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Advice to hikers

It looks as if I would never be 2 страница | It looks as if I would never be 3 страница | It looks as if I would never be 4 страница | It looks as if I would never be 5 страница | It looks as if I would never be 6 страница | It looks as if I would never be 7 страница | It looks as if I would never be 8 страница | It looks as if I would never be 9 страница | It looks as if I would never be 10 страница | It looks as if I would never be 11 страница |

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  1. A friend of yours wants to develop a programme to protect the city where he lives. Give him a piece of advice.
  2. Advice (unc); advise rada; radit
  3. Advice of payment
  4. Advice to Diplomats.
  5. Advice to Parents on How to Deal with Teenage Children
  6. Alt spent a long time watching TV. Give him advice.







BRAVING THE BULL (by Judy Silverman)


LAST WORDS (by David Hill)

THE QUIRIN'S SECRET (by Nancy Springer)





THE BLACKBERRY PIE (by Linde Pilcher)

FISTFIGHT (by Kathleen Stevens)

THE UNOPENED DOOR (by Teresa Bateman)





THE PRIVATE SMILE (by Betty Bates)

GRACE'S WHISKERS (by K.C. Tessendorf)

FLYING (by Denise Huppi)

LOOKING FOR A GHOST (by Margaret Mahy)

THE SANDWALK (by Mary Caraker)




JUST ONE OF THE GUYS (by Donna Gamashe)


THE LIVELY SOCCER BALL (by Delaney Lundberg)








CASTLES (by Ann M. Quellette)

BREAKUP (by Jonathan B. Stratman)

STORM WATCH (by Gayle Rosengren)

THE SILVER STREAM (by Jon Letcher)

BEANS (by Pat Snell)







WEIRD, WONDERFUL MRS BECKER (by Claire Blatchford)






OF MR STONEY'S LUNCH (by Caroline Spring)



NEIGHBOURS (by Elizabeth Ann Hardy)




THE HOUSE THAT LACKED A BOGLE (by Sorche nieLeodhas)


THE CHAMELEON CLOTH (by Annette Couch-Jareb)

A GAME WITHOUT WORDS (by Lindy Strauss)





by Jennifer Adams




1.1. SHARE your family background with the group. Say whether you, and your parents or grandparents, come from the city or countryside.


1.2. DISCUSS, in pairs, the problem of living in the country. Especially far enough from any civilization. And during cold and freezing winters. Do you think county living is your cup of home­made juice?


1.3. SHARE, in groups of three or four, your experiences of facing a real challenge. Describe the nature of the challenge. You might even like to exaggerate a little bit, okay?




2.1. Understanding the title.

Here is the title of the story, The Wolf and the Buttonhook. Do you think it's another variation on the familiar Red Riding-Hood theme? Tell your partner what you expect to read about in the story.


2.2. Reading for pleasure and enrichment.

Read the story and answer the question: Did Bessie earn much more than just a pair of boots that day? Please, explain your answer.

The following words will be helpful to understand the events better.


Crunch — make a sound like something being crushed.

Decent — acceptable or good enough.

Clatter — make a loud and unpleasant noise.

Slam — shut (the door, etc.)

Round up — find and gather together.

Unsettled — worried or excited over something.

Cranky — bad-tempered or ready to cry.

Listlessly — in a tired or weary manner.

Fetch — bring something or somebody.

Reckon — have an opinion about something.

Sopping — very wet.

Hum — sing a tune by making a continuous sound.

Stiffen — become painful and difficult to move.

Crouch — lower your body closer to the ground by bending knees.

Fiercely — in a frightening way, with violent emotion.

Take charge — take control over the situation.

Tuck — push the edge of a cloth around something.

Stricken — badly affected by something.



A tall, red-haired girl crunched through the frozen barnyard, leaving two thin trails of steam from the fresh eggs sagging in her apron pockets. Peeling off her wet deerskin slippers, she hurried into the cabin.

"All a girl needs is a decent pair of boots," she grumbled, "but no, only boys get boots. Girls get wet feet."

"Bessie, I don't aim to argue this any further." Bessie jumped. She hadn't noticed Pa leaning with folded arms against the loft ladder. He shook his head at her. Bessie would have argued anyway, as cold and out of sorts as she felt, but the boys clattered in just then, bringing with them a gust of wind and snow.

"Shut the door!" Pa hollered.

