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Subjunctive I represents the action as problematic, but not contradicting reality. It's used to express suggestion, necessity, advice, supposition, etc.

Subjunctive I is seldom used in modern English. It is mostly used in the language of official documents and high prose and the American variant of English. It is used in different types of clauses: subject clauses, object clauses, adverbial clauses etc.



Part III general revision exercises Paraphrase the following sentences, using different types of Moods 1 Don't cry at me. I haven't done anything wrong. 2 For some reason his movements were incredibly slow, as though performed by another person. 3 From the way he acts one may conclude he is boss here. 4 From what he says one might think that he has never heard about this. 5 He doesn't know a thing about the new project. He only tries to make the impression he does. 6 He doesn't live near his institute, so it takes him much time to get there. 7 He played football so well that it seemed he had been training for many years. 8 I am not a child. Don't treat me like a child. 9 I have no car, so I don't go to the office by car. 10 I prefer tea without milk. 11 It is impossible that Jane has gone to Paris. 12 It is not necessary for you to come tomorrow. I can manage alone. 13 It seems you have mixed up everything. 14 It's a pity I have no time to visit you. 15 Judging by his behaviour one might think he has visited this country before. 16 Mary doesn't like football, so she does not go to the football matches. 17 Paul is a sailor, he knows how to run this boat. 18 Peter doesn't work hard, so he makes many mistakes. 19 She kept inclining her head as if listening for something. 20 She was sorry he couldn't sing well. 21 They did not lose their way because they had the map. 22 Tom is ill, so he has to stay in bed on such a fine afternoon. 23 You ate very much in the morning and you are feeling bad now.   Translate into English 1 Ах, если бы хоть кто-нибудь сказал мне о приближающейся опасности вовремя! 2 Пора бы вам помириться. 3 Она посмотрела на меня так, словно увидела меня впервые. 4 Если он все же забудет свое обещание, я ему напомню. 5 Да сопутствует тебе удача! 6 Если бы не туфли, которые мне малы (that pinch me), мне было бы совсем весело. 7 А что если она вдруг забудет об этом? 8 Я бы предпочел, чтобы никто не знал об этом. 9 Было бы хорошо, если бы вы всегда приходили вовремя. 10 Ведь я ничего и не смог бы тогда сделать. 11 Он обращается с ней так, словно она ребенок. 12 Возьми такси, чтобы мы не опоздали на поезд. 13 Я бы предпочел, чтобы они провели выходные в деревне. Погода будет прекрасная. 14 Да перестанете же вы болтать! 15 Даже если бы вы узнали меня, не подавайте вида. 16 Как жаль, что вы были так неосторожны. Этого бы не случилось, если бы вы послушали совета наших друзей. 17 Девочка посмотрела на меня, словно я её обидел. 18 Если бы можно было никогда не волноваться на экзаменах! 19 Мне казалось, что никто не смог бы меня остановить. 20 Если бы не её объяснение, я бы сейчас делала ошибки. 21 Думаю, нам пора разжечь костер. 22 Ему всегда кажется, что он не нравится людям. 23 Если бы бабушка была жива! 24 Ему лучше подождать здесь. 25 Если бы вчера вы не убежали от зубного, у вас не болели бы  
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Ex. It's necessary that you help them. (subject clause). He suggested that we take part in it. (suggestion - object clause) He was afraid lest they be late. (fear, worry - object clause) lest - как бы не Put down my address lest you forget it. (warning – adverb. clause of purpose) lest - чтобы не Traditional Use: wish: Long live May Day! Success attend you! Be ours a happy meeting. God bless you. Heaven forbid. concession: So be it. (Да будет так.) Come what will. (Будь, что будет.) Suffice to say that... (Достаточно сказать,...) Far be it from me... (Я далек от того, чтобы...) curse: Hang it! Damn it! Manners be hanged! (К черту хорошие манеры!) Ex.1 Translate the following sentences with Subjunctive I. State the type of the clause. 1. Without raising his head he replied: "Dear child, I suggest you continue your stroll." 2. In the full flow of his gratitude, the Consul insisted that his friend be spared the discomforts of the first stage of the journey - Garcia would drive him to Barcelona. 3. On the walls of the houses Pinocchio noticed the words: "Long live the games! Down with arithmetic!" 