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I. Preliminary

European Community legislation | Bilateral agreements | Я ПРИЕХАЛ В КАЧЕСТВЕ ПОСРЕДНИКА ДЛЯ ВЫРАБОТКИ КОМПРОМИССА | Text 2. Этикет - это, прежде всего хорошие манеры. Япония | Communications | Customs Clearance Rules For Air Travellers | If you have nothing to declare there will be no need for you to fill out a customs declaration and you can proceed along the green channel. | I. Preliminary | VШ. Additional Reading Task. Read the texts below. Translate the expressions and words in bold type. Render the articles. | I. Preliminary |

Читайте также:
  1. A Preliminary Note on Urban Design
  2. I. Preliminary
  3. I. Preliminary
  5. Preliminary Table of Factors’ Influence Assessment
  6. This theory reflects preliminary attempts to describe the notion of style as based primarily on the selection of expressive means.

1. Do you know when the normative legal act shall go into effect?

2. How should customs officer use the information obtained?


II. List of key terms and word combinations:

1. to define [dɪ′faɪn] – определять

2. executive [Ig'zekjutIv] power ['pauq] bodies – органы исполнительной власти

3. respective [rIs'pektIv] clauses [klɔ:ziz] – соответственные положения

4. equitable ['ekwItqbl] procedures[prq'si:dZqz] – льготный порядок

5. entry ['entrI] into force [fO:s] – вступление в силу

6. to affect [ə′fekt] – влиять, затрагивать

7. entrepreneurial [ɒntrəprə′nɜ:rɪəl] – предпринимательский

8. arbitration ["Q:bI'treIS(q)n] tribunals [traɪ′bju:n(ə)lz] – арбитражный суд

9. Arbitration Procedural [prq'si:dZ(q)rql] Code – законодательство о судопроизводстве в арбитражных судах

10. requirement [rɪ′kw aɪəm ən t] – требование

11. sequence [′si:kw ə ns] – последовательность, порядок

12. to contradict ["kOntrq'dIkt] – противоречить

13. inconsistent [ɪnkən′sɪst(ə)n t] – несовместимый, несоответствующий

14. to authorize ['O:TqraIz] – уполномочивать

15. to contravene [k ɒ n trə′vi:n] – нарушать (закон)

16. issuance ['IsjVqns] – издание

17. to alter ['O:ltq] – менять

18. substance [′sʌbst(ə)ns] of the provisions [prq'vIZ(q)nz] – содержание понятий

19. connotation ["kOno(u)'teIS(q)n] – значение

20. by an explicit [ɪk′sp lɪsɪt] court [kɔ:t] – в (прямом) судебном порядке

21. to predicate ['predIkeIt] – вызывать

22. vagueness [′veɪg n ɪs] – неясность

23. recompense ['rekqmpens] – возмещать

24. losses [lPsiz] – убытки

25. passage [′pæ sɪdʒ] – прохождение, принятие (правовых актов)

26. untimely [An'taImlI] adoption [q'dOpS(q)n] – несвоевременное принятие

27. to circulate ['sq:kjuleIt] – распространять

28. set forth – предусмотренный

29. reimburse [ri:ɪm′bɜ:s] – возмещать

30. Treasury ['treZFrI] – казна

31. Foreign ['fOrIn] Trade Activities – внешнеторговая деятельность

32. statute ['stxtju:t] – закон, статут, устав

33. treaty [′tri:tɪ] – договор

34. integral ['IntIgr(q)l] part – неотъемлемая часть

35. to prevail [prɪ′veɪl] – превалировать

36. time terms – сроки

37. commencement[kq'mensmqnt] – начало

38. termination ["tq:mI'neIS(q)n] – окончание

39. with consideration [kqn"sIdq'reIS(q)n] – с учетом

40. handling['hxndlIN] of information – отношение к информации

41. legitimate [lI'dZItImIt] access ['xkses] – легальный доступ

42. pursuant [pq'sju:qnt] to law – в силу закона

43. to furnish ['fq:nIS] the information – передавать, доставлять информацию

44. abide [q'baId] – подчиняться

45. storage ['stO:rIdZ] and access procedures[prq'si:dZqz] – режимы хранения и доступа


Ш. Read and translate the text:


Article 5. Legal Acts of the Federal Customs Authority


1. In those instances which are directly defined by the statutes of the customs legislation and other legal acts of the Russian Federation, the Federal Customs Authority within the limits of its competence shall issue normative legal acts pertaining to the customs system.


2. The normative legal acts of the Federal Customs Authority shall be subject to state registration and official publication in accordance with the procedure established for the state registration and official publication of normative legal acts issued by the federal executive power bodies.


3. The normative legal acts of the Federal Customs Authority shall go into effect not earlier than in ten days following their official publication with the exception of the instances when:

respective clauses of the statutes of the customs legislation and of other legal acts of the Russian Federation on whose basis and pursuant to which the Federal Customs Authority has issued its normative legal acts ought to go into effect within a shorter period of time;

the normative legal acts of the Federal Customs Authority stipulate more equitable procedures than those currently applied. In this case, the time terms for the entry into force of such legal acts may be shortened or they may have a retroactive effect.

this Customs Code establishes a special procedure for the entry into force of the normative legal acts issued by the Federal Customs Authority.


4. The normative legal acts of the Federal Customs Authority affecting the rights and lawful interests of the persons involved in entrepreneurial and/or other economic activities may be appealed in arbitration tribunals in 'accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration Procedural Code of the Russian Federation.


