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Exersice II. Insert personal pronouns in the neccessary case.

Читайте также:
  1. A Personal finance
  3. According to this formula of qualification one who does not accept Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead--is unable to understand the Bhagavad-gita.
  4. Active Vocabulary Unit 1 Personality
  5. An example of an autobiographical essay/personal narrative

1.On my way home I met Peter and told... about the trip. 2. I need this book badly. I can’t prepare my report without... 3. I don’t know the way to the railway station. Couldn’t you show it to...? 4. We are going to spend the summer in the country. Will you join...? 5. Wait for us at the bus stop... shall be back in no time. 6. If you give me your address,... shall write to... 7. I know this woman.... works at the factory with my mother. 8. If I see Helen, I’ll ask... to ring... up tomorrow. 9. I like this radio set very much. Where did you buy...? 10. You are to be here at 7. We’ll be waiting for....


First Aid: Bruise, Bleeding, Fractures
In the work of a nurse it is very important to give a patient first aid. An injured person requires your quick professional actions without panic and fuss. The way you behave in an emergency case is often a matter of life or death for a patient. Thus every nurse must know how to help patients in accidents or disasters.
A bruise is a small hemorrhagic sport in the skin or mucous membrane. A bruise on some part of the body requires an immediate application of cold – in instant ice pack or a piece of cloth wetted in cold water to relieve pain. The scratchers should be painted with iodine.
Bleeding is an abnormal discharge of blood. In case of bleeding it is necessary to arrest it as soon as possible. The simple method is to put clean cloth over the bleeding wound and bandage it tightly. In a bleeding from an arm or leg raise the limb. A nosebleed needs a cold compress on the bridge of the nose. In case of profuse arterial bleeding it is necessary to apply a tourniquet on the limb and call a doctor or an ambulance.
Fracture is the breaking of a bone. First you must differentiate between a closed fracture and an open one. Open fractures are more serious as there is a bleeding wound. First arrest the bleeding applying a tight dressing on the wound, then apply a splint onto the injured limb and bind it. Do not let the patient move and press the place of the fracture. Call an ambulance and transport the patient to hospital.


Active vocabulary
to give first aid – надавати першу (невідкладну) допомогу
an injured person – постраждалий
panic and fuss – паніка і метушня
an emergency case – невідкладний випадок
an emergency condition – невідкладний стан
a matter of life or death – справа життя чи смерті
an accident – нещасний випадок
a bruise – синець
an instant ice-pack – пакетик з льодом, що діє миттєво
to relieve pain – полегшувати біль
a scratch – подряпина
to paint with iodine – змастити йодом
to arrest the bleeding - зупинити кровотечу
a wound – рана
to bandage tightly – туго забинтувати, накласти тугу пов'язку
a bandage – бинт
dressing – пов'язка
a nosebleed – носова кровотеча
profuse arterial bleeding – сильна артеріальна кровотеча
to apply a tourniquet – накласти (на кінцівку) джгут
a fracture = a break – перелом
a closed (open) fracture – закритий(відкритий) перелом
to apply a splint onto the limb – накласти на кінцівку шину
to press – тиснути, натискати

Answer the questions.
1. What is very important in the work of a nurse in an emergency case?
2.What is a bruise and what should a nurse do to help patients who have got bruises?
3.What must a nurse do in case of bleeding?
4.What is a simple method to arrest the bleeding?
5.What \does a nosebleed need?
6.What must a nurse do in case of profuse arterial bleeding?
7.What do you know about fractures?
8. What must a nurse do first in case of an open fracture? What are her next steps?
9.Must a nurse give first aid to an injured person without panic and fass?

Exercise I Choose the correct reflexive pronouns.
myself - yourself - himself - herself - itself - ourselves - yourselves - themselves
1) Robert made this T-shirt().
2) Lisa did the homework ()
3) We helped () to some cola at the party.
4) Emma, did you take the photo()?
5) I wrote this poem ().
6) He cut () with the knife while he was doing the dishes.
7) The lion can defend ().
8) My mother often talks to ().
9) Tim and Gerry, if you want more milk, help ().
10) Alice and Doris collected the stickers ().

Exercise II Decide whether you need the reflexive (self) pronoun or not.
1) Last Monday I got up at six, then I dressed().
2) She feeels () really well today.
3) Let's meet () at six tomorrow.
4) Last weekend Alex cooked dinner ().
5) May I do it ()?
6) You can sit down() on the sofa if you wish.
7) Please be careful () while doing your homework.
8) I was so shocked, I could hardly speak ().
9) He often made the trip to China ().
10) We can't living without electricity.

