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Useful language

USEFUL LANGUAGE | I. Circle the correct variant | IX. Discussion points | USEFUL LANGUAGE | The office picnic. | Если прилагательное оканчивается на y с предшествующей согласной, то y меняется на i | XIV. Choose the comparative or superlative form in italics to complete the information. | USEFUL LANGUAGE | XXXIII. Complete the sentences with a suitable word or phrase from the text. | Useful Language |

Читайте также:
  2. A Dictionary of the English language
  3. A foreign language serves the aim and the means of teaching
  4. A general model for introducing new language
  5. A useful skill for IELTS speaking AND writing
  6. A) the language style of poetry; b) the language style of emotive prose; c) the language style of drama.
  7. Additional Language Exercises
  Definition Translation Transcription
(to) achieve to succeed in finishing something or reaching an aim, especially after a lot of work or effort достигать əˈtʃiːv
age group people of a similar age, considered as a group возрастная группа eɪdʒ gruːp
annoying making you feel annoyed раздражающий; надоедливый əˈnɔɪ.ɪŋ
(to)apologize to tell someone that you are sorry for having done something that has caused them problems or unhappiness извиняться əˈpɒl.ə.dʒaɪz
attention notice, thought or interest внимание əˈten. t  ʃən
award a prize or a sum of money that is given to someone following an official decision присуждённая награда, премия əˈwɔːd
awful extremely bad or unpleasant ужасный, отвратительный ˈɔː.fəl
call centre a large office in which a company's employees provide information to its customers, or sell or advertise its goods or services by telephone колл-центр — центр обслуживания звонков kɔːl ˈsen.tər
(to) care to think that something is important and to feel interested in it or upset about it заботится, беспокоится keər
choice an act or the possibility of choosing выбор tʃɔɪs
committee a small group of people chosen to represent a larger organization and either make decisions or collect information for it комитет, комиссия kəˈmɪt.i
comparison when two or more people or things are compared сравнение kəmˈpær.ɪ.sən
complaint when someone says that something is wrong or not satisfactory жалоба kəmˈpleɪnt
(to) conduct survey to organize an examination of opinions, behaviour, etc., made by asking people questions проводить опрос kənˈdʌkt ˈsɜː.veɪ
critical saying that someone or something is bad or wrong критический; неодобрительный ˈkrɪt.ɪ.kəl
customer loyalty the fact of a customer buying products or services from the same company over a long period of time лояльность [приверженность] покупателей ˈkʌs.tə.mər ˈlɔɪ.əl.ti
delivery date the date on which goods that have been bought will arrive at a place дата поставки, доставки товара клиенту dɪˈlɪv.ər.i deɪt
direct without anyone or anything else being involved or between прямой d a  ɪˈrekt
dissatisfied not pleased with something недовольный, неудовлетворенный ˌdɪsˈsæt.ɪs.faɪd
efficient working or operating quickly and effectively in an organized way действенный, результативный ɪˈfɪʃ.ənt
(to)empathize to be able to understand how someone else feels сопереживать ˈem.pə.θaɪz
(to) encourage to make someone more likely to do something, or to make something more likely to happen ободрять; поощрять ɪnˈkʌr.ɪdʒ
(to) ensure to make something certain to happen гарантировать, обеспечивать ɪnˈʃʊr
experience knowledge or skill from doing, seeing or feeling things опыт ɪkˈspɪə.ri.ən t  s
(to) fall in love with to start to love someone влюбится в к.-л. fɔːl ɪn lʌv wɪð
feedback information or statements of opinion about something, such as a new product, that provide an idea of whether it is successful or liked ответная реакция ˈfiːd.bæk
golden special, successful, or giving someone an advantage золотой ˈgəʊl.dən
guru a person skilled in something or who gives advice гуру, знаток. ˈgʊr.uː
half-price costing half the usual price половинная цена ˌhɑːfˈpraɪs
(to) handle to deal with, have responsibility for, or be in charge of справляться (с чем-л.) ˈhæn.dl
hard-to-please demanding or capricious требовательный, привередливый. hɑːd tə pliːz
helpful willing to help, or useful полезный, услужливый ˈhelp.fəl
hotel chain a set of connected hotel owned by one company сеть отелей h  ə ʊ  ˈtel tʃeɪn
improvement when something gets better or when you make it better улучшение ɪmˈpruːv.mənt
(to) improve to (cause something to) get better улучшать ɪmˈpruːv
in a roundabout way not in a direct way издалека, вокруг да около ˈ ɪn raʊnd.ə.baʊt weɪ
(to) inspire to make someone feel that they want to do something and can do it вдохновлять ɪnˈspaɪər
invoice a list of things provided or work done together with their cost, for payment at a later time счёт-фактура ˈɪn.vɔɪs
IT (information technology) the technology of the production, storage, and communication of information using computers and microelectronics информационная технлогия ˌaɪˈtiː
(to) keep promises to do what you have told someone that you would do сдерживать обещания kiːp /ˈprɒm.ɪsɪz
(to) keep to smth to do what you have promised or planned to do соблюдать, сдержать (слово, обещание) kiːp tu ˈsʌm.θɪŋ
(to) log on to connect a computer to a computer system by typing your name, so that you can start working входить (в систему) lɒg ɒn
loyalty card a plastic card which is given to a customer by a business and which is used to record information about what the customer buys and to reward them for buying goods or services from the business карта покупателя ˈlɔɪ.əl.ti kɑːd
laptop a computer which is small enough to be carried around easily and is designed for use outside an office портативный компьютер ˌlæp.tɒp
(to) make fuss to become nervously active or agitated суетится, создавать шумиху meɪk fʌs
(to) meet the needs to satisfy one’s demands удовлетворять требованиям, нуждам miːt ðə niːd
