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Bob Wallace is just trying to help. You fellows mean well, but you’ve no idea how ignorant your use of “solipsism” makes you look to people who really do know what it means. 4 страница

Female Solipsism | A tangent here, but have you noticed how kid glove Vox is when he disagrees with giggles? (as he did on this topic of alpha game)…. It almost looks like beta appeasement. | Bob Wallace is just trying to help. You fellows mean well, but you’ve no idea how ignorant your use of “solipsism” makes you look to people who really do know what it means. 1 страница | Bob Wallace is just trying to help. You fellows mean well, but you’ve no idea how ignorant your use of “solipsism” makes you look to people who really do know what it means. 2 страница |

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But what I cannot abide is the mockery I see coming from alpha men towards beta men. The sneering condescension of the older men who actively put into place a legal and cultural structure to essentially abandon the average guy to unrestrained and feral women. And now they have the gall to tell those of us with marriage difficulties that it is our own fault… that we did not pay due diligence, that we are not manly enough, that we are whiners, losers, wimps….

Those sort of men have gotten theirs. And they feel no remorse for selling out the average guy. None. So shortsighted…. As it’s been pointed out, we are the men that build and maintain civilization. We’d break our backs just to get a home, a woman, and children of our own… and now, what incentive that was there… it’s all gone now. The people that did this… they have no idea what they sacrificed. No idea. This systematic undermining of fathers… and the deconstruction of it… the complete loss of rights and status a man gets when he marries and has children. It boggles my mind.

Men are reciprocating. Pick-up artists ignore their dehumanization and simply leverage the new playing field to consume the marriage value of their marks. What will happen when men as a group take their systemic disrespect and pay back other groups in kind…? These people that so smugly instruct us, “well a MAN has to EARN respect…!” How am I to take that? What if I wasn’t governed by the sermon on the mount? What if I started playing tit for tat and required women and the elderly to earn MY respect…? The chaos that could be unleashed if men didn’t merely go Galt… but quit playing by the old rules altogether… just imagine it…. I wonder if we have crossed the line where we have earned a second round of John Brown’s prohecy:

I, John Brown, am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land: will never be purged away; but with Blood. I had as I now think: vainly flattered myself that without very much bloodshed; it might be done.

233. Some Guy says:

September 21, 2012 at 1:41 pm

Not sure what I was thinking with the opening sentence.

Maybe change “That I was shocked to see a woman go round and round and always miss the point” to “I was originally shocked to see one woman after another go round and round and always miss the point. For years I assumed it was just my wife that was like that.”

234. Some Guy says:

September 21, 2012 at 1:42 pm

And… “prohecy” should be “prophecy”, sorry.

235. Cane Caldo says:

September 21, 2012 at 1:49 pm



All that was needed was for you to say, “I forgive you.”

Everyone catch that?

I don’t do what you say, SSM, and I can’t forgive you of what you do not repent. You did not earnestly apologize; you expressed your feelings to me in an attempt to extract my sympathy. When that failed (fitness-test passed with flying colors, right?) you groveled much more than was necessary, as if to say, “Spank me, Daddy.”

Today you took a swipe at me because I don’t pay attention to you. When I give you the attention you deserve (but not that you crave) I am greeted with a game of Push-Pull; one paragraph of your expectations and man-up language, and an apology in the last. Textbook.

Finally: It’s not gossiping to warn others about the woman offering forbidden fruit, or to ask for help, as I did. Mrs. Caldo was not amused.

As I said, I’m glad you chimed in, SSM: You demonstrate the only true benefit of knowing about Game: How to recognize a slut. You think you’re chaste because you aren’t fucking anyone but your husband (as far as we know), but your heart is any man’s for the taking. The ass is only moments behind.

236. sunshinemary says:

September 21, 2012 at 1:52 pm

No, none of that is true, but it is of no importance.

237. MaMu1977 says:

September 21, 2012 at 3:44 pm


Words are redefined on a daily basis.
Until the mid-1950′s, awesome and aw(e)ful were synonyms (both words were used to describe circumstances that filled a person with awe.) Now, awesome is a superlative and awful (notice that the “e” has disappeared) is a pejorative. Likewise with the words terrific and horrific (although terrible and horrible, despite having the same roots in the words “terror” and “horror”, are still seen as negative.