Article 6. Requirements Laid to Statutes of Customs Legislation, Other Legal Acts of the Russian Federation, and Legal Acts Issued by the Federal Customs Authority


1. The clauses and provisions of the statutes comprising the customs legislation and the normative legal acts pertaining to customs ought to be worded and formulated so as to ensure clear understanding by every person of his (or her) rights and obligations, as well as his (or her) actions and their sequence in the process of conveyance of goods and means of transport across the customs border.


2. The clauses of the legal acts of the Federal Customs Authority may not contradict the provisions of the statutes of the customs legislation or any other legal act of the Russian Federation or the requirements, prohibitions and restrictions that are not stipulated either by the statutes of the customs legislation or by other legal acts of the Russian Federation.


3. A normative legal act pertaining to the customs system shall be regarded as inconsistent with this Customs Code if said act:

1) has been issued by a body that is not authorized by this Customs Code to issue such legal acts or its issuance contravenes the order established for the issuance of such legal acts;

2) repeals or constrain the rights of persons with regard to goods or means of transport or affects the powers of the customs authorities laid down by this. Customs Code;

3) changes the provisions, conditions, sequence, or order of actions set forth by this Customs Code undertaken by participants of the relations regulated by the customs legislation of the Russian Federation or by any other persons whose responsibilities are defined by the provisions of this Customs Code;

4) alters the substance of the provisions set forth in this Customs Code, or in case such provisions are applied with connotations other than those stipulated by this Customs Code.


4. The normative legal acts specified in Item 1 herein shall be regarded as inconsistent with this Customs Code in case at least one precondition specified by Sub-Item 3) of Item 3 herein applies. Said normative legal act can only be pronounced inconsistent with this Customs Code by an explicit court ruling to that effect.


5. No person may be prosecuted for a violation of any customs regulation if such violation was predicated on vagueness of the legal norm in question contained in the normative legal act pertaining to the customs system.


6. The state shall be obliged to recompense the losses incurred by persons as a result of untimely adoption, entry into force, and/or publication of normative legal whose passage is stipulated by this Customs Code and reimburse the losses caused by inaccurate information circulated by the customs authorities. Compensations shall be repaid from the Treasury of the Russian Federation in accordance with the order set forth by the applicable Russian legislation.


Article 7. Application of Customs Tariff Regulations, Prohibitions and Restrictions Stipulated by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation on the State Regulation of Foreign Trade Activities and Statues of Federal Legislation on Customs Duties and Taxes


The customs system shall be subject to customs tariff regulations, prohibitions and restrictions stipulated by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation on the State Regulation of Foreign Trade Activities and the statutes of Russian legislation on taxes and duties effective on the date of acceptance of a customs declaration unless other provisions thereto apply.

IV. Comprehension questions:

1. What regulations are more important – international or regulations stipulated by this Customs Code?

2. What organ shall issue normative legal acts pertaining to customs system?

3. When shall the normative legal acts of the Federal Customs Authority go into effect?

4. What are the requirements laid to statutes of customs legislation?

5. Under what circumstances shall the normative legal act pertaining to the customs system be regarded as inconsistent with this Customs Code?


V. Match English words to their Russian equivalents:

1. executive power bodies a) льготный порядок
2. to affect b) менять
3. requirements c) органы исполнительной власти
4. sequence d) противоречить
5. equitable procedures e) требования
6. to contravene f) последовательность, порядок
7. to alter g) влиять, затрагивать
8. to contradict h) значение
9. to repeal i) нарушать
10. vagueness J) прохождение, принятие
11. connotation k) неясность
12. passage l) отменять



VI. Fill in the gaps with the English equivalents оf the words in brackets:

1. A normative legal act shall be regarded as (несоответствующий) with this Customs Code, if its issuance (нарушает) the order established for the issuance of such legal acts.

2. In case at least one (обстоятельство) specified by Sub-Item 3 herein applies the normative legal acts shall be regarded as inconsistent with this Customs Code.

3. Compensations shall be repaid from (казны) of the Russian Federation.

4. If the international (договор) contains regulations conflicting with those stipulated by this Customs Code, the regulations of said international treaty should (превалировать).

5. (День начала и день конца) of the events stipulated by this Customs Code shall be calculated in accordance with the order laid down by this Customs Code.

6. The rights and lawful interests of the persons (занимающихся предпринимательской деятельностью) may be appealed in arbitration tribunals.


VII. Translate into English:

1. Должностное лицо, получившее доступ к информации, полученной от таможенных органов, не вправе разглашать, распространять и использовать ее в личных целях.

2. Государство возмещает убытки, причиненные лицам вследствие недостоверности информации, предоставленной таможенными органами, за счет казны Российской Федерации.

3. Утрата документов, содержащих государственную, коммерческую, банковскую, налоговую или другую охраняемую законом тайну, влечет ответственность, предусмотренную законодательством Российской Федерации.

4. Каждое лицо точно должно знать, какие у него есть права и обязанности, а также какие действия, когда и в каком порядке следует совершать при перемещении товаров и транспортных средств через таможенную границу.

5. Никто не может быть привлечен к ответственности за нарушение таможенных правил, если это нарушение вызвано неясностью правовых норм.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 73 | Нарушение авторских прав

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VШ. Additional Reading Task. Read the texts below. Translate the expressions and words in bold type. Render the articles.| VШ. Additional Reading Task. Read the text below. Translate the expressions and words in bold type. Render the articles.

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