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Assignment № 5

Читайте также:
  1. A. Texts assignments. All assignments must be done in your notebooks!!!
  2. Assignment #21
  3. Assignment 1.
  4. Assignment 10
  6. Assignment 11. Translate the following text in written form using a dictionary.
  7. Assignment 15. Translate into English paying attention to the underlined words and phrases.

Chapter IX “A View to a Death”

Chapter X “The Shell and the Glasses”


I. Read, copy out the new words, be ready to discuss the chapters.

II. Give the summary of the chapters.

III. Pronounce the following words properly, give the translation:

1) accompaniment,

2) composite

3) derision,

4) drearily,

5) fragile,

6) gesticulate,

7) gigantic,

8) mechanics,

9) obscene,

10) parody,

11) phosphorescence,

12) succulent,

13) sulphurous,

II. Give English equivalents to the following word combinations:

1) вести к чему-то,

2) вступать в чьё-либо племя,

3) выбраться из беды,

4) выражать предупреждение,

5) задать взбучку кому-либо;

6) намекать на что-то,

7) настоящий вождь,

8) он на это напросился,

9) отмахнуться от возражения,

10) поддерживать огонь,

11) показать, что по чём.

12) прокрасться тайком,

13) сменить тему,

14) тронуться умом,

III. Translate the following sentences into English using the vocabulary of the book:

1. Саймон понимал, что новость о том, что зверь не мог причинить вреда, нужно было сообщить как можно скорее. Он начал спускаться с горы, но ноги его подкосились.

2. «Это был несчастный случай», - сказал Хрюша. – Нечего ему было так выползать из темноты. Он был ненормальный. Сам напросился.

3. Джек спросил, кто хочет вступить в его племя. В его голосе звучало предупреждение.

4. Единственной надеждой для Ральфа и его друзей выбраться из беды – было поддерживать огонь.

5. Некоторые мальчики сомневались, что Ральф и его друзья попытаются тайком пробраться в Замок, но Джек отмахнулся от их возражений и сменил тему.

6. Ральф утверждал, что он задал неплохую взбучку одному из нападавших. Эрик согласился, что они им неплохо всыпали и те не скоро снова сунутся.

7. После удачного ночного нападения Джек чувствовал, что он – настоящий вождь.

8. Ральф мечтал о жизни в тихом городке, где не было места кровожадной жестокости.

IV. Multiple choice: Circle the letter of the best answer to each question.

1. What is Simon anxious to tell the other boys about?

a. He wants to tell them about the Lord of the Flies.

b. He wants to tell them what the beast on the mountain actually is.

c. He wants to tell them that he needs help for his injuries.

2. When Ralph arrives at the party, what does Jack offer him?

a. meat

b. the conch

c. his seat on the log

3. When Jack’s group gets nervous about the thunderstorms, what does he do?

a. He yells for everyone to be quiet.

b. He orders everyone to dance.

c. He tells them to start making shelter before it begins to rain.

4. What do the boys do when they see the parachuted figure?

a. They run from it.

b. They attack it.

c. They try to follow where it goes.

5. What happens to Simon’s body?

a. It drifts out to sea.

b. The boys bury it.

c. It is left on the beach.

6. What does Ralph think about the way Simon died?

a. He thinks it was an accident.

b. He tells himself he wasn’t there.

c. He thinks it was murder.

7. What does Jack plan to take from Ralph’s group?

a. their fire

b. their shelters

c. their food

8. What other purpose besides a rescue signal does the fire serve for Ralph’s group?

a. to cook meat

b. to give light

c. to be a hearth for comfort

9. What does Ralph do every night before he goes to sleep?

a. He plays a game of “supposing.”

b. He prays to be rescued.

c. He thinks of ways to get off the island.

10. When Piggy gets frightened that the hunters start whispering his name outside of the tent, what happens?

a. He runs away from the shelter.

b. He faints.

c. He has an asthma attack.

V. Answer the questions:

1. What is Simon’s reaction to seeing the parachuted figure?

2. What are the boys at the party doing when Piggy and Ralph arrive?

3. Why does Jack want the boys to eat more food at the party?

4. How does the boys’ behavior change as the chanting about killing the beast continues?

5. What does Piggy do with his spectacle to help him see more clearly?

6. What is Piggy’s excuse for Simon’s death?

7. Who does Jack tie up and beat?

8. What are Jack’s “defenders of the gate” in charge of doing?

9. What does Ralph think about when playing his game of supposing?

10. What does Piggy fear will happen to the boys if they do not get rescued?

11. How is it apparent that Ralph and Piggy have become closer?

12. What is the boys’ reaction when Ralph and Piggy show up at Jack’s party?

13. How is it apparent that Ralph, Piggy, and the twins are in denial after Simon’s death?

14. What thoughts go through Ralph’s head after Simon dies?

15. Why do Jack and his group want Piggy’s glasses?

VI. Comment the following sentences:

1. Now out of terror rose another desire, thick, urgent, blind.

2. “Look, Ralph. We got to forget this. We can’t do no good thinking about it, see?”

3. But the attraction of wildness had gone.

VII. Translate the extract from “Then there was a vicious … up to the end of it.

VIII. Items for discussion:

1. Why did even Ralph and Piggy participate in the murder? How did they try to forget it? Could they forget it?

2. Why does the tribe never address Jack by his name and use the word ‘chief’ instead?

3. Why couldn’t Ralph and his friends keep the fire going?

4. What role does the weather play in this section? How does the weather change as tragic events happen? Do you think the weather has anything to do with what the boys do to Simon?

Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 47 | Нарушение авторских прав

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