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Comprehension activity

Читайте также:
  1. A. Comprehension
  2. Activity relating to intended and successful relaxation
  3. Activity-based Demand Management
  4. After text activity
  6. Antibacterial activity
  7. Article 6. Requirements on Conduct of Activity Connected with the Use of Currency Valuables


Practice the correct pronunciation of the following words:

Hercule Hercules Poirot Burton Lemon Nemean Pekinese Joseph Carnaby Amy Hartingfield Augustus

Preview questions

1. Agatha Christie is one of the most famous British writers of whodunits. Prepare a short communication about her life and professional activity and report in class. You may want to use the internet to find the information.

2. At the beginning of the reading there was a special reference to the labors of Hercules? Why? Can you name the twelve Labors of Hercules?

3. Recall the myth about the Nemean Lion and explain why the title is referred to this ancient legend. What’s the main idea of the story read?

4. The text is divided into six parts. Skim through the content of each chapter and tell the main idea. How will you head each part?

5. What are the clue words of the story? Compare your clue words with those of your classmates.


1. Explain the following expressions: couldn’t help speaking, to have nothing to do with, to grudge the expense, to be about to do smth, to risk one’s neck for smb. Make up the sentences of your own using these phrases.

2. Find the synonyms of the following words: to kidnap, a flat, to be terrified, to persuade, wealthy

3. Give the definition of the following words: labor, pet, fee, charity, self-imposed

4. Find in the text all the words related to the ‘crime’ and make a list of them with the translation.

5. Importanceunimportance. Form the words with opposite meaning using the prefixes (un-, ir-, dis-, non-, in-): appearance, usual, rational, real, approve, safely, fortunate, responsible, trained, valid, visibility, natural, like, smoking, complete, repeating, exactly, close, organisation, explained.

a. Translate from Russian into English using the vocabulary of the text: 1) Пуаро велел своему секретарю позвонить г-ну Хоггину и назначить встречу. 2) Он не привык разбрасываться деньгами. 3) Джозеф обратился к Пуаро и пообещал, что не поскупится на расходы. 4) Пуаро вспомнил своего бывшего клиента, внешность которого очень напоминала Сэра Джозефа. 5) Этот неприметный человек нес ответственность за убийства, ограбления, кражи драгоценностей и многие беды. 6) Когда Пуаро поднялся по ступенькам, он остановился, чтобы восстановить дыхание. 7) Открыв дверь, Эми немного отступила назад и онемела от изумления. 8) Эми опасалась за свое будущее, и у нее не было влиятельных друзей, которые могли бы оказать ей содействие.

6. Introduce the main characters of the story. Find their descriptions in the text and complete them with your own words. Figure the Ms. Lemon’s portrait out and continue the brief description found in the text.

7. Find and write out the vocabulary about ‘dogs’. The race of the kidnapped dogs was Pekinese. Here are other names of dogs’ breeds, make sure you know their Russian equivalents: sheep-dog, Alsatian, lap-dog, dachshund, poodle, Newfoundland, spaniel, bulldog, hound, bloodhound, collie. Do you own a pet? If so, what kind?


Comprehension activity

Answer these comprehension questions

1. Why was Poirot shocked when he received Mr. Hoggin’s letter?

2. What happened to Mrs. Hoggin’s Pekinese dog in the Park? How was it returned the following morning?

3. What did Poirot make inquiries about?

4. What conclusion did he come to after having interviewed Mrs. Samuelson?

5. Who organized the kidnappings? How? What were the motives of the crime?

6. Poirot promised Ms. Carnaby not to prosecute. Why?

7. Why did Mr. Hoggin refuse to take his fee back?

8. Restore the course of Poirot’s investigation stage by stage. Complete your retelling with logical links missing in the text.



1. Analyze the use of the verb tenses (simple present, present continuous, future simple, present perfect, past simple, past continuous) and voices (active/passive) in the selection, p. 4: “The flat of Hercule Poirot was furnished … You won’t.”

2. Classify the regular and irregular verbs in two colons. Give the past forms of the irregulars.

3. Rewrite the dialogue between Hercule Poirot and Dr. Burton in the indirect speech. Use various reporting verbs: say, tell, ask, answer, reply, want to know, add, etc.

4. Study the use of the articles in the selection above and comment upon their functions.

5. Find the 2nd conditional clause, identify the tenses of subjunctive mood and explain their use in the context. Substitute the infinitives by the appropriate verb form:

a. If I (be) you, I (not to throw about) my money.

b. If you (study) more, you (do) well on the test.

c. She (find) a job if she (have) influential friends.


Give a summary of the facts of the story. Use these phrases.

The story is about …; the story deals with…; the story speaks about …; the story describes the investigation…; the story shows that…, the story ends in…


Hercule Poirot compared Ms Carnaby with Robin Hood. Why? Do you believe that rich people ought to share their wealth with the poor? What are the causes of the poverty amongst people, in your opinion? Think of the possible solutions to the problems of poor people.

Role play

Reread the dialogue between Poirot and the manageress of the hotel, p. 10. Continue the conversation to make a reservation of the room. Discuss the price, modern conveniences, services available at the hotel, etc. Work in pairs.



Labour IV The Erymanthian Boar


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