis;
  1. С. Splint by Vasilyev;
  1. Smooth splint-brace from wire *
  2. The appliance by Zbarzh.


50. A 25-years-old male patient complains of pain to the right of maxilla, bite disorder, bleeding from the mouth. Injury was received day ago. In examination revealed right-sided fracture of the upper jaw by Herern-type 1. The teeth are stable, have the correct anatomical shape. How to perform repositioning of bone fragments and them fixation?

  1. Bimaxillary splint with an elastic energy;
  2. Crown-coping splint;
  3. Splint by Faltin-Adams;
  4. Smooth splint-brace;
  5. The appliance by Zbarzh. *


51. A 68-years-old male patient has the lower third of the nose defects in result of malignant tumor surgical removal. Dorsum of nose to the middle third saved and outer contours nostrils also. The skin of the nose thinned, eroded. From plastic surgery patient refused. What a way to fix of the nose exo-prosthesis should be applied in this case?

  1. By means transparent adhesive tape;
  2. The use of anatomical retention;
  3. Capeline bandage;
  4. On the rim of glasses *
  5. By means braid.


52. The 54 -years-old male patient awaiting perform an operation for malignant tumors (half of the upper jaw remove). Removal will be made in the middle of the bone seam keeping the right half of maxilla and dentition. What type of immediate prosthesis is most applicable in this case:

  1. Protective plate by Roff;
  2. By Oxman *
  3. By Kurliandsky;
  4. The repositioned appliance by Shure;
  5. Protective plate by Zbarzh.


53. The 76-years-old male patient K. has a complete absence of upper jaw teeth and palate defect in result of gunshot wound, located in the anterior and middle thirds of face. Defect has an oval shape measuring 2 cm without disoder of the transitory fold. What a way to fix of the prosthesis is most applicable in this case:

  1. By creating in a denture double ledge around the defect *
  2. Separate manufacturing obturators and complete dentures;
  3. By obturate part of complete dentures;
  4. By means of magnet;
  5. By means of springs.


54. The 45 years old man complains of liquid pouring out through the nose, impossibility blow nose, to inflate cheeks. Objectively: the punched alveolar process defect was detected at the upper jaw in lateral area at the level extracted 26 tooth in the size 1-1,5 cm. At air exhalation through a nose, at compression of nostrils vials in the field of punching are allocated. What denture design should be offered for the patient?

  1. Ordinary dental bridge;
  2. Protective palatal plate;
  3. Removable dental bridge with clasps fixing;*
  4. Clasp denture with obturating part;
  5. Ordinary partial removable denture.


55. A 68-years-old male patient has the lower third of the nose defects in result of malignant tumor surgical removal. Dorsum of nose to the middle third saved and outer contours nostrils also. The skin of the nose thinned, eroded. From plastic surgery patient refused. What a way to fix of the nose exo-prosthesis should be applied in this case?

  1. By means transparent adhesive tape;
  2. The use of anatomical retention;
  3. Capeline bandage;
  4. On the rim of glasses *
  5. By means braid.


56. The 54 -years-old male patient awaiting perform an operation for malignant tumors (half of the upper jaw remove). Removal will be made in the middle of the bone seam keeping the right half of maxilla and dentition. What type of immediate prosthesis is most applicable in this case:

  1. Protective plate by Roff;
  2. By Oxman *
  3. By Kurliandsky;
  4. The repositioned appliance by Shure;
  5. Protective plate by Zbarzh.


57. The 76-years-old male patient K. has a complete absence of upper jaw teeth and palate defect in result of gunshot wound, located in the anterior and middle thirds of face. Defect has an oval shape measuring 2 cm without disoder of the transitory fold. What a way to fix of the prosthesis is most applicable in this case:

  1. By creating in a denture double ledge around the defect *
  2. Separate manufacturing obturators and complete dentures;
  3. By obturate part of complete dentures;
  4. By means of magnet;
  5. By means of springs.


58. The 45 years old man complains of liquid pouring out through the nose, impossibility blow nose, to inflate cheeks. Objectively: the punched alveolar process defect was detected at the upper jaw in lateral area at the level extracted 26 tooth in the size 1-1,5 cm. At air exhalation through a nose, at compression of nostrils vials in the field of punching are allocated. What denture design should be offered for the patient?

  1. Ordinary dental bridge;
  2. Protective palatal plate;
  3. Removable dental bridge with clasps fixing;
  4. Clasp denture with obturating part;*
  5. Ordinary partial removable denture.


59. Patient, 28 years old, in 3 days after trauma to turn with complaints on pain and swelling in body area of lower jaw to the left. The palpation body of lower jaw to the left was painful, observed mobility of fragments in area of 35 tooth. During closing mouth we saw interlocking molar- antagonist to the left. Absent teeth contact in central part and in area of molars to the right. On the X-Ray examination detect the chink of fracture in area of 35 teeth. Diagnosis: fracture of the lower jaw to the left in area of 35 tooth. What kind of the conservative treatment you need to use?

