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Некоторые из последователей Йорка считают его живым богом.[26] Сам же Йорк говорил, что он лишь устанавливает связь путем ченнелинга с божеством.[28] Он также называл себя Аль-Хидром («зеленым») и Мельхеседеком (которого Йорк также называл архангелом Михаилом).[29]

Позднее Йорк отменил телесное почитание себя. В предисловии ко всем своим книгам он писал:

Я не Адонайi, Иисус Мессия «Христос»; и не святой, да и не пророк. Я Мастер Учитель, поводырь.[30]

«Заклятие Левиафана»

Основанная цель и практика доктрины Нуваубу это сопротивление т.н «заклятью Левиафана» или «заклятья Кингу». В мифологии Нуваубу, Левиафан это бог ассоциирующийся с Луной, сексом, и алкоголем — также известный как Люцифер, Грех, Сет, Тот, Шива, Гермес, Посейдон и библейски змей.[31]

Члены Нуваубу верят что Заклятье Левиафана было наложено диаволом тысячи лет назад для гипноза чернокожих, приводящего в «духовному невежеству и расовому безразличию»[32]. Заклятье распространяется через такие СМИ как Библия и элементы массовой культуры.[33]

У Левиафана много имен:

Сэм – сокращенное имя Самаэля, означающее «отравляющий тех кто с Элем». Он зовет себя Дядя Сэм или Доктор Зевс (Зюс).[34]


Отчасти доктрина Нуваубу заимствована из Науки Мавров и Нации Ислама. Расовая философия Йорка определяет черных – «Нубийцев» или «Меланитов» – как высшую расу.

Периодически сторонники Нуваубу заявляют, что они не расисты, например цитируя Йорка: «Мы признаем, что ни одна из рас не лучше любой другой расы. Никто не иметт расового превосходства».[35]

Однако, сложно смириться с другими заявления Йорка и его последователей. Например в одной из лекций Йорк говорит: «Белые это демоны» <…>.[36]

Поскольку раса это важный аспект учения Нуваубу, в книгах Йорка существует множество мифов касающихся расового превосходства с которыми сложно смириться. По одной из версий монголоиды и европеоиды произошли от низших мутантов негроидов. Европеоиды страдают альбинизмом, что является свидетельством «тупиковости их генов».[37] Однако большинство белых не европеоиды, а негритянские мулаты или «цветные». Только голубоглазые блондины – арийцы являются европеоидами.[38]

Белые (иногда также называемые «аморитами», «гиксосами», «ханнанитами», «тамаху», или «человечеством») согласно одному из мифов Нуваубу были созданы для охраны чернокожих и работы, но план был сорван:

Европеоиды не должны были управлять миром. У них нет настоящих эмоций. Мы никогда не собирались делать из них мирных людей. Они были воспитаны для убийств, с низким репродуктивным уровнем и коротким сроком жизни. Те, кого называют негроидами жили 1,000 лет, другие же люли всего 120 лет. Но воинское семя европеоидов только 60 лет. Их создали лишь для битв и завоеваний, для защиты Богочеловеческих негроидов. Но они обезумели, вышли из под контроля. Они попробовали кровь и их истинная природа раскрылась.… Поскольку их репродуктивные способности были ограничены, их половые органы были меньшего размера, т.о женщины их расы предпочитали смешиваться с негроидами.[39]

Нубийцы стали «коричневыми» случайно – их цвет кожи трансформировался в земной атмосфере из изначально зеленого по причине магния в меланине который был замещен железом. Изначальные высшие «9 Существ» в мифологии Нуваубу были также зеленого цвета из-за содержания хролофила в коже.[40]

Некоторые верят, что христианский термин «rapture» - вознесение ссылается на возвращение рапторов, которые будут питаться плотью белых.

