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Characteristics of the workplace

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In this thesis project is to develop an application for simplification of com – munication process of employees in a company. As work on the project is directly related on using of a personal computer (PC).

The main objective while working at PC is to ensure safety of life and normal conditions for people activities.

This is implemented through the protection of the environment and indivi –dual from the harmful factors preventing the increasing of permissible levels.

Higher productivity and efficiency depends on maintaining optimal conditions of working process and leisure of people. Therefore, analysis of hazardous impact is part of the graduation paper.

Characteristics of the workplace


Requirements for the organization and equipment of the employee work –place given in the Sanitary rules [21]. Height of user’s table surface must be regulated within 680-800 mm; if such is not possible height of the working surface of the table must be 725 mm.

The modular dimensions of the working surface of the table for the PC, on the basis of which must be calculated constructive sizes should be considered as:
width of 800, 1200, 1400 mm, depth of 800 and 1000 mm in height unregulated,
equal to 725 mm. This characteristics is shown in Figure 5.1


Figure 5.1 Distance between user and workplace


A work desk must have space for foot in height of at least 600 mm, a width - not less than 500 mm deep at the knees - at least 450 mm, and at outstretched legs - not less than 650 mm.

Office chair must be tilt-adjustable for height and tilt angles of the seat and back, as well as the distance back to front edge of the seat.

The workplace must be equipped with a footrest having a width of not less than 300 mm, a depth of not less than 400 mm, a height adjustment in, up to 150 mm and the angle of inclination of the supporting surface of the platform 20 degrees. Support surface should be grooved and be on the leading edge of a side height of 10 mm.

Keyboard should be placed on the table at a distance of 100 - 300 mm from the edge facing the user, or on a controlled height work surface, separated from the main countertops.


5.2 Analysis of dangerous and harmful factors

One of the adverse factors of environment in the office is the noise level generated by equipment for air conditioning, fans, and cooling systems in computers themselves.

To address the need for and feasibility of noise reduction is necessary to know the noise levels at the operator.

Noise arising from a few incoherent sources running simultaneously, calculated on the basis of the principle of energy summation of individual radiation sources:




Where Li – sound pressure level i of the noise source;

n – number of noise sources.

The results obtained are compared with the permissible noise level for a given workplace. If the calculation results above the permissible noise level, the need for special measures to reduce the noise. These include: lining the walls and ceiling of the hall sound-absorbing materials, reducing noise at source, proper layout of the equipment and the rational organization of the operator's position.

Sound pressure levels of noise sources acting on the operator in the workplace are shown in Table 5.1

Usually operator station is equipped with the following equipment: a hard drive in the system unit, the fan (s) cooling systems PC, monitor, keyboard, printer and scanner.

Substituting the values ​​of sound pressure level for each type of equipment in the formula, we obtain:


L= 10·lg (102.5+102.9+100.7+101+106.3+103.8 + 103.6) = 63.03 dB


Table 5.1 Sound pressure levels of different sources.

Noise source Noise level, dB
Hard disk  
Monitor screen  


The resulting value does not exceed the noise level for the operator's position equal to 65 dB that shown in Dangerous and harmful production factors. Classification [22]. And when you consider that hardly peripheral devices such as a scanner and a printer to be used simultaneously, this figure would be even lower. Furthermore, when the printer is not necessarily the immediate presence of the operator, since printer is provided with the feeder sheets.

In this section of the thesis were presented to the workplace requirements of the programmer. Created conditions should provide a comfortable fit. Based on a study of the literature on this issue have been indicated optimal size of the desktop suite, work surface, as well as the election of the system and calculates the optimum lighting production facilities, as well as calculation of the noise level in the workplace.

Compliance with the conditions that determine the optimal organization of the workplace of the engineer - programmer will keep good performance throughout the working day, will increase both in quantitative and qualitative terms, programmer productivity, which in turn will contribute to the rapid development and debugging software.


5.3 Health and labor protection during the work

Labor protection is a system of legislation, socio-economic, organizational, technical, hygienic and therapeutic measures and means of ensuring security, the preservation of health and human performance in the labor process. Law on safety and health [23].

Practical activity accepted to consider legislative acts, and socio-economic activities in terms of labor legislation and safety management; technical measures and tools - safety and fire protection system; hygiene and preventive activities and facilities - Occupational Health and Industrial Sanitation: organizational measures - in terms of both safety and industrial hygiene, and labor protection management.

All variety of acts, activities and facilities included in the concept of labor protection, aimed at creating such conditions under which excluded the impact on workers of dangerous and harmful factors.

Labor laws - a set of laws and regulations governing social and labor relations workers and employees.

Labor legislation governs labor relations of all workers and employees, promoting the growth of labor productivity, improve production efficiency and recovery on this basis the material and cultural living standards of workers, strengthen labor discipline. It establishes a temporary protection for labor rights of workers and employees and the inalienable right to establish their high level of safety and healthy working conditions.

The right of citizens to work implemented by the conclusion of the workers and employees of the employment contract of a robot in the enterprise, institution and organization. Labor contract curve has an agreement between workers and the company, in which a worker or employee undertakes to perform work on a particular specialty, qualification or position according to the internal regulations.

The most important condition is to ensure the safety training, instruction and examination of labor protection. Persons employed or transferable to another, pass the following types, coaching: introductory, primary workplace, repeated unplanned and current. Officials guilty of violating labor laws, safety regulations and industrial hygiene, in default of obligations under collective agreements on occupational safety or obstruct trade union activities are responsible for it. Depending on the degree of guilt they may be subject to disciplinary, administrative, financial and criminal penalties.



