Details of the assignment task(s) to include;
1. Rationale
This assignment is designed to introduce you to report writing in higher education. In addition it will introduce you to concept of applying dietary guidelines in a hospitality context.
2. The learning outcomes being assessed
The assignment assesses learning outcomes numbers 1,3 and 5
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the functioning of food components with reference to the rationale for dietary guidelines;
3. Demonstrate knowledge of the relevance of food safety and nutritional issues to the hospitality sector with specific reference to current global and UK initiatives and strategies (governments/non-governmental organisations);
5. Formulate and assess menus for adherence to dietary guidelines for the general population and for specific population sub-groups.
3. Overview of assignment
You are required to select a starter, main course and dessert to comprise a menu (Please reference).
From the ingredients list on the recipe calculate the quantities for one person.
Calculate the nutritional content of the meal utilising the Microdiet software package (this will be demonstrated in class).
The computer programme will provide detail of the following nutrients.(Instructions for the use of the Microdiet programme are provided below)
Energy (kcal, kJ) Carbohydrate (g)
Protein (g) Fibre (g)
Fat (g) Calcium (g)
Iron (g)
Results for the total meal should be compared to the current dietary guidelines/ Dietary Reference Values. These can be found in the Basic Nutrition Book on myBU.The text books/lecture notes provide additional information.
Submit your results in a table providing the total of the nutrients in each course and for the total meal.
In addition to submitting your results you will need to include a discussion of your findings. This should include recommendations as to how the recipes/cooking methods may need to be amended in order that the meal more closely conforms to dietary guidelines.
You are required to submit your assignment as a report; reports require an introduction (what you are doing and why), methodology (how you went about the work), results and discussion. You will need to include a reference list using the BU referencing guidelines.
Word limit: The whole report should be no more than 1500 words excluding tables and references.
4. Assessment criteria and weightings (conforming to the Unit Specification)
Details of the criteria that will be used to assess your report are given below. A copy of the Generic Assessment Criteria are given in the student handbook – they are used as the basis for the specific criteria given in the individual assignments
| Weighting
| 1. Subject knowledge/understanding of the task set
Has the task been carried out accurately using the appropriate resources
| 20%
| 2. Intellectual skills - Analysis/evaluation
Principles of dietary guidelines – is an understanding of these demonstrated
Dietary Reference Values – have the appropriate comparisons been made, details of calculations included?
| 3. Subject specific skills - Application/problem solving
Suggested Recipe amendments
| 20%
| 4. Transferable skills - Presentation/organisation
Use of references and other supporting materials
| 20%
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