"Pa, the team's ready," Evin said, cheerfully slamming the door. "Yeah, Pa, let's git," Wilson chimed in. They never let Pa's gruffness bother them any. Everyone knew it was mostly for show.

Bessie looked at them with envy. Sure enough, they were going with Pa, even though they were only nine and ten. Bessie was already thirteen, but when Mr Elliott came calling about his broken fence this morning, Bessie figured it would be the boys helping to round up his herd. Girls stayed home. Especially, she reminded herself, girls with no boots. Ma came down the ladder after the others had gone, holding up her long nightdress in one hand. She looked tired and pale.

"Bess, I know you're unsettled on account of not having boots this year, but your pa figures it can wait till spring, when you get back to school again."

"I know, I know," Bessie sighed.

She felt mean for complaining. Ma had been sick two days now, and the baby was cranky and wakeful. It wasn't Ma's fault they couldn't afford the boots.

"Go on up to bed, Ma," she coaxed. "I'll do the chores."

Bessie tidied the room, fixing a cup of tea for Ma and boiling water for the dishes. She wished she could quit mooning about school, but she did miss it so. Springtime was a long way off, with a whole slew of snow and mud in between. Even though Pa carried in her schoolwork, it wasn't the same as being there. Bessie loved the schoolroom itself, with the smells of chalk and ink — even the drafty old wood stove. She planned to be a teacher herself, when she grew up. The baby had been crying for some time before the low, mournful sound penetrated Bessie's daydreams. She climbed to the loft and picked her tiny sister up. The baby felt limp and much too warm. "Ma?"

There was no answer. Ma was lying on her bed, staring listlessly out the small window. Bessie gently laid the baby back in her cradle.

"Ma, are you awake?" she asked softly. Bessie bent to feel her mother's forehead. She felt odd doing it, as though they had somehow switched places and Ma was now the young daughter. "You've got a bad fever," Bessie exclaimed. "So does the baby. I'm going right away to fetch the doctor."

Her mother gave a slight nod, and Bessie scrambled down the ladder. Then she remembered — Pa and the boys had taken all three horses to Mr. Elliott's.

"We'll be back tonight, maybe tomorrow," Pa had said. "You sure you'll be all right, Beulah?"

Ma had reassured him, as always. She never complained, Bessie realized, feeling a jolt of panic. She must be terribly ill, to forget that Bessie had no means of riding for the doctor.

"Reckon I'll have to go on foot," Bessie decided. Only two miles to town; surely she could make it. She eyed Ma's tiny button shoes, standing neatly by the stove. Not much chance of squeezing her big feet into those. And her own slippers wouldn't be much use; they were still sopping. Bessie looked at her bare feet and whispered a prayer. Then she pulled on Ma's warm overcoat and slipped out the door.

Bessie ran down the hill to the road. The snow was knee-deep where it had drifted, but on the roadway it barely covered her ankles. She set a steady pace, puffing white breath-clouds into the gray afternoon. Bessie hummed to herself as she raced along. On one side of the road, the dark forest crowded in. Don't stop, don't stop. The words marched through her head in time with the blows of her frozen feet on the snowy road.

But Bessie was slowing down, her feet raw and tired. Finally, she did stop. She threw off the heavy coat and stood on it, panting. "Oh well," she said to herself, "at least I won't be walking back." She knelt to rub her sore feet.

A faint, snuffling noise in the silence made her stiffen. Out of the woods padded a large, gaunt timber wolf. Bessie sucked in her breath. The wolf heard her and stopped short, one foot suspended in the air. He was no more than ten yards away, staring at Bessie with unblinking yellow eyes.

"Folks claim a lone wolf won't never attack a human. Hogwash!"

Pa's familiar warning rang in her ears as Bessie crouched in the snow, eyes fixed on the horrible creature. It began cautiously moving toward her. The fur around its jaws was stained dark red. Bessie started slowly backing away.

"Ouch!" she yelped. She had stepped on Ma's buttonhook, used for doing up the row of buttons on her shoes. It must have fallen from the coat pocket. Bessie snatched up the hook and faced the wolf, waving the small instrument.

"Go ahead!" she yelled. "Try it!"

The wolf paused, eyeing her thoughtfully. Bessie grabbed the overcoat.

