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Difficult to understand

DEATH/MOURNING | ABBREVIATED COMMUNICATION | NOT A STRAIGHT LINE | TIME/ORDER/DURATION | Acclaim – a) to welcome or salute with sounds of joyous welcome, goodwill or approval; b) to announce or proclaimwith joy and approval; to applaud | TIMID/TIMIDITY | GENEROUS/KIND | OVERBLOWN/WORDY | PACIFY/SATISFY | DENYING OF SELF |

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  1. A New Way of Understanding the Problems of Parents and Kids
  2. A) Before listening, read the definitions of the words and phrases below and understand what they mean.
  3. According to this formula of qualification one who does not accept Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead--is unable to understand the Bhagavad-gita.
  4. And to steal not difficultly
  5. B (Break-even analysis, difficult)
  6. B (Statistical Process Control (SPC), difficult)
  7. B) Understand high-level business requirements

1. abstruse – a) hard to understand, recondite, esoteric; b) secret, hidden; Latin abstrusus, thrust away, concealed

2. bemusing – a) bewildered or confused; b) lost in thought, preoccupied

3. esoteric – a) understood by or meant for only the select few who have special knowledge or interest, recondite; b) belonging to the select few; c) private, secret, confidential; d) intended to be revealed only to the initiates of a group; e) abstruse, arcane, cryptic, enigmatic

4. opaque – a) not transparent or translucent, impenetrable to light, not allowing light to pass through; b) not transmitting radiation, sound, heat, etc.; c) not shining or bright, dark, dull; d) hard to understand, not clear or lucid, obscure, murky, cloudy, muddy

5. recondite – a) dealing with very profound, difficult or abstruse subject matter; b) beyond ordinary knowledge or understanding, esoteric; c) little known, obscure; d) from Latin reconditus, to hide, to bring together

6. ambiguous – a) statement not clear in meaning; b) a statement, act, or attitude that is capable of sometimes two or more contradictory interpretations, usually accidentally or unintentionally c) of doubtful or uncertain nature, difficult to comprehend, categorize or distinguish; d) lacking clearness or definiteness, obscure or indistinct; e) from Latin ambigere, indistinct

7. cryptic – a) statement not clear in meaning; b) an intentional obscurity in the language, and often implies a private or hidden meaning but stresses resulting mystification or puzzlement; c) mysterious in meaning, puzzling, ambiguous; d) involving or using cipher, code, etc. as in a cryptogram or a puzzle

8. inscrutable – a) incapable of being investigated, analyzed, or scrutinized, impenetrable; b) not easily understood, mysterious, unfathomable; c) incapable of being seen through physically, opaque

9. paradoxical – from Greek, paradoxos, unbelievable, beyond belief; a) having a contradictory nature, as in a person, situation, or thing; b) something characterized by being self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth; c) something that contradicts a commonly accepted statement or idea

10. turbid – a) not clear or transparent because of stirred up sediment or the like, clouded, opaque; b) thick or dense, as in smoke or clouds; c) confused, muddled, disturbed; d) murky, cloudy, roiled, muddy (from Latin turbidus, disturbed, and turba, turmoil

11. arcane – a) understood by very few, mysterious, secret, obscure, esoteric (from Latin arcanus, to shut up, keep, from arca, a chest or box)

12. enigmatic – a) statement that is not clear in meaning; b) focuses on perplexity resulting from a mysterious or imponderable event or utterance, one very often of deep significance or great importance

13. equivocal – a) a statement that is not clear in meaning; b) usually the word is applied to spoken as well as written language susceptible to two or more interpretations, and it usually suggests a deliberate intent to mislead by avoiding clarity; c) allowing the possibility of several meanings, with the intent to mislead or misguide; d) of doubtful nature or character, dubious; e) of uncertain significance, not determined

14. obscure – a) ambiguous, vague or uncertain in meaning; b) not clear to the understanding, hard to perceive; c) of language, not expressing the meaning clearly or plainly; d) of little or not prominence, note, fame or distinction; e) lacking in light or illumination, dark, dim, bleak, murky; f) concealed or hidden by confusing the meaning

15. perplexing – a) causing confusion, uncertainty; b) something involving a tangled, involved or confusing situation; c) complicated, involved, entangled


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