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Political thought of Germany

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Module #1

The genesis of political thought and the emergence of Political Science (5hr)

Lecture # 9


(The end of XVIII – first half of XIX century)


Content of the lecture:


Political thought of Germany

German philosophers and thinkers (Kant, FW Schelling, Fichte)


Recommended Readings



End of XVIII - first half of XIX century characterized by the domination of German classical philosophy. German classical philosophy considered the top of the development of philosophical thought of Modern times.


Political thought of Germany

· Interest in the theory of knowledge (epistemology);

· Interest in ethical issues;

· Desire to develop a universal (absolute) the laws of the world and of human thinking;

· High scientific level of philosophical works


German philosophers and thinkers:

Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)

Kant spent all his life in Konigsberg (now Kaliningrad, Russia). He was head of the philosophy department at the university, and later became its rector. Two periods of Kant biography:

1. Subcritical (up to 1770). Kant started work as a scientist. He formulated the hypothesis of the solar system, the influence of the moon on the tides.

2. Critical (from 1770)

Kant has nascent interest (қызықшылық білдіру/ проявлять интерес) in the problems of philosophy. In 1780 appeared his works: "Critique of Pure Reason," "Critique of Practical Reason" and "Critique of judgment (Критика способности к суждению)".

The main question for Kant – how to know the thing in itself? "Things in itself" are the objects and phenomena of the world. They exist objectively, that is why, independently of human consciousness (сана/сознание). According to Kant, everyone is trying to find the essence of "things in itself". In the process of learning this phenomenon, he goes through three stages:

At the stage of perceptual (сезімдік/чувственног о) knowledge (testimony (көрсету/показания) of the senses: smell, color, etc.) knowledge are chaotic and not systematic;

At the stage of knowledge through reason is the systematization of chaotic experiences with space and time (birth/native/innate category);

At the stage of rational knowledge a person tries to go beyond the evidence of the senses, space and time. Man tries to give a definition of general concepts, consciousness, God, matter. However, a person will face persistent antinomies - mutually contradictory propositions (түсіндіріс/суждение) on the subject. For example: God is a God or not.

Kant's conclusions:

With a clean mind and know the essence of innate categories of "things in itself" impossible. Know the essence of "things in itself" is possible with morality (practical reason). Kant believed that people should not depend on the testimony of the senses, and innate categories. He should think of moral categories. The moral law, according to Kant: act so in relation to the other, how would you like to do unto you. This law is called the categorical imperative of Kant. This rule philosopher concluded: man should always be viewed as goal and not a mean. Kant created the original theory of knowledge and ethical teachings. At the core of his teachings were the ideals of humanism.


Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling (1775-1854)

F.W. Schelling was a student of Kant). His contribution in the development of philosophy was to create a theory of nature - natural philosophy. The main idea of his ​​teaching: in the nature all phenomena are in constant and increasingly complex development. Thus Schelling began to develop the dialectical method.

Dialectic (from the Greek word - the art of debate, conduct reasoning). Dialectics is a method of reasoning in philosophy. The dialectical method is a method of theoretical thinking, revealing the contradictions in the content of this thinking.


Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1772-1814)

Fichte was also a student of Kant. He was an outstanding representative of subjective idealism. A characteristic feature of Fichte outlook is that in life, he was active citizenship and was one of the ideologists of anti-Napoleonic movement. All the phenomena of the world he saw through the interaction of the "I" (the thinking subject, the bearer (иеленуші/носитель) of consciousness) and "Not I" (everything around individual). In addition, each person seeks to achieve absolute "I". Absolute 'I' is the maximum knowledge about the world. But this ideal, according to Fichte unreachable: solving a task, a person thinks that he came close to this ideal, then it raises a new problem, and the ideal extended to infinity. Fichte formulated the idea of ​​infinite progress of human knowledge. That was his contribution to the development of philosophy.




способность қабілеттілік Ability
доминирование басымдық жағдай Domination
характеризоваться сипатталады Describe
этика мінез –құлық нормалары Ethics
вещь в себе өзіндік зат/заттар thing in itself
сущность мәні/түйір Essence
хаотичный ретсіз/бейберекет chaotic
категория санат category
врожденный туа біткен congenital
мораль адамгершілік/өсиет morality
дискуссия пікірсайыс debate
познание тану cognition
противоречия қайшылықтар contradictions
бесконечность шексіздік infinity
вклад үлес contribution



Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 87 | Нарушение авторских прав

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