Другие объяснения Нуваубу интерпретируют цитаты из книги Бытия: «Нубийцы это хамиты сыны Хама и Мицраима (Кн. Бытия 10:6)».[44]

Бледные люди пришли с Кавказа, где было мало плодородной земли. Это вынудило их выкрасть нубийских женщин для поддержания своего семени. Кавказские женщины, которые остались в горах сношались с животными: таким как шакалы. Фраза «собака – друг человека» имеет корни оттуда. Так появились люди со звериной природой.[45]


Йорк заявлял, что он внеземной мастер учитель с планеты Ризк. Он писал, «Мы прибыли на эту планету, и она уже была заселена.… Мое воплощение в качестве Илаха Мутаджассида или Аватары произошло в 1945 году до н.э. Я прилетел на челноке материнского корабля Меркаба или Нибиру».[49]

Согласно учению Йорка Материнский корабль/Нибиру построит Кристальный Город или Новый Иерусалим (см: Книга Откровения 21:2) прилетев из созвездия Ориона. Процесс сбора 144,000 Избранных (см: Книга Откровения 14:1) — каждых 12,000 из Двенадцати племен Израилевых — на корабль Нибиру будет начат 12 августа 2003 года и закончится 12 августа 2043 года.

Эти Избранные будут воспитываться 1,000 лет и вернуться для финальной битвы против люцифериан. Заявлялось, что блэкаут 14 августа 2003 на востоке США и Канады был началом процесса «жатвы».

Заявляется, что на Земле обитает 70 видов «Серых» и 16 видов «Рептилоидов».[54]

Йорк объясняет причины, почему все эти случаи не предаются огласке тем, что инопланетяне искажают реальность с помощью Голливуда и фильмов об НЛО, таким образом большинство скептически относится к контактам с инопланетянами и считает очевидцев НЛО сумасшедшими.[55] Йорк утверждает, что в фильмах об инопланетянах содержится закодированная информация в частности в саге Звездных войн:

Йода… это Иуда. Масоны инспирированы Серыми. Йода приводит масонов назад к Иуде, древнему масонству Израиля. …[56]

See also


1. Nuwaubians Arrested in Common-Law Scam Southern Poverty Law Center (Winter 2003).

2. Adherents.com reports an estimated 550 adherents as of 1999 [1], citing Copeland, Larry (USA Today). "Race, Religion, Rhetoric Simmer in Georgia Town " in Salt Lake Tribune, 18 September 1999.

3. Journalist Adam Heimlich reviewed some of York’s books in 2000 and wrote:

A partial list, from my notes, of places I’d encountered Nuwaubian notions before includes Chariots of the Gods and the Rael’s embellishments on that book, conspiracy lit, UFO lit, the human potential movement, Buddhism and new-age, astrology, theosophy and Blavatsky, Leonard Jeffries and other Afrocentrics, Edgar Cayce, LaRouche, alternative medicine, self-help books, Satanism, the Atkins diet, numerology and yoga. Many of these York has mentioned by name. There are also extensive discourses on the Torah, Gospels and Koran, as well as on Rastafarianism, the Nation of Islam and the Five Percent Nation. Heimlich, Adam "Black Egypt: A Visit to Tama-Re" New York Press 8 November 2000 [2]

4. The Holy Tablets 1:6 "These supreme beings called Annunagi or Neteru, whose way of life was called Nuwaubu, were endowed by El Kuluwm 'the All' with a superior overstanding, 720 degrees in all."[3] Perhaps the term is derived from the Arabic word nubuwa (نبوة) "prophethood, prophecy").[ citation needed ]

5. Ma, Ken (November 24, 2005). "College students' blackface stunt creates backlash". The Orlando Sentinel (Orlando, FL).

6. Wiggins, Ovetta (April 26, 2006). "Racial Slurs Make For Ugly Commute; Vandals Deface Bowie Church, Sound Barrier". The Washington Post (Washington, D.C.).

7. Dininny, Shannon (January 16, 2012). "Civil-rights history gets boost; Whitman College students to teach subject this week". The Seattle Times (Seattle, WA).

