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Useful language

IX. Discussion points | USEFUL LANGUAGE | The office picnic. | THE PRESENT PERFECT | USEFUL LANGUAGE | XXII. Match the steps 1-5 from the learning routine with the explanations a-e. | Если прилагательное оканчивается на y с предшествующей согласной, то y меняется на i | XIV. Choose the comparative or superlative form in italics to complete the information. | USEFUL LANGUAGE | XXXIII. Complete the sentences with a suitable word or phrase from the text. |

Читайте также:
  2. A Dictionary of the English language
  3. A foreign language serves the aim and the means of teaching
  4. A general model for introducing new language
  5. A useful skill for IELTS speaking AND writing
  6. A) the language style of poetry; b) the language style of emotive prose; c) the language style of drama.
  7. Additional Language Exercises
Word Definition Translation Transcription
accommodation a place to live, work, stay, etc. in помещение; жильё; əˌkɒm.əˈdeɪ.ʃən
aim a result that your plans or actions are intended to achieve намерение, цель eɪm
approximately close to a particular number or time although not exactly that number or time приблизительно, около əˈprɒk.sɪ.mət.li
assembly instruction smth that tell you how to put together the parts of a machine инструкция по сборке əˈsem.bli ɪnˈstrʌk.ʃən
attractive very pleasing in appearance or sound, or causing interest or pleasure привлекательный əˈtræk.tɪv
to be popular with To liked, enjoyed or supported by many people быть знаменитым среди … ˈpɒp.jʊ.lər wɪð
beauty the quality of being pleasing, especially to look at, or someone красота ˈbjuː.ti
brand a type of product made by a particular company торговая марка brænd
compact consisting of parts that are positioned together closely or in a tidy way, using very little space компактный, занимающий мало места kəmˈpækt
consequently as a result следовательно; поэтому; ˈkɒn t  .sɪ.kwənt.li
contact lenses a small round curved piece of transparent plastic which is worn on the surface of your eye to improve your sight контактные линзы ˈkɒn.tækt lenzɪz
to coordinate to make various different things work effectively as a whole координировать, согласовывать kəʊˈɔː.dɪ.neɪt
to design to make or draw plans for something, for example clothes or buildings проектировать планировать dɪˈzaɪn
development when something becomes more advanced; the process of developing something new развёртывание, рост; разработка dɪˈvel.əp.mənt
digital showing information in the form of an electronic image цифровой ˈdɪdʒ.ɪ.təl
disappointed unhappy because someone or something was not as good as you hoped or expected разочарованный, расстроенный ˌdɪs.əˈpɔɪn.tɪd
doctorate the highest academic degree in any field of knowledge докторская степень ˈdɒk.tər.ət
economical using the minimum required; экономичный ˌiː.kəˈnɒm.ɪ.kəl
electronic gadget a small electronic device or machine with a particular purpose электронное приспособление (преимущественно о технической новинке), «наворот» ɪˌlekˈtrɒn.ɪk ˈgædʒ.ɪt
exhibition when objects such as paintings are shown to the public, or when someone shows a particular skill or quality to the public выставка ˌek.sɪˈbɪʃ.ən
failure when someone or something does not succeed неудавшееся дело, провал ˈfeɪ.ljər
(to) fit to be suitable for something подходить, быть подходящим fɪt
frequent happening often; common частый; часто встречающийся, ˈfriː.kwənt
functional designed to be practical and useful rather than attractive функциональный, целесообразный ˈfʌŋk.ʃən.əl
(to) hang up to end a telephone conversation повесить трубку, закончить тел. разговор hæŋ ʌp
health the state of being well, free from illness здоровье helθ
(to) house to provide with or serve as accommodation вмещать, содержать haʊz
industry the companies, activities involved in the process of producing goods промышленность, производство ˈɪn.də.stri
instruction advice and information about how to do or use something, often written in a small book or on the side of a container инструкция ɪnˈstrʌk.ʃən
(to) invest to put money, effort, time etc. into something to make a profit or get an advantage инвестировать, вкладывать деньги, ɪnˈvest
item a thing or unit, esp included in a list or collection отдельный предмет ˈaɪ.təm
(to) launch to put (a new product) on the market выпуск новых товаров на рынок lɔːn t  ʃ