4. "Margaret," said Father, "I suggest you go and lie down and put a damp cloth on your forehead." 5. He decided to avoid an afternoon call lest he be pressed to stay for tea... 6. He saw he must stop them, lest they come to an untimely end, and raised both his arms arrestingly. 7. You exaggerate the failures you have had in order that he may realize that life has its hardships for you too. 8. See him yourself, in order that the proposals made may not appear to be anything more than an impulse or your own. 9. He said good night, in a low tone and quickly, lest he say something worse. Ex.2 Transform the following sentences into complex sentences object clauses. 1. He suggested our putting off the meeting. 2. He persisted on their making the experiment at once. 3. I suggest your giving yourself so much to do you won't have time to think of your troubles. 4. The boy's temperature was normal but his father insisted on his staying in bed. Ex.3 Complete the following sentences with appropriate subordinate clauses: 1. It was essential that... 2. He entered the room on tiptoe lest... 3. His suggestion has been that... 4. At last she proposed that... 5. It was so imperative that... 6. It was clever of you to suggest that... 7. It was quite natural that... 8. He kept silent lest... 9. She reached over to turn off the radio lest... 10. It was incredible that... 11. The chairman proposed... 12. I thought it advisable that... 13. It seemed a little odd that... 14. I wonder why he demanded... 15. He was afraid to be late that's why he insisted... 16. It was already late and he worried... 17. It was annoying that... 18. Everyone approved his suggestion that... 19. What do you think of his advice that...? 20. She was uneasy lest... 21. My sister was afraid lest... 22. Susanne looked around her uneasily, she feared lest... 23. They spoke in whispers lest...  
Ex. 5. a) Translate the following extract from "The Gadfly" (by E.L. Voinich) using object and other clauses. Все присутствовавшие на собрании считали, что необходимо бо­роться с цензурой. но предлагали различные методы борьбы, такие как петиции и политические памфлеты. Галли предложил начать орга­низованную пропаганду против иезуитов и поднять против них народ. Синьора Болла поддержала это предложение, добавив, что самое смертельное оружие, известное ей - это насмешка, и что их цель - заставить народ смеяться над иезуитами. Она рекомендовала выпус­тить ряд небольших иллюстрированных сатирических листовок и спро­сила, не знает ли кто-либо хорошего сатирика. Доктор Рикардо ска­зал, что хорошо бы пригласить Овода, он знает его уже несколько лет и уверен, что Овод согласился бы работать с ними в одном нап­равлении. После того, как Рикардо и Галли рассказали, что им из­вестно об Оводе, все согласились, что его следует пригласить ра­ботать с ними и предложили Рикардо написать ему. b) Choose an extract from fiction to supply it with forms of unreality. Ex. 6.Reproduce a story introducing into it, of your own accord, as many various means of expressing unreality as possible. · As a sample of such a story you may take "Mr.Know-All" (after S.Maugham) given in parts at p 111, I.P. Krylova, "Exercises In English Grammar".   T H E T R A D I T I O N A L U S E O F M O O D F O R M S * As was stated at the beginning of this handover there is a limited number of cases where the use of forms expressing unreality has become a matter of tradition and they are usually called "set phrases". Ex. 7. Read the following sentences and find the adequate translation in Russian for the traditional expressions underlined in the text. 1. Was it you I saw there? - What should I do there? However, be that as it may, I never was there. 2. " Far be it from me ", he said, "to interfere with your arrangements." 3. Suffice it to say that his idea lacked originality. 4. My aunt believes she is doing good to the village, as it were. 5. "I like your young boy, Dinny," said her grandmother. " Be yours a happy marriage. " 6. The actress, as it were, did not suit the role. 7. As luck would have it, I got a ten pound check from my father that morning. 8. Come what may, he decided to sell the house. 9. They were busy packing and, as it were, they took no notice of me. 10. I have written few pages that I feel I could not improve but I could do no better, as it were. Ex. 8. Think of your own situational sentence to use the set expressions in the exercise above. Ex. 9. Rendering (L.A. Barmina, Exercises in English Syntax, M - 73.)  