  1. Splint by Port
  2. Sling bandage by Pomerantceva-Urbanskaya
  3. Both jaws splint with anchor splint*
  4. Binding together teeth by means ligature
  5. Lower jaw smooth splint-brace;


60. Patient, 69 years old with full absence teeth, complain of a pane in angle of lower jaw. Prosthesis didn’t have. Objectively: unimportant swelling, mouth open with trouble. On X-Ray: right-side osseous fracture the body of lower jaw in area of absence teeth 35 and 36 without defect of bone. What kind the splint need to use for treatment the patient?

  1. Splint by Veber
  2. Splint by Limberg*
  3. Splint by Tigershtedt
  4. Splint by Zbarzh
  5. splint by Vankevich


61. At private that was wounded by means shell splinter had the fracture of lower jaw with defect of bone in area chin more 3 cm. What method fixation the segments of lower jaw to indications?

  1. Dental- splint by Tigershtedt
  2. Intermaxillary ligature linking by Aivi
  3. Splint by Port-Guning
  4. Hard-ware osteosynthesis
  5. Hardware osteosynthesis (Rudko, Bernadskiy)*


62. At patient K., have firing the fracture of the lower jaw. Before the wound, patient used the removable dental prosthesis (part laminar dental prosthesis for upper jaw and complete denture for lower jaw). What can be used for transport immobilization?

  1. Apparatus by Zbarzh
  2. Splint by Entelis
  3. Patient’s dentures*
  4. Splint by Vasiljev
  5. Splint by Tigershtedt


63. Patient, 42 years old, obtained fracture of upper jaw by Le-For t and than, he was hospitalized. Choose apparatus for patient treatment.

  1. Penna-Braun
  2. Jadrova
  3. Rudko
  4. Kulagina
  5. Zbarzh *


64. Patient, 25 years old, come to clinic on third day after the trauma of face with complaints on pain in lower jaw two-sided. Patient have hardship with swallowing and breathing. Objectively: unimportant swelling in area of chin, dentitions are entire, but segment of teeth 44, 43, 42, 41, 31, 32, 33, 34 displaced down and back. Single-stage the reposition of segments don’t have the result. What apparatus is necessary to used for reposition of fragments?

  1. Single-jaw splint-shield with arm by Kurlyandskiy
  2. Apparatus by Veber
  3. Apparatus by Post*
  4. Apparatus by Betelman
  5. Apparatus with spring arm by Katz


65. At patient, 26 years old, own by the lower jaw false joint in the right, in area of 44 - 45 teeth with defect of bone till 1 cm. All teeth are present. What the more optimal construction of dental prosthesis indicate for that patient?

  1. Laminar mono articular jointed dentures by Oxsman
  2. Nonremovable bridge-like prosthesis with jointed by Oxsman*
  3. Unit-cast bridge-like laminar prosthesis
  4. Laminar jointed prosthesis by Gavrilov
  5. Clasp denture


66. Man, 62 years old, own by the medial fracture of lower jaw with mobile fragments. 42,41,31,32 teeth are mobile by the I and II degree. Fragments of lower jaw turn into oral cavity. What the reposition apparatus indicate in this is case?

  1. Bruno
  2. Katz*
  3. Kurlyandskiy
  4. Vankevich
  5. Shura


67. At man, 34 years old, was reveal the false joint of the lower jaw with fragments turn in horizontal plane. Each fragments keep in twos stable teeth. What denture construction should be applied in this case?

  1. Unjointed prosthesis with incline plane
  2. Nonremovable prosthesis by Oxman
  3. Jointed prosthesis by Gavrilov
  4. Jointed prosthesis by Kopp 2 type*
  5. Wound spring by Vanshtein


68. The patient of 47 years old complains of twang, impossibility of adequately nutrition because food fall out across the nose. Objectively: all teeth are present, orthognatic bite, a mucous membrane without changes. Posttraumatic tissues defect was detected on the hard and soft palate of patient. What denture design is necessary to make?

  1. Obturator by Shildskij;
  2. Obturator by Suersen;
  3. Protective palatal denture;
  4. Obturator by Kez;*
  5. Obturator by Ilina-Markosjan.


69. A 42-years-old female patient Y. complains of frequent dislocation of the temporomandibular joint. Objectively: 18, 17, 28, 38, 48 teeth are missing. 36, 37, 45, 46, 47 teeth are covered an artificial crowns. Diagnosis: habitual dislocation of the TMJ. Choose a rational method of orthopedic treatment:

  1. The limited opening of the mouth; *
  2. Massage, myogymnastics;
  1. Myogymnastics, physiotherapy;
  1. Physiotherapy;
  2. Complete immobilization of the lower jaw.


