Читайте также:
1) In the UK, public expenditure … (to define) as that expenditure which has … (to finance) from taxation, national insurance contributions, and government borrowings.
2) In 1987-88 about 72 per cent of total public spending … (to carry out) by the central government.
3) Public expenditure … (to consist) of two distinct types of outlay: spending on goods and services and transfer payments.
4) The main categories of public expenditure … (to show) in Fig. 79 which … (to give) details of the percentages of the total devoted to each category.
5. Public expenditure … (to finance) in various ways.
5. Ответьте на следующие вопросы
1) Is the overall performance of the economy now generally accepted as a major responsibility of the government?
2) What is the role of analysis?
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You cannot eat your cake and have it.
Соедините термин и его перевод
invoice | предельная ставка налогообложения |
job advertisement | счёт-фактура |
marginal tax rate | объявление о наличии вакансии |
Прочтите и переведите следующие группы слов
affluent societies
gross national product
excess capacity
utilization of resources
deplorable living conditions
a low expectancy of life
proportionate share of increment
in general usage
any valid comparisons
corresponding changes
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