Читайте также:
Obtain, refund, inspect, payable, formalities, customs officer, VAT, information, reclaim, form, lounge, leave, stamp
In the United Kingdom, value added tax (VAT) is … on most purchases you make. As a non-European resident visiting the UK, you may be able to recover VAT paid on goods that you intend to take home with you when you … the country. You will need to … certain documents and take the following steps in order to successfully … VAT as a U.K. tourist.
1. Retain all proof of purchase. Cash register receipts are crucial when making a VAT … in the UK because not only do they prove that purchases were made, but they also contain all the … required to obtain the appropriate refund.
2. Complete a VAT claim ….
3. Recover … at point of exit. Once you are ready to leave the United Kingdom, you will need to present your VAT refund form along with your receipts to a … at the port or airport. Before the officer can authorize a refund, he may need to … the goods being exported. Customs will review your form, receipts and goods, … your form and return it to you. Once all the … are finished, you will be directed to VAT refund collection point, usually located in the departure … at most UK airports, to exchange your stamped VAT form.
Grammar in Use
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