8. " York, founder and kingpin of the group Nuwaubian Nation of Moors, pleaded guilty in what prosecutors called the largest case ever mounted against a single child molester. [...] Some of York's cult members, taught to believe he was the target of a vendetta by white racists and 'house niggers,' have remained loyal. But several of the formerly faithful have denounced York. His driver during the 1970s, Saadik Redd, told the Macon Telegraph he hopes his daughter — still a disciple of York's — will join other Nuwaubians in leaving the group. 'I hope they can see the fallacy in him,' Saadik said, 'and understand that the whole thing was a lie.'" Black Supremacist 'Savior' Guilty of Mass Molestation, Southern Poverty Law Center, Intelligence Report, Spring 2003, Issue Number: 109."

9. Philips, Abu Ameenah Bilal The Ansar Cult in America Tawheed Publications 1988, p. 1. Philips shows that in 1975 York’s publications changed his declared birth year from 1935 to 1945, to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the birth of The Mahdi, who is popularly believed to have been born in 1845. See also York's birth certificate as shown on then uwaubian-hotep.net website.

10. Moser, Bob Savior in a Strange Land: A black supremacist cult leader meets his match in rural Georgia" Southern Poverty Law Center Intelligence Report 107 (Fall, 2002) [4]

11. Palmer (2010), p. 1.

12. web archive (January 2001), in turn citing:

§ Resource Center for Freedom of Mind: http://www.freedomofmind.com/groups/nuwaubian/nuwaubian.htm

§ Monroe, Sylvester. "Strangers from the North send a Southern town into a tizzy." Time, July 12, 1999: 1.

§ The Our Story of the Holy Tabernacle Ministries: http://web.archive.org/web/20091028105559/http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Corridor/4978/ourstory.html

13. Rob Peecher, York's accusers describe years of sexual abuse, Macon Telegraph/September 1, 2002.

14. Palmer (2010), pp. xv-xvi.

15. according to a scan of a court document presented at nuwaubianfacts.com

16. "Holy Tabernacle Ministries", self-published in Eatonton, Georgia; no ISBN; ASIN B0028BAQ4E. 1699 pages.

17. Matthew I. Pinzur, Nuwaubians, Who Are These People?, The Macon Telegraph, May 15, 2000.

18. Eugene V. Gallagher, The new religious movements experience in America, Greenwood Publishing Group, 2004, ISBN 978-0-313-32807-7, p. 145

19. "In 2001, the Nuwaubians put up their own (Republican) candidates for public office [in Putnam County, Georgia] — including sheriff. Prior to the primary, the county Board of Registrars declared 196 Nuwaubians ineligible to vote because they had not established residence in the county." Palmer, Susan. "Cult Fighting in Middle Georgia". Religion in the News. Summer 2006, Vol. 9, No. 1.

20. Eckenrode, Vicky “Mystery Circles Georgia's Clan of Nuwaubians” Augusta Chronicle 25 February 2001, p. B1. http://chronicle.augusta.com/stories/2001/02/25/met_308857.shtml

WHEREAS, the Black race’s greatness has been accepted in America and many books as people of Timbuktu Africa or the Olmecians from Uganda, Africa who migrated and walked here to North and South America to setup [ sic ] colonies way before the continentail [ sic ] drift, and were accepted as running the richest trading expeditions ever; and…

WHEREAS, Imperial Grand Potentate Rev. Dr. Malachi Z. York, 33 degree Deputy Grand Master of the State of Georgia and Rameses 2 Lodge No. 9, affiliated with the Most Worshipful Pride of Georgia Grand Lodge AF7Am. And Noble of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine of Mecca Temple No. 1, 33-degree Inspector General of the Scottish Rite Freemasonry and Supreme Grand Hierophant of the Ancient Egiptian Order, who’s brain child, was a whole Egiptian Village built in Eatonton, Georgia’s Putnam County based on Egiptian Masonic Architecture, thus circumventing the plan eliminating the Nuwaubian culture, tradition, and beliefs; and…

21. “4 deputies fired after jail probe: Sect influence jeopardized security, Clarke sheriff finds” Athens Banner-Herald 23 November 2006 [5]
See also: Johnson, Joe “Fired jailer sues sheriff: Probe of cult influence at issue” Athens Banner-Herald 22 June 2007 [6]

