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Ex. 3. Fill in the gaps with proper words or word combinations.

Equilibrium Point | Ex. 5. Study the table. Fill in the gaps with the words from the table. | Ex. 9. Answer the questions | The issue of recession versus inflation | Encouraging Ethical Behavior | II. UNDERSTANDING BUSINESS | Stock Exchange | Definition of Management | Levels of Management | Learn the vocabulary |

Читайте также:
  2. A syntactic word-group is a combination of words forming one part of the sentence.
  3. A) Before listening, read the definitions of the words and phrases below and understand what they mean.
  4. A) Complete the gaps with the words from the box.
  5. A) Give the Russian equivalents for the following word combinations.
  6. A) Pronunciation drill. Pronounce the words, then look at the given map and fill in the table below.
  7. A) time your reading. It is good if you can read it for four minutes (80 words per minute).

See the Text.

1. Transaction may be recorded … or may be recorded ….

2. The trend is to use computers because the process is … and …, and

computers greatly … the task.

3. System that use computers enable an organization to get … daily if they


4. Another is … to people outside the firm such as owners, lenders, suppliers and the government (for tax purposes).

5. Bookkeeping … the recording of economic activities.

6. Accountants are especially … for income tax preparation and analysis.

7. You don't want the piles to get too …, that is why you must begin to … the data from the original transaction documents into record books. Thus the

term ….


Ex. 4. Fill in the gaps with the words given below:

bookkeeper, quickly, accurately, buying, transactions, data, selling,

purchases, journal, entries, inputs.

1. Transactions include the … and … of the goods and services.

2. Computers can handle large amounts of data more … and more … than

manual systems.

3. The business is able to obtain needed information about …, sales and other … that occur over a given period of time.

4. The … to an accounting system include sales documents and other


5. The effects of these … … are transferred or posted into ledgers: classifying.

6. They interpret the … and report them to management.

7. If you were a …, the first task you would perform is to divide all of the

firm's papers into meaningful categories.


Ex. 5. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to different

Meanings of one and the same word.

1. She didn't know anything about a new record in the ledger. A new record sounded so beautiful that we couldn't but listening it again and again.

2. The entry to the park was so wide that it was quite possible to get there by car. The entry in the ledger was so unclear that we could take needed data.

3. Somebody has broken the handle on the door of my house. Computers can handle large amounts of data more quickly and more accurately than manual systems.


Ex. 6. Translate the sentences paying attention to the passive voice of the


1. After the transaction have been recorded, they are usually classified into

groups that have common characteristics.

2. All purchases are grouped together, as are all sales transaction.

3. The data are recorded, classified and summarized.

4. They are then put into summary financial statements such as the income

statement and balance sheet.

5. These books are called journals.

6. They are the books where accounting data are first entered.

7. The methods used to record and summarize accounting data into reports are

called an accounting system.


Ex. 7. Answer the question:


1. What is Accounting?

2. How may transactions be recorded?

3. What is an accounting system?

4. What are the two purposes of accounting?

5. What do inputs to the accounting system include?

6. What do input include?

7. What are the steps of processing?

8. What does output include?

9. What is the relation between Bookkeeping and Accounting?

10.What do accountants do?

11.What do bookkeepers do?

12.What do the meaningful categories include?


Learn the vocabulary

record [ ] - 1) запись, протокол;

2) граммофонная


recording [ ] - регистрация, запись

summarizing [ ] - подводить итог, суммировать,


interpreting [ ] - 1) толкование, объяснение;

2) устный перевод

3) расшифровка

financial events [ ] - финансовые операции

party [ ] - 1) партия; 2) партийный;

3) компания; 4) участники;

5) сопровождающие лица;

insurance [ ] - страхование

insurance policy - страховой полис

supply [ ] - 1) снабжение, поставка,


2) временный заместитель;

3) снабжать, поставлять;

tax [ ] - налог, пошлина, сбор

heavy taxes - большой, обременительный


trend [ ] - 1) направление, тенденция;

2) отклоняться в каком-либо


handle [ ] - 1) управлять, регулировать;

2) иметь дело (с каким-либо

товаром), торговать

accurately [ ] - точно

manual system [ ] - система записей, выполняемых

от руки

purchase [ ] - 1) покупка, закупка;

2) купленная вещь;

3) годовой доход с земли

obtain [ ] - 1) получать, добывать,


2) достигать, добиваться

occur [ ] - встречаться, случаться,


enable [ ] - 1) давать возможность или


2) приспосабливаться

purpose [ ] - 1) цель, намерение, назначение

2) результат, успех

3) иметь целью, намереваться

evaluate [ ] - оценивать, определять

количество, выражать в числах

lender [ ] - заимодавец

inputs [ ] - 1) ввод, подвод;

2) потребление;

3) зд.- информация,


для бухгалтерского учета

summary financial [ ] - краткий финансовый

statement отчет

income statement [ ] - отчет о прибылях

balance sheet [ ] - баланс

pay-roll record [ ] - запись в платежной ведомости

travel records [ ] - записи по командировочным



entertainment records - записи по

представительским расходам

processing [ ] - 1) обработка, переработка;

2) движение, течение

entry [ ] - занесение (в список, в торговую


bookkeeping by double entry - 1) двойная бухгалтерия;

2) таможенная декларация

относительно судового груза;

3) вход, дверь, ворота

ledger [ ] - 1) главная книга (бух.);

2) регистрационный журнал;

3) надгробная плита

output [ ] - 1) продукция, продукт, выпуск,


2) производительность,


3) зд. - отчетная информация

versus [ ] - против

involve [ ] - 1) затрагивать, вовлекать,

впутывать; 2) включать

demand [ ] - требование, запрос,


creativity [ ] - творчество

data [ ] - информация, новости

report [ ] - 1) отчет, сообщение, доклад

2) донесение, рапорт

valuable [ ] - 1) ценный, дорогой;

2) полезный;

3) поддающийся оценке

income tax - налог на прибыль

transaction [ ] - 1) дело, сделка;

2) труды, протоколы;

3) регулирование спора путем

соглашения сторон или


financial statement [ ] - финансовый отчет

meaningful categories - назначения,

направления, функции

slips [ ] - 1) скольжение, ускользнуть,


2) ошибка, промах;

3) уменьшение числа оборотов


sales slips - ошибки по реализации

register receipt [ ] - квитанция о регистрации

invoice [ ] - счет, счет-фактура

business trip expenses - командировочные расходы

pile [ ] - кипа, куча

piles of papers [ ] - кипы документов

record book [ ] - книга записи учета

бухгалтерских операций



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