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This glossary contains the brief definition of the specialized terms

Читайте также:
  1. A Brief History of Sri Lanka.
  3. A brief history of the United States
  5. A brief survey of control statements.
  6. A meaningful definition of negotiation
  7. A Reference Glossary to Pronunciation Terms and Terminology



Entry Definition Equivalent terms
absolute generali­zation the highest degree of generalization working on the level of notions Cf.: relative generalization absolute abstraction
adjective a type of word identifying an attribute of a noun (a red hair),expressing contrasts of degree (redder, reddish)  
adjunct 1) a less important or omissible element in a grammatical construction; 2) a secondary word in a junction (O.Jespersen) Cf.: subjunct a dependent unit
adverb a word whose main function is to specify the kind of action expressed by a verb (Ex. He spoke angrily); other functions include acting as intensifier(very big) and as a sentence connector (Moreover, they laughed)  
adnex a secondary word in a nexus (0. Jespersen)  
agent (as a semantic role) the person or other being that instigates the happening denoted by the verb, e.g.: Jenny has written me a letter.  
allomorph a concrete manifestation of a morpheme, a variant, an alternative of a morpheme  
allo-term a variant language unit actualized in a concrete speech string Cf.: eme-term  
aspect a duration or type of temporal activity, denoted by a verb, such as completion or non-completion of an action Cf.:perfect  
aspective seman­tics semantics describing the inner character­istics of the verbal process; it can be expressed lexically or grammatically  
auxiliary verb a verb used along a lexical verb to make grammatical distinctions (She is going/ might go) Cf.: operator  
base the minimal form of a word to which affixes can be added e.g. Sad, car  
binding syntactical relationship of clauses of different ranks (of an independent and a dependent clause) Cf.: linking  
bound form a minimal grammatical unit that can’t occur on it’s own as a word, also known as a bound morpheme  
case a nounal category showing the relation of the referent to some other referent  
clause a structural unit smaller than a sentence but larger than phrases or words  
cleft sentence a sentence in which a single clause has been split into two sections, each with its own verb e.g.: It was Mary who arrived.  
collective noun a noun that denotes a group of entities (army, government)  
collocation a habitual association between particular words, such as "to" with "fro", the uses of "to" after "answer" and before "me" in "You'll answer to me!"  
common gender nouns Nouns able to actualize either masculine or feminine gender properties of the referent depending on the context  
complement an obligatory dependent language unit Cf.: supplement  
complementary distribution relation of formally different morphs having the same function in different environments, e.g.: cows - oxen Cf.: contrastive distribution, non-contrastive distribution  
complementive verb a verb taking an obligatory adjunct, a verb having an obligatory valency Cf.: uncomplementive verbs  
complex sentence a sentence consisting of more than one clause(especially if including a dependent clause)  
componential analysis an approach which makes use of semantic components. Lexical items are analyzed in terms of semantic features or sense compo­nents, treated as binary opposites distin­guished by pluses and minuses: [+ male]/ [-male]. It has been argued that projection rules can combine the semantic features of individual words to generate the meaning of an entire sentence and to account for ambiguity and anomaly (e.g.: He painted the wall with silent paint). compositional analysis
common noun a noun that refers to a class of objects or concepts(chair, beauty)  
conditional said of a clause that express hypothesis or condition (If it rains you’ll get wet);said of a verb form that expresses hypothetical meaning (I would walk)  
conceptual domain information centred around some concept  
concord the relationship between units in which the form of one element requires the corresponding form of the other She eat s Cf.: government agreement
conjunct an adverb with a chiefly connecting function, e.g. however  
consecutive phrase a phrase based on logical domination of one member over another Cf.: cumulative phrase  
contextualization establishing the context in which language units are typically used, i.e. finding out who, when, where, why and what for one can be expected to use this or that language unit with a certain meaning (J.R. Firth)  
connective/ connector An item whose function is to link linguistic units, such as conjunctions and certain adverbs (moreover)  
continuum a set of language units interpolated between any two polar units made up by units having intermediary features; a space of transition between poles  
contrastive distribution relations of different morphs in the identical environment Cf.: non-contrastive distribution, comple­mentary distribution  
сoordination coordinator the linking of linguistic units a conjunction used in coordination, such as and or now  
