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Used to и would для выражения повторяющегося действия или обычного состояния в прошлом.

Правило согласования времен. | Отклонения от правила согласования времен. | Ask tell warn urge remind invite persuade advise | Ex. 4. Listen to the dialogue ‘At the Bank’ and prepare it for acting. |

Читайте также:
  1. Adlinks Слова категории состояния
  2. III. Крымское ханство как пространство межкультурного взаимодействия средневекового Крыма.
  3. А - таврового сечения ; б- прямоугольного сечения; 1-плоскость действия изгибающего момента ; 2- центр тяжести сечения растянутой арматуры
  4. А) Преступление. Субъект преступного действия
  5. А) Физические меры воздействия на арестованных, как основной метод получения ложных показаний
  6. Автоколебаниями называют любые гармонические колебания, причиной которых является непериодическая сила с любым временем действия.


Used to используется, чтобы выразить обычные, повторяющиеся прошедшие действия и состояния, которые продолжались в течение некоторого периода времени в прошлом, но в настоящее время уже не происходят.

Примеры: Last winter I used to spend a lot of time in the library. (повторяющееся действие)

He used to be very short-tempered. (состояние)

Would употребляется со всеми лицами единственного и множественного числа для выражения повторного действия в прошлом в значении бывало, при этом употребление would не подчеркивает, что в настоящее время действие уже не происходит. Would нельзя использовать, чтобы передать прошлые состояния. (Неправильно сказать: He'd live in a lovely cottage.)

Если действие в прошлом совершилось лишь раз, и следовательно, не является привычкой, нужно использовать Past Simple.


Ex. 1. Составьте предложения с used to. Обратите внимание на образование отрицательной конструкции didn't use to.

Пример; This town's so ugly. It used to be so pretty.

There are so many tourists. There didn't use to be any tourists.

  1. The houses are very expensive.
  2. The streets are dirty.
  3. There is so much litter on the streets.
  4. The car parks are always full.
  5. There is a lot of traffic on the roads.
  6. It's noisy at night.
  7. Andy's changed! He's so miserable!


Ex. 2. Составьте краткие ответы с never used to, и скажите, что на самом деле имело место в прошлом.

Пример: Jeremy drinks beer and whisky. (lemonade)

He never used to. He used to drink lemonade.

  1. Henry drives like a maniac. (carefully)
  2. Tessa spends a fortune on clothes! (very careful with her money)
  3. The children fight a lot these days. (get on well)
  4. I think Kate tells lies. (tell the truth)
  5. Margaret gets up at 11.00. (the first one up in the morning)

Ex. 3. Закончите предложения, используя Past Continuous или used to и глагол в скобках.

Примеры: I haven't been to the cinema for ages now. We used to go a lot. (go)

Ann didn't see me wave to her. She was looking in the other direction. (look)

  1. I ___________ a lot but I don't use my car very much these days. (drive)
  2. I asked the driver to slow down. She _______________ too fast. (drive)
  3. Rose and Jim met for the first time when they ______ at university. (study)
  4. When I was a child, I ______________ a lot of bad dreams. (have)
  5. When the phone rang, I __________________ a shower. (have)
  6. "Where were you yesterday afternoon?" " I _________ volleyball." (play)
  7. "Do you do any sports?" "Not these days. I _________ volleyball." (play)
  8. George looked very nice. He ____________ a very nice suit. (wear)


Ex. 4. Прочитайте следующий рассказ. Какие глаголы, выделенные курсивом могут быть заменены на

(1) would или used to?

(2) только на used to?

(3) должны остаться в Past Simple?


We (a) met while we were doing a course in London. It wasn't exactly love at first sight, but I often (b) found myself looking in his direction, and he always (c) smiled back, and his eyes (d) lingered just a little longer than was necessary. So we (e) started having lunch together in a small cafe, and then, if the weather was fine, we (f) went for a walk in the park, and (g) chatted endlessly about everything. He (h) lived at one end of town, and I was miles away, but we often (i) met at weekends. I (j) thought it would last for ever, but of course it didn't. Nothing does!



OKCP № 5





TEMA: “Искусство. Кинематограф. Рецензия на фильм.”

Task 1. Read Jeff Giles’ review on ‘The First Knight’. The words below will help you to enjoy reading.

