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Читайте также:
  1. Grammatical metaphor and types of grammatical transposition
  2. Stilwert der Transposition
  3. Transpositions

Transposition is a way of translation which supposes the change of language elements order in the Target Text as compared to the Source Text4. The most common case of Transposition is the change of word order in the sentence structure. It is known that the word order in English and Russian sentences is different. It means that the Theme and Reme pattern is not the same for English and Russian sentences5.

E.g.: A suburban train was derailed near London last night.
  Вчера вечером вблизи Лондона сошёл с рельс пригородный поезд.

We come across the following types of Transposition in Zahoder’s translation:

1. The change of word order in the structure of Simple Sentence.

E.g.: And then he brightened up suddenly.
  И вдруг он совсем просиял.

The change of str uctural elements in the Composite Sentence.

E.g.: Pooh was very excited when he heard this and suggested that they should have an Expotition to discover the East Pole.
  Услышав это сообщение, Пух очень взволновался и предложил немедленно устроить Искпедицию к Восточному Полюсу.

2. The change of sentence order in the text.

E.g.: ” So much for washing”, said Eeyore” Roo’s fallen in!” cried Rabbit and he and Christopher Robin came rushing down to the rescue.
  -Ру упал в воду! - закричал Кролик. - Доумывался! – сказал Иа-Иа. Кристофер и Пух кинулись на помощь.


Substitution is the most frequent and diverse kind of transformation. It is characteristic of both grammar and lexical aspects of translation. There are two kinds of grammatical substitutions: Morphological Substitution and Syntactical Substitution. Let us take Morphological Substitution. It is subdivided into:

E.g.: What about of mouthful of something?
  А не пора ли нам подкрепиться?
E.g.: Eeyore frisked about the forest waving his tail so happily that Winie-the-Pooh came over all funny.
  Иа - Иа принялся носиться по лесу с таким восторгом, что у Вини - Пух защекотало во всем теле.
E.g.: Indeed, he has eaten most of it (honey).
  К счастью, оказалось, он съел ещё не всё.

The translator could have translated it without the word ”оказалось”, but having aim of emphasizing the result that Pooh faced, B. Zahoder introduces this very word. Thus, the goal of rendering the specific role of the Present Perfect in this context was achieved completely.

There is an inverted substitution – when lexical meaning is rendered by grammatical one. Let us take an example from the passage where Baby Roo was washing (very proud he could do it by himself) and suddenly fell into the river:

“So much for washing!” said Eeyore.
–Доумывался! – сказал Иа.

Though it could be rendered “ Вот и всё умывание! ” and we could speak of more accurate translation, Zahoder’s variant which is based on Grammar Substitution(the lexical meaning is rendered by word formation resources of Russian language) sounds much better. Combination of Russian prefix “до-” and reflective postfix “-ся” (like in words “ до прыгал ся ”, “ до писал ся ” etc.) in a certain contextual environment helps the translator to render Eeyore’s attitude, his image of always grumbling sort of pessimist, and even to convey his sarcastic intonation. The following example seems to prove the same phenomenon: a “small high vice” is translated as “тон еньк ий голос ок ”. Russian diminutive suffixes -еньк (-онк), -ок (-ек) mean something small and delicate. More over, they render the speaker’s emotional attitude – tenderness. However there is the reverse of the medal – using these suffixes quite often the translator takes the risk of making the text sound too sweet. For instance, silly old Bear is always translated as “глуп еньк ий мой миш к а”. Perhaps, it would be more feasible to omit one of the suffixes and to translate it like “глупый медвежен ок ” or “глупый мой миш к а”.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 54 | Нарушение авторских прав

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