copula a verb whose role is to link other elements of the clause (it is ready) (D. Crystal)  
corteme a unit of language having no semantic content, e.g. phoneme (M.Blokh)  
covert morpheme a morpheme having no explicit representation in the actual expression zero mor­pheme
countable said of nouns denoting separable entities, as shown by their use with such forms as forms as a (dog, chair)  
dative case in inflecting languages, a form that typically expresses an indirect object relationship equivalent to English. I gave the letter to the girl  
degree a contrast of comparison in adverbs or adjectives; usually identified as positive(big), comparative(bigger), superlative (biggest)  
deep structure the formal syntactical construction represented by dummy symbols replaced by lexical entities in ways determined by their feature content Cf.: surface structure  
deixis features of language that refer directly to the personal, temporal or locative characteristics of a situation(deictic forms)  
derivational referring to the formation of language units  
derivational suffix a suffix which may be followed by other suffixes (W.N. Francis)  
"descriptive" plural the plural form of the noun having a pronounced stylistic colouring due to the usage of the uncountable noun in the function of the countable noun, e.g.: sands, snows  
diachronic relating to, or dealing with phenomena (as of language or culture) as they occur or change over a period of time Cf.: synchronic historical
dichotomy division into two parts or categories  
dicteme an elementary topical unit fulfilling the functions of nomination, predication, topicalization, stylization (M.Blokh) ~ supra-sentential construction
distribution a total set of linguistic environments in which an element of language (a sound or word) can occur Cf.: conlrastive, non-conirastive, comple­mentary distribution  
dominational phrase a phrase based on the relationship of the modifier and the modified Cf.: equipotent phrase subordinative phrase
elementary unit a unit indivisible into minor constituents smallest unit
eme-term a generalized invariant language unit Cf.: allo-term  
equative A clause which relates two elements that are identical on their reference (Mr.Jones is a butcher)  
equipollent opposition an opposition whose members have different positive categorial features Cf.: privative opposition, gradual opposition  
equipotent phrase a phrase based on logical succession of elements having an equal rank Cf.: dominational phrase  
etymon the earliest traceable form from which a later word is derived  
finite a form of a verb that can occur on it’s own in a main clause and permits variations in tense, number and mood contrasts with non finite  
focus an element in a sentence to which the speaker wishes to draw special attention (It wasJohn who wrote to me)  
formative phrase a phrase consisting both of notional and functional verbs Cf.: notional phrase, functional phrase  
form class(word class) A set of items that display similar or identical grammatical features  
function special purpose of a unit, its ability to serve a certain aim; sometimes equivalent to some abstract syntactic meaning  
functional part of speech a part of speech having a partial nomina­tive value Cf.: notional part of speech form word
gender the grammatical category which is closely tied to the sex of the referent and is reflected in co-occurrence patterns with respect to singular personal pronouns masculine, feminine, neuter    
generative grammar a precisely formulated set of rules whose output is all (and only) the sentences of a language– i.e., of the language that it generates. There are many different kinds of generative grammar, including transformational grammar as developed by Noam Chomsky from the mid-1950s  
genitive case expresses such meanings as possession and origin which is marked by an apostrophe and addition of a suffix s(girl’s bag, man’s story) possessive case
gerund a noun derived from a verb (“a verbal noun”), especially as found in Latin grammar  
gerundive an adjective derived from a verb (“a verbal adjective”), especially as found in Latin grammar  
government a kind of concord in which one term controls or selects the form of the partner Cf.: concord  
gradual opposi­tion an opposition whose members are characterized by the expression of a certain degree of one and the same categorial feature Cf.: privative opposition, equipollent opposition  
half-gerund a form having mixed, participial and gerundial, features participial gerund
heterogeneous consisting of dissimilar or diverse ingredients or constituents:mixed differing in kind
hierarchy organization of elements based on a graded or ranked series,especially an analysis of sentences into clauses, phrases, words and morphemes  
homogeneous of the same or a similar kind or nature having each term of the same degree if all variables are considered ‹a ~ equation› Cf.: heterogeneous   similar
hypotaxis the linking of a dependent (hypotactic) clause to another part of the sentence using conjunctions (D.Crystal) The boy left when the bell rang  
icon a highly motivated sign (as a word or graphic symbol) whose form suggests its meaning Cf: symbol, index, sign  
identification the act of singling out a referent Cf: classification individualiza-tion
