Educational part. Force people to know why English has so many tenses and discover to them that Russian has the same thing too, actually.
Getting know each other
Educational part. Force people to know why English has so many tenses and discover to them that Russian has the same thing too, actually.
Teacher will tell to pupils that English has 12 tenses. The pupils to be given following table personally
| Simple
| Continuous
| Perfect
| Perfect Continuous
| I write the dissertation
| I am writing the dissertation
| I have written the dissertation
| I have been writing the dissertation
| I wrote the dissertation
| I was writing the dissertation
| I had written the dissertation before I got my first sex
| I had been writing the dissertation, before I lost the conscious
| I will write the dissertation
| I will be writing the dissertation
| I will have written the dissertation next June
| I will have been writing the dissertation two years next June.
| Simple
| Continuous
| Perfect
| Perfect Continuous
| It is written
| It is being written
| It has been written
| It has been being written
| It was written
| It was being written
| It had been written
| It had been being written
| It will be written
| It will be being written
| It will have been written
| It will have been being written
Pupils are to be told following paragraph:
«Мистер Трелони жил в трактире возле самых доков, чтобы наблюдать за работами на шхуне. Нам, к величайшей моей радости, пришлось идти по набережной довольно далеко, мимо множества кораблей самых различных размеров, оснасток и национальностей. На одном работали и пели. На другом матросы высоко над моей головой висели на канатах, которые снизу казались не толще паутинок. Хотя я всю жизнь прожил на берегу моря, здесь оно удивило меня так, будто я увидел его впервые. Запах дегтя и соли был нов для меня. Я разглядывал резные фигурки на носах кораблей, побывавших за океаном. Я жадно рассматривал старых моряков с серьгами в ушах, с завитыми бакенбардами, с просмоленными косичками, с неуклюжей морской походкой. Они слонялись по берегу. Если бы вместо них мне показали королей или архиепископов, я обрадовался бы гораздо меньше».
Present Perfect Continuous
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In fact, we have the same timeline in Russian:
Pupils are to be explained the rules by examples. Every pupil has to give his/her own example after examples have been told, active work with a table which was given to them at the beginning. Pupils have to be told that these are not the all cases of tenses using, but the common ones.
Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 39 | Нарушение авторских прав - 2015-2025 год. (0.006 сек.)