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Expansion of man’s activities in outer space and mastering nuclear energy make the relationship between man and nature still more complicated.

In view of this nature and environment protection is one of the major ecological problems. Today it is clear that economic, social, technological and biological processes are closely interrelated. We must consider modern production as a complicated ecological — economic system. It is only a strictly scientific approach to the industrial-technological development that can solve ecological problems.

Nature and environment protection is one of the major functions of the state, reflecting concept of society’s attitude to the environment. It became a constitutional principle. The State Committee for Hydro-meteorological and Environmental Control and other Government agencies together with public organisations supervise permanently ecological conditions in the country. The majority of states support initiatives and proposals of our country on Nature Conservation. Today more and more people in various countries begin to understand that countries both far and near one another are ecologically interdependent. Therefore all nations must cooperate in solving global problems of ecology.

Task 4. Find in the text English equivalents to the following Ukrainian words and word combinations:

боротися, вижити, розвиватись, науково-технічна революція, економічні досягнення, будівництво доріг, хімічні та промислові забруднювачі, чадний газ, відкритий космос, атомна енергія, відношення суспільства до навколишнього середовища, конституційний закон, екологічно взаємозалежні країни.


Task 5. Translate the following English words and word combinations into Ukrainian:

in order to, to be omnipotent, the correlation of forces, to declare, conquering and remoulding nature, at a rate of, animal species, to become extinct, to perish, hunting, fishing, open-cast mining, diverse hydrocarbons, acid rain, nature and environment protection, global problems of ecology.


Task 6. Explain the following words and word combinations in English without translation:

protection, pollutants, biosphere, ecologically interdependent, outer space.


Task 7. Translate the following word combinations into Ukrainian, paying attention to adverbs:

gradually grew, increasingly negative, closely interrelated, strictly scientific, permanently supervise, ecologically interdependent.


Task 8. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. З розвитком науки та технології людина змогла підкорити природу до своїх уподобань та потреб.

2. Щороку через людську діяльність зникають сотні гектарів лісів, багато видів рослин та тварин.

3. Промислові та хімічні забруднювачі погіршують стан навколишнього середовища.

4. Держава має створити єдину промислово-екологічну систему для контролю стану навколишнього середовища.


Task 9. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Continuous Tense:

1. Students (to spend) 3 weeks at the research laboratory last winter.

2. The environmental situation in Ukraine (to get worse).

3. State (to carry out) different laws, reflecting concept of society’s atti­tude to the environment.

4. It (to rain) all day and the roads were very wet.

5. Last spring (to be) wonderful. The sun (to shine) and the birds (to sing).


Task 10. First, fill in the table with the necessary verb forms. Then choose five verbs and make up sentences using the past simple:
  Infinitive   Past Simple   Past Participle  


Task 11. Prove the statement: At present the nature and environment protection is one of the major tasks of mankind.
Task 12. Write a short essay on the topic: Negative effect of industrial development on nature.

Such words may be useful:

road and factory constructions, industrial development, production of chemical and other industrial pollutants, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon, sulphur dioxide, acid rains, take away, forest, to disappear, animal species, plant species, to perish, poisoning the biosphere, to eject, complicated ecological — economic system.


Words and word combinations to be memorized:
1. ash зола, попіл
2. conquer підкорення, завоювання
3. constitutional principle конституційна норма
4. to contemplate розглядати, вважати
5. correlation of forces співвідношення сил
6. to dare насмілюватись
7. to declare проголошувати, наголошувати
8. to disappear зникати
9. diverse різноманітний
10. environment protection захист навколишнього середовища
11. factory constructions будівництво заводів
12. industrial pollutants промислові забруднювачі
13. interdependent взаємозалежність
14. millennia тисячоліття
15. omnipotent всемогутній, величезний
16. open-cast mining відкрита розробка
17. to remould змінювати, підлаштовувати
18. to perish гинути, зникати
19. physical extermination фізичне винищення
20. plant 1) рослина, 2) завод
21. to remain залишатися
22. scientific approach науковий підхід
23. to struggle боротися
24. to survive вижити, продовжити існування
25. weak слабкий


Task 1. Discuss with the partners in your group what pollution is. What can be polluted?
Task 2. Think of the possible measures for nature protection and present your thoughts in a few words.
Task 3. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the letters ‘wh’:

a) what, when, where, why, wheel, overwhelming, while;

b) who, whose, whom, whole,;

Task 4. You are going to read about pollution in Ukraine. Seven sentences have been removed from the text. Choose from the sentences (A-G) the one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (1).