immanent category a category expressing the inherent features of a part of speech (M.Blokh) Cf.: reflective category inherent category
immediate constituents constituent elements immediately entering into any meaningful combination  
immediate constituent analysis also called IC Analysis, in linguistics, a system of grammatical analysis that divides sentences into successive layers, or constituents, until, in the final layer, each constituent consists of only a word or meaningful part of a word.  
indicative relating to, or constituting a verb form or set of verb forms that represents the denoted act or state as an objective fact ‹the ~ mood› 2:serving to indicate ‹actions ~ of fear›  
implication implicit, implied (deriv.) information which is not given explicit verbal expression to, but which is eniailed by some other elements of the context Cf.: explication, verbalization  
index a partially motivated sign (to the extent that there is a connection, usually of causality, between sign and referent, e.g.: smoke is indexical of tire) (Ch.S, Peirce) Cf.: symbol, icon, sign    
indicative verbal forms verbal forms expressing the categorial meanings of the indicative mood and describing the denoted action in terms of absolutive time Cf.: subjunctive forms, oblique verb forms mood forms of reality
infix a derivational or inflectional affix appearing in the body of a word Cf.: prefix, suffix, root  
inflectional suffix an affix that signals a grammatical relationship, e.g. case,tense (girl ’s, walk ed) Cf.; suffix grammatical suffix
Inflexion is any morpheme deriving a form of a word and having no lexical meaning. It is a morpheme expressing case and number in nouns and person and number in verbs.  
the interjection is a signal of emotions  
intensional semantics a branch of semantic studies concerned with the analysis of the content (i.e. meaning) of a given expression, but not the relations of signs to the objects of the real world Cf.: extensional semantics  
intransitive said of a verb or a sentence that cannot take a direct object(She is going)  
intralinguistic concerning relations of units within a particular language system Cf.:extralinguistic internal
junction relationship of two elements which is so close that they may be considered to be one composite name for what might in many cases just as well have been called by a single name (О.Jespersen) Cf.: nexus  
language is a means of forming and storing ideas as reflections of reality and exchanging them in the process of human intercourse.  
level one of a series of structural layers within a sentence(a clause, phrase, word etc.) rank
lexeme a meaningful linguistic unit that is an item in the vocabulary of a language lexical item
lexical verb a verb expressing an action, event or state, also called a full verb main verb
limitive verb a verb expressing a potential limit in the development of the denoted action Cf.: non-limitive verb termmative verb
linking syntactic relationship of clauses of the same rank (either both independent or both dependent) Cf.: binding  
main clause a clause that doesn’t depend on any other part of a sentence (The man arrived after the bus left) independent clause
major sentence a type of sentence which is highly productive, such as those with a subject plus predicate structure  
minor sentence a type of sentence with a limited productivity, where the structure lacks some of the constituents found in the major type  
mass said of nouns that typically express general concepts and lack an indefinite article or plural (information) (D.Crystal)  
modality the classification of logical propositions according to their asserting or denying the possibility, impossibility, contingency, or necessity of their content It shows the relation of the nominative content to reality Cf.: predication  
modal word expresses the attitude of the speaker to the reflected situation and its parts. Here belong the functional words of probability (probably, perhaps, etc.), of qualitative evaluation (fortunately, unfortunately, luckily, etc.), and also of affirmation and negation  
mood distinction of form or a particular set of inflectional forms of a verb to express whether the action or state it denotes is conceived as fact or in some other manner (as command, possibility, or wish)  
morph a distinctive collocation of phones (as a portmanteau form) that serves as the realization of more than one morpheme in a context  
morpheme the smallest meaningful part of a word expressing a generalized, significative meaning.  
Morphology is a branch of linguistics, which treats with words and their forms.  
neutralization a type of oppositional reduction by which a neutralized language unit becomes fully functionally identified with its counter-member Cf.: transposition  
nexus a predicative (and semi-predicative) relation between words (О. Jespersen) Cf.: junction  
nomination naming a referent Cf.: predication  
non-contrastive distribution relations of different morphs having the same function in the identical environ­ments, e.g.: learned - learnt Cf.: contraslive distribution, complementa­ry distribution  
non-limitive verb verb not expressing a potential limit in the development of the denoted action Cf.: limitive verbs non-terminative verb, durative,