Or, to be blunt, the word “nigger”. It’s a corruption of the word negro. Prior to the mass immigration of subcontinental Asians to the UK, that word (in English) was only used to describe Africans. Post-immigration, the use shifted to describe all darker-skinned people (in anglophone countries.) Prior to the advent of the moving picture industry, non-English speaking countries called Africans “black” in their own languages (eg. Schwartze for germans.) Post-Hollywood, most industrialized countries use a variation of “the N-word” to describe black people (Neger is a Teutonic/Scandinavian version.) However, even as I type, the word is going through yet another linguistic shift. Chris Rock’s classic speech about “Black people versus niggers”, may have been the tipping point, but modern day definitions of the word often start with descriptions of personal character, then race.

Solipism is in the same boat. It’s primary definition may be based in philosophical/psychological terms, but its working definition is evolving day by day. In clinical usage, a solipist may be a person who defines everything through himself or herself. In modern terms, its being redefined as a person who sees other beings through a veil of utility to himself or herself (in the same way that a narcissist changed from a person who worshipped his or her physical beauty to the exclusion of oghers, to a person who actively seeks to subvert the agency of other people to better himself or herself.)

238. van Rooinek says:

September 21, 2012 at 5:32 pm

Prior to the advent of the moving picture industry, non-English speaking countries called Africans “black” in their own languages (eg. Schwartze for germans.) Post-Hollywood, most industrialized countries use a variation of “the N-word” to describe black people (Neger is a Teutonic/Scandinavian version.)

Translate the name “Schwarzennegger”…. Where did his great-nth-grandfather come from?

239. BC says:

September 21, 2012 at 7:25 pm

I am shocked and surprised that Bob Wallace should use the term Man-o-sphere

Everyone knows that Men are not attracted to spheres. We prefer hourglass shapes.
Spinstersphere, on the other hand, may be a more accurate usage.

240. lavazza1891 says:

September 22, 2012 at 6:46 am

van Rooinek: Google is your friend:

“Arnold Schwarzenegger (1947-) – Austrian-born actor, director, politician
Not only is the former bodybuilder’s name a bit long and unusual, it is often misunderstood. Arnold’s last name is made up of two words: schwarzen, black + egger, corner, or loosely translated, “black corner” (das schwarze Eck). His ancestors probably came from a location that was forested and seemed dark (like the Black Forest, der Schwarzwald).”


241. zorroprimo says:

September 22, 2012 at 10:51 am

“What evidence can you offer that “female solipsism” is not just another manosphere circle jerk?”

Read anything by Hanna Rosin, Kate Bolick, Jessica Valenti or Amanda Marcotte. If you know what solipsism means, prepare to be beaten like a sack of wet puppies. Those women made entire careers out of their 5-th degree black belt solipsism.

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243. The Real Peterman says:

September 23, 2012 at 4:53 pm

Have you noticed how often a woman will say that the answer to a very real and very serious problem men face is…more rights for women?


244. Jason says:

September 23, 2012 at 5:31 pm


What an odd article. It is a bit hard to take seriously any person who still thinks the pay differential between men and women is anything more than “men and women make different life choices”. It does seem to be a good barometer of whether or not the person is operating in vicinity of reality.

Thanks for the eye opening article. I assume it wasn’t a parody and the author was serious?

245. Pingback: Creative disobedience | Dark Brightness

246. Anonymous Reader says:

September 24, 2012 at 3:26 pm


To you, Cane Caldo, a locksmith is the same as a burglar. This appears to be a major category error on your part.

Is that really what you mean to say? I can go on like this all day. Do I have to?

Is it your contention that PUAs are locksmiths, and not burglars?

No. Kindly duel with your straw man elsewhere. You condemn all Game techniques as bad, do you not? Therefore, I ask this: do you stand up straight and speak to your wife with a deep voice? If so, you must stop it immediately and never do it again. Because that is a Game technique.