A. Other Ukrainian cities with major chronic air pollution problems include Kyiv, Komunarsk, Makiivka and Odesa.

B. The majority of states support initiatives and proposals of our country on Nature Conservation.

C. Hundreds of small rivers supply water for three-quarters of the villages and half of Ukraine’s cities.

D. Moreover, surface runoff from industrial territories is highly contaminated.

E. As a result the sea’s salinity has increased by more than 40 per cent since the 1950s.

F. Such contamination originates from human activities that create waste products.

G. Almost all surface waters of Ukraine belong to the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov basins.

Pollution is the contamination of the environment, including air, water, and land, with undesirable amounts of material or energy. 1. ___F___. An industrial and intensively fanned country, Ukraine contains some of the most polluted landscapes in Eastern Europe. Pollution became evident in Ukraine with industrial development in the 19th century.

Air pollution is especially severe in many of the heavily industrialized cities and towns of south-eastern Ukraine, notably in Kharkiv, Luhansk, Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhia. Coal-using industries, such as metallurgical coke-chemical plants, steel mills, and thermal power plants are major sources of high levels of uncontrolled emissions of sulphur dioxide, dust, unburned hydrocarbons, and other harmful substances. 2. _______.

Over one-third of the emissions into the atmosphere originate from automobile transport. That source, which attains overwhelming proportions in cities with little industry, such as Uzhhorod, Yalta, Poltava and Khmelnytskiy, is aggravated by the use of leaded gasoline and inefficient engines as well as a lack of catalytic converters. 3. _______. The high population density, heavy industrial development, and relatively low freshwater endowment of those basins, and the low governmental priority placed upon environmental protection until very recently, have given rise to chronic and serious levels of water pollution throughout Ukraine.

The Dnister and the Danube are included among the most polluted bodies of water in the territory of the former Soviet Union. 4. _______. Widespread fear is growing in Ukraine that a substantial fraction of those water arteries are so polluted as to pose fatal health risks to the people who depend on them. About half of the chemical fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides applied in the fields are washed off into rivers. 5. _______. One of the areas suffering most from serious and chronic coastal water pollution is the Sea of Azov. That shallow and previously biologically rich and commercially productive body of water has experienced serious problems of industrial and municipal waste-water contamination and increased levels of salinity since the early 1970s.

A primary cause of the sea’s ecological deterioration has been the diversion for purposes of irrigation (up to 80 per cent) of fresh, but not necessarily pure, water inflow from the Don and the Kuban rivers. 6. _______. Combined with pollution that increase has resulted in a dramatic drop in fish catches (by 60—90 per cent). Despite repeated warnings and special government anti-pollution resolutions, the conditions in the Sea of Azov continue to deteriorate.

Task 5. Find in the text English equivalents to the following Ukrainian words and word combinations:

відходи промисловості, металургійні коксо-хімічні заводи, сталеливарні заводи, теплова електростанція, величезні пропорції, бензинові та малоефективні двигуни, каталітичний спалювач вихлопних газів, поверхневі води, висока щільність населення, вимиватися в ріки, поверхневий стік, забруднений, підвищений рівень солоності, екологічне погіршення, зрошування.


Task 6. Translate the following words and word combinations into Ukrainian:

contamination of the environment, intensively fanned country, the most polluted landscape, heavily industrialized cities, dust, unburned hydrocarbons, harmful substances, automobile transport, freshwater endowment, chemical fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, anti-pollution resolutions

Task 7. Find in the text antonyms to the following words and word combinations:

desirable, refining, profusion, to improve, destructive, poor, dirty.


Task 8. Fill in the correct words from the list below. Use each word only once:

protection, anti-pollution, originates from, industries, to be washed off,

amounts, emissions, to pose, fanned, automobile, contaminated, power


1. undesirable ______ of material   7. originate from ______ transport  
2. ______ human activities   8. environmental ______  
3. intensively ______ country   9. ______ fatal health risks  
4. coal-using ______   10. ______ into rivers  
5. thermal ______ plant   11. to be highly ______  
6. ______ into the atmosphere   12. government ______ resolutions  


Task 9. Write the following numerals by words:

12, 2nd, 135, 574234, 1111, 1985 (year), 1/6, 5, 1000000000

Task 10. Answer the following questions:

1. What does the word “pollution” mean?

2. Where does such contamination originate from?

3. What rivers are the most polluted?

4. Where are the chemical fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides washed off?

5. Tell about the conditions in the Sea of Azov.

6. What caused a dramatic drop in fish catches in the Sea of Azov?

7. What has happened to the sea’s salinity?


Task 11. Make up a dialogue on air pollution and dramatize it. Use the following words:


air pollution, a great number of cars, ways for solving the pollution problem, better engines for cars, electrically driven cars, more trams, parks and gardens.