non-personal verb a verb which doesn't agree with a subject, the doer of the denoted action Cf.: personal verbs  
notional part of speech a part of speech of full nominative value Сf.: functional part of speech  
noun /noun phrase a word class with the naming function, typically showing contrasts of countability and number, capable acting as a subject or object of a clause a phrase with a noun as head(the tall man in a hat)  
nucleus (of a morphological construction) a root or a combination of roots includ­ing possible non-roots, attributive to respective roots Cf.: root. stem, affix impersonal verb
number the grammatical category that expresses such contrasts as singular/plural/dual/ (cat/cats; he is/they are)  
object a clause element that expresses the result of an action    
objective verb a verb taking an object of any kind (direct, indirect, prepositional) Cf.: transitive verbs  
oblique verbal form the form of a verb which expresses the categorial meanings of irreality Cf.: indicative verbal form non-real mood form of a verb, Subjunctive
opposition correlation of categorial forms having a certain function  
oppositional reduction the process of curtailing an opposition of categorial forms Cf.: neutralization, transposition oppositional substitution
paradigm the set of inflectional forms of a word  
parataxis constructions joint without the use of conjunctions I had tea, eggs  
parsing analyzing and labeling the grammatical elements of a sentence diagramming
participle a word derived from a verb and used as an adjective (smiling face, parked car); also applied to such non finite forms of the verb as He’ssmiling, He has smiled  
past tense a verb tense which refers to a time of action prior to the moment of utterance  
perfect relates to considerations such as the completion or lack of completion of events or states described by a verb  
person a grammatical form (especially pronoun or verb) referring directly to the speaker (first person), addressee (second person), or others involved into interaction (especially third person)  
phoneme the smallest constituent of a word having no meaning but fulfilling the function of differentiating morphemes  
phraseme a combination of two or more words as a representative of the corresponding language level phrase, word-group,
Pluralia Tantum nouns nouns having only the plural form Cf.: Singularia Tanlum nouns absolute plural nouns
polarity The system of contrast between affirmative and negative in a language  
pragmatic factor a factor relevant for the actualization of a message in a concrete communicative situation  
predication the act of referring the nominative content of the sentence to reality (M.Blokh) Cf.: nomination  
prefix an affix added initially to a root or base to form a new word, e.g.: re-write Cf.: suffix, root  
primary predica­tion predication expressed in a sentence which has as its predicate a finite form of the verb Cf.: secondary predication, potential predication complete pre­dication, ex­plicit predica­tion, actual predication
privative opposi­tion an opposition based on the principle of presence/absence in its counter-members of one and the same feature Cf.: gradual opposition, equipollent opposition  
pronoun any of a small set of words in a language that are used as substitutes for nouns or noun phrases and whose referents are named or understood in the context  
proposeme a language unit expressing a thought ~ sentence
reduction the lack of one or more of the normal constituents in a construction  
reference 1. mentioning someone or something, either directly or indirectly; 2. (logic, ling.) the activity or condition through which one tenn or concept is related to another or to objects in the world Cf.: sense (2)  
referent the denoted object of the world Cf.: sign  
reflective category a category expressing categorial meanings which are not inherent in the referent in question, e.g.: person and number in the verb system (M.Blokh) Cf.: immanent category secondary category, non-inherent category
regular said of a linguistic form that conforms to the rules of a language  
relative generali­zation relative degree of abstraction, working on the level of broad or general concepts Cf.: absolute generalization abstraction
replacive mor­pheme a morpheme built up on the basis of root (or vowel) interchange; usually a root vowel that replaces another in a categorial form, e.g.: sing - sang Cf.: additive morpheme  
restrictive said of a modifier that is an essential part of the identity of another element (my brother who’s abroad) defining
retrospective coordination establishing relation between the given action and some prior action or moment  
root the element left after all affixes have been removed from a complex word, carrying the basic lexical meaning of the word Cf.: nucleus, stem, affix  
segment a unit whose boundaries can be clearly identified in the stream of speech  
semantic feature (in componential analysis) an elementary component of meaning.  
semes meanings differentiated by the opposition of signemic units semantic feature
sememe a generalized element of meaning lexico-semantic variant