"Go on! Git! Scram, you varmint!" She rushed at the animal, fiercely beating the air with the coat. The wolf ducked his head and trotted into the forest. Bessie fled down the road, pulling the coat on as she ran, cold feet entirely forgotten. Ma's buttonhook lay behind in the snow. Another twenty minutes put her on Doc Millard's back porch. It was a great relief to let Doc and his wife take charge. Mrs. Millard gave Bessie hot coffee and a slab of bread and jam, while Doc readied his team. In the wagon, Doc tucked a blanket around Bessie's cold legs, frowning at her bare feet. It was snowing hard as they set out. When they passed the spot where she had met the wolf, Bessie noticed a confusion of hoof prints leading into the trees. It was already dark when Doc reined in his team at the cabin. A fresh deer carcass hung from the porch, torn and bloody on one side.

The door burst open. "Bessie! Thank the Lord you're all right!"

Pa ran to the wagon and swept his daughter off the high seat. Doc followed them into the cabin. While he examined Ma and the baby, Bessie told her story, sitting on Pa's lap like a child. The boys were wide-eyed as she described her escape from the wolf.

Doc Millard came down the ladder.

"They'll be fine, the both of them, in a day or so. Fever is down, and the baby is sleeping. Now," he turned to Bessie, "let's see those feet."

Pa looked stricken. "Doc Millard, there's no harm done," Bessie said quickly. Doc insisted on having a look-see anyway.

"You're a strong girl, Bess," he soon admitted. "Nothing here that a good Epsom soak won't cure." Then he added, "Best to get yourself a pair of boots, though." Bessie opened her mouth to explain about the money, but Pa spoke up first.

"Bessie'll have her boots," he said gruffly. "She earned them to­day." He dug into his pocket and held up Ma's buttonhook. "You'll be needing this, Bessie." Bessie smiled as she took it from him. "Thank you, Papa," she whispered.


2.3. True of false?

Bessie, age thirteen, was the only daughter in the family.

She was always ready to help her mother with the chores.

But it was very often that Bessie sincerely wished she were a boy.

The family couldn't afford to buy a lot of clothes or footwear.

Bessie was a most conscientious student at school.

Her mother, though sick at that time, was also tall and strong.

It was not seldom that Bessie fought timber wolves in the woods.

Doctor Millard was concerned greatly with Bessie's health.

Bessie's father didn't want the doctor to know about their situation.

Life will probably be a bit different for Bessie in the future.

In Bessie's family everyone always had to earn everything.


2.4. Points of view.


Scan the story and try to explain what the characters might mean.

Bessie: "Only boys get boots. Girls get wet feet."

Daddy: "You'll be needing this, Bessie."

Daddy: "There is no harm done."

Bessie: "Hogwash! Go ahead! Try it!"

Daddy: "She earned them today."


2.5. Verbs in focus.

Scan the story again. There are several words in the text that imitate sounds or convey strong emotions. Could you list them in the table below?


Sounds Strong emotions


2.6. Storing vocabulary.

Make sure you can paraphrase the following sentences using the expressions taken from the story.

Nobody wanted to argue for all felt tired and weary after a hard day.

He seemed to be angry but we knew he simply pretended to be.

It goes without saying that everything will turn out well.

She was overexcited because of the good news she had received.

The girl prepared a sandwich and a cup of coffee for breakfast.

Fear immobilized the traveller who simply couldn't step away.

They didn't know what to do, seized by a wave of panic.

We had some doubts before but they told us it would turn out well.

The kids guessed easily the Christmas presents were in store for them.

Nobody could say who would come to the party and who wouldn't.


Expressions to choose from: to make one stiffen, to feel a jolt of panic, sure enough, to be reassured, to be out of sorts, to do something for show, on account of, to fix something, to figure.


2.7 Crying out according to the cultural canon.

In the story, Bessie cries out when she steps on a buttonhook. What exclamations do the speakers of Russian and English make in an emergency? (God forbid meeting a lonely wolf in the woods, of course!) Fill in the table below.


Exclamation meaning Russian English
A jolt of pain Ай! Ouch!
A great surprise Ого! ?
A great delight Ух! ?
? Эй! ?
? ? Phew!
? Ш-ш! ?


Choose from the following: Wow! Thcfiy! Hush! Boo! Hey! Gosh! Ah!


2.8. Colloquial English.

There are several phrases spoken by the characters in colloquial English. Could you possibly convey them into literary English?


Wilson, Bessie's brother, says, "Yeah, Pa, let's git!"

Bessie thinks, "Reckon I'll have to go on foot."

Bessie cries out, "Git! Scram, you varmint!"