70. A 38-years-old female patient B. complains of pain in the right half of the lower jaw. The pain came after falling and blow. Objectively: painful mouth opening, occlusal relationships violated. In palpation in the area of missing 44, 45 teeth is determined by the small mobility of fragments. On X-ray picture defined the fracture line between missing 44 and 45 teeth. Which splint should be applied in this case?

  1. Splint by Tigershtedt with spacer (distance bar) *
  2. Splint by Zbarzh;
  3. Splint by Vankevich;
  4. Mental sling.


71. A 26-years-old male patient O. asked for prosthodontics clinic for secondary care. Diagnosis had been done: alveolar process fracture without displacement in 14, 15, 16 teeth region. The remaining teeth are resistant. What splint should be applied in this case?

  1. Smooth splint-brace and mental sling by Entin *
  2. Anchor splint by Tigershtedt;
  3. Guide (inclined) plane splint by Tigershtedt and mental sling by Entin;
  4. Supporting plane splint by Tigershtedt and mental sling Entin.


72. The patient (29 years old) has the diagnosis: “open lower jaw fracture at the frontal segment and loss of the 31 and 41 teeth without fragments displacement”. Objectively: the mouth opens in full, dentitions are intact and detect orthognatic bite. The crack into the jaw bone is detected between 41, 31 teeth. What immobilization method indicate to patient?

  1. Dental splint by Vasilev;
  2. Smooth splint-staple;
  3. Dental splint by Tigershtedt with strut bend;
  4. Anchor splint by Tigershtedt;*
  5. Ramp splint by Tigershtedt.


73. The patient (52 years old) lower jaw fracture at the chin area, stable lateral teeth. What fixing device is necessary for apply:

  1. Splint by Port;
  2. Splint by Marej;
  3. Apparat by Shur;
  4. Splint by Entelice;*
  5. Splint by Limberg.


74. The false joint on the lower jaw right has arisen at the patient as a result of untimely treatment. On the lower jaw are present only 36, 37, 38 teeth. What denture is necessary to make for the patient?

  1. Complete removable denture;
  2. Bridge denture;
  3. Removable denture with the link;*
  4. A partial removable laminar denture;
  5. Clasp denture.


75. The smooth splint-staple can be used at:

  1. The upper jaw fracture by the lower type;
  2. The jaw fracture without fragments displacement in any localization;
  3. The localization fracture in the area of a branch of the lower jaw;
  4. The alveolar process fracture of the lower and upper jaws, at the central fracture of the lower jaw;*
  5. The angle jaw fracture without fragments displacement.


76. The patient (42 years old) complain of the pain in the area of 35 tooth. Objectively: All teeth are present. X=ray examination: line of lower jaw fracture without bone defect between 35-36 teeth What splint is necessary for using in this case?

  1. Hard mental sling;
  1. Splint by Zbarzh;
  2. Splint by Vankevich;
  3. Splint by Veber;*
  4. Band anchor splint.


77. The partial resection of the lower jaw in the borders of 35, 44 teeth was made to the patient (42 years old). Simultaneously, the osteoplasty was performed to that patient. What method of fixing is most expedient in this case?

  1. Splint by Vankevich;
  2. Anchor splint by Tigershtedt;
  3. Ramp splint by Tigershtedt;
  4. Rudko’s device;*
  5. Splint by Veber.


78. The injured man (80 years old) was survey in orthopedic clinic. Objectively was revealed the lower jaw mental fracture; toothless of the upper and lower jaws; lost removable dentures; separations of the jaws fragments to a little degree. What splint is necessary for applying?

  1. Splint by Port;*
  2. Splint by Zbarzh;
  3. Splint by Vankevich;
  4. Splint by Weber;
  5. Splint by Tigershtedt.


79. The patient of 25 years old complains of a pain into the lower jaw thereof its trauma. Objectively was revealed the lower jaw mobility in the first- incisors area; 18, 48 teeth loss, but others teeth were intact. What kind of assistance is the most effective?

  1. Splintage by means of the smooth splint-brace;
  2. Manufacture of the ramp splint;
  3. Ligature tying up by Ajvi;
  4. Splintage by means of the spreader splint;
  5. Splintage by means of the splint with anchor loops.*


80. As a result of car accident the suffered driver (45 years old) was delivered in a hospital. Consciousness did not lose. Objectively was revealed the asymmetric face with "a symptom of glasses". On the patient’s left cheek occur a lacerated wound about 2х3 cm and semiopen mouth. The upper jaw is mobile and displaced down, to the right and back. Choose an optimum design to produce immobilization:

  1. Unit-cast splint with short branches (moustaches);
  2. Splint by Weber with beyond oral bars;
  3. Zbarzh’s standard components set;*
  4. Gingival splint with a wire frame;
  5. Splint by Limberg.


