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The UNO structure

THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS | COMMISSIONS AND OTHR BODIES | THE UNO HEADQUARTERS | Комиссия ООН по правам человека | OKCP 1. Письменный перевод статьи с русского языка на английский язык. | OKCP 2: Составление синопсиса статьи на английском языке. |

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The United Nations Organisation consists of six main bodies and a number agencies and commissions.

The General Assembly is the largest of the six basic organs. It is the deliberative body of the United Nations. It is linked up with all the other organs and it has the power to elect their membership. It may discuss any subject within the scope of the charter, except the disputes within the authority of the Security Council. It may propose its recommendations to other organs or to member governments.

All member states have their representatives in the Assembly. Each state may have up to five representatives but only one vote. Decisions on important questions require a quorum of two-thirds majority of members and two-thirds voting. To decide other issues simple majority is sufficient.

The Assembly meets in regular annual sessions and in special sessions as situation requires. The president is elected for each session.

The Security Council has the responsibility for maintaining world peace and security. Every member of the United Nations is pledged to accept and carry out the Council's decisions.

The Security Council has 15 members. Five nations have permanent seats: the United Kingdom, China, France, Russia, and the United States. Of the other ten, five are elected each year by the General Assembly for two-year terms; five retire each year. Each member has one vote. On all procedural matters, approval requires nine "yes" votes. On all other matters, the nine "yes" votes must include the votes of all five permanent members. Each of the Big Five has a veto power. Any one of them can block any discussion. A party to a dispute does not participate in voting.

Any state may bring a dispute to which it is a party to the consideration of the Security Council. If the Council finds there is a real threat to peace, or an act of aggression, it may call upon the members of the United Nations to cut communications with the countries concerned or break off trade relations. If these methods prove inadequate, the charter states that the Council may take military action against the offending nation by air, sea, and land forces of the United Nations.

According to Article 43 of the Charter every member of the United Nations must supply the Council with armed forces on its call. These forces are directed by a Military Staff Committee, consisting of the chiefs of staff of the five permanent members.

The International Court of Justice is the supreme judicial body of the United Nations. Its permanent seat is in The Hague, The Netherlands. The court consists of 15 judges elected by the General Assembly and the Security Council. The judges serve for nine years and they may be reelected. Nine judges make a quorum and matters are decided by a majority vote.

Any states may bring disputes to the court for judgment. Both parties must first agree to allow the court to try the case. If one of the parties does not accept the judgment of the court, the other party may appeal to the Security Council for enforcement of the Court decision. The court also fulfils advisory functions to other United Nations organs.

The Economic and Social Council works for achieving higher standards of living, improving health and education, and promoting human rights and freedoms. It works under the authority of the General Assembly and is answerable to it. The Council consists of 27 members; nine of them are elected by the Assembly each year. They serve three-year terms.

The Economic and Social Council is assisted by its own commissions and by independent specialized agencies.

The Secretariat carries on the day-to-day business of the United Nations and assists all the other organs. It is headed by the secretary-general, the chief administrative officer of the United Nations. He is appointed by the General Assembly on recommendation of the Security Council. His staff consists of thousands of workers from many countries.

The Trusteeship Council seeks to protect the interests of people who live in trust territories and to help them to build self-government. Its members are elected by the General Assembly.

A non-self-governing territory becomes a trust territory through an individual trusteeship agreement with the United Nations. The Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, administered by the United States, is defined as a "strategic area" and is under the authority of the Security Council. All other trust territories are under the General Assembly.


Ex. 11. Prepare a diagram explaining the powers of the bodies and the interrelations between the bodies of UNO.


Ex.12. Revise the words and expressions:

self-governing organizations

to coordinate activities

to bring together

social security


to increase production


to improve distribution

expert assistance

to improve nutrition

to broaden the base of smth.

to bring the benefits of smth.

to encourage smth.

cultural interchange

liaison group

interim (provisional) organization

to be replaced by smth.

uniform regulations

to further economic development

to grant loans

to furnish advice

to be affiliated

to underwrite

flexible terms


to merge

to allocate radio frequencies


Ex. 13. Study the text focusing on the usage of the words and expressions from Ex. 12.

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