loss when you no longer have something or have less of something потеря lɒs
low-cost economy country where the cost of living isn’t high экономика страны с недорогими ценами ˌləʊˈkɒst ɪˈkɒn.ə.mi
maintenance the work needed to keep a road, building, machine, etc. in good condition содержание и техническое обслуживание, ˈmeɪn.tɪ.nən t  s
manual a book which gives you practical instructions on how to do something or how to use something, such as a machine руководство по эксплуатации ˈmæn.ju.əl
manufacturer a company that produces goods in large numbers изготовитель, производитель ˌmæn.jʊˈfæk. t  ʃər.ər
(to) market to make goods available to buyers выпускать товар на рынок ˈmɑː.kɪt
market research (used with the verb to do) the collection and examination of information about things that people buy or might buy and their feelings about things that they have bought изучение возможностей рынка ˈmɑː.kɪt rɪˈsɜːtʃ
middle-aged being in the time in a person's life between youth and old age среднего возраста (о человеке) ˈmɪd.l eɪdʒd
millennium a period of 1000 years, or the time when a period of 1000 years ends тысячелетие mɪˈlen.i.əm
to order to request (something) to be supplied or made, esp in return for payment заказывать ˈɔː.dər
outdoor existing, happening or done outside, rather than inside a building находящийся или совершающийся вне помещения, на открытом воздухе ˈaʊtˌdɔːr
owner someone who owns something владелец ˈəʊ.nər
PC (personal computer) a medium-sized computer which is used mainly by people at home rather than by large organizations персональный компьютер ˌpiːˈsiː
petrol a liquid, used especially as a fuel for cars, aircraft and other vehicles бензин ˈpet.rəl
population all the people living in a particular country, area or place население ˌpɒp.jʊˈleɪ.ʃən
practical useful for general purposes практичный ˈpræk.tɪ.kəl
(to) print to produce a pattern on material or paper печатать prɪnt
product trial a way of persuading customers to buy a product by allowing them to use it for a limited time without paying опробование товара, пробное использование товара ˈprɒd.ʌkt traɪəl
(to) publish to make information available to people, especially in a book, magazine or newspaper публиковать ˈpʌb.lɪʃ
(to) put up to build строить воздвигать ˈpʊt.ʌp
range the goods made by one company or goods of one particular type that are sold in a shop ассортимент reɪndʒ
(to) recycle to collect and treat rubbish in order to produce useful materials which can be used again перерабатывать ˌriːˈsaɪ.kl 
(to) relax to become less active and more calm and happy расслабляться rɪˈlæks
(to) report to give a description of something or information about it to someone сообщать, давать отчет rɪˈpɔːt
researcher a person who studies a subject thoroughly, especially in order to discover (new) information научный работник; исследователь rɪˈsɜː.tʃər
resident a person who lives or has their home in a place житель, проживающее лицо ˈrez.ɪ.dənt
service a system or organization that provides for a basic public need услуга ˈsɜː.vɪs
(to) set up to start a new business, company организовывать, учреждать ˈset.ʌp
sponsor a person or group that provides funds for an activity, organization спонсор ˈspɒn.sər
(to) store to put or keep things in a special place for use in the future хранить stɔːr
stylish of a high quality in appearance, design or behaviour стильный, модный ˈstaɪ.lɪʃ
successful having achieved a lot, become popular and/or made a lot of money успешный səkˈses.fəl
(to) take down to remove something that is temporary, or to remove a structure by separating its different parts сносить, разрушать teɪk daʊn
(to) take part in to participate in участвовать teɪk pɑːt ɪn
team a number of people who do something together as a group команда, группа tiːm
tent a shelter made of cloth, which you can fold up and carry with you палатка tent
top-selling extremely popular and selling more than other brands лидер продаж tɒp sel ɪŋ
toyshop a place where toys are sold магазин игрушек tɔɪ ʃɒp
user-friendly if something, especially something related to a computer, is user-friendly, it is simple for people to use удобный для пользователя ˌjuː.zəˈfrend.li
well-designed with a well worked out form or structure с хорошим дизайном wel dɪˈzaɪnd
worldwide existing or happening in all parts of the world всемирный ˈwɜːldˌwaɪd


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