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З розвитку навичок усного та писемного мовлення | UNIT 1 LANGUAGE LEARNING AND MY FUTURE PROFESSION | E Louise Bagshawe (25) | USE OF ENGLISH | SELF-ASSESSMENT TEST | UNIT 2 TELEVISION AND CINEMA | USE OF ENGLISH | Ex. 2. Choose one of the suggested topics and comment on it or discuss it with your partner. | M A R A A M A T S | USE OF ENGLISH |

Читайте также:
  2. A contrastive analysis of English and Ukrainian morphological stylistic means
  3. A Dictionary of the English language
  4. A TEACher of ENGLish
  5. Accentuation tendencies of English.
  6. Amazing facts about English
  7. American English


Ex. 1. For questions (1-16), match the following word with appropriate definitions.


1. advertisement a. a place that sells goods made by a particular


2. a barrage of b. confidence, trust in a trademark

3. a big gun c. not special, ordinary

4. bonus. d. a thing that has advantages and also


5. brand new e. presentation of information in an unfair way

6. discount offer f. interest, attraction by a good price

7. endorsement g. a phrase used in ads to attract people’s attention

8. flagship brand h. a payment added to what is usual and expected

9. fringe benefits i. a public notice offering or asking for goods,


10. mixed blessing j. continuous stream of sth. (questions, criticism)

11. outfit k. completely new

12. reliability l. a very important and powerful man

13. run-of-the-mill m. a benefit given to an employee in addition to


14. price appeal n. giving a support to products by celebrities

15. slanted language o. the most important of a group of products,


16. slogan p. an amount of money taken off the usual

cost of sth.


Ex. 2. Fill in the blanks (1 – 19) with the correct particle or preposition where necessary. One mark is given for each correct answer.


1. Nike is counting (1) … a touch of Hollywood and adds sparkle to marketing. 2. Targeting advertisements (2) … different age groups is not a new strategy. 3. If the commercials strike a chord (3) … consumers, Hollywood talent agencies might grab more business as marketers look (4) … fresh ideas. 4. Creative Artists Agency recently teamed (5) … … another megamarketer, Nike, to package and market sports events. 5. Marketing managers are well aware of children’s desperate need to keep (6) … … the peer group. 6. Marketing is aimed (7) … very impressionable age group, children, it may be that the time has come (8) … a little more social responsibility in order not to exploit children (9) … financial gain. 7. Most advertising messages include techniques of persuasion which rely mainly (10) … basic appeals. 8. Once consumers gain confidence (11) … the trademark, the owner can use it (12) … a persuader. 9. When the film was made it turned (13) … that Starbuck cheated Swanson (14) … his money. 10. It was after reading the story that Gregory began to get (15) … … his enemy. 11. At first the idea of murder was not actually (16) … his mind. 12. David put (17) … … eight weeks (18) … it, but from that moment he started to slide (19) ….


Ex. 3. For questions 1 – 16, read the text carefully and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.




How do famous people get to spend a (1) ………. on brand names? To find the

(2) ……… to this question, just observe the children in any school playground.


Hannah is a (3) ……. nine-year-old student at an English primary school. She’s not quite sure what a brand (4) ……. is, but she’s sure of what she wants. As part of a new sales (5) ……., all the students in her class have been given a free bag with the Nike (6) ……on it. Hannah hasn’t really (7) …… the connection yet, or asked for Nike trainers, but it’s only a (8) …….. of time before she does.


But is it right that companies should (9) …….. such young children for their promotional activities?


Brand names seem to have (10) ……. over us because they allow us to (11) ……… with a particular group of people. A brand name has a certain (12) ……… It suggests that we’re able to afford this product – and most of us like to (13) …….. off what we can afford. Some people also believe that brand names provide a (14) ………. So a brand has to provide this quality, (15) ……… people will eventually stop buying it.


So only time will (16) ……. whether it’s really worthwhile paying extra money for a brand name. Meanwhile, Hannah is delighted with her free Nike bag.


1 A fortune B treasure C deal D load

2 A reply B response C answer D solution

3 A similar B typical C uniform D regular

4 A certainly B factually C surely D actually

5 A battle B campaign C attack D propaganda

6 A diagram B mark C picture D logo

7 A made B taken C done D put

8 A situation B problem C question D state

9 A target B aim C focus D point

10 A rule B meaning C power D force

11 A identify B indicate C sign D point

12 A invention B impression C portrait D image

13 A present B show C carry D wear

14 A guarantee B bond C security D receipt

15A since B otherwise C but D however

16 A say B speak C tell D state


Ex. 4. Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. One mark is given for each correct answer (1 –11).




The potato crisp was the (1) ………. of George Crum, in INVENT

1853. He worked as a chef at a popular resort in the USA.


One day a (2) ………… decided that he didn’t like the CUSTOM

(3) ……… of his fried potatoes, and sent them back to the THICKEN

kitchen. Crum made some more, but the man (4) ……… TURN

these as well, making the same (5) ………….. Crum got COMPLAIN

angry and, hoping to annoy the man, he made a third batch

which was much (6) ………… and could be eaten with a folk. THIN

To his (7) ……… the man loved them – and so potato crisps AMAZE

were invented. Since then, their (8) …………. has increased POPULAR

and strengthen (9) …………...., and they are eaten all over DRAMA

the world.

But George Crum was (10) ………… at the time that AWARE

His invention would cause great (11) ………… in the future CONFUSE

between the Americans (who call them chips) and the British

(who call them crisps).


Ex. 5. Complete the sentences with an appropriate form in parentheses (1 – 26).


1. My children enjoy (allow) (1) ……. to stay up late when there’s something special on TV.

2. (Observe) (2) …….. the sun (climb) (3) ……. above the horizon at dawn makes one (realize) (4) ……… the earth is indeed turning.