Task 12. You are going to take part in the international conference “Ecology”. Write a short report: “Ecological problems in Ukraine”.

The following information can be included in your report:

1) What is pollution?

2) What causes pollution?

3) Pollution in Ukraine. (earth surface, air, water pollution)


  Words and word combinations to be memorized:
1. to attain досягати  
2. coke-chemical plant коксохімічний завод  
3. contamination зараження, забруднення  
4. converter перетворювач  
5. density щільність  
6. deterioration погіршення  
7. diversion відхилення  
8. endowment обдарування  
9. environment навколишнє середовище  
10. evident наявний, справжній  
11. to fan сіяти, засівати  
12. fertilizer добриво  
13. harmful substances шкідливі речовини  
14. irrigation зрошення  
15. landscape ландшафт  
16. mill завод, фабрика, стан  
17. notably особливо, помітно  
18. to originate походити, мати походження  
19. overwhelming величезний, незліченний  
20. pollution забруднення  
21. population density щільність населення  
22. severe суворий  
23. surface поверхня  
24. thermal power plant теплова електростанція (ТЕС)  
25. undesirable небажаний, незручний  


Task 1. Working in your group discuss what scientific and technological progress consists in. What do you know about automation?
Task 2. Look at the following words and try to guess their meaning: automatic control, automation, automated production lines.

The following may be useful:

Methods and machines to save human labour;

Self-regulation by means of feedback;

Self-regulative mechanisms.

Task 3. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the letters ‘au’:

automation, automatic control, automated system, automobile, to launch;

Task 4. You are going to read about automation and labour. Choose the most suitable heading from the list (A-G) for each part 1-6. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use:

A Advantages of automation

B Ukraine is highly automated country

C The principal direction of automation

D Influence of automation on social life

E Main components of automation

F Expansion of automation into all branches of production

G Role of man in the process of automated production


1. __________

It is a matter of common knowledge nowadays that the principal direction of the present-day scientific and technological progress consists in the revolution of mechanized forms of work through the automation of production. Quite recently, only some decades ago, even the words “automation”, “automatic control” seldom appeared on the pages of the press or scientific publications. In the early forties the position radically changed. Soon automatic control was recognized throughout the world to be a new, progressive, independent branch of science and engineering. Today one cannot imagine technical progress without automation.

2. __________

Automation may be defined as “the accomplishment of a job by an integrated mechanism with a minimum assistance of any kind”. In fact, automation is the integration of four independent compounds which have been linked together into a single process. These integral parts of automation are: transfer machining перезавантажувальна машина, automatic assembly, communication engineering and control engineering.

3. __________

Emphasis should be made that automation is not a mere extension of mechanization, but a qualitatively new step in technological development. It brought about radical changes in the technological nature of the relationship between man and machine. In mechanization the function of the direct effect on the object of labour was transferred to the working mechanism. Here, man remained the principal agent of the technological process. He retained the functions of control, regulation, maintaining machines and direct intervention in production process. With the advent of automation these functions were transferred to the mechanical device. The automation of production enables man to operate machines with the help of other machines. Now machines discharge not only production but also intellectual, and in some cases even physiological functions.

4. __________

Our country has many thousands of comprehensively mechanized and automated enterprises and workshops. The mechanized and automated production lines replace or lighten the work of a tremendous number of workers. All the hydropower plants in the country have been completely automated. Every year thousands of automated control systems go into operation at agricultural, communication, trade, transport enterprises and organizations.

5. __________

Modern means of automation make it possible to link up in a single complex the whole technological chain: machine designing, equipment and rigging, control of a technological process, control of the whole enterprise. This has been made possible due to the extensive development and mass production of new types of computer technology, from large computers to microprocessors.

Comprehensive повна automation calls мати на увазі for material inputs виробничі витрати and time. But the economic effect from the release of “living labour”, the intensification of production, the higher quality of output and more flexible technology make up for the inputs, while, on the social plane, it gives opportunities for creative work by both the makers of this technology and its users.