Doc Millard says, "Best to get yourself a pair of boots, though."


2.9. Studying grammar.

Let's have a session of Wishful Thinking. Bessie wished she could quit mooning about school. What else did she think about? Now try to describe the girl's ideas about life using the table below.


    Bessie wished she she her father her baby sister her family school were a boy. had... … … …


If you have used all the possible variants the table offers, suggest something of your own making.


2.10. More grammar.

Bessie's buttonhook must have fallen from her pocket. A lot of other things must have happened on that snowy day that we didn't read about in the story. Let us suggest as many of such things as we can. Work in pairs.


Bessie's mother...   (to run a high temperature) must have felt very sick. (to be unable to help herself)
The 13-year-old girl   (to freeze her feet) ___________  
The yellow-eyed wolf   (to be frightened)__________  
Doc Millard   (to be angry with)____________  
Bessie's father   (to think about the worst)_______  
That evening Bessie (to be in the seventh heaven)_______  




3.1. Feelings.

They say girls are sensitive. In pairs, discuss the changes in Bessie's state of mind. Match her feelings and their reasons, and then explain why exactly the teenager felt so.


She felt … because she…
mean thought about her father
odd was safe and in comfort
determined got to the Doc's home
panic-stricken had complained about boots
relieved felt as if she were Mother
anxious wanted to reach town
full of peace had never confronted a wolf


3.2. Dreams, dreams, dreams...

Bessie planned to be a teacher, when she grew up. Do you think she could make a dedicated village teacher? Say why, or why not. What about you, Reader? Do you dream of Becoming a teacher?

Write down five good reasons why you'd want to be a teacher. Even if you don't, in fact.





Last but not least

Compare your list with those of other students. Discuss differences in the opinions.



Interview Bessie, a 13-year-old heroine of the human interest story you are going to write for a local newspaper. Beforehand, write down at least 10 profound questions you'd like Bessie to answer during the interview.


3.4. Should girls stay home?

In a group, hold a debate using the above statement (one of Bessie's thoughts) as a starter.


3.5. Poetry corner.

Enjoy the following poem written by Isabel J. Glaser, and say if the advice is worth paying attention to.




If you find yourself in a darkish woods,

Beneath a darkish tree,

And you hear a growl from some place

Near, from something you can't see –

If you gaze between some darkish leaves

With your sharpest hiker's stare

And discover, looking back at you,

A somewhat darkish bear –

Don't stick around to analyze.

Don't stay for one more stare.

Don't pat his darkish pudgy nose.




by Judy Silverman




1.1. DISCUSS your family background (your parents' professions and/or jobs). Have you ever thought those to be (1) prestigious; (2) unimportant; (3) nothing much to speak of;
(4) something to be silent about? Give your reasons:


1.2. Say if you would like to follow your father's / mother's tracks and become a teacher. Or, perhaps, it is quite the reverse. Share your ideas while working in small groups.


1.3. Ask your teacher if s/he thinks teaching students reminds her, at times, of engaging in a circus show, or a rodeo ride, or a Camel Trophy race. Be persistent in asking for explanations.




2.1. Understanding the title.

Here is the title of the story, Braving the Bull. Where do you think the action takes place — in Spain, Mongolia, Portugal, North America, or China? Tell your partner what you expect to read about in the story.


2.2. Reading for pleasure and enrichment.

Read the story and answer the question: Did Wade's attitude towards his daddy's occupation change that day?

The following words will be helpful to understand the events better.


Hardly — almost not, scarcely.

Antics — tricks, pranks.

Burrito — a Mexican dish: flat bread folded around meat.

Sinewy — having strong muscles.

Scrawny — thin and weak.

Doggedly — with great determination.

Douse — cover something with water.

Mock — not real, but intended to be very similar to something.

Tender — a worker taking care of the arena.

Baggy — lacking shape, hanging in loose folds.

Garbage — rubbish, waste of various kinds.


"Elie's out of the gate! Wow! Look at that horse buck!" Wade was up on his feet cheering. He hardly noticed the people around him in the bleachers.

Wade Alien Hubbell, Jr., had been a big fan of rodeos ever since he was a little kid. Now he was in the sixth grade and excited to be on his own at the rodeo in his hometown of Cortez, Colorado.

"You can do it, Jimmy," he muttered, just before Jimmy was thrown over the horse's head into the dust. Drat! He almost made the bell. Wade turned away from the arena in disappointment. Someday I'll be out there and I'll stay on for the whole eight seconds, he thought.

