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Political thought in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.

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Module #1

The genesis of political thought and the emergence of Political Science (5hr)

Lecture # 3

The development of political thought (Part I)

Outline of the lecture:

1. Political thought of the ancient East

2. Political thought in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome

3. Political thought of the middle Ages

4. Political thought of the Renaissance

5. Political thought of the European Enlightenment

The purpose of the lecture is the formation of ideas about the main stages of the development of political ideas and the logic of the historical and political development.


The ideological origins of modern political doctrines were political views and concepts of many generations of thinkers. It should be noted that all these theories not only reflect the views of their authors, but the interests of large social groups. As historians say the first class of the state began to take shape in the Ancient East in the 4th millennium BC, respectively, at this time have the birth of the first political ideas. The political ideas of the time are closely linked with the philosophical, religious and ethical considerations of those thinkers.

Political thought of the ancient East

Confucius. (5-4 centuries BC)

• Sincerity (искренность)

• Equity (справедливость)

• Moral demands (моральная требовательность)

• Do not do to others what you do not wish for yourself

• Ruler should be a ruler, the father - a father, the son - a son

In general, Confucianism defends the ideas of strict hierarchical differentiation and division of responsibilities among the members of society, like the division of the family. State is a tool, a means of ensuring the good of the people and the necessary order. Pillar (основа, столп) of the state must be not an impersonal law, but the wisdom (мудрость) and virtue of the Ruler and cultured society of virtue (добродетель).

Political thought in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.

Democratic trends in public and political life of ancient Greece promoted deep theoretical foundation problems of the state, law and politics. The ancient Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle created a holistic philosophical and political concept that has influenced the development of the entire European political thought. Plato's goal is to create an ideal model of the state. Aristotle was the classification of the real forms of government by providing them the most optimal and efficient.

The ideal model of a state according to the Platonic doctrine:

• Mind (rulers)

• Will (warriors)

• Feeling (artisans and landowners)

Justice is what each does his job early and did not interfere in the affairs of others.

Aristotle distinguishes (различает) the political system of government three parts:

• Legislative

• administrative

• Court

The state is composed of citizens. Citizens - is the one who offers four functions: military, administrative, judicial and priestly. Aristotle emphasizes the diversity of political systems. Some people just live in despotic power, and for others need a free political life. In all, he identifies six forms of political structure: three correct (monarchy, aristocracy, polity) and three incorrect (tyranny, oligarchy, democracy).

After the decline of Greece ancient Rome began the rise. Rome became a world power. Prominent (видный) member of the Roman political thought was Cicero. He formulated the concept of the state. Cicero emphasized that the people is connected by an agreement on the rights and common interests.

The next period in the development of European political thought - the middle Ages (late V - middle of XVII century.). It was characterized by the emergence, expansion and domination of feudalism and the great influence on the spiritual life of society religion and church. The church at this time was to seek the influence and governance.

Prominent ideologue of Catholicism and feudalism in the middle Ages was a Dominican monk Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274). Taking a number of Aristotle's doctrine of ideas, he tried to accommodate their religious beliefs. As an advocate of the theory of inequality and exploitation (эксплуатация), Aquinas believed that the laws established by God. He attributed to God's will and the existence of the monarchy in the world. Secular (светская) power, he argued, belong only to human bodies and their souls (души) to the God, the Church and the Pope. He was a staunch supporter of the control of the church over the state, science and art.

The Renaissance (XIV-XVI centuries.) period was characterized by the disintegration of feudalism and the emergence of capitalism in Europe. This caused the development of technology, science, cities, commerce and art. In contrast to the ideology of the medieval asceticism (renunciation of earthly pleasures for the sake of paradise in the hereafter) ideology of the emerging bourgeois class defending humanist (human) values: the desire for earthly well-being, the human right to free development and expression of creativity, etc.

The birthplace of the Renaissance was Italy. Here, along with the development of secular literature and art was formed political thought, which protected the interests of the bourgeoisie and the new social order. One of the first members of the nascent (вновь возникший) bourgeois political science was Nicola Machiavelli (1469 - 1527). In the essay "The Emperor", he contrasted the theological (religious) concepts of the theory of secular (non-religious) state. One of the main functions of the state is the protection of private property. Machiavelli first draws attention to the ability of people to influence the government. The best form of government thinker believed republic.

Along with the political doctrines that protect private property and the state in Western Europe began to appear publications condemning the property, exploitation of man by man and criticized the capitalist system. The first such product was writing the Englishman Thomas More (1478 - 1535) "Utopia." Published in 1516, it essentially marked the beginning of a new ideological and political movement - utopian socialism.

New time period (XVII-XVIII centuries.) was characterized the consolidation of capitalism, the struggle for power of the bourgeoisie, the bourgeois revolution in England, Holland and France. One of the main problems in the political science of the time was the problem of relationship between the individual and the state. Proponents of this theory argued for legislative strengthening of freedom of opinion and actions of the people, the rights of possession and disposition of property, guarantees against arbitrariness and etc. State, established the free will of the people must protect their rights, freedoms, not guaranteed by the state of nature.

In different versions of the theory of "natural rights" and "social contract" were interpreted and developed by the new generation of European thinkers like a G.Grotsy and B.Spinoza (Holland), Hobbes, Dzh.Lokk, D.Uinstenli (England), G.Leybnits, I.Kant (Germany), A.I.Radischev, Decembrists (Russia), Thomas Jefferson, T.Peyn (USA), Zh.Mele, G.Mabli Morelli, Diderot, K.Gelvetsii and J.-J. Rousseau (France).


The ideological origins Began to take shape A means of ensuring European political thought   Medieval asceticism Exploitation of man by man   The theory of inequality Secular state Defending human values   The desire for earthly well-being The human right to free development Expression of creativity Идеологиялық бастамалар Қалыптасу Жабдықтау құралдары Еуропа саяси ойы Орта ғасырлық сопылық Адам адамды қанау Теңсіздіктің теориясы Зайырлы мемлекет Адами құншылықтарды қорғау Жеке игілікке ұмтылу Адами құқығының еркін дамуы Шығармашылықты паш ету Идеологические истоки Начал складываться Средства обеспечения Европейская политическая мысль Средневековый аскетизм Эксплуатация человека человеком Теория неравенства Светское государство Защита человеческих ценностей Стремление к земному благополучию Право человека на свободное развитие Выражение творчества

Task for IWS: Prepare report “ The ancient Greek philosophers

Task for IWS under teacher’s control: The Renaissance period

Home task: Describe the importance of the bourgeois revolution in England

List of the reference on the theme:

  1. Саяси түсіндірме сөздік. – Алматы, 2007.
  2. Бадильдинов Л.А. Саясаттану негіздері//Оқу құралы - Алматы, 2005
  3. Жамбылов Д.А. Саясаттану. – Алматы, Экономика, 1996
  4. Введение в политологию /Гаджиев К.С., Каменская Г.Н, Родионов А.Н. и др. – М., 1994
  5. Гаджиев К.С. Политическая наука: Пособие для преподавателей, аспирантов и студентов гуманитарных факультетов. – М., 1994.
  6. Даниленко В.И. Современный политологический словарь – М., 2000.
  7. Краснов Б.И. Основы политологии. – М., 1994.
  8. Основы политической науки: Учебное пособие для высших учебных заведений /Под ред. В.П. Пугачева. В 2 ч. – М., 1994.
  9. Панарин А.С., Василенко И.А. Политология. Общий курс. – М., 2003.


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