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Imaginative Resume Style

Читайте также:
  1. A) the language style of poetry; b) the language style of emotive prose; c) the language style of drama.
  3. About academic writing style
  4. Academic Writing Style
  5. Answer the questions about the resume.
  6. b) Watch a video about Individualistic and Collectivistic Cultures: Differences and Communication styles and complete the chart.

The use of color graphics is usually applicable, but the cost of duplicating and printing color resumes is sometimes a problem. Color graphics were not feasible for this example, so a black and white image was designed for it.

  Applicant Kim Ballard 115-4-Marshall Drive West Lafayette, IN 47906 (765) 743-2806   Career Goals A graphic design position in a fast-paced design firm which requires both traditional and computer assisted graphic processes   Education BS in Graphic Design May 1987 AS in Technical Graphics August 1986   Professional Experience Senior Art Director Signs-R-Us 120 W. Main St. Lafayette, IN 47906 May 1985 to Present   Designer Point Blank 1106 S. Elm St. Delphi, IN 46087 June 1984 to March 1985   Art Assistant Powell Design 2110 E. Park Dr. Lebanon, IN 46052 December 1982 to April 1984   References and Portfolio Available Upon Request


Reference Sheets

You can use a variety of format styles for your reference sheet, but the format you choose should reflect the style of your resume and cover letter because many employers put all of your documents into one file. Any inconsistency in formatting will look unprofessional.

Thompson E. Boyd 123 E. Salisbury #4 West Lafayette, IN 47906 (765) 743-8529   References Dr. Mary W. Shelley Dr. Franz Kafka Heavilon Hall, Room 226 Lilly Life Sciences, #1-105 Purdue University Purdue University West Lafayette, IN 47907 West Lafayette, IN 47907 (765) 494-1817 (765) 494-1011     Dr. Shelley is my current I worked closely with Dr. Kafka academic advisor in the in a Department of Entomology Creative Writing and experiment series. Science Fiction program.   Mr. Elliot Ness Ms. U. Jean O'Neill Federal Research Division, #PI Heavilon Hall, Room 513 Office of Personnel Management Purdue University Washington, DC 20006 West Lafayette, IN 47907 No phone contact, please (765) 494-1923     Mr. Ness was a former Ms. O'Neill and I counseled instructor for a criminal emotionally disturbed adults justice course at during a Sociology of Family Purdue University. Relationships project.    



You can design your resume to show your skills, personality, and qualifications for a position. Many times a resume is your first contact with a prospective employer, and you should make it count. This is your chance to stand out from the crowd and to show off your unique qualifications for the position. Try to highlight the experiences that make your background or education special. The emphasis of your resume can be shifted, in part, by the format you choose to use in your resume.

Resumes have several standard sections which contain information that the employer will want or need to know such as Name, Address, Career Objective, Education, Job Related Courses, Work Experience, Skills, Activities, Honors, References, and Portfolio. Not all of these sections are necessary on every type of resume, and the sections do not necessarily have to go in any particular order. Some of the most common organizational styles are Functional, Skills, Chronological, and Imaginative.

Your reference sheet should reflect the organizational style of your resume for consistency throughout your employment file. This list and your portfolio are usually sent in response to the employer's request, but some people include it with their resume and cover letter.


Your Resume

compile [kəm̀pail] v собирать (факты, материал, статистические данные и т.п.)
appropriate [ə'рrəυрrit] а соответствующий, подходящий; уместный
convey [ kən'vei] v сообщать; передавать

to convey ideas, informationпередавать мысли, сеедения

to convey the meaningпередать смысл

in print — в напечатанном виде; опубликованный, напечатанный

tip [tip] n разг. намёк, совет;

highlight ['hailait] v ярко освещать, выдвигать на первый план

handout ['hǽndaυt] n рекламная листовка, проспект, отпечатанный текст

glimpse [glimps] n некоторое представление, намек

set apart ['seta'pa:t] phr v отдалять, выделять

his gifts set him apart from other young paintersодаренность выделила его из рядов остальных молодых живописцев

newsletter ['nju:z̀̀̀̀̀¸letə] n информационный бюллетень (учреждения, фирмы)

format [ 'fộ:rmǽt] n представление информации

accolade [ ǽkəleid] n похвала, одобрение, одобрительный или похвальный отзыв

acquaintance [ə'kweintəns] n знакомый; знакомая

we are but slight acquaintances мы немного,(едва) знакомы

prospective [prə'spektiv] а будущий, ожидаемый, предполагаемый

pitfall ['pitfo:l] n трудность; опасность; западня

pitfalls of the lawюридические ловушки, сложности

font [font] n полигр.комплект шрифта

tailor ['teilə] приспосабливать

internship [in't3:nsip] n амер. Интернатура

consistent [кənsist(ə)nt] а последовательный

skip.[skip] v пропускать, делать пропуски; обходить, не затрагивать

secure [si'kjυə] v получать, приобретать, доставать

fraternity [frə't3:niti] n амер. студенческое братство,

complaint [kəm'pleіnt] п. жалоба; рекламация; претензия

sorority [sə'roriti] n женская организация; женское общество; женское землячество в университете и т. п.)

rush n [r^S] амер. унив. соревнование, состязание

counsel ['kaυns(ə)l] n обсуждение, совещание, совет

implementation ["implimən'teiS(ə)n] n осуществление, выполнение, реализа! draft [dra:ft] v делать эскиз, набрасывать

figure [figə] v подсчитывать; вычислять

turf [ts:f] n (pi turves, turfs [tE:fs]) дёрн

pruning ['pru:niŋ] n обрезка, подрезка (ветвей); сад. формирование кроны

shrub [ŚŗĄb] п кустарник, куст

feasible ['fi:zəb(ə)1] а осуществимый, выполнимый; подходящий, годный

feasible planвыполнимый план

senior ['si;niə] а старший (по возрасту, по положению)

the senior partnerглава фирмы, главный компаньон

imaginative [i'mædЗ(ə)nətiv] а образный; художественный

imaginative literature [writings]художественная литература [-ые произведения

reference ['ref(ə)rəns] n ссылка (на кого-л., что-л.)

inconsistency [inkən`sist(ə)nsi] п несовместимость

adviser [əd'vaizə] n консультант;амер. унив. наставник, куратор

legal adviserюрисконсульт; советник; консультант по правовым вопросам

disturb [dis't3:b] v волновать, тревожить; выводить из душевного равновесия shift [sift] v перемещать; передвигать

to shift one`s groundизменить точку зрения; занять новую позицию


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