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Rating of the investment climate of regions

Theoretical basis of the investment climate of Russia and its regions | The concept and essence of the investment climate in Russia and its regions | The relationship of the investment climate and investment policy | Stages of development of investment climate in Russia | Factors influencing the development of investment climate | Problems of development of investment climate in modern conditions | Priorities of Russia's investment climate |

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Methods of assessing the investment climate of are very diverse. They are based on various economic, political and the financial figures for the population of which country, region or city is assigned an investment grade rating. Rating is an important indicator for investors, most of whom are unable to carry out independent detailed studies, especially in other countries, and is guided by assessments of rating agencies. Therefore, the rating upgrade is always associated with an influx of investment needed for economic growth.

Under the concept of the World Bank's investment climate is not confined to providing companies the opportunity to make a profit. It is about ensuring positive outcomes for society as a whole. Many types of costs and risks should be borne by the companies themselves. Removing the same restrictions on the development of competition enhances, stimulates innovation and the leads to the fact that the fruits of increased productivity is used not only companies but also consumers, workers.

Many people know national ratings of investment climate of and the risks, periodically published by the leading economic journals of the world (Eurornoney, Fortune, The Economist), as well as the most eminent expert agencies (Moody's, Standart & Poor, IBCA). The rating results show that in the queue for investments Russia is a very unenviable position at the beginning of the second hundred countries.

RA "Expert" forms an informative picture of the risk potential of Russian regions. It is a measure, on the one hand, the scale of business to which the region is ready, on the other - how risky this business develop.

Own ratings is the distribution of regions on the value of combined capacity and the integral risk by 12 groups. Regions are distributed among the following groups:

· Maximum potential - minimal risk (1A);

· High potential - moderate risk (1B);

· High potential - high risk (1C, quoted in the ranking of this group has not entered any region);

· Medium potential - minimal risk (2A, also there is no region);

· Medium potential - moderate risk (2B);

· Medium potential - high risk (2C);

· Low potential - minimal risk (FOR);

· Reduced potential - moderate risk (ZV1);

· Reduced potential - high risk (ZS1);

· Low potential - moderate risk (ZV2);

· Low potential - high risk (ZS2);

· Low Potential - Extreme Risk (3D).

For the integration of numerical values ​​of the partial indicators of investment climate, produce basic techniques:

· Method of integration on the amount of seats held by each region for relevant indicators;

· Method of weighted sum of the individual indicators;

· Method of geometric mean;

· Method «Pattern»;

· Method of multivariate moving average.

Initially, the most widely used method of comparison was the formula of a multidimensional medium by which the numeric value of any factorial rate on average in the Russian Federation was adopted in 1, and the regions - in the amount of appropriate attitudes to the national average. Then, the obtained values ​​are added, resulting in a total integral determined levels of investment attractiveness of the region. To the integral level of investment attractiveness is correlated with the corresponding average Russian level, total factor divided by the number of integrated indicators and thus converted to the above factors the level of investment attractiveness of the region and regional non-profit investment risks. Integral coefficients of the regional tier of investment risks are analyzed. This method provides a basis for analysis, forecasting, and state regulation of regional investment flows.

Currently, the overall rate of capacity or risk is calculated as a weighted sum of particular types of potential or risk. Indices are summed, each with its own weighting factor. Final rank of the region is calculated by the value of the weighted sum of individual figures. As a result, each region is characterized by the addition of rank assessment: how large is its potential as an investment and to what extent is the risk of investing in the region compared to the average. Estimate the weights of the contribution of each component in the combined potential or integral risk receive as a result of survey conducted among experts from Russian and foreign investment, consulting companies and enterprises. Assistance in conducting peer review investment climate factors among foreign investors have foreign partners, in particular the Union of German Economy in Russia.

A comprehensive quantitative assessment of investment attractiveness of Russian regions is of great interest because it allows a comparative analysis of the regions. Provide information about investment opportunities of regions in aggregate form to potential investors when choosing the most profitable investments. Integrated indicator of the set formed by partial factor variables measured by relevant indicators.

Thus, methods for assessing the investment climate of are very diverse. An important indicator is the investment-grade rating, as most investors are not able to conduct independent and the comprehensive studies are guided by assessments of rating agencies, periodically published by the leading economic journals around the world.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 81 | Нарушение авторских прав

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