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Use of articles with nouns in some set expressions

Читайте также:
  1. A Singular and plural forms of nouns
  3. Absence of the articles in set expressions
  5. Abstract nouns can obscure your logic.
  6. Additional Words and Expressions
A/An The No article
· in a hurry — второпях · to have a mind to do something (a great mind, a good mind) — иметь желание что-либо сделать · to fly into a passion— прийтив бешенство · to get in a fury (in a rage)-—прийти в ярость · to take a fancy to—проникнуться симпатией. · in a low (loud) voice -тихо (громко) · a great many (with countables) — много · a great deal (with uncotintables) — много · it is a pity — жаль · it is a shame — стыдно · it is a pleasure —приятно · as a result — в результате. to have a good time — хорошопровести время · to be at a loss — быть в недоумении · at a glance—сразу, с первоговзгляда · · it is out of the question — об этом не может быть и речи · to take the trouble to do something — потрудиться · in the original—в оригинале · to play the piano (the violin,-the harp) — играть на рояле(скрипке, арфе) · to keep the house— сидеть дома · to keep the bed— соблюдать постельный режим · on the whole — в целом · the other day (refers to the past)— на днях · on the one hand…, on the other and— с одной стороны, с другой · to tell (to speak) the truth —говорить правду; to tell the truth— по правде говоря · to be on the safe side— для верности   · out of doors —вне дома · to take to heart — принимать'близко к сердцу · to take offence — обижаться · to give (to get, to ask) permission — дать (получить, просить) разрешение · to lose heart — терять мужество, приходить в уныние · at present — в настоящее время · from morning till night— с утра до вечера · from head to foot — с головы до ног · from beginning to end — сначала до конца · at first sight— с первого взгляда · by chance —случайн · by mistake —по ошибке · for hours —часами · for ages—целую вечность · by land, by air, by sea— сушей, по воздуху, морем · to go to sea— стать моряком · on deck— на палубе · to keep house— вести хозяйство · at sunrise—на рассвете · at sunset— на закате · at work— за работой · at peace— в мире · by name— по имени · in debt— в долгу


· The use of articles with predicative nouns.
A predicative noun is used with the indefinite article if the speaker states that the object denoted by the noun belongs to a certain class.
If a predicative noun is modified by a particularizing attribute, the definite article is used. He is the student you wanted to speak to.
If a predicative noun denotes a post which can be occupied by one person at a time, either no atricle or the definite article is used.
Professor N. is the dean of our faculty.
No article is used with predicative pouns after the verbs to turn, to commence, to appoint, to elect. Shakespeare commenced actor.
(Шекспир начинал как актер). They appointed him head-teacher. (Его назначили старшим преподавателем)
A predicative noun sometimes has an adjectival character, especially when it is followed by the adverb enough. In this case no article is used. Surely Bolla isn't fool enough to believe that sort of stuff? The nouns son and daughter used predicatively take article the when modified by an o/-phrase, though there may several sons and daughters in the family.Lomonosov was the son of a fisherman. Becky Sharp was the daughter of an artist.

· The use of articles with nouns in apposition.
Nouns in apposition and nouns forming part of an apposition are used:

1. with the indefinite article if the speaker states that the object expressed by the noun in apposition belongs to a certain class. I want to introduce you to Comrade B,, a great friend of mine.
In the plural no article is used. I want to introduce you to Comrades B, and D., great friends of mine.

2. with the definite article if they are modified by a particularizing attribute. Comrade В., the student you have mentioned, has come.

If the noun denotes a well-known person or work of art the definite article is generally used. Pushkin, the great Russian poet, died in 1837. Hamlet, the immortal tragedy by Shakespeare, was written in the first years of the 17th century.
But if the person or the work of art is not widely known the indefinite article is used. Pericles, a comedy by Shakespeare, is hardly ever staged.
Class nouns used in address take no article. Come downstairs, child.

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