81. What kind of impression tray is better to be used at the obtain of jaws prints from patients with microstomia?

  1. Standard perforate tray;
  2. Standard tray for toothless jaws;
  3. Obtain prints without any trays;
  4. An individual tray;
  5. Sectional tray.*


82. In what kind of the bite boxer splint is made on the lower jaw?:

  1. Prognathic (distal bite);
  2. Open bite;
  3. Direct bite;
  4. Progenia (mesial bite);*
  5. Deep bite.


83. Patient suffer from right false joint of the lower jaw at the area of 44 – 45 absent teeth with bone defect above 1,0 cm. What optimal design of denture is indicate to patient?

  1. Laminar monoarticular link denture by Oksman;
  2. Nonremovable bridge denture with link by Oksman;*
  3. Unit-cast nonremovable bridge denture;
  4. Lamellar link denture by Gavrilov;
  5. Clasp denture.


84. Patient К, 43 years old, suffer by face’ segment defect. Objectively was revealed missing of the lower jaw segment body in frontal area. Question: What denture designs are indicate to patient?

  1. Immediate denture by Oksman; *
  2. Splint by Vankevich;
  3. Rudko’s device;
  4. Hard mental sling;
  5. Reduce device by Kats.


85. The patient (62 years old), has addressed at the clinic with complaints to swelling of the face and pain on the lower jaw from the left, numbness of the lower lip. After clinical examination the diagnosis has been made: the lower jaw fracture at the left, toothless both jaws, microstomia. Choose the method of orthopedic treatment in this case?

  1. Splint by Elbreht;
  2. Splint by Weber;
  3. Splint by Guning-Port;
  4. Splint by Limberg; *
  5. Splint by Vankevich.


86. The 41 years old female patient O. complains on the considerable attrition of the lower jaw frontal teeth. Objective examination: cutting edges of the 43, 42, 41, 31, 32, 33 teeth are erased at 1/3. Diagnosis: localized form of pathological attrition. Is it possible to use porcelain crowns in this case?

  1. Probably, but after appropriate manipulation;
  2. It isn’t possible;
  3. It is possible;
  4. Only in pathological attrition in I or II degree;
  5. Only in pathological attrition in III degree.


87. A patient K. complains on the wearing of the 31, 32 teeth, the pain from thermal and chemical irritants, an aesthetic drawback. Objective examination: crowns of the 31, 32 teeth are erased to the 1/3 of the height by horizontal type. 21, 22 teeth were covered by porcelain crowns two years ago, the palatal surface and cutting edge of the crowns are not glazed. What kind of crowns at the 31, 32 teeth is better to make?

  1. Stamped metal crowns;
  2. Lab-made plastic dental crowns;
  3. Porcelain crowns;
  4. Metal-ceramic crowns;
  5. Combined metal-plastic crowns by Belkin.


88. A 38-years-old female patient B. complains of pain in the right half of the lower jaw. The pain came after falling and blow. Objectively: painful mouth opening, occlusal relationships violated. In palpation in the area of missing 44, 45 teeth is determined by the small mobility of fragments. On X-ray picture defined the fracture line between missing 44 and 45 teeth. Which splint should be applied in this case?

  1. Splint by Tigershtedt with spacer (distance bar) *
  2. Splint by Zbarzh;
  3. Splint by Vankevich;
  4. Mental sling.


89. A 26-years-old male patient O. asked for prosthodontics clinic for secondary care. Diagnosis had been done: alveolar process fracture without displacement in 14, 15, 16 teeth region. The remaining teeth are resistant. What splint should be applied in this case?

  1. Smooth splint-brace and mental sling by Entin *
  2. Anchor splint by Tigershtedt;
  3. Guide (inclined) plane splint by Tigershtedt and mental sling by Entin;
  4. Supporting plane splint by Tigershtedt and mental sling Entin.


90. The patient 50-years-old with a defect hard and soft palate is made obturator Pomeranzeva-Urbanskaya. What should be used for the fixing and obturating parts of the obturator?

  1. Metal button
  2. Steel spring
  3. Plaque (plating)*
  4. Wire shearer
  5. Flexible plastic material


91. A doctor at the accident diagnosed fracture of the upper and lower jaws with offset fragments. What of these tools must be applied to the transport immobilization fragments?

  1. Splint by Entelis
  2. Splint by Port
  3. Splint by Tigershtedt
  4. Splint by Vasilyev
  5. Splint - sling by Entin*


92. In the 24-years-old of the fighter who was wounded by a shell fragment fracture diagnosed lower jaw with a defect in the bone of the chin area more than 2 cm. What method of fixing the fragments lower jaw is statement?

