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Fill in the gaps with the Past Indefinite, the Past Continuous or the Past Perfect. Comment on their use.

Indirect Questions | Indirect Orders and Requests | The Subjunctive Mood in Indirect Speech | Comment on the grammatical categories of the verbs in bold type. | Translate the following sentences into English using the Present Indefinite. Comment on its use. | THE PRESENT PERFECT | Fill in the gaps with the Present Indefinite, the Present Continuous or the Present Perfect. Comment on their use. | Our teacher has been explaining the grammar rule to us for ten minutes. | Translate the following sentences into English using the Present Indefinite, the Present Continuous, the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous. Comment on their use. | Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian and comment on the use of the Past Continuous. |

Читайте также:
  1. A) Explain their meanings;
  2. A) Read the following comments from three people about their families.
  3. A. Match the words with their definitions
  4. A. Translate the terms in the table below paying attention to their contextual meaning.
  5. A. two past continuous verbs
  6. A. Use the Present Continuous Tense.
  7. About himself and other people, including their feelings. He is, in

1. The train already … (to leave) when we … (to come) to the station.

2. She … (to put) on her coat, … (to take) her umbrella, … (to lock) the door and went home.

3. Suddenly John … (to realize) that he … (to meet) that girl before. Her face … (to seem) familiar to him.

4. When I … (to come), Nancy … (to write) the letter. She … (to say) she … (to write) five letters already.

5. We … (to live) in Belfast for ten years and then moved to Dublin.

6. They hardly … (to paint) the fence when it … (to begin) raining.

7. We … (to stay) at that hotel for two weeks by the time she … (to come) to see us.

8. The rain … (to stop), but a cold wind still … (to blow).

9. It … (to be) the best film he ever … (to see). He … (to like) Robinson’s acting.

10. Ted … (to come) and … (to give) me the letter from Ann. Only after he … (to leave), I … (to decide) to read it.


Exercise 40.

Translate the following sentences into English using the Past Indefinite, the Past Continuous or the Past Perfect. Comment on their use.

1. Сонце ще не зійшло, коли Френк прокинувся. Погода була чудова. Яскраво сяяло сонце.

2. Сутеніло. Ледве Маргарет вимкнула світло, як хтось постукав у двері.

3. Джейн все ще спала, коли мати зайшла в її кімнату, оскільки вона повернулася додому дуже пізно.

4. Було щось дивне у поведінці Пола. Він підозріло дивився на вхідні двері. Здавалося, він знав, що сталося.

5. Я снідав, коли зателефонував Дон. Він нагадав мені, що я обіцяв допомогти йому з англійською.

6. Вчора ми ходили в кіно. Це був найгірший фільм, який я бачила у своєму житті.

7. Першокурсники зустрічалися зі студентами-старшокурсниками, які побували в Сполучених Штатах. Вони поділилися своїми враженнями про країну, про життя американців та про міста, які вони відвідали.

8. Минулого року Білл відвідав Пекін і перебував там два тижні. Його друг Майкл порадив йому поїхати до столиці Китаю.

9. Коли ми йшли на залізничний вокзал, почався дощ. На наше щастя ми взяли парасольки.

10. Пітер хворів вже тиждень, коли його друзі нарешті відвідали його.




Exercise 41.

Form Participle I from the following infinitives. Comment on the spelling changes.

Model. to sip – sipping We double the final -P because it comes after the short stressed vowel.
to prefer – preferring We double the final -R in the stressed syllable in the polysyllabic verb if it has no diphthong.  
to die – dying We change the final -IE into -Y.

to confer, to stop, to lie, to travel, to study, to traffic, to tie, to begin, to say, to nod,
to be, to offer, to buy, to appear, to conceal, to pay, to cancel, to hop, to play,
to dictate.


Exercise 42.

(a) Make the following sentences negative and interrogative. Comment on the way of forming.

Model. He ’d been writing the letter for an hour by that time. He had not been writing the letter for an hour by that time.
  Had he been writing the letter for an hour by that time?
In the negative sentence we place the negative particle NOT after the first part (had) of the auxiliary verb TO BE.
In the interrogative sentence we place the first part (had) of the auxiliary verb TO BE before the subject.

1. Ann had been typing the document for half an hour when he came.

2. They had been living there since 1993.

3. Tom had been waiting for Jerry for an hour by that time.

4. I had been working in Rio for two years by the time she found me.

5. We’d been playing tennis since 6 o’clock.

6. She had been translating the article since that time.

7. Jane had been crying all night.

8. The police officers had been questioning the suspects the whole day.

9. It had been snowing since morning.

10. They had been building that stadium for a year by that time.

(b) Put questions to the words in bold type.

1. Sheila had been talking on the phone since 6 o’clock.

2. We’d been discussing John’s speech for half an hour when he came.

3. They were tired. They’d been playing in the garden.

4. I’d been working for that firm since 1997.

5. Pete had been doing his homework for half an hour when his parents came home.

6. Our mother had been cooking breakfast for half an hour when we got up.

7. Everyone was laughing. He’d been telling his silly stories again.

8. He had been living in Oslo for three years by that time.

9. We ’d been watching the programme for an hour when they came.

10. The children were frustrated. They had been arguing over which TV programme to watch.

(c) Ask all possible questions.

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