5.4 Measures for the fire safety

As work in the computer environment assumes the presence of electrical equipment, exploitation without compliance can lead to serious consequences, including the threat of human life. The main factor in this case is the threat of ignition of electrical wiring.

In the room there is a lot of combustible materials (paper, desks, cabinets, insulated conductive elements, etc.). A fire in a room can lead to very adverse consequences (loss of valuable information, property damage, death, etc.). Therefore, fire safety in this room is very urgent.

Hazards of fire, impact on people and property, according to The Law of RK on fire safety [24]. General requirements are: flames and sparks high tempera – ture environment, the toxic products of combustion and thermal decomposition, the smoke, the reduced concentration of oxygen. The secondary manifestations of fire hazards are the pieces and parts of destroyed vehicles, structures, toxic substances and materials released from destroyed vehicles, electrical current, resulting from the removal of high voltage to the conductive parts of structures, vehicles, hazards of explosion, which occurred because of the fire, extinguishing substance.

As is well known fire could occur in the interaction of flammable substances (wooden table, chair, paper, wire insulation, building materials for acoustic and aesthetic decoration, doors, and floors), an oxidizer (oxygen) and ignition sources.

The causes of fire. The causes of fire can be divided into the causes of electrical and non-electrical.

The factors of fire electrical nature are the following: short circuit, overload in the network, and large contact resistance, the lack of protection devices, over-current and over-voltage, over-heated elements in electronic circuits PC, devices, power supply, air conditioning, electrical sparks and arcs that can cause ignition of combustible materials.

The reasons for non-electrical include careless handling of fire (smoking in non-designated place), the use of the equipment for other purposes, use of defective equipment; include neglect of various heating devices.

Fire protection - a complex of organizational and technical measures aimed at ensuring the safety of people on fire prevention, restriction of its distribution, as well as to create conditions for effective fire extinguishing.

The fire hazard areas with the PC according to "Determination of categories of rooms, buildings and outdoor facilities for fire and explosion hazard" [25]refers to category B (flammable - characterized by the presence of flammable liquids with a flash point above 61° C, combustible dust or fibers, LEL which more than 65 g/m3, the volume of air substances capable of burning only the reaction with oxygen or with each other, solid combustible substances and materials).

Inflammable category spaces (B1-B4) depends on its fire load Q (MJ), which includes various combinations of slow-and combustible liquids, solids and materials:


Hi = ΣGi ∙ Qni (9)


where Gi - the number of i-th material fire load, kg; Hi - net calorific value of i-th material, MJ / kg. For example, the lower heating value of wood - 20, Plexiglas - 25 condition - 39, polyethylene and gasoline - 46 MJ / kg.

For the considered area: = 2 ∙ 61 ∙ 20 + 2 ∙ 38 ∙ 34 ∙ 20 + 20 + 4 ∙ 3,5 ∙ 25 = 4990 MJ.

Determination of fire room category (B1-B4) is carried out by comparing the maximum values ​​of the specific fire load g space with normalized value of the specific fire load GH shown in Table 5.2. The specific fire load g (MJ/m2) is determined from the relation g = Q / S, where S - area of ​​placement of fire load, m2.



Table 5.2

Classification of premises by fire


The specific fire load gH, MJ/m2 more 2200 1401-2200 181-1400 1-180

For the considered area: = 4990/16 = 311.875 MJ/m2.

Consequently, as shown in Table 5, the premises of fire danger is classified as B3.

Therefore, to prevent fires and increasing fire safety in this room is to be strict implementation and observance of the following terms and conditions:

It is forbidden to put things, books, paper for heating appliances, cabinets and window sills;

Door seals are fitted in the courts to prevent the smoke of separate rooms;

Ventilation system must be equipped with sensor to disable it in the event of a fire;

In the premises for the PC is forbidden to smoke and use open-th fire, electric heaters (electric soldering irons) is acceptable to use only with a voltage not exceeding 36 V;

Cannot leave the device connected to the BT of the power source when leaving the workplace;

At least once a month to clean the dust components and assemblies, cable channels and between the dipole space;

PC devices should be kept away from heaters and heating units (minimum distance of 1 m and in places where it is not hindered by their ventilation and no direct sunlight); Must not be installed to protect the electrical homemade fuses.

In accordance with the requirements of Fire safety. General Requirements “Fire Safety by fire prevention systems and fire protection”[25]. For the primary fire to the room there are two types of hand-held carbon dioxide extinguisher OU-8. In extinguisher OU-8 socket attached to the shut-off head through the armored hose 0.8 m extinguishers filled with liquid carbon dioxide under a pressure of 6-7 MPa.

Measures for fire prevention

Preventive work at the facilities include: periodic check the status of the fire safety of the facility as a whole and its individual parts, as well as providing control over the timely implementation of the proposed measures, constant monitoring of the conduct of fire works, interviews, briefings and special classes with students and teachers of the department on fire safety and other measures for prevention propaganda and agitation;-checking and proper maintenance of fixed automatic and primary fire extinguishing systems, fire alarm systems, installation of fire in the classrooms of automation.

In bringing to life on removal of fire hazards involved in both engineering and technical staff, and students.

Eliminate the cause of the fires is possible through the following activities:

Organizational - fire regulations, training, interviews, lectures, briefings, etc.

Maintenance - provide for proper operation of machinery, equipment, proper maintenance of buildings, grounds.

Technical - compliance with fire regulations.

Regime - ban smoking in prohibited places, production of welding in fire facilities, etc.



Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 70 | Нарушение авторских прав

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