22. Heimlich, Adam "Black Egypt: A Visit to Tama-Re" New York Press 8 November 2000 [7]

23. Segal, David “At the Smithsonian, Hip-Hop Is History: Museum Launches Collection of Genre” Washington Post 1 March 2006, p. C1 [8]

24. "Together, they made an album rife with quotes from The Matrix and rhymes about ancient Egypt, outer space and chromosomes, all laid over futuristic/sci-fi beats that seem transplanted from other worlds. It’s really much more than a musical creation; it represents a new, somewhat complicated religion called Nuwaubu (new-ah-boo). "You can dance to our music," Rasul explains of the group’s aim, "but it’s strictly to stimulate certain latent forces inside your chromosomes." On Where Light’s "Swords of Malachai," Rasul lets loose: 'When my tongue swings in the form of a double-edged sword, it brings forth Nuwaubu, which is right Knowledge, wisdom and understanding.'" Imarisha, Walidah “Right Rhyming: Philly’s Lost Children of Babylon spread the Nuwaubu word” Philadelphia City Paper 8 February 2001 [9]

25. Reum, A.L. JakeAl “American Indian Identity: Tea Parties and Outkast” Honor Nation 2004 [10]

26. e.g., the Secret and Sacred Ritual of the Ancient Egiptian Order described York as the “Supreme Grand Hierophant Who Is His Own Father And Mother. He Comes Forth By Day, Known As S.G.H. Amunnubi Raakhptah Or Atum-Re, 720°, Keeper Of The Lost And Sacred Word And Its Tones, Symbolized By The Missing Part Of Osiris’ Body Needed For New Life, Who Is Tehuti Of Whom It Is Said, Death Has Forgotten Him.”

27. e.g. York, Malachi Z. Man From Planet Rizq (Study Book One: Supreme Mathematics Class A For The Students Of The Holy Tabernacle), page 23 [11] — “I am what you call an angelic being, An Eloheem from… the nineteenth galaxy called ‘ILLYUWN’ originally referred to as heaven known as Elysium in Greek.… I have incarnated here in this form to act as a human being for the sole purpose of saving The Children Of The ELOHEEM… the chosen 144,000. Just as Mary of 2,000 years ago was chosen by the MOST HIGH, ANU… to breed the holy thing called Yashu’a or Jesus.… So too The Banaat will breed the Savior of this day and time; I YAANUWN, have come to save the children of the ELOHEEM (ANNUNAQI) from being killed as you bring your planet near to what could be its total destruction.”

28. York, Malachi Z. Man From Planet Rizq (Study Book One: Supreme Mathematics Class A For The Students Of The Holy Tabernacle) pp. 28-29 [12] — “I don’t sit around and make these things up. These are distinct personalities of people or beings, Who have lived in the past or in other galaxies inter-dimensional at this time called ‘NOW’ who incarnated into me and they relay their messages through me to you. That is what makes me different from most people. I Am Not A Religious Man. I Am Just A Teacher.… ¶ I possessed a number of eight distinctive personalities, There are others. Each one of them represents a certain amount of information that must be conveyed in these last days and times. Some of their jobs are finished, I don’t hear them anymore. Some of them represents [ sic ] spirituality, Some of them are healers, historians, Great men and some of them accompanied great men or are Extra-Terrestrial beings. Oftentimes people have misinterpreted my characters by this and have made up their own interpretations of who they thought I was.”

29. e.g. The Essene Degrees AMOM: Lesson 1, Study 4 page 2, where he writes “I, Melchizedek Who Is El Khidr, Am Your Spiritual Guide, and I Am Here To Guide You Back To Your Lineage.”