  1. Intermaxillary ligature binding byAivy
  2. Splint by Tigershtedt
  3. Fragments fixation by means apparatus Rudko
  4. Splint by Port-Guning
  5. Direct osteosynthesis*


93. Patient age 30-years old was injured in the middle third of the area of the face. Complains of pain and swelling of the soft tissues in the area of the upper jaw, the pain with mouth closing. Diagnosis had been done: Upper jaw fracture by Le Fort type 3. Which splint (device) should be used for treatment in this case?

  1. Splint by Vankevich
  2. Splint by Limberg*
  3. Splint by Port-Guning
  4. Apparatus by Zbarzh
  5. Splint by Stepanov


94. A 40 years-old male patient complains of pain in the area of the lower jaw, malocclusion. Injury was 6 hours ago. On examination established the presence of a single fracture of the mandible between 12 and 13 teeth. Slight displacement of bone fragments. All the teeth are presents and stable. What is the most optimal method of splinting:

  1. Application dental splints on the both jaws
  2. Osteosynthesis using mini- lamina
  3. Application self- jaw splint- staple*
  4. Splinting by Gardashnikov
  5. Splint by Vasilyev


95. The 25 years-old patient has the recent median fracture of the lower jaw without visible displacement of bone fragments. All teeth on the jaw are saved. What of the wire splints are appropriate to be applied in this case:

  1. Anchor splint by Tigershtedt
  2. Splint by Tigerstedt with spacer (distance bar)
  3. Smooth splint-brace*
  4. Guide (inclined) plane splint by Tigershtedt
  5. Splint by Pomeranzeva-Urbantskaya


96. A 60-years-old edentulous patient complains of pain in the corner of the lower jaw. X-ray analysis: left-sided fracture of the body of the mandible in area of 34 and 35 teeth without bone defect. What splint should be applied in this case?

  1. Weber’s splint
  2. Anchor splint by Tigershtedt*
  3. Apparatus by Rudko
  4. Apparatus by Katz
  5. Apparatus by Shure


97. Patient age of 35 years complains on pain in the area of the mandible body on the left. OBJECTIVE: facial swelling on the left, hematoma, dentitions are saved. Displacement of bone fragments absents. At the palpation and bimanual examination revealed pain and abnormal mobility of the mandible body in the area of 35 and 36 teeth. What method of treatment should be applied?

  1. Produce device by Betelman
  2. Produce elastic arc by Engle*
  3. Produce device by Vankevich
  4. Apply the aluminum splint with catch hooks and intermaxillary traction
  5. Conduct a medication


98. A 40 years-old patient has median defect of the hard palate sized above 2x3 cm. Jaw dentitions are intact. What obturator design is better to use in this case:

  1. Obturator by Ilyina-Markosyan
  2. Acril denture with occlusive part
  3. Obturator by Pomeranzeva-Urbanskaya
  4. Floating obturator
  5. The safety palatal denture*


99. Patient A., 19 years old, turned to the clinic with complaints of violation of the appearance. Objectively: anterior-buccal cusp 26 have contact with the same cusp 36. Which bite has this sign?

  1. Unilateral (one-side) cross-bite*
  2. Distal bite
  3. mesial bite
  4. Open bite
  5. Deep bite


100. In clinic of orthopedic dentistry the patient with complaints to an acute pain in 26 tooth what amplifies in the evening and at night has addressed. Objectively: console ceramic-metal denture with a support on 26 tooth and consoles 25 teeth. Tooth alive, processing was carried out under local anesthesia. The denture is made with observance of all requirements. What errors of the doctor could lead to such complication:

A. Fixation of denture on phosphate-cement

B. Preparation of tooth in the form of the cut off cone

C. Making of a circular ledge in the field of a tooth neck

D. Absence of a medial support in denture

E. Continuous preparation of tooth without cooling, absence of temporary crowns *


101. The patient age of 26 years has addressed to the doctor with complaints of absence 41, 42 and 31 teeth, mobility 32 teeth which has arisen after a sports trauma 10 months ago. Objectively: on the roentgenogram in the field of teeth which remained, resolvation an alveolar shoot in borders of 1/3 heights of interdental partitions, crowns of teeth whole, channels of fangs which limit the defect, sealed up to tops. What design of an denture in this case will be the most rational?

  1. Arc denture
  2. Metal stamped dental bridge *
  3. A partial removable denture
  4. Casted dental bridge with facing
  5. Adgesional dental bridge


102. The patient obtains orthopedic treatment by metal-ceramic dental bridge with supporting 47, 45 teeth. Teeth preparation is made with a shoulder. What material gives chance to receive a qualitative print?

