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Florence Nightingale’s Notes of Nursing

Читайте также:
  1. Biographical Notes
  2. Comments. Explanatory Notes
  3. Compare your notes with those of your partner.
  4. Complete the following sentences using 'could' or 'was/were able to'. See grammar notes before doing the exercise.
  5. Cultural notes
  6. Cultural notes
  7. Cultural notes

Florence Nightingale is the most well-known nurse of all times. She was a British philanthropist – the founder of modern nursing. The woman became famous for her work during the Crimean war in the middle of the 19th century.

Florence Nightingale was born in 1820 in Jamaica, Italy and named after the Italian city of Florence. Her mother ran a boarding-house for wounded soldiers and also treated them with herbal medicines. After her mother’s death Florence took over the boarding-house and care of the sick.

In 1850 during the outbreak of cholera in Jamaica Florence worked night and day to help the victims and found her own herbal medicine for the disease. She also believed that fresh air, good condition and food were of great importance in fighting disease.

During the Crimean war she saved the lives thousands of people. It was to her credit that she founded a training school for nurses and created a conceptual model of nursing. The notes (“hints”) or her model concern the care of the sick and are very important in nursing education. They are some kind of directions for nurses and concern both patients and their environment. The main accent is made on good food and patients’ surrounding including the cleanliness of the wards, purity of air and water, diet and dietary regime, personal cleanliness of patients, observation of the sick and making patients comfortable, which contributes to their quick recovery.

Miss Nightingale never gave an injection, never took blood pressure or an electrocardiogram, but she did her best in handling all kinds of illness. Today her principles of nursing constitute in integral part of nursing activities and are obligatory for every nurse.

Active vocabulary:

ethics – етика

a pledge – клятва, обіцянка

to pledge – клястися

graduation – закінчення (вишу)

to be of great importance – мати велике значення

circumstances – обставини

to prioritise – надавати пріорітет

priority – пріорітет

to prioritise various cases – виділяти серед хворих тих, кому необхідно

надати першочергову медичну допомогу

a case – 1) випадок 2) випадок захворювання 3) хворий

nursing – медсестринство; сестринська справа

worldwide – в усьому світі

loyalty – відданість

essembly - зібрання

to pass one’s life – прожити життя

purity - чистота

faithfully – вірно

to abstain (from) – утримуватись (від)

deleterious – шкідливий

to administer a drug – призначити ліки

to maintain – підтримувати

to elevate – піднімати

to hold in confidence – зберігати в таємниці

personal (family) matters – особисті (сімейні) справи

committeed to my keeping (care) – ввірені мені (моїй турботі)

to come to one’s knowledge – взнавати про щось

in the practice of – під час, в процесі заняття

calling - професія, покликання

to endeavour (Amer: endeavor) – намагатися, cтаратися, прикладати зусилля

to aid = to help

to devote – присвячувати

welfare – благополуччя

Answer the questions:

1. What is the Nightingale Pledge known as?

2. Whom and where was it formulated by?

3. Is it a pledge of ethical standards of the nursing profession?

4. Can it be used worldwide? Why?

5. What does the Nightingale Pleage express?


Exercise I. Form questions from the given words or phrases.

Example: play / they / computer games / can

Answer: Can they play computer games?

1) she play can the trumpet?

2) they e-mails can write?

3) I watch TV can?

4) the cat climb can the tree?

5) pictures brother draw can your?

6) the talk can parrot?

7) come you when can?

8) do we can what?

9) have our friends where lunch can?

10) your sister how sing can?


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 69 | Нарушение авторских прав

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