3. John admitted (surprise) (5) …….. by the unexpected birthday party last night. We had a lot of fun (plan) (6) ……… it.

4. I don’t understand how you got the wrong results. When I look over your notes, your chemistry experiment seems (perform) (7) …….. correctly. But something is wrong somewhere.

5. The witness to the murder asked not (identify) (8) ………. in the newspaper. She wanted her name kept secret.

6. It is generally considered impolite (pick) (9) ……….. your teeth at the dinner table.

7. I don’t recall (meet) (10) …….. Mr. Tanaka before. I’m sure I haven’t. I’d like (introduce) (11) ………. to him. Would you do the honours?

8. Ed’s boss recommended him for the job. Ed was pleased (consider) (12) ………for the job even though he didn’t get it.

9. I wasn’t tired enough (sleep) (13) ……… last night. For a long time, I just lay in bed (think) (14) ………. about my career and my future.

10. It is the ancient task of the best artists among us (force) (15) …….. us (use) (16) …..….. our ability (feel) (17) …….. and (share) (18) ……… emotions.

11. Jeff applied to the medical school many months ago. Now he’s so concerned about (accept) (19)…….. into medical school that he’s having a difficult time (concentrate) (20) ……… on the courses he’s taking this term.

12. Last week I was sick with the flu. It made me (feel) (21) …….. awful. I didn’t have enough energy (get) (22) ………. out of bed. I just lay there (feel) (23) ……… sorry for myself. When my father heard me (sneeze) (24) …….., he opened my bedroom door (ask) (25) …….. me if I needed anything. He was kind and caring, but there wasn’t anything he could do to make the flu (go) (26) …….. away.




Ex. 1. Translate into English.



Професор Норбер Вінер, засновник кібернетики


Реклама... Свідомо чи несвідомо, але вона переконливо ввійшла в наше життя. Ви скажете, не ввійшла, а ввірвалася в наш побут зухвало і безпардонно. Постійно промиваючи мозок глядача, вона ухитрилася втілитися в окремий вид мистецтва зі своїми секретами та винаходами. Реклама здатна вразити, ввести в оману споживача повсюду: на телебаченні, радіо, в торгових центрах, на вулиці...


Але найкращим та найсучаснішим джерелом інформації для споживача є Інтернет.

Звичайний японець може за допомогою сотового телефону визначити своє географічне положення з точністю до двох метрів, розплатитися в магазинах, зареєструватися на внутрішніх авіарейсах та використати його як перепустку на роботу. Засновники Інтернету Тім Бернерс-Лі, Ларрі Робертс, Вінтон Серф та Роберт Кен, напевно, задоволені – сьогодні новим джерелом інформації та комунікації користується біля 720 млн. людей в усьому світі.


Сьогодні Інтернет об‘єднав користувачів різних півкуль планети в єдину широку сітку – World Wide Web. Навіть школярі “нишпорять” у цій павутині. Прикро стверджувати, але Україна займає одне з останніх місць у світі щодо комп‘ютерів. Тільки 7 українців із 100 мають ноутбук. Попри все треба сподіватися. Ми всі, напевно, радіємо, коли в нашій оселі з‘являється щось сучасне, надійне, корисне, цифрове електронне.


Ex. 2. Translate into English.




Знайомі торгові марки, кращі бренди, привабливі пропозиції знижок... Як це вам? Чи дозволяєте ви рекламодавцям маніпулювати собою, впливати на вашу півсвідомість? А може навпаки? Ви полюбляете новітні винаходи, хочете йти в ногу з часом, не відставати від сусіда. А ринок гаджетів? Новинки часто називають незрозумілим словом гаджет, що в перекладі з англійської означає портативну технічну новинку з цифровими технологіями, яка приносить насолоду її власнику.

Книга – один з найважніших винаходів людства. Здавалося, ніщо не може похитнути її паперові засади. Але сьогодні електронна книга вперто входить в наше життя, пропонуючи замість листа паперу електронний екран, здатний перегорнути перед очима читача 10 тисяч сторінок. Деякі навчальні заклади в США і Канаді в якості експеримента перейшли на навчання з використанням е-Book. Сьогодні простий японець може помістити всю свою бібліотеку на декількох флеш-картах. Будемо сподіватися, що і в Україні е-книга зачепить за живе споживача.

Сьогодні в Інтернет-бібліотеках зберігається сотні тисяч томів художньої літератури, наукових робіт, конспектів лекцій, рефератів, доступних впродовж доби в будь-якому куточку планети. Фахівці стверджують, що е-книга не викликає погіршання зору та головного болю при багаторазовому використанні. Крім того, поширення е-книг дозволить врятувати сотні тисяч гектарів лісу від вирубки. Переконливо, чи не так?




Write a letter of complaint on the suggested situations.


1. You have just returned from a holiday to the Crimea (Britain, USA, Canada), organized by a tour company. Unfortunately the location of the holiday was changed at the last minute, and on the new tour you encountered several problems.

2. The jacket you bought for &60 is badly stained. You think that someone has already worn it! You would like to keep it but you want some money back to compensate for the damage and to pay for cleaning it.

3. A CD you bought recently is badly scratched. You haven’t got a receipt, but you buy a lot of CDs from the shop.

4. Claire’s boyfriend Tom bought her an expensive ‘Reiko’ watch for her birthday. Two days later it stopped. She took it back to the ‘Reiko’ shop where the manager told her it was an imitation and must have been bought somewhere else. Write a letter from Clare to her sister.

5. You recently went to a special sale of CDs that was advertised in the local newspaper. You were very disappointed with the sale. Write a letter to the newspaper, complaining about the things that were wrong and asking them to withdraw the advertisement from the newspaper.



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