When he looked back into the ring, he groaned. Oh no, there's Pa! What's he doing, blowing the horse's nose with his bandanna? That's ridiculous. Wade felt humiliated, but the crowd loved it when the clown felt the horse's head to see if it had a temperature. They laughed and applauded as Hubbell the Clown then led the horse away so the rider was able to get up and out of the ring safely.

He's making a complete fool of himself, Wade thought as he watched the audience enjoying his father's antics. Angry, the boy bolted from the stands and stalked off to get a burrito. Don't they see what a jerk Pa is? he wondered. Baggy pants, red-and-white polka-dot bandanna, and old dusty, moth-eaten hat with an arrow stuck through it. What's so funny about clowns anyway? Even in the circus, they're dumb.

Wade took huge bites of his bean-and-cheese burrito and washed them down with a Coke. He stood at the fence half-watching as the women barrel-racers put their horses through their paces. He knew it took a lot of skill to maneuver a horse around those barrels without knocking them over, but it wasn't exciting or dangerous enough to be interesting to him. All he wanted was for the bull riding to start.

He was into his second burrito, beef and cheese this time, when the announcer called out over the P.A. system: "And now... crackle... event that takes great... screech!... bulldogging!" Wade pressed closer until he was at the rail. He just about missed the'first rider who lasted less than two seconds before being propelled well clear of the lunging bull. He must not have had a good hold on the rope, Wade thought as he finished his drink and waited for contestant number two to break out of the holding pen.

"...Crackle... he"s off!" Wade's eyes eagerly followed the heaving bull and his sinewy, skillful rider. That guy is glued on. He's gonna be the winner for sure, Wade thought excitedly. It seemed more like eight minutes than eight seconds before the buzzer finally went off and the crowd cheered the best rider of the day. Wade was so inspired-by the cowboy's skill that he hardly noticed the other cowboys and the clowns who were busy making it safe for the rider to jump off the bull and bow. With a sweep of his high-crowned Stetson, the victor headed to the fence and swung his legs over — chaps, spurs, boots, and all.

Wade felt as though the event were over: no other rider could measure up to that one. But just then, out of the gate exploded the biggest, meanest bull he had ever laid eyes on. The rider on his back looked as if he wished he were somewhere else.

The bull was roaring mad. No puny, scrawny human was going to stick him with spurs and stay on his back for long!

The crowd hushed. Wade could sense their fear of this monster. He admired the cowboy for hanging on for, five long seconds, but finally the bull charged ahead, stopped dead, and lurched sideways, causing his rider to lose his seat. The cowboy doggedly held on, which was a mistake. When he lost his grip on the rope that girdled the bull's huge chest and fell to the ground, he slipped right under the bull's hoofs. Wade Alien had never seen such fury before in a rodeo animal. The bull was out of control, thundering back over the fallen rider, whose life was in great danger. He lay motionless, facedown in the dirt, arms and legs sprawled out.

Where are the ring tenders on their horses? Wade looked around desperately. As he turned back, he saw his father, not five feet from the head of the raging bull. Hubbell the Clown, with a red toreador's cape and a big water pistol, proceeded to douse the bull. The crowd laughed nervously and then gasped as the bull dug in his hoofs, lowered his head, and took off after the moving clown.

Hubbell, with mock bullfighter's dignity, presented his red cape, and the bull obligingly charged. Behind the cape was hidden a garbage can lid, and the bull hit it with a clang.' The crowd roared. Even Wade had to laugh. His dad was funny and darned gutsy, too.

Meanwhile, medics had quickly put the unconscious cowboy on a stretcher and were running out of the ring with him at a faster-than-usual clip. Hubbell let down his guard for just a second and failed to see what was coming. To his horror, Wade watched as the bull ran with all two thousand pounds of his bulk right into his father, knocking him over. Then and only then did the ring tenders appear. It took four of them, but they managed to head off the bull and herd him into a holding pen.

Wade Alien was beyond thinking as he threw himself over the fence and ran to where his father lay, his baggy pants covered with dust and his arrow-festooned hat trampled and shredded.

"Pa, it"s me! Are you all right?" Wade Alien couldn't hide the fear in his voice.

Hubbell stirred slightly, groaned, and opened his eyes. He looked around and stared at the garbage can lid that lay next to him. It had several hoof prints imprinted in it. He turned his head to face the boy. "Well, son," he said slowly, "I"ve had the wind knocked out of me, but without that garbage can lid, I believe it could have been a mite worse."

