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INNOCENT/INEXPERIENCED | DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND | NOT A STRAIGHT LINE | TIME/ORDER/DURATION | Acclaim – a) to welcome or salute with sounds of joyous welcome, goodwill or approval; b) to announce or proclaimwith joy and approval; to applaud | TIMID/TIMIDITY | GENEROUS/KIND | OVERBLOWN/WORDY | PACIFY/SATISFY | DENYING OF SELF |

1. dirge – a) a funeral song or tune, or one expressing morning in commemoration of the dead; b) a poem in lament for the dead or solemn, mournful music; c) a mournful sound resembling the wailing of those mourning the dead

2. demise – a) death or decease; b) termination of existence or operation; c) a death or decease occasioning the transfer of an estate (will)

3. bereave – a) to deprive or make desolate, esp. by death; b) to deprive ruthlessly or by force; c) to take away by violence

4. knell – a) the sound made by a bell rung slowly, esp. for a death or a funeral; b) a sound or sign announcing the death of a person or the end, extinction, failure, etc. of something; c) to sound, as a funeral bell; d) to give forth a mournful, ominous or warning sound

5. moribund – a) in a dying state, near death; b) on the verge of extinction or termination; c) not progressing or advancing, stagnant

6. wraith – a) an apparition of a living person supposed to portend his or her death; b) a visible spirit

7. posthumous – a) arising, occurring, or continuing after one’s death; b) published after the death of the author

8. post mortem – a) of, pertaining to or occurring in the time following death; b) of or pertaining to the examination of the body after death; c) occurring after the end of something, after the event

9. dolorous – a) full of, expressing or causing pain or sorrow; grievous, mournful

10. lugubrious – a) mournful, dismal or gloomy, esp. in an affected, exaggerated or unrelieved manner; sorrowful, melancholy

11. cadaver – a) a dead body, esp. a human body to be dissected; a corpse

12. lament – a) to feel or express sorrow or regret for; b) to mourn for or over; c) an expression of grief or sorrow; d) a formal expression of grief or sorry, esp. an elegy or dirge

13. obsequies – a) funeral rites or ceremonies

14. defunct – a) no longer in effect or use; not operating or functioning; b) no longer in existence, dead, extinct

15. extinct - a) no longer in existence, that has ended or died out; b) no longer in use, obsolete; c) extinguished, quenched, not burning; d) defunct, gone, vanished

16. elegy - a) a mournful, melancholy or plaintive poem, esp. a funeral song or a lament for the dead; b) a poem written in elegiac meter; c) a sad or mournful musical composition

17. macabre – a) gruesome and horrifying, ghastly, horrible; b) of or pertaining, dealing with or representing death, esp. its grimmer or uglier aspect; c) of or suggestive of the allegorical dance of death

18. sepulchral – a) of, pertaining to or serving as a tomb; b) of or pertaining to burial; c) proper to or suggestive of a tomb; funereal or dismal; d) hollow and deep



1. counterfeit – a) made in imitation so as to be passed off fraudulently or deceptively as genuine, forged; b) pretended, unreal, simulated, spurious, bogus, mock, fake, feigned, ersatz, sham, falsification

2. factitious – a) not spontaneous or natural, artificial, contrived; b) made, manufactured

3. quintessence – a) the pure and concentrated essence of a substance; b) the most perfect embodiment of something;

4. emulate – a) to try to equal or excel; b) to rival with some degree of success; c) to follow, copy

5. exemplary – a) worthy of imitation, commendable; b) serving as a model or pattern; c) laudable, noteworthy, praiseworthy

6. paradigm – a) a set of forms all of which contain a particular element; b) an example serving as a model or pattern; c) mold, standard, ideal, paragon, touchstone

7. simulated – a) creating a simulation, likeness or model of a situation, system or the like; b) to make a pretense of, to feign, pretend; c) affected, pretend, counterfeit

8. facsimile – a) an exact copy, as of a book, painting or manuscript; b) an image transmitted by means of radio, modem or telephone for purposes of telecommunication; c) replica, likeness, duplicate

9. precursor - a) a person or thing that precedes, as in a job or a method; b) a person or thing that goes before and indicates the approach of someone or something else; c) forerunner, herald

10. vicarious – a) performed, exercised, received or suffered in place of another; b) taking the place of another person or thing, acting as a substitute; c) felt or enjoyed through imagined participation in the experience of others



1. equitable – a) characterized by equity or fairness; just and right, fair, reasonable; b) impartial, proper, unbiased

2. equity – a) the quality of being fair or impartial; fairness, impartiality; b) something that is fair and just; c)

3. tantamount – a) equivalent, as in value, force, effect, or signification; b) to amount to as much, be equal in value as



1. aberration – a) the act of departing from the right, normal or usual course; b) the act of deviating from the ordinary, usual or normal type; c) deviation from truth or moral rectitude; d) mental irregularity or disorder, esp. of a minor or temporary nature; lapse from a sound mental state

2. idiosyncrasy – a) a characteristic habit, mannerism, or the like that is peculiar to an individual; b) the physical constitution particular to an individual; c) a peculiarity of the physical or mental condition, esp. a susceptibility to food, drugs; a quirk

3. anomaly – a) a deviation from the common rule, type, arrangement or form; b) an odd, peculiar or strange condition, situation, quality, an incongruity or inconsistency; c) abnormal, exception, peculiarity

4. iconoclast – a) a breaker or destroyer of images, esp. those set up for religious veneration; b) a person who attacks cherished beliefs, traditional institutions, etc. as being based on error or superstition



1. discursive – a) passing aimlessly from one subject to another; digressive; rambling; b) wandering, long-winded, prolix

2. itinerant – a) traveling from place to place esp. on a circuit, as a minister, judge or sales representative; working in one place for a certain period of time, then moving on to another place; c) a person who alternates between working and wandering; d) wandering, nomadic, migratory, unsettled, roving, roaming, peripatetic

3. sojourn – a) a temporary stay; b) to stay for a time in a place, live temporarily; c) visit, vacation, rest, stop

4. expatiate – a) to enlarge in discourse and writing; be copious in description or discussion; b) to wander, digress

5. peregrination – travel from one place to another, esp. on foot; b) a course of travel, a journey

6. forage – a) to wander about in search of provisions; b) to search, rummage, hunt; c) to make a raid, strip of supplies, plunder

7. peripatetic – a) walking or traveling about, itinerant; b) of or pertaining to the Aristotelian school of philosophy, since Aristotle would teach while walking in the lyceum of ancient Athens; c) wandering, roving, vagrant

8. nomadic – of or pertaining to nomads, people who have no permanent abode and move from place to place


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