30. The Universal Lessons Of The Masonic Lodge, The Secret Degrees and Studies Of Entered Apprentice p. XI [13]

31. Rahkaptah, Amunubi (pseud. for M.Z. York) Bible Interpretations and Explanations booklet one (1967) p. 9-10

32. Rahkaptah, Amunubi (pseud. for M.Z. York) Bible Interpretations and Explanations booklet one (1967) p. 4

33. York-El, M.Z. The Bride of Christ — “These so-called holy books [Bible and Koran] that you hold in your hand today, were plagiarized and taken from ancient tablets such as the Enuma Elish (which can be found in The Holy Tablets), as a guide for you by Tammuz, one of the Eloheem (Elo-Heem, Aramic/Hebrew—these beings) assigned to you. ¶ Originally, the Torah was produced. Then humans came up with the New Testament, subsequently, the Koran. Each copy was getting further away from the original written truth. Zuen, also known as Shakar (whom you are calling the Devil…), 6,000 years ago cast Spell of Kingu called Leviathan aka The Spell of Sleep. The text was manipulated and used to help enforce the Spell of Kingu. Thus, the scriptures that you hold in your hand today are not divinely inspired (and are spellbinding).”

34. “Uncle Sam Wants You” factology.com (referencing The Spell of Leviathan "666" (Spell of Kingu) and First Language)[14]

35. Are Nuwaubians Racist? http://www.nuwaubians.org/arenuwaubiansracist.html

36. Egipt and the Mask of God recorded lecture

37. York, Malachi Z. Was Adam Black or White? [15] — “There is no longer a question of which race was on the planet first. All are in agreement that Negroes are the oldest race on the planet with five fingers and five toes, having wooly lamb’s hair, also melanin, and that all others – Mongoloid and Caucasoid come out of the original Negroid gene. They are our children; we are their parents and that’s why it hurt so much when we found out that they were evil continually (Genesis 6:5). The last string of a defected [ sic ] gene is the albino as they have recently found the albino gorilla, alligator, buffalo, snake, and many other creatures who have reached the end of their genes. So it is with the human race and the albino of the human race because the Caucasians are at the last strand of their genes, who have no place in history”

38. Nuwaubian Moors Newsletter 28 September 1997 [16] — “Most of the so-called Europeans of today are not really Caucasians. They are Mulattos. The pure Caucasian stock are those people with blond hair and blue eyes. If you were to snatch the hood off most K.K.K., you would not find blond haired, blue eyed Aryans (nobles). You would find dark haired, dark eyed mulattos, who think that they are white. Most skinheads do not have blond hair and blue eyes, nor did the German Chancellor Adolph Hitler [ sic ]. Unbeknown to them, they are a part of the Negroid race. They are the coloreds.”

39. York, Malachi Z. “This is your message Najwa and Davina, Kirsten” (letter) 10 November 2004 [17]
See also Amunnubi Raakhptah’s 9 Principles in the Human Being where he writes (p. 33): “The First Thing That All Nubuns Or Their Offspring Nubian Must Know Is That The Caucasoids Did Not And Still Don’t Produce Any Data On Negroids. Nothing You Read About In The Medical Field Applied To Negroids. It All Pertains To The Chemical Make Up Of The Caucasoid Bodies. Nothing In The Mental Field Of The Psychiatrist Pertains To The Negroids. The Caucasoids Cannot Evaluate Our Mental Stability, Or Try To Decipher Why We Do What We Do Because We Do Not Think Or Feel The Way They Do. Nor Do The Caucasoids Know Anything About Us Spiritually. The Caucasoids Are Carnivorous Mammals, Who Are Flesh Eating Killers By Nature. Mongoloids And Others Are Human, Also Mammals Because They Are Mixed. Some Are Carnivores And Some Are Herbivores By Nature. And We Are Deities, Herbivores By Nature Who Are Their Mothers And Fathers. The Caucasoid Were All Grafted From Us, And Mixed With Other Beast To Make Their Beast Like Nature.”