If so, you destroy Dalrock’s assertion that we Christians ought to be ashamed that the Christian owner has to resort to a burglar for information on how to get into his own treasure chest.

You claim to be in favor of men leading their wives, yet you explicitly denounce techniques that would enable them to do so. You are like a man who wants his son to win a 100 meter dash, but insists that the young man must wear shoes made of concrete – and when he fails, you will berate him and blame him, claiming the loss is all his fault.

I asked:
What is the most basic implication of a key?

The implication of a key is ownership; which is authority. Now, the way this is supposed to work is that the man who wishes to own the contents behind the lock asks the father of the lock to take the wealth and responsibility of the whole treasure chest, and for all that is locked within. There is a ceremony of some sort that signifies the transference of the key from the father to the husband. (In fact, this strike me as the heart of marriage, and the basic requirement for a Christian marriage: that the father of the bride give her away. His blessing is what is important; not the local church’s, and not the state’s. To the extent they are involved, it should only be as witnesses to the father’s blessing.)

And when, 5 years and 2 children later, that key no longer fits in that lock, that lock refuses to accept that key, what then? Go to the father of the lock and demand that he issue an order? Give up on that lock and go find another one? Take a sledge hammer and smash the lock open?

How about “do some badly needed maintenance and oiling” on that lock? And where can a man learn how to do that? From his pastor? No chance. From any other church source? No way. From the main stream media? From his mother? All those sources will tell him to kneel before the lock, and beg and plead for it to pleas work properly again. None of those sources will give him the least hint on how to pick open, clean, and oil that lock.

Only Game will enable him to do that. So what you want is…what? That locks should reject their rightful key, and be supplicated to? What?

According to you, some knowledge is so dangerous that no man should have it. That knowledge concerns the psychology of women. You are taking a feminist position.

I will go on. Tel me how learning to drive is a bad thing, because some men rob banks with getaway drivers.

I see that a man in Oklahoma murdered his wife with his hands. So you, Cane Caldo, better have your hands cut off, lest you become a murderer. Some men commit crimes and run away, so off go the feet. Some men use their eyes to look at porn, so better blind your self in both eyes. THere are men who rape, so a penectomy is in order.

Where does that leave a man? He lies, helpless, and must be cared for by others, he can do no useful thing for anyone. But by golly, ther e is no danger of him ever resorting to Game….so he’s your ideal Churchian man.

You know, Cane Caldo, the Bible has been invoked to torture people to death. You better stop reading it, lest you become a tyrant who seeks to burn anyone that disagrees with you alive. Now, do I still have to go on?

247. Anonymous Reader says:

September 24, 2012 at 3:42 pm

Cane Caldo: some women have used a knowledge of herbs to poison people. Therefore, according to you, anyone who wants to learn about edible wild plants is planning to murder with poison.

Do you know any electricians? Since some people are killed by electrocution every year, I assume you do not, because anyone who learns about basic wiring surely is taking the first step to murder with electricity, according to your reasoning.

Do you own any knives? I hope not, because knives are used by some thugs to threaten bodily harm as part of a robbery. So surely you do not own any knives, that would be the first step to becoming an armed robber.

Shall I go on? Do you still want to basically ban some knowledge of women, just like the feminists?

248. jane says:

October 16, 2012 at 6:03 pm

Do all you guys live in America? If so, please stay there. Thank you.

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253. Harry says:

June 13, 2013 at 7:59 pm

I recall reading in a diary account by a young Jewish woman that, as men and women were being herded into cattle cars, in a concentration camp, the rail of which would carry them to an extermination camp, the very young Jewish girls who happened to be standing around watching from the sidelines were swooning over the dashing young, smartly attired German officer who was there to oversee that things ran smoothly. When he raised his arm to signal the train to begin moving, the young Jewish girls were getting weak in the knees. I guess that is just how it goes. The woman recording all of this was of another type all together. It made her entirely sick so she chose an eary death, in solidarity with those who had gone before her. But she was the exception to the rule.


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Bob Wallace is just trying to help. You fellows mean well, but you’ve no idea how ignorant your use of “solipsism” makes you look to people who really do know what it means. 3 страница| Часть 1. Путешествие на край света

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