semi-notional words words which have a complete nominative meaning but fulfil syntactic functions typical of functional words. Cf.: notional words, functional words  
semi-predicative construction a construction made up by a non-finite form of the verb and a substantive element denoting the subject or object of the action expressed by the non-finite form of the verb Cf.: fully predicative construction potentially predicative construction, prepositional construction
semi-proper nouns proper nouns with mixed, identifying and typifying, meanings semi-names
sense sign 1) = meaning; 2) paradigmatic (intensional) meaning. Cf.: reference; 3) actual meaning of a language unit; 4) a submeaning, e.g: various senses of the word "mark" a material designator of a meaning, a con­crete token element used in the concrete process of communication and reference.  
sineme a unit of language having a semantic con­tent, e.g.: morpheme, word (M.Blokh) Cf.: corteme  
Singularia Tantum nouns nouns having only the singular form Cf.: Pluralia Tantum nouns absolute sin­gular nouns
stem a term in grammar and word-formation for a root plus the element that fits it into the flow of speech Cf.: root, nucleus, affix  
stratificational analysis based upon the notion that every language comprises a restricted number of structural layers or strata, hierarchically related in such a way that units or combinations of units on one stratum realize units or combinations of units of the next higher stratum  
structure 1) the set of relations between the elements of a system; 2) construction  
stylization the function of a dicteme which consists in referring it to a particular style (M. Blokh)  
subjunct a tertiary word in a junction (О.Jespersen) Cf.: adjunct (2)  
substance 1) the essence or material part; 2) the essence which underlies all phenom­ena; 3) that which is real; 4) that which has qualities and character­istics  
substantive a noun o noun like item  
suffix an affix that follows a base, or root to form a new word or form of the word Cf.: prefix, infix, root  
suppletion the use of unrelated form to complete a paradigm (go/goes/went/gone)  
suprasegmental of or relating to significant features (as stress, pitch, or juncture) that occur simultaneously with vowels and consonants in an utterance Cf.: segment  
surface structure the resultant syntactic construction derived through transformations of the deep structure Cf.: deep structure  
symbol 1) smth. that represents smth. else, smth. concrete or material used to represent smth., abstract or non-material; 2) the most arbitrary kind of sign: the word in language, the rose representing love in literature, etc. (Ch.S. Peirce) Cf.: icon. index, sign  
synchronic concerned with events existing in a limited time period and ignoring historical antecedents Cf.: diachronic  
syntagma (syntactic) a word-group consisting of two or more notional elements word combi­nation, phrase
syntagmatic connected on a linear basis Cf.: paradigmatic  
Syntax is a branch, which treats of the phrases, sentences, and texts.  
system a structured set of elements connected by a common function  
tagmeme an element of a construction  
topic something about which something is said (predicated) Cf.: comment  
topicalization moving an element to the front of a sentence, to act as a theme (Smith his name is) thematization
transformation an operation that converts (as by insertion, deletion, or permutation) one grammatical string (as a sentence) into another  
Transformational-Generative Grammar A generative grammar, in the sense in which Noam Chomsky uses the term, is a rules system formalized with mathematical precision that generates, without need of any information that is not represented explicitly in the system, the grammatical sentences of the language that it describes, or characterizes, and assigns to each sentence a structural description, or grammatical analysis.  
transitivity the ability of a verb to take a direct object Cf.: objectivity  
unit a constituent of a system element
valency the ability of a language unit to take an adjunct, potential combinability of a language unit  
Verb/verb phrase a word class displaying such contrasts as tense, aspect, voice and mood and typically used to express an action, event or state in generative grammar the whole of the sentence apart from the first noun phrase  
voice distinction of form or a system of inflections of a verb to indicate the relation of the subject of the verb to the action which the verb expresses(active and passive)  
word 1.the smallest unit of grammar that can stand alone as a complete utterance 2.any segment of written or printed discourse ordinarily appearing between spaces or between a space and a punctuation mark  
word class a set of words that display the same formal properties, especially their inflections and distribution Part of speech
word formation a process of creating words out of sequences of morphemes(un-happi-ness)  
word order the sequential arrangement of words in a language  
yes-no question a question formed by an inversion, typically answered by yes or no (Were they there?)  
zero article the non use of definite or indefinite article before a noun, where one would normally be found(in school vs. in the school)  