  1. "Orthokor"
  2. "Stomalgin"
  3. "Stomaflex" *
  4. "Repin"
  5. "Dentafol"


103. A 29-years-old man patient needs replacement of dentition defects of upper jaw tooth by means manufacturing of esthetic facing dental bridge. The patient suffers intolerance to alloys of not precious metals. What fixed orthopedic design will be the optimal for this patient?

  1. Metal stamped dental bridge
  2. A metal-ceramic denture on a skeleton from a cobalt-chromic alloy
  3. Dental bridge from hot polymerization plastic
  4. Metal-plastic denture
  5. A metal-ceramic denture on a skeleton from precious metal *


104. A 29-year-old patient complains that the crown of his 26 tooth broke off. Objectively: tooth decay index is 0,9; root tissues are hard, on X-ray revealed that the canal was filled to the top, no chronic inflammations of periodontium were revealed. What construction should be used for prosthetics of the 26 tooth?

  1. Pin stump inlay and a crown *
  2. Pin tooth with a ring
  3. Pin tooth with an inlay
  4. Pin tooth with protective bar
  5. Simplified pin tooth.


105. A patient is 24 years old. Artificial crown of his 22 tooth broke off. The tooth was devitalized 8 years ago and its crown is totally decayed. What micro-prosthesis should be made for restoration of tooth crown?

  1. Stump-root inlay *
  2. Filling
  3. Inlay
  4. Application
  5. Stamped crown


106. A 32-year-old patient complains about a cosmetic defect. Objectively: the crowns of 12, 11, 21, 22 teeth are destroyed by caries by 2/3 of their height. The occlusion is orthognathic. X-ray picture shows that root canals are filled to the top. There are no patological changes in periapical tissues. What construction should be the most efficient in this situation?

  1. Stump inlays and metal-ceramic crowns *
  2. Artificial metal swaged crowns
  3. Restoration of tooth crowns with composite materials
  4. Fabrication of plastic inlays
  5. Richmond's pivot crowns


107. A 40-year-old patient complains about frequent falling out of a filling. Objectively: the 46 tooth has a carious (Black’s class II) cavity. It is planned to restore the anatomic form of the tooth by means of a metal inlay. What is the peculiarity of the cavity preparation for the inlay in this case?

  1. Forming a bevel *
  2. Forming an additional shoulder
  3. Cavity floor widening
  4. Preparation for parapulpal posts
  5. Cavity deepening


108. A 28-year-old patient consulted a prosthodontist about dental prosthetics. Objectively: crown of the 13 tooth is decayed by 2/3 of its height, the stump sticks out above the gum line by 2 mm. X-ray picture shows that the root canal is filled up to the top. What construction should be fabricated for the patient?

  1. Pivot tooth *
  2. Crown
  3. Inlay
  4. Equator crown
  5. The crown should be restored with photopolymer


109. Physical examination of a patient revealed a hard tissues defect of the 24 tooth. Index of occlusal surface destruction was 0,8. The defect was restored by filling that doesn't meet the requirements. The tooth is of rose colouring. X-ray picture shows no patological processes. What construction is indicated in this case?

  1. Pivot crown *
  2. Artificial crown
  3. Inlay
  4. Portion crown
  5. Equator crown


110. A 25-year-old patient complains about a cosmetic defect in the frontal part of his upper jaw on the left. Objectively: the 23 tooth is pulpless. The filling restores vestibular-approximal surface of the tooth crown by 1/3, it is stable, closely fits within cavity walls, its colour doesn’t match the colour of the tooth. The tooth itself has changed its colour, its percussion is painless. What is the optimal prosthetic construction for this patient?

