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The structure of Political Science

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Module #1

The genesis of political thought and the emergence of Political Science (5hr)

Lecture # 2

Methodology of Political Science

The structure of Political Science

Outline of the lecture:

  1. Methodology of Political Science
  2. The structure of Political

* Methodology is the doctrine of the most appropriate and effective techniques and methods to obtain reliable knowledge about the object.

Methodology of Political Science combines conceptual and specific methods. They are:


1. Sociological. Explains the relationship of politics from society. Examines the impact on the political system of economic relations, social structure, ideology and culture.

2. Behavioral. The essence of this methodology is to examine the policy by studying the behavior of individuals and groups (not actors)

3. Normative and value. Explains the importance of political events on society and the individual, their evaluation in terms of the common good and justice, freedom, human dignity, etc.

4. Functional. Examines the relationship between the level of economic development and political system, between the number of political parties and the electoral system.

5. Systemic. Politics is seen as a holistic and complex organism, located in the interaction with the environment. Political system belongs to the supreme power in the society.

6. Anthropological. Studies of the nature of man as a member of the genus with its needs for food, clothing, shelter, safety, spiritual development, and so on.

7. Psychological. Studies the individual, his social environment and characteristics.

8. Socio-psychological. Explores the psychological groups of people, nations, classes, small groups, crowds, etc.

9. Critical-dialectical. Reveals internal contradictions as a source of promotion policy.

10. Comparative. Compares the political events, political systems, political functions and features to find the most effective forms of political organization.

Political science is a combination of science. Political Science’s structure includes:

1. History of political thought

2. Political Philosophy

3. Political Sociology

4. Political Psychology

5. Political Anthropology

6. Political Ethic

7. Comparative Politics

8. Geopolitics

Political Science uses the methods and achievements of other social sciences. It is closely linked with the philosophy, sociology, history, law, economics, psychology, etc. The main directions in the development of modern political science: institutionalism, the theory of separation of powers, the theory of the political elites, leadership, subject and object policies.



The doctrine of the most appropriate and effective techniques and methods Ең қолайлы және тиімді әдістер мен тәсілдердің ілімі Учение о наиболее подходящих и эффективных приемах и методах
Methodology of Political Science Саясаттанудың әдістемесі Методология политической науки
The structure of Political Science Саясаттанудың құрылымы Структура политической науки
Political Science combines conceptual and specific methods Саясаттану ғылым ретінде концептуалды және нақты әдістерді байланыстырады Политическая наука сочетает в себе концептуальные и конкретные методы
Essence Мәні Cущность
Holistic and complex organism Біртұтас және күрделі ағза Целостный и сложный организм
Social environment and characteristics Әлеуметтік орта мен мінездемелері Социальная среда и характеристики
To explore the psychological groups of people Адам топтарының психологиясын зерттеу Изучать психологию групп людей
The theory of the political elites Саяси таңдаулы топтың теориясы Теория политической элиты
Geopolitics Геосаясат Геополитика

Task for IWS: Prepare report “The effect of theory of separation of powers in the developed countries”

Task for IWS under teacher’s control: Explain the relationship between the level of economic development and the status of political system. Identify the relationship of each other.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 114 | Нарушение авторских прав

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