Читайте также:
Family relations | Родинні відносини |
husband | чоловік (одружений) |
wife | дружина |
father | батько |
mother | мати |
parents | батьки |
child / children | дитина / діти |
son | син |
daughter | дочка |
brother | брат |
sister | сестра |
cousin | двоюрідний брат чи сестра |
cousin brother | двоюрідний брат |
cousin sister | двоюрідна сестра |
second cousin | троюрідний брат чи сестра |
forty second cousin | дуже далекий родич, десята вода на киселі |
uncle | дядько |
aunt | тітка |
nephew | племінник, небіж |
niece | племінниця, небога |
grandfather | дідусь |
grandmother | бабуся |
grandparents | дідусь та бабуся |
grandson | онук |
granddaughter | онука |
grandchild / grandchildren | онук / онуки (незалежно від статі) |
great-grandfather | прадідусь |
great-grandmother | прабабуся |
great-grandparents | прадідусь та прабабуся |
half-brother | брат (з одним спільним батьком) |
half-sister | сестра (з одним спільним батьком) |
father-in-law | свекор, тесть |
mother-in-law | свекруха, теща |
parents-in-law | батьки чоловіка/дружини |
brother-in-law | брат чоловіка/дружини |
sister-in-law | сестра чоловіка/дружини |
son-in-law | зять |
daughter-in-law | невістка |
in-laws | рідні чоловіка/дружини |
stepfather | вітчим |
stepmother | мачуха |
stepson | пасинок |
stepdaughter | пасербиця |
stepbrother | зведений брат |
stepsister | зведена сестра |
foster parents | прийомні батьки |
foster children / adopted children | прийомні діти |
orphan | сирота |
godfather | хрещений |
godmother | хрещена |
family | сім’я |
single-parent family | неповна родина |
blood relatives | кровні родичі |
distant relatives | далекі родичі |
to adopt | всиновлювати |
to bring up | виховувати |
to be married to smb. | бути одруженим з кимось |
to be single | бути неодруженим |
to get married | одружитися |
to divorce | розлучитися |
Uses of the –ing form.
1. The –ing form (gerund) is used after prepositions. He is good at running. We are interested in watching this movie. I am looking forward to meeting you. Here are the constructions followed by –ing. | ![]() |
to be sorry for/about smth./ doing smth. | вибачатися за щось (що зробили) |
to be sorry about smth. | вибачатися за щось (що трапилось) |
to be (feel) sorry for smb. | жаліти когось |
to look forward to smb./ smth./doing smth. | з нетерпінням чекати когось, щось |
Constructions of liking/disliking
to be addicted to smth./ doing smth. | дуже захоплюватися чимось, призвичаїтись до чогось |
to be crazy/mad about smth./ doing smth. | бути схибленим на чомусь |
to be fond of smb./smth./ doing smth. | любити когось, щось |
to be good/bad at smth./ doing smth. | вміти добре/погано робити щось |
to be interested in smth./ doing smth. | бути зацікавленим чимось |
to be keen on smth./doing smth. | палко захоплюватися чимось; дуже хотіти чогось; прагнути до чогось |
to be pleased/happy/delighted with smth. | бути (дуже) задоволеним чимсь |
to be impressed with/by smb./smth. | бути враженим кимось/чимсь |
to be obsessed with smth./ doing smth. | бути одержимим чимсь |
to be afraid/scared of smb./smth./doing smth. butto be afraid/scared to do smth. | боятися когось, чогось |
to be bored/fed up with smb./smth./doing smth. | знудитися через когось, щось |
to be angry about smth. | гніватися, сердитися на щось |
to be angry with smb. for doing smth. | гніватися, сердитися на когось за щось |
to be terrible at smth./doing smth. | не вміти робити щось, не вдаватися |
to be tired of smb./smth./doing smth. | стомитися від когось, чогось |
to be worried/nervous about smb./smth./doing smth. | непокоїтися/ нервувати про когось, щось |
to be capable/incapable of doing smth. | бути (не)здатним, (не)спроможним щось робити |
to be (get) used to smth./doing smth. | бути призвичаїним до чогось, щось робити |
2. The –ing form is used after certain verbs. I enjoy visiting my relatives. John denies stealing the money. |
Here are the verbs followed by –ing.
to avoid | уникати чогось |
can’t stop | не могти зупинитись щось робити |
can’t help | не могти не робити щось |
to deny | заперечувати |
to keep on | продовжувати |
to finish | завершувати |
to give up | кидати назавжди (якусь звичку), відмовитися |
to prefer | надавати перевагу |
Verbs of liking/disliking
to adore | обожнювати, любити над усе |
to enjoy | зазнавати втіхи (від чогось); мати задоволення |
to like | подобатися, любити |
to love | любити, кохати |
to dislike | не любити, не подобатися |
to hate | ненавидіти |
to mind | мати щось проти, заперечувати |
can’t stand | не могти витримати/ терпіти |
Note that like, love, hate, prefer may have slight difference in meaning.
-ing | ![]() | to+infinitive |
I like cooking. (generally) | I like to cook beef on Sundays. (specific) |
3. The –ing form is used as a noun (the subject or object of the sentence).
Cooking is my hobby. Smoking is bad for your health. I find working in the garden a real bore. | ![]() |
4. The –ing form is used after certain idiomatic expressions.
This book is worth reading.
It’s no use doing smth. | Немає сенсу щось робити. |
There’s no point in doing smth. | Немає сенсу щось робити. |
It’s no good doing smth. | Даремно, марно щось робити. |
Smth. is worth doing. | Варто щось робити. |
I’m busy doing smth. | Бути зайнятим чимсь. |
5. Some verbs may take both -ing or to+infinitive. Though if the verb is in a continuous tense, the infinitive is used.
He began working when he was twenty. He began to work when he was twenty. It is beginning to rain. | ||
to begin = to start | починати | |
to continue = to go on | продовжувати | |
to stop = to finish | закінчувати | |
6. After “go” for physical activity. They goskiing every winter. 7. After spend/waste time. He usually wastes time playing computer games. | ![]() |
Read the sentences. Translate them into Ukrainian. Make up your own sentences with the words and phrases in bold type.
1. My brothers adore playing chess. 2. We are sorry for/about being late. 3. Is your father good at tennis? 4. Their children are fond of swimming. 5. Our aunt is keenon playing the piano. | ![]() |
6. My second cousin is addicted to smoking.
7. Her husband is mad about listening to music.
8. My little nephew and niece are looking forward to visiting us.
9. That orphan is looking forward to his foster parents.
10. I’m sorry about your parent’s divorce.
11. His cousin sister is good at reading but very bad at writing.
12. Mary’s grandfather is obsessed with collecting stamps.
13. Her stepdaughter is obsessed with pets.
14. I’ m really sorry for his stepson.
15. John doesn’t mind living with his in-laws.
16. I am impressed with/by my stepfather’s English.
17. That lady is angry with her son-in-law for being lazy.
18. Mark’s father-in-law is happy with his job.
19. Their daughter-in-law is tired of cooking.
20. His parents I can’t stop shouting at him.
21. Peter is fed upwith watching TV.
22. His wife is nervous about her distant relatives. 23. Linda’s half-brother usually wastes time playing computer games. 24. Your grandchildren are capable of passing the exam. 25. We are not used to living in a single-parent family. 26. My grandfather is always busy doing translations. 27. Our little cousin brother can’t help eating sweets. | ![]() |
28. It’s no use complaining of unhappy life.
29. I can’t stand working with my relatives.
30. There’s no point in buying the car.
Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 76 | Нарушение авторских прав
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Translate into English. | | | Translate into English using gerunds. |