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Describe your family to your new friend.

Читайте также:
  2. A Family Affair - Вenetton
  3. B. Describe the pictures. Use the suggested phrases.
  4. Family Life
  5. GRAMMAR: Tenses used to describe Future
  6. Look at the network of the topic and tell your groupmates about yourself and your family supplying the necessary information.

3. Show a friend your family album and answer all his/her questions.


Ex. 35. Read the following words and word-combinations. Memorize them.

scarlet fever['ska:lIt 'fI:vq] скарлатина measles['mI:zlz] кір chickenpox['CIkInpLks] вітряна віспа rubella[ru:'belq] краснуха whooping cough['hu:pIN 'kO:f] кашлюк mumps[mAmps] інфекційний паротит tuberculosis[tju(:)bWkju'lqusIs] туберкульоз syphilis['sIfIlIs] сифіліс cancer['kxnsq] рак complaint [kqm'pleInt] скарга diabetes mellitus["daIq'bI:tIz 'melItqs] цукровий діабет kidney disorder['kIdnI: dI'sLdq] захворювання нирок heart disease['hRt dI'zIz] захворювання серця bronchial asthma['brONkIql 'xsmq] бронхіальна астма epilepsy['epIlepsI] епілепсія hypertension['haIpq(:)'tenS(q)n] гіпертонія drug [drAg] ліки, лікарський засіб; наркотичний засіб


Ex. 36. Read and translate the following questions into Ukrainian:

What is your full name?

How old are you?

Are you single or married?

What is your education?

Are you on a pension?

Are you on a pension because of your age or your health?

Your home address, please.

What is your date of birth?

What is your place of birth?

Your home (business) telephone number?

What are your complaints?

Did you have scarlet fever (measles, chickenpox, rubella, whooping cough, mumps)?

Are you allergic to any drugs?

Do you have narcotic habit (Чи у Вас є пристрасть до наркотиків?) (an excessive drinking habit)?

What are the sanitary conditions at your work?

What are your home sanitary conditions?

Do you have children? How many?

Are your children well?

Are your parents living or dead?

Is anyone in your family serious ill?

Is there any history of tuberculosis (syphilis, cancer, diabetes mellitus, kidney disorders, heart diseases, bronchial asthma, epilepsy, hypertension, alcoholism) in your family?


Ex. 37. Complete the questions to your imaginary patient and give the answers:

What _ your home address?

What is your _ of birth?

How old _ you?

_ you single or married?

What _ your complaints?

Did _ have scarlet fever (measles, chickenpox, rubella, whooping cough, mumps)?

Are you allergic_ any drugs?

Do you have narcotic _?

What are the sanitary conditions at your _?

Are your parents living or _?

Is anyone in your _ serious ill?

Is there any history of _?


Ex. 38. You want to get some information about your patient. Ask him/her questions using the expressions of 36th exercise.

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