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Unit 7. People do the strangest things.


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Exercise 1. Match the following idioms with the suitable definitions.


1.on ice A) return a favor

2.shoot the breeze B) go away!

3.bite the dust C) set aside for future use

4.bend over backwards D) become very angry

5.hit the hay E) die

6.cough up F) chat informally

7.jump the gun G) go down in defeat

8.scratch smo's back H) hand over; give

9.hit the ceiling I) try very hard

10.fork over J) protest strongly

11.turn smo off K) go to bed

12.go fly a kite! L) disgust smo

13.kick the bucket M) to be hasty

14.raise a stink N) give unwillingly

Exercise 2. Choose the correct idiom, which corresponds to the definition given in the brackets. Be sure to use context clues and the correct grammar forms.


1. Don't (be hasty)! Or you will never get what you want.

2. My mother (became very angry) when she was told that I organized a night party while she was away.

3. Yes, I agree, we have got a difficult task. But I think it's high time to (try very hard) and show what we can do.

4. I decided to (put my work aside) and have a walk.

5. You are so boring. Just (go away)!

6. Mike was so sleepy that he decided to (go to bed).

7. Don't you know that the famous gangster has (died)?

8. Why do you (give money so unwillingly) every time? I know, you've got enough.

9. Oh, she's (protesting very strongly). You hear?

10. I know it's difficult to (hand over) something. But James always (returns a favor).

11. It (disgusts me) when people start to speak loud.

12. I don't mind (chatting informally).

13. Well Harry (went down in defeat) speaking with Jack about cars. He didn't know that Jack knew everything about cars.

Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with the correct idiom, which corresponds to the context. Pay attention to the grammar forms.


1. Lucy and Sally can ___ for hours. I wonder what they are talking about.

2. The farmer ___ when he came to know that a fox had stolen his most beautiful hens.

3. He ___ when I saw his dirty socks.

4. My friend John always ___ (things). But he knows I give everything back.

5. My daughter can't ___ while it is storming.

6. In spite of all preparations we ___ at the competition.

7. I became angry and said ___ … But a fly didn't hear me.

8. You are ___ again. Let me tell the news!

9. My brother has got such a job that he can't put anything ___.

10. If you don't stop to drink you will ___.

11. Janette ___ the whole year and at last she is on holiday.

12. Luke will never ___ money. So don't lend him any.

13. If you don't like ___ you shouldn't ask for a favor.

14. Don't take father's car keys! He'll ___ when he knows.


Exercise 4. Translate from English into Russian.

1. Lorraine was having second thoughts about marrying Phil before both of them finished college. She told him she thought they should put it on ice for a few years.

2. The old woman was a person everyone in the neighborhood disliked. There were not too many mourners when she kicked the bucket.

3. Richard decided to hit the hay even though it was only 8.00 p.m. He had had a hard day.

4. You can't begin the project yet. You are going to have to wait until the plan is thoroughly developed. Don't jump the gun.

5. The teacher was very upset that the students rarely turned in their homework or applied themselves to their studies. He raised a stink, telling them that they were foolish not to be making the most of their studying.

6. I think this lamp just bit the dust. It broke and I know it's not worth fixing.

7. I sometimes wonder if government employees ever work. They seem to sit around all day and shooting the breeze.

8. " Go fly a kite!" - said Sue to her dog. It was running around her legs for an hour.

9. Your hitting the ceiling is nonsense. You'll never get what you want by scolding and shouting.

10. I want to clean the house. Could you help me? - I'll scratch your back if you help me with my work.

11. I'll never ask you for money again. You always cough it up.

12. Look at him! His clothes are turning me off.

13. However you bend over backwards, you'll never get our manager's gratitude.

14. It's not easy to fork over things and money, but it's essential.


Exercise 5. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Мы планировали начать строительство нового супермаркета в следующем месяце, но доходы компании снизились, поэтому проект заморозили.

2. Я собираюсь истратить все мои деньги до того, как я сыграю в ящик. Я не собираюсь оставлять ни пенни моим родственникам.

3. Я действительно устал. Мои глаза закрываются. Я собираюсь вздремнуть.

4. Ты купил сыну футбол, а ему только 6 недель. Не кажется ли тебе, что ты немного поторопился?

5. Когда девочки захотели приехать домой несколькими часами позже, их мать очень сильно протестовала.

6. Боссу не понравилось мое предложение. Еще одна хорошая идея не прошла.

7. Я думаю, самое время вернуть мне деньги, которые ты взяла у меня раньше.

