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Task 1. Listen to the utterances with the Ascending Stepping Head. Notice the attitude that the Ascending Head conveys. Then reproduce the utterances after the speaker.
1. I didn’t
mean it. 2. I’m
just as sur
prised as
you are. 3. It seems
absolutely ri
diculous. 4.
Come a
long with
us then. 5. I
told you a
bout it
days a
go. 6. It’s
almost in
credible. 7. You
ask me to
do it. 8.
Why didn’t you
say so be
fore? 9. Then
tell me
what I
ought to
say. 10. These
children keep
ringing the
Task 2. Compare the Low and the Ascending Heads. Point out the syllables having a similar and a different pitch-height. Reproduce the tunes after the speaker.
1. He doesn’t
mean it. 2. I’m
just as sur
prised as
you are. 3. I’d
rather you
didn’t. 4. It
absolutely ri
diculous. 5.
Come a
long with
us then. It’s
made of some
sort of
Task 3. From the following conversational contexts pick out the responses expressing surprise, unexpectedness or impatience and those conveying a detached or casual attitude.
1. – He says he’ll never speak to me again.
– He doesn’t
mean it.
2. – Why didn’t you say you’d won?
– I’m just as sur
prised as
you are.
3. – Would you mind if I opened the window?
– I’d rather you
4. – He paid five thousand pounds for that house.
– It seems
absolutely ri
5. – I don’t want to go alone.
– Come a
long with
us then.
6. – What’s the tray made of?
– Some sort of
Task 4. Practise the following tunes with the Scandent Head. Observe an upward pitch movement (climb) in each stress-group. Make sure that the unstressed syllables of the preceding stress-groups are higher in pitch than the next stressed syllable.
1. I hate
nothing. 2. I’m
tired of
here on my
back with
nothing to
do. 3. You
try to
keep me in
bed like a
boy. 4.
Don’t for
get to
send me a
message. 5.
Try to
do it a
gain. 6.
Don’t you
think she’s
lucky? 7. I
want to
go to the
pictures. 8.
This is the
thing to
do. 9.
not to be
late in
future. 10.
One of the
children must have
spoilt it.
Task 5. Listen to the following conversational situations. Notice the intonation contour of the responses and attitudinal meaning associated with it in different communicative types of sentences. Then practice the conversations aloud
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