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III. Practice Assignment

Читайте также:
  1. A. Texts assignments. All assignments must be done in your notebooks!!!
  2. Assignment #21
  3. Assignment 1.
  4. Assignment 10
  6. Assignment 11. Translate the following text in written form using a dictionary.
  7. Assignment 15. Translate into English paying attention to the underlined words and phrases.

Міністерство освіти і науки України

Полтавський нститут економіки і права

Відкритого міжнародного університету розвитку людини «Україна»

Кафедра перекладу та іноземних мов





з дисципліни “ Порівняльна типологія

англійської та української мов”


Для студентів освітньо-кваліфікаційного рівня: магістр

Спеціальність: 8.02030304 „Преклад»



Укладач— к.ф.н., доцент ДАНИЛЮК Л.В.



Полтава − 2012




THEME: Typology as a Science and its Principal Typological Notions. Methods of Typological Investigations.

I. Answer the Test Questions:

1. How do you understand the structure of a language as a hierarchical one?

2.What can prove that Typology is a separate independent branch of linguistics?

3. What is the difference between Contrastive and Comparative Typologies?

4. What is Typology as a science aimed at?

5. What kinds of Typologies can be distinguished according to the object of investigation?

6. In what way Typology as a subject can be of any use or help for students of Philology?

7. What is the difference between contrastive linguistics and Contrastive Typology?

8. What techniques of investigation are purely typological?

9. What types of languages do you know?

10. What type of the language does English/ Ukrainian belong to?

II. Problems for Class Discussion:

1. The subject of Contrastive Typology and its theoretical and practical aims.

2. The principal terms and notions of contrastive typology:

-isimorphic and allomorphic features and phenomena;

-absolute/near universals;


=etalon language.

3. Kinds of typological investigations (various Typologies):

-universal Typology;

– special typology

Level /Partial typology;

–Areal Typology;

– General Typology;

– Structural Typology

–Functional Typology;

– Content Typology.

4.The principal linguistic methods employed in Contrastive Typology:

– Comparative analysis;


Structural methods of:

– Substitution

– Distributional analyses;

– Transformational analysis;

– Immediate constituents analyses;

– Structural patterning;

– Greeberg’s method of indexes.

III. Practice Assignment

1. Write down in two columns isomorphic and allomorphic features of English and Ukrainian/Russian language phenomena.

2. Demonstrate the usage of certain methods of investigation employed in Contrastive Typology to analyze the following linguistic units:

a) IC method:






b) transformational analyses:

sewing machine

sewing girl

sewing industry

sewing needle

sewing part (of a machine)

c) structural patterning method:

to drink tea with pleasure

to drink tea with lemon

пити чай з друзями

пити чай з задоволенням


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