8. Ничего плохого не случится, если ты выгонишь Джека. Он поймет.

9. Когда моя семья навещала семью моей невесты, ее родители из кожи вон лезли, чтобы угодить нам.

10. Если я прихожу домой не тогда, когда обещала, мой отец очень злится.

11. Во время обеденного перерыва мы любим спокойно посидеть и поболтать.

12. Очень легко вызвать отвращение людей, если у тебя плохие манеры.

13. Мама с неохотой дала мне свое золотое кольцо. Но она знала, что я никогда его не потеряю.

14. Ненси любит помогать людям, особенно если знает, что они ответят ей тем же.




Exercise 1. Match the following idioms with the correct definitions.


1.Wet blanket A) keep smth a secret

2.Keep under one's hat B) make a getaway

3.up one's sleeve C) dressed elegantly

4.dressed to kill D) make foolish statements

5.give smo the slip E) lose great deal of money

6.knock smo's socks off F) wear one's finest clothing

7.talk through one's hat G) dull or boring person, who spoils

the happiness of others

8.lose one's shirt H) concealed

9.dressed to the teeth I) enthuse and excite


Exercise 2. Choose the correct idiom, which corresponds to the definition given in the brackets. Be sure to use context clues and the correct grammar forms.


1. If you want to look elegant you needn't (wear your finest clothing).

2. I know why you have finished the work you've been given so early. You've been (enthuse and excited).

3. Uncle Tom is coming! - I'm so glad. He always has something unusual (concealed).

4. It was a terrific party. Everyone was (dressed elegantly).

5. Nora's feeding Sam a line for a long time. Soon she may (make a getaway from him).

6. In my mind you'd better do away with playing cards or you'll (lose a great deal of money).

7. Oh, no! You've invited Sam to the party. I don't want him to come. He is (so boring)!

8. Guess what? I've (kept something a secret) for you.

9. You are speaking about Africa as if you've lived there for a long time. You're (making foolish statements) because you know nothing about it.


Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with the suitable idiom. Pay attention to the grammar forms.


1. When you'll see Mary's new dress you'll ___. It's amazing!

2. Poor Larry! He's ___ in casino.

3. What I'm telling you is a great secret. You must ___.

4. Listen! Jim's ___ again. He thinks he's so clever.

5. Look at Denis! He's ___ today.

6. She's put everything she has had in her suitcase. She may be going to be ___.

7. I always try to have something ___ for my children. They like surprises.

8. In spite of all my efforts our parrot ___.

9. I dislike ___. You have nothing to speak with them.



Exercise 4. Translate from English into Russian.


1. When Mike asked Irene to marry him, she told him she wanted time to think it over. But she waited too long. Mike gave her the slip and married someone else.

2. Marjorie wanted to make a lasting impression on John. She decided to wear her most sophisticated outfit to the restaurant they were going out. When John came, she was dressed to kill.

3. I was very embarrassed when I walked into the party thinking it was informal and found that everyone except me was dressed to the teeth.

4. Some people drink too much alcohol and then they begin to talk through their hats. They try to make you think that they know a lot about something they really don't.

5. Don't tell Richard anything you don't want everyone else to know. It's impossible for him to keep anything under his hat.

6. I knocked my socks off when I was told that I passed all the exams. I thought I hadn't done well.

7. I asked Dorothy if she wanted to take part in the joke we are going to play on the coach, but she said no. She's just a wet blanket.

8. They tried to keep the results of the championship under their hats. But someone let the cat out of the bag.

9. Have you heard the news? James has lost his shirt at the races. He just couldn't stop.


Exercise 5. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Удача выскользнула у меня из рук.

2. Почему бы тебе не расслабиться и не повеселиться? Не будь такой занудой!

3. Пэм, твой новый парень скоро будет здесь. Ты должна выглядеть шикарно.

4. Пытаясь организовать свой собственный бизнес он потерял кучу денег, так как ему никто не помог.

5. Тебе следует прислушаться к советам Марии о покупке недвижимости. Она не просто так болтает языком (знает о чем говорит).

6. Я еще никому не говорила, но Том и я собираемся пожениться. Держи язык за зубами, хорошо?

7. Я не люблю, когда люди разодеты в пух и прах.

8. Я думаю, нам следует держать наши планы в секрете. Это будет сюрприз.

9. Алан был в восторге, когда обнаружил, что выиграл в лотерею 5000 долларов.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 36 | Нарушение авторских прав

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