According to the legend, Lancelot was born to love only Guinevere: Lady Elaine had to spike his wine just to get him into ye olde sack. Now Richard Gere is playing the knight in the shiniest armor, so needless to say he’s become a make-out artist who looks as if he’d lay the Lady of the lake. Jerry Zucker’s fun but perfunctory romance First Knight is ostensibly a King Arthur story. But Zucker and screenwriter William Nickolson have jettisoned so much of the epic – no Grail, no sword, no stone, no Merlin, no magic – it’s a wonder they didn’t just start from scratch. Zucker directed ‘Ghost’, and is once more on the trial of endless love, focusing on the triangle between a fearless knight, a conflicted queen (Julia Ormond) and a beneficent, unsuspecting king (Sean Connery).

Guinevere is on her way to marry Arthur when her convoy is ambushed in the forest. She does battle – and looks terrific slamming one guy’s head against a tree – until Lancelot charges up to save the day. Guinevere tells the wandering swardsman she’s set to marry the king. He puts the moves on her right there in the woods anyway, saying, ‘I always know when a woman wants me.’ Guinevere fends Lancelot off after one kiss. But he follows her to Camelot, where they exchange tortured glances as he becomes a knight and helps defend Arthur’s kingdom against the evil Malagant (Ben Cross). Guinevere and Lancelot manage to kiss twice, but they never get down to serious cuckolding.

‘First Knight’ disappoints in a lot of ways: it’s murky and sunless, its battle scenes are a letdown after ‘Braveheart.’ What’s worse, the movie simplifies the famous love triangle almost beyond recognition. Lancelot no longer loves his king as much as his queen, so there is no dark thread running through his passion for Guinevere. Lady Elaine no longer exists, so the queen can’t deliver the sort of bitchy asides she made in T. H. White’s ‘The Once and Future King’ (‘ Am I to watch you flirting with that turnip?). Plus, there’s an upbeat ending. Camelot was a hell of a lot more dysfunctional when White, Malory and Tennyson were calling the shots. All that said, Gere fights nimbly. Connery says ‘Camelot’ in that nifty accent of his. And Ormond lives up to her considerable hype: Guinevere’s love for Arthur is the only truly complicated emotion in the movie, and not many young actresses would have had enough range and regal cool to put it off. ‘First Knight’ is a half a glass of mead. Whether it’s half empty or half full depends on how thirsty you are.


Task 2. Translate the underlined phrases into Russian in writing.


Task 3. Answer the following questions:

  1. What do you thing is the general intonation of the review? (Sarcastic, negative, exalted, reserved, positive)
  2. What words give short and exact esteem of the film?
  3. Who, in the writer’s opinion, is a real star of the film? Why?
  4. What do you think are the main points of criticism?


Task 4. Read the review on the film Independence Day.


When it comes to film plots there’s plenty of mileage in the subject of aliens encroaching on Planet Earth. They may be benign, as in ET, or malign, as in Independence Day, a frontrunner among this summer’s box-office attractions. Either way, audiences are riveted by creatures from outer space whose common characteristic is usually their extreme ugliness.

The surprise element in the equation this time lies in the questionable quality of this new blockbuster. It comes from the Stargate team, writer-director Roland Emmerich and producer Dean Devlin, whose trademarks appear to be banality and confusion.

Worse still, the expensive special effects on which the film depends quite often beggar belief, especially at the end when the invaders loom over Sydney with an oddly pre-digital lack of conviction.

But could this ineptitude be deliberate? Stargate, which paid homage to the ancient Egyptian epic films of the past, had plenty of colour but zero credibility. Its makers say that Independence Day is another homage, in this case to disaster movies such as Airport and Earthquake from the Seventies. Does this mean the new film is a designer retro epic? You’ll have to decide for yourself.

On a more positive note, two of the three main characters are likable and amusing, which is a lot more than you could say for Stargate. The role of the cocky fighter pilot, whose courage at the controls is destined to save the world, should establish Will Smith as a star. He has already proved himself in Bad Boys and Six Degrees of Separation but here he displays a swashbuckling charisma that will win him a lot of friends in Hollywood.

Jeff Goldblum builds on his triumphs in Jurassic Park as a cycling boffin who shares Smith’s grand aerial mission. However, his best scenes are shared with Judd Hirch as his interfering father.

Bill Pullman, as the youthful president of a nation threatened with extinction, is less fortunate in a role that is gruesomely sanctimonious. Even so, he does better than the women, who never amount to anything more than sounding boards for their man.

Task 5. Translate the review into Russian in writing.

OKCP № 6




ТЕМА: «Страдательный залог»


Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 120 | Нарушение авторских прав

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