The Noun ‒ имя существительное

Number ‒ число

The Common Case ‒ общий падеж

The Possessive Case ‒ притяжательный падеж

Gender ‒ род

Determinatives ‒ определители существительного

The Article ‒ артикль

The Definite Article ‒ определенный артикль

The Indefinite Article ‒ неопределенный артикль

Zero Article ‒ нулевой артикль/отсутствие артикля

The Adjective ‒ имя прилагательное

Degrees of Comparison оf adjectives‒ степени сравнения прилагательного

The Numeral ‒ имя числительное

Cardinal Numeral ‒ количественное числительное

Ordinal Numeral ‒ порядковое числительное

Fractional Numeral ‒ дробное числительное

The Pronoun ‒ местоимение

Personal Pronouns ‒ личные местоимения

Possessive Pronouns ‒ притяжательные местоимения

Reflexive Pronouns ‒ возвратные местоимения

Reciprocal Pronouns ‒ взаимные местоимения

Demonstrative Pronouns ‒ указательные местоимения

Interrogative Pronouns ‒ вопросительные местоимения

Relative Pronouns ‒ относительные местоимения

Indefinite Pronouns ‒ неопределенные местоимения

The Verb ‒ глагол

Regular and Irregular Verbs ‒ правильные и неправильные глаголы

Mood ‒ наклонение

Voice ‒ залог

Aspect ‒ вид

Finite Forms of the Verb ‒ личные формы глагола

Person and Number ‒ лицо и число

The Indicative Mood ‒ изъявительное наклонение

The Active Voice ‒ действительный залог

The Present Indefinite Tense ‒ настоящее неопределённое время

The Past Indefinite Tense ‒ прошедшее неопределенное время

The Future Indefinite Tense ‒ будущее неопределённое время

The Future Indefinite in the Past Tense ‒ будущее неопределенное время в прошедшем

The Present Continuous Tense ‒ настоящее длительное время

The Past Continuous Tense ‒ прошедшее длительное время

The Future Continuous Tense ‒ будущее длительное время

The Future Continuous in the Past Tense ‒ будущее длительное время в прошедшем

The Present Perfect Tense ‒ настоящее совершенное время

The Past Perfect Tense ‒ прошедшее совершенное время

The Future Perfect Tense ‒ прошедшее совершенное время

The Future Perfect in the Past Tense ‒ будущее совершенное время

The Present Perfect Continuous Tense ‒ настоящее совершенное длительное время

The Past Perfect Continuous Tense ‒ прошедшее совершенное длительное время

The Future Perfect Continuous Tense ‒ будущее совершенное длительное время

The Future Perfect Continuous in the Past Tense ‒ будущее совершенное длительное время в прошедшем