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Ex. 3. What would you say if you took part in the following mini-dialogue? 1.A:... B: He orders that they should do it right away. 2.A:... B: Laura insisted that we should put it off. 3.A: His irritable demand that he should be left alone annoys me. B:... 4.A: I suggest that you should all dine with me on Sunday. B:... 5.A: I did not say that for fear lest I should offend you. B.... 6.A:... B: Has she no fear she should be punished? 7.A: It's queer that you should treat him as a perfect stranger. B:... 8.A:... B: I was only interested in coincidence that we should meet here like this. 9.A: What do you suggest we should do? B:... A: It’s funny you should have made up your mind to go there. B:... 10.A:... B: It's really remarkable that he should have said that. 11.A:... B: It's only natural that you should like your future work. Ex. 4. a) Translate the following sentences into Russian. 1. Необходимо, чтобы я повидался с ней, прежде чем я уйду. 2. Казалось, он считал естественным, что они пошли вместе. 3. Было условлено, что мы встретимся в 5 часов. 4. Я глубоко огорчен, что вы оказались свидетелем такой позорной сцены. 5. Необходимо, что­бы вы приехали на несколько дней раньше других. 6. Старый Вейд очень полюбил ребенка и настаивал, чтобы его назвали его именем. 7. Я предлагаю, чтобы вы пошли домой и немного отдохнули. 8. Она настаивала, чтобы я остался обедать. 9. Мальчик не осмеливался смотреть на отца, чтобы тот не ругал и не наказал его. 10. Мне хотелось знать, куда он ушел, но я не осмеливался заговорить, бо­ясь, что я нарушу тишину. 11. Проведите его ко мне, чтобы я мог поблагодарить его лично. 12. Он предложил, чтобы я остался у него на несколько дней, чтобы он мог показать мне кое-что из окрест­ностей. b) Think of possible situations for same of the sentences to make them more lively. Additional exercises: Krutikov: 22 (109); 2 (109) Krylova: 3 (95); 6, 9 (97); 19 (101); 21(102); 31 (105); 33 (106); 37 (108); 41 (110).
Ex.4 Fill in the missing parts of the sentences, using the following elements: he suggested; I demand; we don't insist; her suggestion was; it was his advice; it was agreed; he proposed; she insisted; it was she who insisted; she didn't demand; she orders; her demand was; my urgent request is; the doctor recommends; he positively insisted; someone suggested. Ex.5 Supply the following sentences with principal clauses to justify the use of Subj.1. 1.... that nothing be done until we get a report. 2.... that he be present here. 3.... that he stop smoking. 4.... that we take decisive steps. 5.... that nothing be done without the doctor's advice. Ex.6 Translate into English: 1. Я глубоко огорчен, что вы оказались свидетелем такой позорной сцены. 2. Необходимо, чтобы вы приехали на несколько дней раньше других. 3. Старый Вейд очень полюбил ребенка и настаивал, чтобы его назвали его именем. 4. Проведите его ко мне, чтобы я мог поблагодарить его лично. 5. Когда тренер команды лыжников предложил, что он напишет письмо матери Майкла, объясняя, что Майкл может стать звездой в команде, Майкл покачал головой и запретил ему поддерживать с ней связь. !!! Discussion:When choosing a place to live. what do you consider most important: location, size, style, number of rooms, types of rooms, or other features? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer. Additional exercises: Natanson: pp. 7-8; 21-25: Ex. 17 (22), 18 (22), 19 (23), 20 (23) pp. 57-58: Ex. 19 (57), 20 (57), 22 (58) SUBJUNCTIVE II In Russian when we want to show that the action is not real we use the Subjunctive mood (the past form of the verb plus the particle "бы" - сказал бы, пошел бы, ответил бы). In English this mood is rendered by the form of Subjunctive II, which is also the past form of any verb. Ex. Oh, if only it were summer! I wish we had time. It's time we knew everything. Subjunctive II represents the action as unreal, as contrary to reality. Morphologically it has two forms: "non-perfect" (Subjunctive II present) and "perfect" (Subjunctive II past). Subjunctive II present Subjunctive II past (non-perfect) (perfect) I did I had done He were He had been We went We had gone You had You had had  