A. Metal-ceramic crown *

B. Elastic crown

C. Metal swaged crown

D. Portion crown

E. Inlay


111. The masticatory efficiency coefficient of the first molar by Agapov is equal:

A. 1

B. 2

C. 4

D. 6*

E. 5


112. The masticatory efficiency coefficient of the lateral incisor by Agapov is equal:

A. 1*

B. 2

C. 4

D. 6

E. 3


113. The masticatory efficiency coefficient of the second molar by Agapov is equal:

  1. 5*
  2. 2
  3. 4
  4. 6
  5. 3


114. The masticatory efficiency coefficient of the first premolar by Agapov is equal:

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 4*
  4. 6
  5. 3


115. The masticatory efficiency coefficient of the second premolar by Agapov is equal:

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 4*
  4. 6
  5. 3


116. The masticatory efficiency coefficient of the canine by Agapov is equal:

  1. 4
  2. 2
  3. 3*
  4. 6
  5. 5


117. The masticatory efficiency coefficient of the central incisor by Agapov is equal:

  1. 1
  2. 2*
  3. 4
  4. 6
  5. 3


118. The masticatory efficiency coefficient of the first upper molar by Oxman is equal:

  1. 3
  2. 2
  3. 4
  4. 6*
  5. 1


119. The masticatory efficiency coefficient of the third upper molar by Oxman is equal:

  1. 3*
  2. 2
  3. 4
  4. 6
  5. 1


120. The masticatory efficiency coefficient of the third lower molar by Oxman is equal:

  1. 3
  2. 2
  3. 4*
  4. 6
  5. 1


121. The masticatory efficiency coefficient of the central lower incisor by Oxman is equal:

  1. 3
  2. 2
  3. 4
  4. 6
  5. 1*


122. The masticatory efficiency coefficient of the central upper incisor by Oxman is equal:

  1. 3
  2. 2*
  3. 4
  4. 6
  5. 1


123. The masticatory efficiency coefficient of the first upper premolar by Oxman is equal:

  1. 3*
  2. 2
  3. 4
  4. 6
  5. 1


124. The masticatory efficiency coefficient of the upper canine by Oxman is equal:

  1. 3
  2. 2*
  3. 4
  4. 6
  5. 1


125. The masticatory efficiency coefficient of the lower canine by Oxman is equal:

  1. 3
  2. 2*
  3. 4
  4. 6
  5. 1


126. The masticatory efficiency coefficient of the second upper premolar by Oxman is equal:

  1. 3*
  2. 2
  3. 4
  4. 6
  5. 1


127. The masticatory efficiency coefficient of the second lower premolar by Oxman is equal:

  1. 3*
  2. 2
  3. 4
  4. 6
  5. 1


128. The masticatory efficiency coefficient of the lateral upper incisor by Oxman is equal:

  1. 3
  2. 2
  3. 4
  4. 6
  5. 1*


129. The masticatory efficiency coefficient of the second upper molar by Oxman is equal:

  1. 5*
  2. 2
  3. 4
  4. 6
  5. 1


130. The masticatory efficiency coefficient of the lateral lower incisor by Oxman is equal:

  1. 3
  2. 2
  3. 4
  4. 5
  5. 1*


131. The masticatory efficiency coefficient of the first lower premolar by Oxman is equal:

  1. 3*
  2. 2
  3. 4
  4. 6
  5. 1


132. The masticatory efficiency coefficient of the first lower molar by Oxman is equal:

  1. 3
  2. 2
  3. 4
  4. 6*
  5. 1


133. The masticatory efficiency coefficient of the second lower molar by Oxman is equal:

  1. 5*
  2. 2
  3. 4
  4. 6


134. The young man age of 20 years has addressed to the doctor with complaints to esthetic defect - absence of tooth on the upper jaw on the right. Objectively: there is no 12 tooth, the next teeth is motionless, their pulp are alive, has well expressed anatomic form, high crown part. A bite is оrthognastic. During poll it is found out that at the patient a congenital heart disease. What design of an denture is expedient for applying in this case:

  1. Metal-plastic dental bridge
  2. Plastic dental bridge
  3. A metal-ceramic denture with a support on 14, 13 teeth
  4. The Maryland-denture *
  5. Metal stamped dental bridge


135. The woman age of 27 years has addressed to the doctor for the purpose of prosthetics. Objectively: there is no 15 tooth, 16 and 14 teeth have insignificant carious cavities І class by Black, a crown steady, high. Name a kind of an denture to what should give advantage in this case:

  1. Metal stamped dental bridge
  2. A metal-ceramic denture
  3. Arc denture
  4. A partial removable denture
  5. Dental bridge on inlays *


136. To the patient spend orthopedic replacement of defects of a tooth alignment of the lower jaw with metal-ceramic dental bridge what includes preparation of basic teeth with alive pulp. Manufacturing of temporary dental bridges carry out a direct method on the prints received before preparation of teeth. What materials are expedient for applying in such clinical situation?

  1. Polibutilmetakrilic plastic
  2. Polietilmetakrilic plastic
  3. Nonakrilic composites *
  4. Polimetilmetakrilic plastic
  5. Plastic of light polymerization


137. The patient age of 28 years has included defect of a tooth alignment of the lower jaw: 35 tooth is absent. Teeth 36, 34 not touched, is motionless, rather parallel, with the kept anatomic form and high clinical crowns. What orthopedic design is more expedient for using in this case?

