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Questions. 1. What countries divided Ukraine after the civil war and who ruled in formally independent Soviet Ukraine?

Читайте также:
  1. A. Read the following speech of Kofi Annan, United Nations Secretary General. Make up four questions, ask your partner to answer them.
  2. Answer the questions after reading the text.
  3. Answer the questions to the story.
  4. Answer the questions to the text of the article.
  5. Answer the questions to the text of the article.
  6. Answer the questions to the text.
  7. Answer the questions.

1. What countries divided Ukraine after the civil war and who ruled in formally independent Soviet Ukraine?

2. Explain why the war communism led to the new economic policy. Evaluate the influence of NEP on the economy of Soviet Ukraine.

3. Explain the reasons for Korenization and assess the results of Ukrainization.

4. Tell about the achievements and setbacks of industrialization.

5. What were the causes of collectivization? Prove that the famine of 1933 was artificial.

6. Was the famine of 1933 genocide? Compare different views on the problem of genocide in Ukraine.

7. Compare the life of Ukrainians in Poland and Soviet Ukraine. Where did Ukrainians have more freedoms and more favorable economic conditions? What was the ultimate aim of the Polish government concerning West Ukrainians?

8. Tell about a new variety of Ukrainian nationalism in the interwar period. What kind of political regime did Ukrainian nationalists plan to establish? What methods did they use?

9. Compare Romanian policy toward Ukrainians in Bukovyna and Czechoslovakian policy toward Ukrainians in Transcarpathia.

10.Who were the Carpathian Rusyny?

11. Why did Carpatho-Ukraine loose its independence and was attached to Hungary?

12.Characterize Budapest’s policy toward Ukrainians in Transcarpathia.




Response - відповідь

Compulsory - примусовий

Forcible - примусовий

Prohibition - заборона

Beyond - понад

Drought - посуха

Famine - голод

Rebel – повставати, повстанець

Fortress - фортеця

Cradle - колиска

Uprising - повстання

Surplus - надлишок

Abandon - залишати

Recover - відроджуватись

Imply – мати на увазі

Attempt - спроба

Disarm - роззброювати

Flourishing - процвітання

Enrollment – прийняття, внесення до списків

Implant – насаджувати, вкорінювати

Side effect – побічний ефект

Revival - відродження

Identity - ідентичність

Consciousness - свідомість

Demand – вимагати

At the expense of – за рахунок когось

Apparent - очевидний

Survive - виживати

Hostile - ворожий

Lag behind - відставати

Sacrifices - жертви

In vain – марно, даремно

Assume dictatorial power – приймати диктаторську владу

Curtail - згорнути

Convict - засуджений

Arouse – пробуджувати, викликати

Outstanding - видатний

Suffering - страждання

Hardship – злидні, нужда

Setback – регрес, перешкода

Output - видобуток

Food was rationed – їжа була нормована

Require – вимагати, мати потребу

Assumption - припущення

Infuriated - розлючений

Squeeze - вижимати

Wealth - багатство

Deprive sb of smth – позбавляти когось чогось

Resistance - спротив

Launch an attack – розпочати атаку

Shadow - тінь

Artificial - штучний

Grain delivery quotas – квоти постачання зерна

Malnutrition - недоїдання

Suspect sb of smth – підозрювати когось у чомусь

Estimate – підраховувати приблизно, оцінювати

Earthworm - черв’як

Bark – кора дерева

Serf - кріпак

Imbue with smth – сповнювати, надихати

Descendant - нащадок

Perish - загинути

Suffer - страждати

Soil – земля, ґрунт

Reluctance – неохота, небажання

Entail – спричиняти, викликати

Successor - наслідувач

Mortality rate – рівень смертності

Investigate - досліджувати

Occur - відбуватись

Urge - спонукати

Rival - супротивник

Vague – неясно, невиразно

Undermine - підривати

Distortion - викривлення

Claim - стверджувати

Uncertainty - невпевненість

Safety - безпека

Commit suicide – заподіяти самогубство

Possess – мати, володіти

Informant – інформатор таємний

Target - ціль

Prominent - видатний

Torture – тортури

Spying - шпигунство

Priest - священик

Bilingual - двомовний

Department - кафедра

Abolish - скасувати

Advocate - захищати

Eradicate - знищувати

Dissolve - розчинювати

Sacrifice - жертвувати

Underground movement – підпільний рух

To be committed to a nation – бути відданим нації

Statehood - державність

Ban – заборона, забороняти

Purify - очищати

Decadent – занепадати, занепад

Merciless - безжальний

Admire – захоплюватись

Intolerant - нетерпимий

Carry out acts of terror – здійснювати терористичні акти

Assassinate – вбивати за політичними мотивами

Hatred - ненависть

Appeal to - приваблювати

Condemn - засуджувати

Unleash – розпочати, розв’язувати

Immature - незрілий

Denounce - засуджувати

It suited Prague well – це добре влаштовувало Прагу

Appoint - призначати

Ally - союзник

Coat of arms - герб

Trident - тризуб

Futile - марний


[1] The number of republics gradually increased to 9 and then to 15.

[2] It should be noted, however, that Ukrainian books did not dominate the republic’s book market, as three quarters of the books sold in the republic were published in Russia. Many Russian-language newspapers were also brought to Ukraine from Russia.

[3] The lucky ones lived in so-called communal apartments where each family occupied a single room. Families in barracks used curtains to separate their beds from the others.

[4] The most distinguished Ukrainian expert on the famine of 1932-33, historian S. Kulchytsky, calculated that the direct losses of the famine were 3,238,000. Some politicians try to exaggerate the number for political reasons and say that over 10 million died from famine.

[5] For a year wages a peasant could buy one shirt and a pair of trousers.

[6] Politburo is the name of the body of highest-ranking Communist officials.

[7] The Cossack was a symbol of freedom.

[8] It included the burning of Polish estates; the destruction of Polish governmental buildings, railroads, and telegraph lines; and political assassinations of Poles and Ukrainians who favored cooperation with the Poles.

[9] ‘A person who sheds the innocent blood of his political opponent is just as much as murderer as one who does it for robbery’ (Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytsky).

[10] Strictly against the proclamation of independence were local Slovaks, who wanted to join Slovakia, and local Hungarians, who wanted to join Hungary.

[11] Protectorate means a country that is controlled and protected by a more powerful country

Дата добавления: 2015-07-11; просмотров: 38 | Нарушение авторских прав

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