Exercise III. Complete the sentences by adding reflexive pronouns.
M o d e l: I’ve repaired my TV set … - I’ve repaired my TV set myself.
1. I’ll go to the post-office …. 2. She cooks breakfast …. 3. We’ll water the
flowers …. 4. The soldiers built the bridge …. 5. Mother said to the boy, “You must always make your bed …” 6. In your place, I should go there …. 7. The professor performed the operation …. 8. The chief engineer went to Lviv ….

Exercise IV. Put into plural.
1.This is an apple. 2. That is a house. 3. That is a car. 4. This is a chair. 5. Is this a
table? 6. Is that a star? 7. Is this a garden? 8. Is that a bus?

Exercise V. Fill in the blanks with some or any.
1. I have … English books. 2. Are there … arm-chairs in the room? 3. There isn’t … chalk in the classroom. 4. This is … milk in the jug. 5. Mother has bought … butter. 6. There aren’t … mistakes in my dictation. 7. There are … lakes in this district. 8. Have you … relatives in Kiev? 9. I’ve read … English stories this month. 10. Have you … French newspapers?



Ukrainian Red Cross
The Ukrainian Red Cross society wos established in 1918 in Kyiv as an independent humanitarian society of the Ukrainian People’s Republik.
Its immediate tasks were to help refugees and prisoness of war to care for disabled people and orphaned children, to fight famine and epidemus, to support and organize sick quartess, hospitals and public canteens.
During the Soviet period bill 1992 the Ukrainian Red Cross functioned as a part of the Soviet Red Cross.
Early in the 30ies it would already support as many as 119 medical, 206 prophylactic and children’s institutions, 36 health resosts, 400 pharmacies and sanitation and stydiene shops.
During would was II the Ukrainian Red Cross managed to lrain and send to the funt oner 100,000 nurses, ambulance team volunteers and medical instructors.
Today the Ukrainian Red Cross continues its activities as a non-profit humanitarian and charitable society of Ukraine based on the principles of humanity, impartiality (without discrimination as to nationality, race, religions beliefs, class or political views), neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity (there can be only one Red Cross or Red Crescent society in any one country) and Universality working worldwide.
At present the Red Cross and Red Crescent Society involves more than 6,3 million of its supportess and activists.
Its visiting Nurses Service numbers 3200 qualified nurses, and its more than 40 humanitarian programmes are aimed at the care and support of more than 105,000 lonely elderly people, about 23,000 people disabled during World War II, and handicapped workers, more than 25,000 war veterans and more than 8,000 adults disabled sinee childhood, as well as orphaned and handicapped children.
The Ukrainian Red Cross and Red Crescent Society is actively integrated into the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Society responsible for providiry services to disaster eatastrophe and armed conflict victims for the protection of human life and health and for ensuring human dignity.
The artivities of this humanitarian organization of the country are regulated by the Red Cross Law passed through the Ukrainian Parliament in 1999.

Active vocabulary
to be associated –бути пов’язаним
untimely first aid – несвоєчасно надана невідкладна допомога
severe complications – важкі ускладнення
fatal –фатальний,смертельний
scenario –сценарій, перебіг хвороби
to nurse the sick; to take care of –доглядати хворих
fatique – сильна втома
to lose consciousness –втрачати свідомість
to faint –непритомніти
fainting –непритомність
to turn pale –ставати блідим
to be covered with sweat –вкриватися потом
shallow –поверхневий(пульс, дихання)
to bring the patient to the senses –вивести хворого із стану непритомності
to loosen one’s clothes –звільнити хворого від стискаючого одягу
to let fresh air in –впустити (в кімнату) свіже повітря
to sprinkle –зрошувати
to breath in –вдихати
ammonia water –нашатирний спирт
shock –шок
acute peripheral circulatory failure – гостра периферійна недостатність кровопостачання
hemorrhage – кровотеча
severe trauma – важка травма
surgery – операція, хірургічне втручання
blood loss –крововтрата
to keep (a patient) warm –зігріти (хворого)
poison –отрута
poisoning –отруєння
to require –потребувати
prompt = quick –швидкий
medical care = medical aid –медична допомога
to empty –випорожняти
to wash –промивати
asphyxia –асфіксія (удушення)
to prevent –попереджувати