Transitive and Intransitive Verbs ‒ переходные и непереходные глаголы

The Passive Voice ‒ страдательный залог

Sequence of Tenses ‒ согласование времен

The Imperative Mood ‒ повелительное наклонение

The Subjunctive Mood ‒ сослагательное наклонение

Auxiliary Verbs ‒ вспомогательные глаголы

Modal Verbs ‒ модальные глаголы

Non-Finite Forms of the Verb ‒ неличные формы глагола

The Infinitive ‒ инфинитив

The Gerund ‒ герундий

The Verbal Noun ‒ отглагольное существительное

The Participle ‒ причастие

The Adverb ‒ наречие

The Preposition ‒ предлог

The Conjunction ‒ союз

The Interjection ‒ междометие

The Sentence ‒ предложение

The Simple Sentence ‒ простое предложение

Unextended and Extended Sentences ‒ нераспространенные и распространенные предложения

The Subject ‒ подлежащее

The Predicate ‒ сказуемое

The Object ‒ дополнение

The Direct Object ‒ прямое дополнение

The Indirect Object ‒ беспредложное косвенное дополнение

The Prepositional Object ‒ предложное косвенное дополнение

The Attribute ‒ определение

Adverbial Modifier ‒ обстоятельство

Sentences with homogeneous parts ‒ предложения с однородными членами

Declarative Sentence ‒ повествовательное предложение

Interrogative Sentence ‒ вопросительное предложение

General Question ‒ общий вопрос

Disjunctive Question/ Tag Question ‒ разделительный вопрос

Special Question ‒ специальный вопрос

Alternative Question ‒ альтернативный вопрос

Imperative Sentence ‒ повелительное предложение

Exclamatory Sentence ‒ восклицательное предложение

The Compound Sentence ‒ сложно-сочиненное предложение

The Complex Sentence ‒ сложно-подчиненное предложение

Subject Clauses ‒ придаточные предложения подлежащие

Predicative Clauses ‒ придаточные предложения сказуемые

Object Clauses ‒ дополнительные придаточные предложения

Direct Speech ‒ прямая речь

Indirect Speech/Reported Speech ‒ косвенная речь

Attributive Clauses ‒ определительные придаточные предложения

Adverbial Clauses ‒ обстоятельственные придаточные предложения

Adverbial Clauses of Time ‒ придаточные предложения времени

Adverbial Clauses of Place ‒ придаточные предложения места

Adverbial Clauses of Cause ‒ придаточные предложения причины

Adverbial Clauses of Manner ‒ придаточные предложения образа действия

Adverbial Clauses of Result ‒ придаточные предложения следствия

Adverbial Clauses of Concession ‒ придаточные предложения уступительные

Adverbial Clauses of Purpose ‒ придаточные предложения цели

Adverbial Clauses of Condition ‒ придаточные предложения условия

Conditional Sentences ‒ условные предложения

Punctuation Marks ‒ знаки препинания

The Comma ‒ запятая

The Semicolon ‒ точка с запятой

The Colon ‒ двоеточие

The Full Stop ‒ точка

The Note of Interrogation/ The Interrogative mark ‒ вопросительный знак

The Note of Exclamation/ The Exclamatory mark ‒ восклицательный знак

The Inverted Commas/ Quotation marks ‒ кавычки

The Apostrophe ‒ апостроф

The Hyphen ‒ дефис


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 64 | Нарушение авторских прав

<== предыдущая страница | следующая страница ==>
курс, 1 семестр Lesson 12, Unit 5, p. 36-37, 40-41| ПРОЕКТНА ЗАЯВКА

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