40. York, Malachi Z. Spell Of Leviathan 666 [The Spell Of Kingu] [18]

41. “Extraterrestrial Amongst Us” 1996 Nuwaubian Calendar

42. York, Malachi Z. A Wake Up Call (video)[19]“[Baboons are] very aggressive killers. Their human descendants stalk schools and shoot innocent people. Also they drag people from the back of trucks.… Among the different species of Apeman you have the black-haired Lar. This is where you get the word ‘lord,’ or master from. The Lares, plural for Lar, were recognized for their intelligence. These Lares were the head monkeys or spiritual monkeys, well known. This is where the word ‘monks’ comes from. Certain beings used the species known as the Baboon (part hyena, jackal and monkey) together with Orangutans for breeding. This resulted in your Behaymaw (called the beast of the field) type of carnivorous man called Mankind, one of the many species of Caucasians. You have the red-haired, light-green eyed, yellow-haired, blue-eyed, brown-haired, grey-eyed and many others. While on the other hand, certain beings used the Chimpanzee and the Gibbon, which are an offshoot of the Lares, for breeding. The Chimpanzee and Gibbon evolved into Humins, and they became your Nubuns, the original Pygmy tribe.”
see also York, Malachi Z. El Ishtakhlaag: The Creation Tablet 9 (p. 95-98)[20]

43. York, Malachi Z. A letter from M.Z. York to his followers from prision [21]

44. York, Malachi Z. What Race Was Jesus?

45. The Melaninite Children [22] (see also York, Malachi Z. The Dog [23])

46. York, Malachi Z. Is God An Extraterrestrial?

47. York, Malachi Z. Bible Interpretations and Explanations

48. Raakhptah, Amunnubi 9 Principles in the Human Being p. 2

49. York, Malachi Z. The Man From Planet Rizq Scroll #80

50. e.g. Lasseter, Tom “Tensions Simmer Around a Black Sect in Georgia” New York Times 29 June 1999

51. “Extraterrestrials Amongst Us” 1996 Nuwaubian Calendar

52. York, Malachi Z. Shamballah and Aghaarta ~ Cities Within The Earth Scroll #131 [24]

53. York, Malachi Z. Is God an Extraterrestrial? [25] — "Extraterrestrial beings do not like the effects of intoxicants, sugar, coffee, chocolate and prefer the pure essence without toxins. So those E.T.s that eat people really prefer children as opposed to adults. This should make you stop and think, where are all those 'missing' children that appear on milk cartons?"
see also: York, Malachi Z. Are There (UFO’s) Extraterrestrials In Your Midst? Scroll #84 [26] — "The true 'nectar of the gods' which Extraterrestrials seem to prize is a substance that is taken from freshly killed humans.… the strong surge of adrenaline [that] accumulates at the base of the brain (the brain stem)… [S]ome Extraterrestrials thrive on this substance as though it were some kind of ultimate drug for their particular species. This substance is most potent in human children."

54. York, Malachi Z. Questions and Answers / Debates and Discussion Scroll #140 The Holy Tabernacle Ministries Of The World [27]

55. York, Malachi Z. Are There (UFO’s) Extraterrestrials In Your Midst? Scroll #84 [28]

56. York, Malachi Z. The Year 2000 A.D. And What To Expect… Scroll #156

57. York, Malachi Z. GOD, God, god — What Is The Difference? Scroll #66 [29]

58. York, Malachi Z. Who Lived Before The Adam and Eve Story?

59. Muhammad, Isa (York, M. Z.) The Paleman

60. York, Malachi Z. Let’s Set The Record Straight Scroll #360

61. York, Malachi Z. Jesus Found in Egipt

62. Heimlich, Adam “Black Egypt: A Visit to Tama-Re” New York Press 8 November 2000 [30]

63. York, Malachi Z. The Spell Of Leviathan (The Spell Of Kingu) 666 Part 2 [31]

64. York, Malachi Z.? Let's Set The Record Straight! Scroll #360

65. York, Malachi Z. “Why were the pyramids of ancient Egypt built?”

66. York, Malachi Z. Al Khidr: Murduk Tablet 2

67. "Maku is a Secured Party" Yamassee Native American Moors of the Creek Nation [32]

68. York, Malachi Z. “Extra-Terra-Astrals in our Midst”[33] and Shamballah & Aghaarta; Cities Within the Earth Scroll #131 [34]