Answer the questions.
1.What is very important in the work of a nurse?
2.What can an untimely given first aid to a patient lead to?
3.What can cause fainting?
4.What does first aid to the patient who lost consciousness consist in?
5.Is shock an emergency conditions?
6.What is the condition of a patient in case of shock?
7.Describe first aid to a patient in shock.
8.Does poisoning require promt medical care?
9. What must a nurse do to give first aid in poisoning?
Exercise I. Use the demonstrative pronouns "that" ("those") to avoid the repetition of the preceding noun.
M o d e l: This stadium is better than the stadium in our town. – This stadium is better than that in our town.
1. Our flat is more comfortable than the flat of our neighbour. 2. The price of a motor car is higher than the price of a motor cycle. 3. The windows of our classroom are larger than the windows of our flat. 4. Though he is young, his face is like the face of an old man. 5. The sum of 5 and 7 is equal to the sum of 9 and 3. 6. These flowers are more beautiful than the flowers growing near our house.
Exercise II. Replace the pronoun "any" and its derivatives by no or its derivatives making other necessary changes.
M o d e l: I haven’t any German books. – I have no German books.She doesn’t know anything. – She knows nothing.
1. The little boy hasn’t any toys. 2. There isn’t any water in the jug. 3. There aren’t any fruit trees in the park. 4. We haven’t any classes on Sunday. 5. It was so dark that we couldn’t see anything. 6. We haven’t learned any new words this week. 7. She did not ask anyone to help her. 8. I didn’t see anyone there. 9. I didn’t know anything about it. 10. There wasn’t any theatre in our town before the revolution.
Exercise III. Відкрийте дужки, використовуючи особові займенники в об’єктному відмінку.
1. There are very good exercises. Do (they) at home, please. 2. This engineer works with (I). I know (he) well. 3. Write these words out in your exercise-book,, please, and learn (they). 4. Read this letter and translate (it) into English, please. 5. I know this girl. She works with (we).


Clara Barton – the Angel of Battlefield
Clara Barton is a vivid figure in the history of the USA and the world. She was a contemporary of Florence Nightingale and a person of the same views.
Clara Barton was educated as a teacher, but her calling was nursing.
With the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861 she volunteered to the front and went to the battlefield to help care for the wounded soldiers. After the war she began a letter-writing compaign to search for missing soldiess. The sense of compassion for the sick and disabled, readiness to relieve their pain and misfortune urged Clara Barton to further actions. She worked to pursuade the government of the USA to join the Jeneva Convention the fundamental principle of which was to collect and care for “wounded and sick combatants to whatever nation they may belong”. The participants of the Jeneva Convention called for volunteer medical personnel of all countries to find means for the care of wounded on battlefields and proposed to wear an easily recognized sign – a red cros on the white armlet. It was Clara Barton who in 1881 founded the American Red Cross on the principles of the Jeneva Convention.
Until 1904 Clara Barton remained its first president and did a lot to help the victims of famines, floods, pestilence, earthquakes in the United States and throughout the world. Over the years the American Red Cross has also cared for the shipwrecked, the prisoners of war and the civilian population affected by armed conflicts.
The life and activities of Clara Barton are a vivid example of serving people and high human ideals.


Active Vocabulary
a contemporary – сучасник
а person of the same views – людинa, яка розділяє такі ж погляди
an outbreak – спалах
to volunteer – зголоситись добровольцем
a battlefield – поле битви
the wounded – поранені
a letter-writing compaign – кампанія з листування
to search (for) – розшукувати
missing – тут: зниклі
the sense of compassion – почуття співчуття
the disabled – люди з фізичними вадами
to relieve pain – полегшувати біль
misfortune – горе
to urge – спонукати
to pursuade –переконувати
a combatant – учасник бойових дій, боєць
medical personnel – медичний персонал
Means – кошти
to wear (wore, worn) – носити
a sign – знак
an armlet – нарукавна пов’язка
to do a lot – багато робити
famine – голод
flood – повінь
a pestilence – епідемія, мор
an earthquake – землетрус
the shipwrecked – потерпілі внаслідок затоплення судна
the prisoners of war – військовополонені
to affect – здійснювати вплив (негативний)

Answer the questions.
1.Is Clara Barton an outstanding figure in the history of the USA?
2.What century did she live in?
3.Whose contemporary was Clara Barton?
4.What did she become famous for?
5.What urged Clara Barton to the nursing profession?
6.What do you know about the American Red Cross Society?
7.Who founded it?
8.Did Clara Barton contribute a lot to the matter of care of the wounded and disabled?

Exercise I. Read and write the following cardinal numerals.
a) 3; 13; 20; 4; 14; 40; 5; 15; 50; 2; 12; 20; 8; 18; 80
b) 21; 82; 35; 44; 33; 55; 96; 67; 79; 41; 53; 22
c) 143; 258; 414; 331; 972; 205; 101; 557; 999; 313
d) 1,582; 7,111; 3,013; 5,612; 2,003; 9,444; 4040
e) 15,500; 57,837; 45,971; 92,017; 65,331; 11,443
f) 235,142; 978,218; 106,008; 321,103; 627,344; 552,331
g) 1,352,846; 4,125,963; 35,756,394; 257,382,761

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