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The non-perfect form of Subjunctive II is used to express actions simultaneous with the present (or past) moment of the predicate or referred to the future. Ex. I wish you were all here. (Как бы хотелось, чтобы вы все были здесь.) He behaved as if he were a child. (Он вел себя как ребенок.) She wished she could stay there. (Ей хотелось бы остаться там.) The perfect form of Subjunctive II is used to express priority of actions which were not fulfilled and are only to be regretted. Ex. If only I had not missed the chance. (Если бы я только не упустил ту возможность.) THE USE OF SUBJUNCTIVE II It may be used independently of other clauses to express: a) advice: She had better go there at once. (Ей лучше пойти туда сразу.) b) preference: I would rather stay home. (Я бы лучше осталась дома.) I would sooner have some sandwiches. (Я бы лучше съела несколько бутербродов.) Would you rather have tea or coffee? (Вы предпочитаете чай или кофе?) с) wish in if-clauses: If only I could see the picture again! (Если бы я только могла увидеть эту картину снова!) Ex.1 Use Subjunctive II of the verbs in brackets to express advice, preference or wish. 1. If my kids want to go to college when they grow up they (to have) better be good enough to get a scholarship because their old man won't be able to afford the tuition. 2. Oh, if only Charles (to be) to be trusted. 3. If only he (can) tell her now, spare her these extra hours of suspense. 4. "I (will) rather wait here," she answered. She smiled a little. "Don't argue with me, Mark, I've quite made up my mind". 5. If only he (to be) normal, and more mature, and better educated, and had other work. Ex.2 Transform the following sentences so as to use Subjunctive II, expressing advice (A), preference (B) and wish (C). A. 1. I think we ought to stop now. 2. It is not advisable for children to sit in front of a television set all evening. 3. I advise you to try on another dress. This one is too tight for you. 4. It's getting dark. We ought to switch on the light. B. 1. Would you prefer to go the concert or to the cinema? 2. They prefer going by air. 3. Do you prefer to have tea or coffee? 4. Would you like to go to the concert or to listen to it at home on the radio? 5. I prefer apples to pears. C. 1. I want so much to get there in time. 2. I want so much it to be true. 3. I want so much to be able to help you. 4. I wanted so much to be able to tell her everything. 5. It's such a pity you didn't tell her the truth.  
b) conjunction "so that" 1. Стой здесь, чтобы тебе все было видно. 2. Я принесу тебе эту книжку, чтобы ты сама посмотрела. 3. Он нарисовал мне план, чтобы я нашла дорогу к озеру. 4. Мама сделала нам несколько бутербро­дов, чтобы мы поели в поезде. 5. Он подчеркнул все неличные формы красным карандашом, чтобы я их сразу увидела. 6. Я думаю, я сделаю это сейчас, чтобы вечером мы могли пойти в кино. 7. Я куплю ко­робку конфет, чтобы ты ей их подарила. c) also do the translation Ex 19 p 101, I.P.Krylova !!! Discussion:A person you know is planning to move to your town or city. What do you think this person would like and dislike about living in your town or city? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. R E V I S I O N E X E R C I S E S Ex. 1. Make up sentences for all the types of the Suppositional Mood or Subjunctive I. Ex. 2. Fill in the missing parts of the dialogue (work in pairs). a) On Travelling Ann: I like travelling. Boris: Who doesn't? All you need is free time and enough money and a place to stay. Ann: I'm not joking. I suggest (1.............................) Boris: Do you want to go to Susdal because it is interesting, or because your mother lives there? Ann: It is necessary (2............................?) Boris: Yes, I've read so much about it. I wonder whether it looks the same as it did in the past? Ann: Where should you suggest (3............................?) b) On Football Alec: Father suggests (1.............................) The match will be interesting, he says. Bill: Who's playing? I suppose (2.............................) I am an army fan. Alec: It’s an international game. Bill: (3.............?!) That's different! Phone me tomorrow morning, lest (4............) Alec: That's settled. I think you should (5.............................) Bill: Thank you very much. I'm excited already. c) Food and Shopping Ann: What are we having for dinner today, mother? Mother: It should be (1.............................) Ann: Why can't we eat meat? I am tired of eating fish. Mother: We've had meat the last three days. And you had ham for breakfast. It isn't advisable (2.............................) Ann: What about too much fish? Mother: I'm not sure about tinned fish, but I know fresh fish (3.............................) Besides dinner is almost ready. Ann: Thank you, mother. My classes begin in half an hour. I must be off or I should (4.............................)  
