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Diagnostics of psychological defenses.

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  1. Bullous dermatoses. Erytema exudativum multiforme. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Clinical features. Diagnostics. Treatment.
  2. Chapter 1. The Modern Biological Account of the Origin of Psychological Phenomena
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In my research I examined 27 first-year students and 27 third-year students studying psychology at Crimean Federal V. Vernadsky University. A number of psychological methods and techniques were applied. In particular, anxiety levels were diagnosed with the help of Spielberger's Questionnaire whereas psychological defense mechanisms were diagnosed using Plutchik, Kellerman and Conte's Questionnaire and the Lifestyle Index technique.

As a result of carrying out theoretical and empirical research of anxiety levels and expressiveness of psychological defense mechanisms, it is possible to say that the hypothesis in many respects was confirmed.

Mechanisms of psychological defenses in third - year students have less expressed character. It leads to bigger sensibleness and a reflection of students, and also has positive influence of specificity training on formations of professionally necessary qualities. Also our research showed that third- year students have more mature of psychological defenses mechanisms, such as intellectualization, a projection prevail. In first-year students the psychological defenses mechanism denial that is the early, perceptual mechanism prevails.

Contrary to expectations, the level of personal anxiety in third-year students was higher than in first-year students. It is possible to assume that educational process is developed in students by more serious relation to training in this connection, increase of motivation can increase on an equal basis with uneasiness growth. What is more in connection with session, a term paper and practice, the level of responsibility and personal anxiety in third-year students can raise considerably, against first-year students. However as distinction not so much also makes only 3,8 it is possible to see that the first session at university also increases anxiety level.


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In modern science anxiety has been studied by many psychologists. После этого предложения я бы написала несколько фамилий ученых, принимавших участие в разработке данной проблемы. Это бы сделало доклад более весомым. И всегда присылайте русский вариант. М.В.


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