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Unit 2. One verb - many activities.


Читайте также:
  1. Defining activities.
  2. During their traineeship, trainees shall be obliged to consult with their traineeship adviser on any action they propose taking with regard to the EESC's activities.
  3. Environmental noise is the summary of noise from transport, industrial and recreational activities.
  4. Please tell us about your charity activities.
  5. The problems of free time activities.


Exercise 1. Match the phrasal verbs with the definitions.


1.come across A) 1) to go on strike; 2) to begin to blossom; 3) to be

revealed; 4) to be published; 5) to be published;

6) to appear

2.come back B) 1) to return to memory(= bring back);

2) to become fashionable again (= be back)

3.come off C) 1) to succeed; to take place as planned;

2)to cease being joined to sth

4.come out D) 1) to find/meet by chance(= run across);2)to be

well received (by an audience)

5.come over E) 1) to amount to a total; 2) to reach

6.come round F) 1) to visit casually; 2) to recover

7.come to consciousness;3) to change one's point of view

G) 1) to approach;2) to equal; be up to (expect.)

8.come up H) 1) to visit; 2) to travel (from a distance

9.come up to I) 1) to rise to the surface; 2) to be mentioned;

3) to arise, occur; 4) to arrive


Exercise 2. Choose the correct phrasal verb, which corresponds to the definition you see on the left side. Be sure to use context clues and the correct grammar forms.


(to meet/find by chance)

1. Did he ___ any mistakes checking through the


(to return (to memory)

2. Those beautiful lines from my favorite poem

often ___ to my memory.


(to begin to blossom (of flowers)

3. Look, they are ___.

(to succeed)

4. She hoped my business would ___ all right.

(to arrive) 5. When the babysitter ___, my parents went out

for dinner.

(to amount to) 6. Because I tried to get three bank loans to buy

land, my monthly payments might ___ $500.


(to approach) 7. It's very sad that some people are still so poor in

the world; how can we ___ to such a situation

when everyone lives comfortably?

(to recover consciousness)

8. Hilary fainted, but she soon ___ in the fresh air.


(to travel) 9. He ___ the sea to discover new land.


Exercise 3. Complete these sentences by adding the correct particle from the list below.


Up up to back out
To across off over


1. The story of Mary Smith came right ___ into the open.

2. We have friends coming ___ this evening.

3. What time does this party come ___?

4. Come ___! Do not go any farther.

5. In Kentucky I came ___ this beautiful little steam just full of fish.

6. A little hush came ___ the room; but it didn’t last long..

7. For one reason or another their holiday in France didn’t come ___ expectations.

8. What's ___ with his sister? She is so sad.

9. All of my purchases in the store came ___ $50.


Exercise 4. Replace the underlined verbs with the correct form of the phrasal verbs.


1. Your school marks do not equal to your expectations.

2. A serious problem arose after the project had been started.

3. Because of inflation, my weekly food bill now is equal to $ 30.

4. Her speech was carefully prepared. But it wasn’t received well.

5. There was a lot of talk about a takeover, but it never took place.

6. There's no chance of the police force striking.

7. What would you like to visit tomorrow evening?

8. I’ve changed my opinion after meeting Jill; she isn’t so stupid as I thought.

9. Do you think long dresses will ever become fashionable again?

Exercise 5. Choose the phrasal verb, which has the best meaning in the context below. No phrasal verb is used twice as a correct answer.


1. A boomerang is a hunting weapon. It is supposed to ___ to the person who throws it. a) come across

b) come back

c) come up

2. Just look at these old photos. I ___ them when I was clearing out an old cupboard. a) came back

b) came across

c) came up

3. "What magazine is that?" "It's literary one called the Bookworm. " "How often does it ___?" "Monthly." a) come out

b) come off

c) come across

4. Paul is working on a plan to convert his farmhouse into a bed-and-breakfast place. He reckons he'll make a fortune if it ___.

a) comes over

b) comes up

c) comes off

5. Bob refused the job at first, but he soon ___ when he had heard how much money we were offering him.

a) came over

b) came up to

c) came round

6. The number of students in this class ___ fifteen.

a) comes up to

b) comes round

c) comes to

7. A political issue ___, which embarrassed the candidate.

a) came up

b) came over

c) came up to

8. My parents ___ to see their friends.

a) came to

b) came over

c) came up

9. This new book does not ___ your last requirements.

a) come to

b) come up to

c) come back


Exercise 6. Translate from English into Russian.


1. Our house does not come up to yours.

2. We were waiting for him to come round.

3. It was a good plan, but it didn't come off.

4. I am happy to tell you that my aunt will come over on holiday from the city.

5. Guess who I came across on Main Street this afternoon? It was Judy herself!

6. We must go now. Please come back with me.

7. The bill of all of my grocery purchases came to twenty dollars.

8. Because several students didn't understand the teacher's ideas, many questions didn’t come up.

9. My new book came out last month.


Exercise 7. Translate from Russian into English.


1. Поднимается вода - начинается прилив.

2. Я натолкнулся (нашел) на свой старый фотоальбом во время уборки.

3. Подробности скандала о коррупции случайно были обнародованы.

4. Их род поселился в Англии во времена Вильгельма Завоевателя.

5. Его мечты, к сожалению, не сбылись.

6. Он долго не мог прийти в себя.

7. Я вдруг вспомнил где я его видел.

8. Его знания немногого стоят (равны нулю).

9. Ты оправдал мои ожидания.



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