  1. Fixed dental bridge
  2. Adgesional dental bridge *
  3. Arc denture
  4. A partial removable denture
  5. Immediat-prothesis


138. The young man age of 18 years complains of esthetic defect - absence of tooth on the upper jaw at the left. Objectively: 23, 25 teeth not touched, are motionless, percussion the painless. Contact surfaces 23, 25 teeth are rather parallel. A bite оrthognastic. What design of an denture is expedient for using in this case:

  1. Fixed casted dental bridge
  2. Dental bridge with a support only on 25 tooth
  3. A metal-ceramic denture with a support on 23, 25 teeth
  4. Adgesional dental bridge *
  5. Metal stamped dental bridge


139. The dentist-orthopedist has received from laboratory for check a skeleton soldered dental bridge with a support on three crowns. During external survey of a skeleton of a denture by the doctor plural defects (holes) of all three artificial crowns are revealed. That has served as the reason of such defects:

  1. Influence of a gumboil during soldering time
  2. Not correct stamping
  3. Infringement of process of bleaching of crowns *
  4. Mechanical damage during processing
  1. Long influence of high temperature at a burning out


140. A 48-years-old man patient addressed with complaints to a pain in the 32, 38 teeth which has appeared through 3 month after dental bridge cementation. Gum around supporting teeth has red colour, swelled, teeth mobile in vestibular-oral direction. What caused of this complication?

  1. Wrong preparation of basic teeth
  2. Functional overload of periodontal of basic teeth *
  3. Wrong modelling of an intermediate part of a denture
  4. Contact of a denture to teeth-antagonists
  5. Using of firm food


141. To the patient spend a try-in on of a metal skeleton metal-ceramic dental bridge. What can be the minimum thickness of a metal cap from a cobalt-chromic alloy at manufacturing of a basic ceramic-metal crown?

A. 0,1 mm

B. 0,5 mm

C. 0,3 mm

D. 0,8 mm

E. 0,4 mm *


142. A 43-years-old female patient addressed to the dentist for the purpose obtains the orthopedic treatment. Objectively: 46, 45 teeth are absent. The teeth limited defects are healthy; tooth 47 is displaced and tilted towards defect at angle above 20° degree. In position of central occlusion contacts on distal chewing cusps with fissure formation on a chewing surface of the triangular form remain. What denture design in this patient will be the most rational?

  1. Console dental bridge
  2. Metal cast dental bridge
  3. Metal stamped dental bridge
  4. Adhesive dental bridge
  5. Folding dental bridge *


143. To the patient age of 19 years make a plastic dental bridge. Working and auxiliary prints are received. What technological process is following?

  1. Grinding, dental bridge polishing
  2. Dental bridge form modelling by wax
  3. Plastering of model into bitelock
  4. Wax replacement by plastic
  5. Making of plaster models *


144. A 22 years-old patient obtains orthopedic treatment by plastic dental bridge with supporting 23, 25 teeth. For what thickness follows to make a preparation a chewing surface of these teeth:

A. 3-3,5 mm

B. 0,25-0,3 mm

C. 0,5-1 mm

D. 2,5-3 mm

E. 1,5-1,8 mm *


145. An 18-years-old male patient addressed to the dentist for the purpose obtains the orthopedic treatment of 11, 21, 23 teeth by metal-ceramic bridge. After examination it is revealed that contra-indications to application of such design aren't present. What material is the most expedient for using for print reception?

  1. "Stomalgin"
  2. "Sielast" *
  3. "Orthokor"
  4. "Stens"
  5. "Repin"


146. To the patient age of 35 years spend preparation 12, 11, 22 teeth under metal-ceramic crowns for making dental bridge. On what surfaces of teeth there can be a generated ledge:

  1. Contact surface, at an angle 30 °
  2. Circle, at an angle 30 °
  3. Frontal surface, at an angle 125 °
  4. Contact surface, at an angle 125 °
  5. Circle, at an angle 90 ° *


147. A 36-years-old patient addressed to the dentist for the purpose obtains the orthopedic treatment. It has been decided to make a stamped metal bridge. During checking of metal stamped crowns in an oral cavity bite overestimate on an artificial crown of tooth 46 is appreciable. The crown edge doesn't reach to gingival edge up to 1 mm. What actions should be used in this case?

  1. To expand a crown on a punch
  2. To extend crown edge on an anvil *
  3. To truncate a crown on a plaster column
  4. To make restamping of crown
  5. To make additional preparation of chewing surface 46 tooth


148. A 38-years-old male patient addressed to the dentist for the purpose obtains the orthopedic treatment. A bite is orthognathic, deep overlapping of incisors. 11, 12, 21, 22 teeth needs to orthopedic treatment by crowns with high esthetic requirements. What crowns are expedient for using in this patient?

  1. The combined stamped crowns
  2. Plastic crowns
  3. Metal-cast vestibular facing ceramic crowns *
  4. Metal-cast completely covering plastic crowns
  5. Metal stamped crowns


149. What low-fusing porcelain mass is used for making porcelain crown?

A. Biodent

B. Duceram*

C. Vitadur

D. All of the above

E. None of the above

150. Dental hard tissues in orthopedic treatment by silicate ceramic crown should be prepared into:

A. 2 mm*

B. 0,8 mm

C. 1,7 mm

D. All of the above

E. None of the above


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