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Ex. 30. Supply the following sentences with principal clauses to justify the use of the Suppositional Mood. 1.... in case his absence should be noticed. 2.... so that no one should be allowed to leave the place. 3.... in order that this should be better understood. 4.... lest I should wake him. 5.... lest he should see the expression of her face. 6.... so that he should have enough time. 7.... so that they should reach the place before rush hours. 8.... in case the place should be very cold. 9.... lest your parents should worry. 10.... lest I should lose sight of them. 11.... so that they should catch up with us. Ex. 31. Paraphrase the sentences turning the infinitive phrases into clauses of purpose. 1. The nurse stepped around for the doctor to see the man's wo­und. 2. I want to go to London for my wife to see the play. 3. I know he'll come home for us to have dinner together. 4. Shall I ring for the maid to clear these things away? 5. He spoke loudly and clearly for all to hear. 6. I'm telling you this for you to write home about. 7. He kept the gate closed for the cows not to get into the garden. 8. She left the room for little Emma to sleep quietly. 9. She rang off for her mother not to know whom she had been tal­king to. 10. He left a book here for me to look over. 11. He was plucking early roses for her to carry back to town. 12. She told all sorts of lies for her children not to hate their father. Ex. 32. Develop the following sentences into situations. Construct at least one sentence to specify, prove or refute the given one. Model: Put down my address lest you should forget it. - Put down my address lest you should forget it. I know that you’re very absent-minded and always forget everything. 1. Do it at once lest you should put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 2. Go to bed early and rise early so that you may be healthy, wealthy and wise. 3. He showed me to the station lest I should lose my way. 4. She let the children play in the garden lest they should disturb the father. 5. Let's take sandwiches with us lest we should get hungry. 6. Don't tell her anything lest she should be worried. 7. Let's make haste lest we should miss the train. 8. Here's my telephone number in case you should want to get in touch with me. 9. I tried to look quite calm so that she shouldn't guess that I was terribly disappointed. 10. It was very slippery in the street and I went slowly lest I should fall. 11. Put the milk into the refrigerator lest it should get sour. Ex. 33. Translate the following sentences connecting the clauses by means of: a) conjunction "lest" 1. Ложись сейчас же спать, чтобы не проспать завтра утром. 2. Уходя на работу, скажи сыну, чтобы он не забыл выключить газ. 3. Студенты должны использовать каждую возможность говорить по-анг­лийски, чтобы не потерять навыки правильной речи. 4. Проводите нас, пожалуйста, до автобусной станции, чтобы мы не заблудились и не опоздали на автобус. 5. Не говори так громко, чтобы не разбу­дить детей. 6. Держись ровно и смотри людям в глаза, чтобы не по­думали, что ты говоришь неправду. 7. Не можешь ли ты придвинуть кресло ближе, чтобы я показала тебе альбом фотографий. 8. Открой, пожалуйста, окно, чтобы не было так душно. 9. Скорее открывай зонтик, чтобы мы не промокли.
Ex.3 Finish the sentences to justify the use of Subjunctive II: 1. I wonder if it wouldn't be better... 2. I think you had better... 3. You had better not say that... 4. If only he had left... 5. If it is not too much trouble I'd rather... 6. Take care, you had better... 7. We'd better make reservations... Ex.4 Make up sentences with the following elements to express advice, preference, wish. You had better come I would sooner tell I'd rather tell If only I could Wouldn't she sooner be If only he had left Ex.5 Make up short dialogues beginning them with sentences given below. Express advice, preference and wish. 1. If only I knew about it! 2. Hadn't you better take an umbrella? 3. If only you could have seen it! 4. I'd better go home now. 5. If only it had not been so sudden! 6. If he would only leave now. 7. Wouldn't you rather go to the cinema or to the concert? Additional exercises: · Natanson: pp. 45-52; Ex. 2,3 (47), 4 (48), 8 (50) · Read «The Last Leaf» by O’Henry and fulfil the following task: After Mr. Behrman’s death a letter was found among his personals addressed to Johnsy... (using S1 & S2)   In other cases the use of Subjunctive II is considered structurally dependent, i.e. it is usually used in certain types of clauses after certain verbs or conjunctions (in object, predicative, attributive, adverbial clauses of comparison, purpose, condition and also in those of concession). Object clauses Here Subjunctive II is used after the verb "to wish" to express an unreal desired action. I wish you were always here. (Жаль, что вы не всегда здесь.) I wish you had been there with us. (Как жаль,что вас не было с нами.) If the desired action refers to the future or is pronounced with a bit of annoyance the following forms may be used after the verb "wish". I wish you would stop chattering. (Как хорошо было бы, если бы ты прекратила болтать.) I wish I could remember all this. (Как хорошо было бы, если бы я могла всё это запомнить.)   Ex.6 Read and translate into Russian the following sentences with Subjunctive II in object clauses after "wish". 1. "I wish you wouldn't do it," she whispered. "I wish you could believe me." 2. I was afraid something was going to happen, and I wished I hadn't spoken. 3. I wish I could  
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