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Expand on the basic values of the AM nation. Explain their importance. Expand on the notion “the frontier heritage”, the heroes. What is political correctness?

Give an account of the geographical position of the US, its advantages and disadvantages. The size of the country, its composition. | The development of the USA after the CIVIL WAR. The Monroe doctrine. American expansionism at the end of the 19 century. | Describe how & when the American constitution was adopted. The structure of the constitution and its principles. What caused the necessity of 'The Bill of Rights'? | Examine the institution of the AM Presidency, its power and major functions. Comment on the President’s role in forming home and foreign policy. | Characterize the main politician parties in the USA (the R and D – history, politician platform and role today). | American English and its main characteristics |

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  1. A) Explain their meanings;
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  5. A. Translate the terms in the table below paying attention to their contextual meaning.
  6. About himself and other people, including their feelings. He is, in
  7. According to their morphological composition adjectives can be subdivided intosimple, derived andcompound.

Individual Freedom is not a slogan but part of every day life. Individualism, respect of one’s attitude, opinion, approach to things. Even in such minute things: the “privacy bubble” should be observed when communicating with another person so as the feel comfortable.

Self-reliance – saying: every boat should move on its own bottom. Every person is supposed to rely on one’s own resources and not expect help from anybody. The aim is to be a self-made person.

Self-initiative – am. dream: “from rags to riches”. The numbers of the charities which exist in the country are aimed to help people in need and to bring them back into the mainstream of life, not for permanent support. Marc Twain said: “An Englishman is a person who does things because they have been done before. An American is a person who does things because they haven’t been done before”. Self-reliance is closely connected with self-initiative. The US has a profoundly developed culture of community service – volunteering. Volunteers are persons who did unpaid work through or for an organization. It’s a part of the education system concerning rights of women, supporting the elderly, environment preservation, and work for the community.

Equal opportunity and fairness. The fair game principle. Equality is a dream but equal opportunity should be granted to every person to achieve one’s aim in life. This doesn’t mean that the principle has been realized in American society, far from it. However, it remains to be a topical issue.

Competition. A major value which is supposed to be observed in society is fair competition enabling the best organized people to win and attain their aims. College students compete for grants, leadership position on campus, academic excellence. Future orientation is part of the process. “A goal is a dream with a deadline”. Competition is viewed as a natural state of things, as something taken for granted.

Hard work and practical efficiency. 1. Action 2. Work 3. Orientation. Whatever work you do is respected. “You are a real workaholic” – is a compliment in American society. However, the work you undertake should be efficient. It’s your initiative to make your work efficient and you are encouraged to realize it.

Materialism (materialistic wealth). It’s an integral part of the process. It’s true that Americans don’t like to be called materialists but it is part of the process.

The heritage of the frontier is still very much alive in the USA today. The frontier spirit is one of the national values of America. The frontier experience began when the first colonists settled on the east coast of North America in 17th century. It ended about 1890 when the last western lands were settled. The American frontier consisted of the unsettled regions of the US, usually found in the western part of the country. Here, both land and life were more rough or rugged and primitive than in the more settled eastern parts. The rush for gold in California, for silver in Montana, and for good land in all the western territories provided endless stories of adventure. The frontiersman depended on himself. He had to build his own house, hunt, look after the farm, and make his own clothes and the things which he needed for his home. The hero is a man who is physically strong, tough and rugged because of frontier life, kind and polite to women and children, very independent.

There are 2 types of heroes: of the early period before the civil war - the main struggle was against the wilderness or the forces of nature. Daniel Boone explored the wilderness in Kentucky in the 1760s and 1770s. In 1778 was captured by Indians, - who were so impressed with his physical strength and skills that made him a member of their tribe. Later he managed to escape. He became a hero because he was a brave man who conquered the wilderness.

The second period - 1860s until the end of the 19th century. The struggle of man against man. The hero of this period is a strong, tough man who can easily defeat two or three men at one time, a defender of good against evil. Jesse James and Wyatt Earp.

Political correctness: it’s concerned with avoiding attitudes, actions, and forms of expression, which suggest prejudice and are likely to offend people. Human being instead of man, Afro-American – black, Native American – Indian. With limited physical abilities – invalid. With limited mental abilities - fool (in 1812). The solution was Confederation. The initiators of it - Fathers of Confederation, met in 1864 in Charlestown to work out details. The eventual result was the British North America Act of 1867 which brought about confederation of the provinces of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia & New Brunswick. The idea of a federal system with one central government for each of the provinces was accepted by 4 founding provinces. Constitution act in 1867: colonies were welcome to join Canada in the future. This reflects wide scale opposition to violence: more than 40 mln Americans still own guns. The right to bear and carry arms according to the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution is a matter of serious debates in American society. Though most arrived as indentured servants or contract laborers to pay off the cost of the voyage they looked forward to becoming economically free and start from own vehicles as the people.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 129 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Discuss the reason, development and consequences of the War of Independence (1775-1783).| Describe the territorial expansion of the USA in the first half of the 19th century.

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