After a few seconds, he gave the boy a wink and to Wade' s amazement began to play to the audience. He lifted his legs high in the air and reached up with his arms to feel if any bones were broken. As he stood up, he felt his head, his neck, his shoulders, arms, and—very carefully — every one of his ten fingers. The audience went wild. They cheered and applauded the man who, Wade knew, had given the best performance of the day!


2.3. True of false?

The boy was given to rodeo performance watching.

He always enjoyed watching his father in the arena.

Watching bull-riding was the boy's second-best occupation.

Wade dreamed about becoming a toreador some day.

The boy laughed at his father's antics out of politeness.

Wade's father, it seems, was very good at what he was doing.

The events in the arena could not have ended differently.

The best performance of the day belonged to Wade's father.


2.4. Understanding points of view.

Scan the story and try to explain what the characters meant.

Wade: "He's out of the gate! Wow!"

Wade: "You can do it, Jimmy."

Wade: "That guy is glued on."

Daddy: "I've had the wind knocked out of me."

The bull (had he time to think clearly):

"Okay, okay, you deserved it, clown!"


2.5. Local coloring.

Scan the story again. There are several words in the text that convey local coloring very effectively. List them matching their explanations.


a show featuring horses and riders rodeo
a special sort of sandwich ?
a worker at a ranch handling cattle ?
a person in charge of handling rodeo animals ?
a peculiar kind of hat always worn by cowboys ?
a device for managing horses attached to boots ?
a professional bullfighter as he's called internationally ?


2.6. Storing vocabulary.

Paraphrase the following using the expressions from the story

She made a swift movement with her eyelids indicating it was a joke.

The situation went from bad to worse becoming quite unmanageable.

The boy was behaving like a silly one playing to the girls' attention.

The crowd at the soccer match was shouting as loudly as they could.

That young author drew his inspiration from visiting ancient castles.

Such young girls should not be there without parents or older friends.

The caged animals began to rage scared by the thunder and lightning.

The player grimaced as if in pain trying to catch the eye of the referee.

His failure at the entrance exams was a heavy blow to his self-esteem.

He never depends on anyone, he always goes his way to the very end.


Expressions to choose from: to be on one's own, to make a fool of oneself,to be humiliated by, to be inspired by, to roar mad, to be out of control, to give somebody a wink, to go wild, to play to somebody.


2.7. Colloquial English.

There are several phrases in the story that are the thoughts of the boy expressed in colloquial English. Wade doesn't know any better, you see. But you do. So, try to "translate" his thoughts into literary English explaining connotations on the way.

e.g. Drat! = The boy means that it's a great pity that the cowboy wasn't able to...etc. It expresses a 12-year-old's utter disappointment.

"Drat! He almost made the bell."

"Don't they see what a jerk Pa is?"

"That guy is glued on."

He's gonna be the winner for sure!

His dad was funny and darned gutsy, too.


2.8. Studying grammar.

Bull riding is a rough and dangerous sport. The story could have ended in a much less happy situation, of course. Let's try to figure out what course the events in the story could have taken. Brainstorm all the possible situations Wade could have found himself in.

Wade could have forgotten _________________

failed ____________


___________, so he wouldn't have ___________.


2.9. More grammar.

At one moment, the boy was so inspired by the cowboy's skill that he hardly noticed anything around him. What about other characters? How did they behave? Recollect the details using the table below to intensify your message.

The clown   Wade   The rider was so   The bull   The crowd charmed enraged inspired absorbed shaken endangered entranced humiliated engulfed that he hardly...




3.1. Feelings.

They say teenage boys are easy to offend. In pairs, discuss the changes in Wade's state of mind during the rodeo. Match his feelings and what produced them, and then argue why exactly the teenager felt so.


He felt... because he...
proud was angry with his father
sorry didn't like his father's antics
humiliated thought highly of the winner
irritated feared for his daddy
annoyed hated the crowd laughing
bored was on his own at a rodeo
enchanted didn't enjoy barrel-racing
shocked thought he'd have done better


3.2. Dreams, dreams, dreams...

Wade planned to be a bull-rider when he grew up. Do you think it to be a worthwhile dream? Say why, or why not. And what about you, Reader? Do you dream to become Rider? To put it seriously, name five professional choices you'd never ever make!

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