(to)miss to not see or hear something or someone пропустить; не заметить; не услышать mɪs
need the things that a person must have in order to have a satisfactory life надобность, нужда niːd
(to) negotiate to have formal discussions with someone in order to reach an agreement with them вести переговоры, договариваться nəˈgəʊ.ʃi.eɪt
(to) nominate to officially suggest someone for an election, job, position or honour номинировать ˈnɒm.ɪ.neɪt
(to) notify to tell someone officially about something извещать, уведомлять ˈnəʊ.tɪ.faɪ
on a personal basis individually на индивидуальной основе ˈpɜː.sən.əl ˈbeɪ.sɪs
on time at the expected or scheduled time вовремя ɒn taɪm
opinion a thought or belief about something or someone взгляд, мнение əˈpɪn.jən
option one thing which can be chosen from a set of possibilities, or the freedom to make a choice выбор, альтернатива ˈɒp.ʃən
periodically at regular intervals периодически ˌpɪə.riˈɒd.ɪ.kli
personalized service dealing with a particular customer in a particular way индвидуализрованный сервис, обслуживание ˈpɜː.sən.əl.aɪzd ˈsɜː.vɪs
phlegmatic describes someone who doesn't usually get emotional or excited about things флегматичный, вялый flegˈmæt.ɪk
(to) pick up to answer the phone отвечать на звонок ˈpɪk.ʌp
plane ticket a proof that you have paid for the flight билет на самолет pleɪn ˈtɪk.ɪt
poor not good, being of a very low quality плохой pʊr
promotion activities to advertise something продвижение, раскрутка, рекламирование prəˈməʊ.ʃən
proposal a suggestion, sometimes a written one предложение prəˈpəʊ.zəl
pump a piece of equipment which is used to cause liquid, air or gas to move from one place to another насос pʌmp
(to)put on hold to make smb wait for a short time заставить ждать, перевести в режим ожидания (при тел. разговоре) pʊt ɒn həʊld
quality how good or bad something is качество ˈkwɒl.ɪ.ti
questionnaire a list of questions that several people are asked so that information can be collected about something вопросник, анкета ˌkwes.tʃəˈneər
(to) quote to repeat the words that someone else has said or written цитировать kwoʊt
receptionist a person who works in a place such as a hotel, office or hospital, who welcomes and helps visitors and answers the telephone секретарь (в учреждении) в приемной rɪˈsep.ʃən.ɪst
record a piece of information or a description of an event which is written on paper or stored on a computer запись; письменная фиксация rɪˈkɔːd
recovery the process of getting back something lost, especially health, ability, possessions, etc возврат, получение вновь rɪˈkʌv.ər.i
refund an amount of money that is given back to you, especially because you are not happy with a product or service that you have bought возвращение (денег); возмещение (расходов, убытков) ˈriː.fʌnd
(to) repair to put something that is damaged, broken or not working correctly, back into good condition исправлять, восстанавливать rɪˈpeər
repeat business the fact that a customer returns to buy more products or services from the same company постоянные клиенты, постоянные заказы rɪˈpiːt ˈbɪz.nɪs
request when you politely or officially ask for something просьба; требование (не категоричное, вежливое) rɪˈkwest
research a detailed study of a subject, especially in order to discover (new) information исследование rɪˈsɜːtʃ
(to) respond to say or do something as a reaction to something that has been said or done отвечать, реагировтаь rɪˈspɒnd
retailer a person, shop or business that sells goods to the public розничный торговец ˈriː.teɪ.lər
reward something given in exchange for good behaviour or good work, etc награда rɪˈwɔːd
routine a usual or fixed way of doing things обычный порядок, рутина ruːˈtiːn
rule an accepted principle or instruction that states the way things are or should be done правило ruːl
satisfied pleased because something has happened in the way that you wanted довольный, удовлетворённый ˈsæt.ɪs.faɪd
(to) set up to establish устанавливать, основывать ˈset.ʌp
sex the state of being either male or female пол seks
significant important or noticeable значительный, важный sɪgˈnɪf.ɪ.kənt
specific relating to one thing and not others особенный, особый spəˈsɪf.ɪk
step a stage in a process шаг step
strategy a detailed plan for achieving success стратегия ˈstræt.ə.dʒi
(to) suffer to experience physical or mental pain страдать; испытывать ˈsʌf.ər
suitable acceptable or right for someone or something подходящий ˈs j  uː.tə.bl 
supplier a company, person, etc. that provides things that people want or need поставщик səˈplaɪ.ər
taxi a car with a driver who you pay to take you somewhere такси ˈtæk.si
technician a worker trained with special skills, especially in science or engineering техник tekˈnɪʃ.ən
(to) turn off to cause (something) to cease operating выключить tɜːn ɒf
unreliable not able to be trusted or believed ненадежный ˌʌn.rɪˈlaɪə.bl 
well-run used to describe a business, economy, etc. that is controlled in a way that produces good results хорошо организованный, отлаженный wel rʌn
(to) whinge to complain, especially about something which does not seem important жаловаться (по пустякам) wɪndʒ

I. Match the words (1-10) with their definitions (a-j)

1. supplier

2. inspire

3. feedback

4. dissatisfied

5. refund

6. encourage

7. negotiate

8. questionnaire

9. invoice

10. promotion

a. not pleased with something

b. to make someone more likely to do something

c. activities to advertise something

d. a list of things provided or work done together with their cost

e. a list of questions that people are asked

f. to make someone feel that they want to do something

g. to have formal discussions in order to reach an agreement

h. the people employed in an organization

i. information about something, that says if it is successful or not

j. an amount of money that is given back to you

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