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The morpheme is a minimal meaningful unit and it can be in the contrasted languages either free or bound. Free or root morphemes are
lexically and functionally not dependent on other morphemes. They may be regular words (boy, day, he, день, він, три) or they may constitute the lexical core of a word. Eg.: boyhood, daily, нічний, тричі, etc. Bound morphemes, on the other hand, can not function independently: they are not free but always dependent on roots or stems of their words (fourteen, overcome, government, дивно, розумом). Bound morphemes like -s, -en, - teen, over-, -ment, -о, -ом, -і, ~им in either of the two languages can not exist independently.
Affixal morphemes in the contrasted languages split into a) Derivational morphemes which are in English and Ukrainian mainly suffixes and sometimes also prefixes. The number of suffixes in the contrasted languages considerably exceeds the number of prefixes.
Ukrainian word-forming suffixes are more numerous and also more diverse by their nature, there being special suffixes to identify different genders of nouns that are practically missing in English.
Apart from the afore-mentioned, there exist in Ukrainian large groups of evaluative оценочный diminutive and augmentative
noun suffixes as in зір-оньк-а, сон-ечк-о, руч-ищ-е, кабан-юр-а, etc. and patronimic suffixes like -енк-о, -ук, -чук, -ун, -щук, -ець, etc. (cf. Бондаренко, Петрук, Поліщук).
The number of suffixes forming only diminutive nouns in Ukrainian is as many as 53, compared with 16 suffixes in English, only 4 of which are practically productive (cf. gooseling, girlie, booklet, daddy, granny). Neither is there identity in the formation of English and Ukrainian statives, the latter mostly having in Ukrainian the same form as adverbs or modal words (cf. прикро, душно, треба, краще, etc.). These groups of suffixes pertain to English as well, but they are much less represented. Nevertheless, despite the difference in the quantity and quality of suffixes, they perform in English and Ukrainian an isomorphic (either the word-forming or form-building) function. This can also be seen from the following few examples:
English Word-Forming Suffixes a) noun-forming suffixes: -er, -or, -hood, -ment, -ance: worker, sailor, falsehood, government, alliance, appearance; b) adjective-forming suffixes: -y, -ful, -able (-ible), -less: rocky, joyful, reliable, useless; c) verb-forming suffixes: -ise, -en: realise, shorten, blacken; -ate, -fy: elaborate, signify; d) adverb-forming suffixes: -fold, -ce, -ward, -ly: twofold, thrice, nicely, homeward, etc. | Ukrainian Word-Forming Suffixes a) іменникові: -ель, -ець, -ник, -інь, -ість,-ність: вчитель, борець, робітник, глибінь, чинник, давність, гордість; b) дієслівні: -ну, -ти, -ува, -юва: куснути, зимувати, днювати; c) прикметникові: -к,-ив, -лив: близький, правдивий, міський, примхливий; d) прислівникові: -но, -чі, -ки, -ма: пошепки, двічі, горілиць, сонно, вічно. |
Isomorphic is also the use of two (in English) and more (in Ukrainian) prefixes before the root/stem: misrepresentation, re-embankment. In Ukrainian, for example: недовиторг, перерозподіляти.
Inflexional morphemes in the contrasted languages express different morphological categories. The number of genuine English inflexions today is only 14 to 16. The number of inflexions in Ukrainian by far exceeds their number in English since every notional part of speech has a variety of endings.
Exclusively Ukrainian are the sound alterations which appear as a result of declension. Cf. ти-тебе-тобі-тобою; ви-вас-вам-вами, etc; Львів~у Львові, ніч-ночі, річ-речі, etc.
Agglutination at the morphological level represents a mechanical adding of one or more affixal morphemes in pre-position, post-position or in interposition to the root morpheme (assure, co-exist, post-war, alike, be- side, inside, afterwards, unwe)l.
Isomorphic is also the post-posed agglutination of two affixal morphemes to a stem. The stems thus formed can be of different lexico-grammatical nature: nouns (cap able ness, responsibility, meaningful, thirteenth, foolishly, needlessly).
Root morphemes in the contrasted languages can be agglutinated pre-posed and post-posed simultaneously as in the English words irresponsibility. incommunicableness. unrealistically. Or in Ukrainian: безвідповідальність, нереалістично, некомунікабельність, перешіптуватися.
Suppletivity. As a means of grammatical expression suppletivity is observed in words, word-forms and morphemes of all Indo-European languages. At the lexical level it helps express, both in English and Ukrainian, sex distinctions, eg: boy -- girl, bull - cow, man - woman, хлопець — дівчина, чоловік — жінка, півень — курка, etc.
Common in English and Ukrainian are also almost all qualitative adverbs with the suppletive forms in the comparative and superlative degrees: well — better — best; badly — worse — worst; little — less — least; добре — краще — найкраще; погано — гірше — найгірше.
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Словотвір англійської та української мов. Типи словотворення порівнювальних мов. | | | Мовах: іменник. |