Thus, now the main trend in automation is developing not merely automatic machines, but entire technological processes and systems whose functioning excludes the direct involvement of men.

6. __________

Complex automation makes an important impact on social, economic and political areas. Automation contributes to a steady rise in the material and cultural well-being of the people, to a substantial increase in the living standards of the people. The automation helps to obliterate the frontiers separating brain work from physical labour. It creates a basis for raising the intellectual level, for the all-round and harmonious development of the individual and his unprecedented cultural flowering.

Task 5. Find in the text equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

науково-технічний прогрес, автоматизація виробництва, автоматичне управління, незалежна галузь науки, машинобудування, виконання роботи, автоматична збірка, організація технічного контролю, основний елемент, механічний прилад, автоматизовані підприємства, гідроелектростанція, техніка зв’язку, управління технологічним процесом.

Task 6. Make up word combinations from the following words and translate them into Ukrainian:
  1. harmonious a) agent  
  2. brain b) technology  
  3. working c) chain  
  4. principal d) control  
  5. computer e) mechanism  
  6. technological f) function  
  7. automatic g) development  
  8. physiological h) work  
Task 7. Translate the following words and word combinations into Ukrainian:

principal direction, automatic control, independent branch of science and engineering, the accomplishment of a job, minimum assistance, transfer machining, automatic assembly, control engineering, principal agent, direct intervention in production process, mechanical device, mechanized and automated enterprises and workshops, production lines, agricultural, communication, trade, transport enterprises, machine designing, equipment and rigging, control of the whole enterprise, well-being of the people.

Task 8. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Науково-технічний прогрес зробив можливим перехід від механічного до автоматичного виробництва.

2. Техніка зв’язку є невід’ємною частиною автоматизації.

3. Автоматизація замінила людське втручання до програмованих машини.

4. Зараз машини виконують всю людську роботу, від розробки до кінцевого виробництва.

5. Всі гідроелектростанції управляються автоматично, без людського втручання.

6. Автоматизація виробництва дала людині можливість працювати більш креативно.


Task 9 Fill in the blanks with the, a, an where necessary:

1. ____ air is essential for life.

2. Most of ____ great inventors live and work in ____ Ukraine.

3. He gives lectures twice ____ week.

4. He traveled by ____ train.

5. There are many completely automated enterprises in ___ Kyiv.

6. Fleming discovered penicillin in ____ evening.


Task 10. Answer the following questions:

1. What does present-day scientific and technological progress consists of?

2. How can automation be defined?

3. What are the integral parts of automation?

4. What functions are transferred to a mechanical device with the advent of automation?

5. Where are automated control systems used?

6. How do you understand the term “single complex”?

7. What is the impact of complex automation on social, economic and political spheres?

Task 11. Make up the sentences about automation by matching the words in columns. Prepare a short review “What is Automation?” using these sentences:


1. consists of a) entire technological processes and systems.
2. brought about b) to a steady rise in the material and cultural well-being of the people.
3. transfers c) radical changes in the technological nature of the relationship between man and machine.
4. develops d) the boundaries between brain work and physical labour.
5. makes e) functions of control to the mechanical device.
6. contributes f) a basis for a harmonious development of the individual.
7. erases g) an important impact on social, economic and political areas.
8. creates h) such integral parts: transfer machining, automatic assembly, communication engineering and control engineering.

Words and word combinations to be memorized:
1. accomplishment виконання  
2. to appear з’являтися, виникати  
3. assistance підтримка, допомога  
4. automatic control автоматичне управління  
5. called for покликаний, призначений для  
6. to change змінювати  
7. communication engineering техніка зв’язку  
8. comprehensive automation комплексна автоматизація  
9. control engineering техніка автоматичного управління  
10. to define визначати, давати визначення  
11. direct effect безпосередній вплив  
12. to enable робити можливим  
13. frontier межа  
14. hydropower plant гідроелектростанція  
15. to imagine уявляти, припускати  
16. impact вплив  
17. intellectual level інтелектуальний рівень  
18. intervention втручання  
19. involvement участь  
20. to lighten полегшувати, спрощувати  
21. to link up з’єднувати  
22. principal головний, основний  
23. relationship відносини  
24. technological chain технологічний ланцюг  
25. tremendous number велика кількість  
26. transfer machining перезавантажувальна машина  


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