69. http://factology.com/20010324.htm

70. York, Malachi Z. El Ishtaklaag: The Creation 2:15 (p.12)[35], see also: “Creation, Evolution or Genetic Splicing, Which Is The Truth” 1997 November 9; Page 1 (col. 1)[36]

71. York, Malachi Z. Dr. York vs. The Computer

72. Where is the Devil Today? (Scroll #87) pp. 80-82 — “Some Of The Children That You Have Aborted In The Cities, Go Down Into The Sewage Have Not Died. These [Devil] Beings Have Taken Them And Have Nursed Them Back To Health. They Groomed Them And They Walk Amongst Us. They Are Waiting For The Day To Take Control Of The Earth. They Hate You With Good Reason Because Their First Contact With Any Object Was Somebody Trying To Hack Them To Death, Or Some Doctor Trying To Crush Their Head To Pull Them Out Of Their Mother.… These Beings Have Received These Children And They Have An Underground Army That’s Moving, And They Live On Surface. These People Have Access To The Banks And The Cars. They Have Identification Of Everything They Need Because They Live Under. Have You Ever Driven By A Park And Noticed That They Have Doorways Going To Parkways That Go Nowhere? In A Regular Big Park On The Road, You’ll See A Big Old Door Going To Nowhere, Then You Say, ‘I Wonder What That Door Is Doing Out There?’ Nobody You Know Can Tell You What's It Doing There Or What's It For? There’s Nobody From The Military, Nobody From The Police Department, Everybody's Saying The Same Thing, Why Is That Door There? You Can Go Up Under The Bridge, Any Bridge, And You Look Down As You’re Driving On The Bridge. You’ll See These Big Hollow Areas That Are Inside, That Are Unused. The Cities Don't Use Them, The States Doesn't Use Them Why? Because The People That Are In The Government Are A Part Of It. The First Thing They Did Was Move Inside Of The Sanitation Department.”

73. York, Malachi Z. Holy Tabernacle’s Guide for Better Living Purity and Neatness and Maintenance of Health Scroll #18 [37]

74. York, Malachi Z. The Birth Ceremony Scroll #50

75. York, Malachi Z. The Man from Planet Rizq Scroll #80

76. York, Malachi Z. The Savior Scroll #1 p. 114

77. York, Malachi Z. The Science of Creation Scroll #81

78. York, Malachi Z. El Istakhlaag: The Creation 4:47-57, pp. 29-30

79. York-El, Malachizodok Science of the Pyramid p. 12

80. York, Malachi Z. The Science of Creation Scroll #81

81. York, Malachi Z. Is God an Extraterrestrial?

82. York, Malachi Z. Halloween, The Evil One’s Sabbath and Santa or Satan? The Fallacy of Christmas [38][39]

83. York, Malachi Z. Halloween, The Evil One’s Sabbath

84. York, Malachi Z. Our Bondage Scroll #40

85. York, Malachi Z. Halloween, The Evil One’s Sabbath

86. York, Malachi Z. Breaking the Spell on Blacks Scroll #43

87. York, Malachi Z. Halloween, The Evil One’s Sabbath

88. "While my mother was pregnant certain nerves in the brain of the child were altered so that child would be able to receive a higher intellect. An intellect higher than other normal Earth Beings who have had their Barathary Glands removed." (York, M.Z. The Holy Tablets Chapter 19, Tablet 6)

89. Partridge, Christopher Hugh UFO Religions Routledge (2003) p. 159 (ISBN 978-0-415-26324-5)

90. York, Malachi Z. Letter to Rana Hall 11/3/04

91. York, Malachi Z. Who Lived Before the Adam & Eve Story?

92. York, Malachi Z. El Istakhlaag: The Creation 2:24, p. 14

93. York, Malachi Z. Bible Interpretations and Explanations booklet 2, p. 23 [40]

94. York, Malachi Z. El Musta Wathee’ya 2:25, p. 225-7

95. York, Malachi Z. “The Ourstory (history) of the Holy Tabernacle Ministries!” The Holy Tablets Chapter 19:AL KHIDR, MURDOQ Tablet 6-Zodoq:Melchizedek pp. 1643-1648 [41]

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