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Interview a TV star (work in pairs).

Читайте также:
  1. Applying For a Job: Interviewing
  2. At the interview
  3. Discuss the interviews in class.
  4. Give your schoolmates some advise on what they need to do to create a favourable impression either at a job interview or at an important exam.
  5. Interview with a 17-year-old son David
  6. Interviewing guidelines

19. Comment on the following statements (agree or disagree, giving your reasons):

1. Nowadayscinema, theatre and radio are not so popular in comparisonwith television.

2. Television providesmodels forimitation, forces certain ideas onpeople.

3. Despite thefact that commercials often get on people's nerves, modern television can't do without them.

4. Televisionis asource of educational information; one can learn a lot ofnew things from different fields, broaden one's outlook.

5. Televisionis awaste oftime; those who stick to the screenbecome passive, they don't have time for commu­nication,family, work, hobbies.

6. Television isharmful to health.

7. Televisionwill always play an importantrole inpeople's lives.

20. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Телезрители с удовольствием посмотрят эту программу, так как она посвящена истории нашего города.

2. Сегодня в нашей передаче примет участие популярный певец и композитор, а кто это будет, вы узнаете через несколько минут, после рекламы.

3. Переключите на пятый канал, сейчас начнется худо­жественный фильм.

4. Сделай потише телевизор, бабушка спит.

5. В этом ток-шоу будет обсуждаться проблема взаимоотношений в семье.

6. Эта передача будет идти в записи.

7. Она хочет стать ведущей какой-нибудь развлекательной музыкальной программы.

8. Сейчас будут передавать новости, а затем начнется сериал.

9. Скоро мы поедем на дачу и возьмем с собой переносной телевизор.

10. В эфире программа «Скрытая камера».

11. Спутниковое телевидение предоставит вам огромный выбор программ на все вкусы.

12. У каждого свое отношение к телевизионной рекламе.

13. Диктор спортивных новостей рассказал о подготовке к чемпионату.

14. Этот эстрадный концерт будет транслироваться из Стокгольма.

15. Выключи телевизор и иди делать уроки.

16. Нелегко выбрать программу, которая будет интересна всем присутствующим.

17. Телевидение — самый доступный источник получения информации.

21. Find synonyms of the following words:

1. to telecast; 5. to turn on/off;

2. to show on television; 6. a television broadcast;

3. TV; 7. an advertisement on TV;

4. a newsreader; 8. a reporting, a reportage.


22. Say a few words about television as a form of entertainment. What entertaining programmes can you mention? What are the advantages and disadvantages of these programmes?

23. Continue the stories.

A. A popular singer was invited to appear ona TV show. Many people gathered in the TV studio to ask him differentquestions concerning his work, hobbies, views and privatelife. It was a live broadcast and it was time to start, but the singer was still absent. The host ofthe show decided to save the situation...

B. Themembers of the family gathered near a TV set. Everybody wanted to relax and see something interestingontelevision. But they couldn't decide which programmeto watch. The father wanted to see afootball match. He was a real football fan. Themother hoped tosee a 100th part of her favourite soap ореrа, the daughterwas going to watch a popularmusic concert on television and the son couldn't miss animated car­toons. Suddenly somebody rang at the door. It was the daughter'sfiance. He helped the family to make the rightdecision...

C. A famous newscaster was offered a small role in a com­mercial. The commercial was devoted to chewing gum. Oneof the conditions was that the newscaster should agree to change his serious image. The newscaster was an im­posing man of forty five who always wore a suit. He agreed to participate in the commercial, but forgot to ask the clipmakerwhat new image he would have and what the plot of the script would be...

24. Translate into Russian:

1. Today they are televising a new music programme which will be a real entertainment for young people.

2. They usually watch TV in the evenings when they come home from work and want to relax.

3. He switched the television on and began to watch the news.

4. Turn the sound down, it's too noisy.

5. They will be on the air next week at midnight.

6. He thought that it was a live broadcast, but it was recorded.

7. This city is served by two TV stations and by several cable TV systems in different districts.

8. Satellite TV offers you a wide range of programmes.

9. Cable television was very popular in Russia during perestroika.

10.The first television programme in St. Petersburg was broad­cast on July 7, 1938.

11.It's not pleasant when commercials interrupt interesting films or programmes.

12.When football matches are broadcast many men are stuck to the television screens.

13.From time to time she watches soap operas just for fun.

14.Sometimes televiewers send letters to the programme they like best.

15.He is a good reporter, his coverage is shown in all the news programmes on this channel.

25. Text 3. Read and translate.

In Soviet times before Perestroika, all televisional and radio production was the responsibility of the State Committee for TV and Radio (Gosteleradio). Gosteleradio included national chan­nels and regional ones covering the republics and other districts.

Gostcleradio produced five channels in the Soviet Union. (ChannelI and Channel 2 were broadcast throughout the whole country. Channel 4, the educational channel, was broadcast in EuropeanRussia and Ukraine. Both Moscow and St. Petersburg, because of their political and cultural status had stations broadcastingon their own frequencies. The St. Petersburg chan­nel wasavailable in the European part of the country, the Moscow channel in the Moscow region. Each of the 14 non Russian republics had its own Gosteleradio, which broadcast regional programmesover regional channels, often partially inthe local language.The strength of regional channels depended on the size of the given republic.

The beginning of Perestroika was accompanied by the introductionof more western products and technology into the Soviet Union, including videotape players and western films on video.By 1990, many of these single channel cable stations had appearedthroughout the country. They showed exclusively piratedmaterial and had tiny subscription bases. Some of these stationsdeveloped into larger entities. Eventually they became real cables networks with more than one channel, as subscribers grewtired of switching cable and as small operators gained access to larger cable networks.

Non-governmental broadcasting stations have matured rapid­ly over the past few years. A substantial number of stations nowproduce many hours a day of their own programmes includingnews, talk shows, interview programmes, and music shows.

Useful vocabulary:

localities — окрестность, районы, населенные пункты

frequency — частотность, частота

available — доступный

partially — частично

strength — сила

single — один, единственный

exclusively — исключительно

pirated — «пиратский», с нарушением авторского права

an entity — организация

a network — сеть

an access — доступ

to mature — созреть, развиваться

substantial — существенный, важный

26. Write the sentences from Text 3 in which the following words and expressions are used:

региональные каналы; исключительно «пиратский» мате­риал; негосударственное вещание; политический и куль­турный статус; доступный; частично на местном языке; кабельные сети; большие организации; существенный; на своих собственных частотах.

27. Talk about a) the development of television in Russia; b) television in other countries; c) pro­grammes which have become popular all over the world.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-10; просмотров: 81 | Нарушение авторских прав

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